to agree implicitly; of one mind; views coincide without a word exchanged
百合百合bai3 he2
百合花百合花bai3 he2 hua1
lily; fig. pure and spotless person; virgin
百合花饰百合花飾bai3 he2 hua1 shi4
fleur-de-lis (armorial symbol)
百合科百合科bai3 he2 ke1
Liliaceae; the lily family
百合子百合子bai3 he2 zi3
Yuriko, Japanese female given name
百年好合百年好合bai3 nian2 hao3 he2
may you live a long and happy life together (wedding greeting)
悲欢离合悲歡離合bei1 huan1 li2 he2
joys and sorrows; partings and reunions; the vicissitudes of life
闭合閉合bi4 he2
to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator, the walls of a channel); to close by connecting in a loop (like a circuit); closed-loop
不合不合bu4 he2
to not conform to; to be unsuited to; to be out of keeping with; should not; ought out
不合法不合法bu4 he2 fa3
不合理不合理bu4 he2 li3
不合时宜不合時宜bu4 he2 shi2 yi2
untimely; premature; inopportune; ill-timed; out of fashion; behind the times
不合体统不合體統bu4 he2 ti3 tong3
not according with decorum; scandalous; bad form; unacceptable behavior
不合作不合作bu4 he2 zuo4
不谋而合不謀而合bu4 mou2 er2 he2
to agree without prior consultation; to happen to hold the same view
lit. that which is long divided must unify, and that which is long unified must divide (idiom, from 三國演義|三国演义); fig. things are constantly changing
分子化合物分子化合物fen1 zi3 hua4 he2 wu4
molecular biology
缝合縫合feng2 he2
to sew together; suture (in surgery); to sew up (a wound)
缝合带縫合帶feng4 he2 dai4
suture zone (geology)
符合符合fu2 he2
in keeping with; in accordance with; tallying with; in line with; to agree with; to accord with; to conform to; to correspond with; to manage; to handle
符合标准符合標準fu2 he2 biao1 zhun3
to comply with a standard; standards-compliant
复合復合fu4 he2
(of people who were estranged) to be reconciled; (of a couple) to get back together
复合複合fu4 he2
complex; compound; composite; hybrid
复合材料複合材料fu4 he2 cai2 liao4
composite material
复合词複合詞fu4 he2 ci2
compound word
复合词素词複合詞素詞fu4 he2 ci2 su4 ci2
复合弓複合弓fu4 he2 gong1
composite bow (archery)
复合母音複合母音fu4 he2 mu3 yin1
diphthong; compound vowel
复合元音複合元音fu4 he2 yuan2 yin1
diphthong (such as putonghua ɑi, uei etc)
高尔基复合体高爾基複合體gao1 er3 ji1 fu4 he2 ti3
Golgi complex (in cell biology)
锆合金鋯合金gao4 he2 jin1
公平合理公平合理gong1 ping2 he2 li3
fair; equitable
公私合营公私合營gong1 si1 he2 ying2
joint public private operation
苟合苟合gou3 he2
illicit sexual relations
媾合媾合gou4 he2
to copulate
官私合营官私合營guan1 si1 he2 ying2
public and private interests working together (idiom)
光合光合guang1 he2
光合作用光合作用guang1 he2 zuo4 yong4
光能合成光能合成guang1 neng2 he2 cheng2
光耦合器光耦合器guang1 ou3 he2 qi4
optocoupler (electronics)
国共合作國共合作guo2 gong4 he2 zuo4
First United Front between Guomindang and Communist party, 1923-1927
国际航空联合会國際航空聯合會guo2 ji4 hang2 kong1 lian2 he2 hui4
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), world body of gliding and aeronautic sports
国际体操联合会國際體操聯合會guo2 ji4 ti3 cao1 lian2 he2 hui4
Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique
国际田径联合会國際田徑聯合會guo2 ji4 tian2 jing4 lian2 he2 hui4
International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF); abbr. to 國際田聯|国际田联
to fit in; to get on well with others; sociable; to form a mutually supportive group
合山合山he2 shan1
Heshan county level city in Laibin 來賓|来宾, Guangxi
合山市合山市he2 shan1 shi4
Heshan county level city in Laibin 來賓|来宾, Guangxi
合扇合扇he2 shan4
(dialect) hinge
合上合上he2 shang4
to close (box, book, mouth etc)
合身合身he2 shen1
well-fitting (of clothes)
合十合十he2 shi2
to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting)
合时合時he2 shi2
in fashion; suiting the time; seasonable; timely
合时宜合時宜he2 shi2 yi2
timely; at the right moment; appropriate to the occasion; opportune; to fit current fashion
合式合式he2 shi4
conforming to a pattern; variant of 合適|合适
合适合適he2 shi4
suitable; fitting; appropriate
合手合手he2 shou3
to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting); to work with a common purpose; harmonious; convenient (to use)
合数合數he2 shu4
composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)
合水合水he2 shui3
Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳, Gansu
合水县合水縣he2 shui3 xian4
Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳, Gansu
合四乙尺工合四乙尺工he2 si4 yi3 chi3 gong1
names of the five notes of the Chinese pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la
合算合算he2 suan4
worthwhile; to be a good deal; to be a bargain; to reckon up; to calculate
合体字合體字he2 ti3 zi4
a Chinese character formed by combining existing elements - i.e. a combined ideogram 會意|会意 or radical plus phonetic 形聲|形声
合同合同he2 tong5
(business) contract
合同法合同法he2 tong5 fa3
contract law
合同各方合同各方he2 tong5 ge4 fang1
parties to a contract (law)
合为合為he2 wei2
to combine
合围合圍he2 wei2
to surround; to close in around (one's enemy, prey etc)
合宪性合憲性he2 xian4 xing4
合心合心he2 xin1
acting together; to one's liking
合眼合眼he2 yan3
to close one's eyes; to get to sleep
合演合演he2 yan3
to act together; to put on a joint performance
合眼摸象合眼摸象he2 yan3 mo1 xiang4
to touch an elephant with closed eyes (idiom); to proceed blindly
合阳合陽he2 yang2
Heyang County in Weinan 渭南, Shaanxi
合阳县合陽縣he2 yang2 xian4
Heyang County in Weinan 渭南, Shaanxi
合页合頁he2 ye4
合叶合葉he2 ye4
合一合一he2 yi1
to unite
合宜合宜he2 yi2
合意合意he2 yi4
to suit one's taste; suitable; congenial; by mutual agreement
合议合議he2 yi4
to discuss together; to try to reach a common judgment; panel discussion
合义复词合義複詞he2 yi4 fu4 ci2
compound word such as 教室, 國家|国家, but unlike 玫瑰, whose meaning is related to the component hanzi
合议庭合議庭he2 yi4 ting2
(law) collegiate bench; panel of judges
合音合音he2 yin1
backup vocal (music); (phonetic) contraction
合营合營he2 ying2
to operate jointly; a joint venture; cooperative
合影合影he2 ying3
to take a joint photo; group photo
合用合用he2 yong4
to share; to use in common; suitable; fit for purpose; useable
合于合於he2 yu2
to tally; to accord with; to fit
合于时宜合于時宜he2 yu2 shi2 yi2
timely; at the right moment; appropriate to the occasion; opportune; to fit current fashion
合院合院he2 yuan4
courtyard house
合约合約he2 yue1
treaty; contract
合葬合葬he2 zang4
to bury husband and wife together; joint interment
合掌合掌he2 zhang3
to clasp hands; to put one's palms together (in prayer)
合掌瓜合掌瓜he2 zhang3 gua1
see 佛手瓜
合照合照he2 zhao4
to pose for a photo
合辙合轍he2 zhe2
on the same track; in agreement; rhyming
合辙儿合轍兒he2 zhe2 er5
erhua variant of 合轍|合辙
合着合著he2 zhe5
(dialect) (implying sudden realization) so; after all
合众合眾he2 zhong4
mass; involving everyone; united; lit. to assemble the multitude
合众国合眾國he2 zhong4 guo2
federated nation; the United States
合众国际社合眾國際社he2 zhong4 guo2 ji4 she4
United Press International (UPI)
合众为一合眾為一he2 zhong4 wei2 yi1
united as one; e pluribus unum
合众银行合眾銀行he2 zhong4 yin2 hang2
Bancorp, a US bank
合著合著he2 zhu4
to write jointly; to co-author
合资合資he2 zi1
joint venture
合子合子he2 zi3
zygote (biology)
合子合子he2 zi5
pasty (i.e. pastry stuffed with meat or vegetables)
合纵合縱he2 zong4
Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家 during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)
合纵连横合縱連橫he2 zong4 lian2 heng2
Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing stratagems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家 during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)
合奏合奏he2 zou4
to perform music (as an ensemble)
合租合租he2 zu1
合作合作he2 zuo4
to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation
合作方合作方he2 zuo4 fang1
(business) partner
合作化合作化he2 zuo4 hua4
collectivization (in Marxist theory)
合作伙伴合作伙伴he2 zuo4 huo3 ban4
cooperative partner
合作农场合作農場he2 zuo4 nong2 chang3
collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz
合作社合作社he2 zuo4 she4
cooperative; workers' or agricultural producers' cooperative etc
合作市合作市he2 zuo4 shi4
Hezuo county level city in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu
合作者合作者he2 zuo4 zhe3
co-worker; collaborator; also collaborator with the enemy
化合化合hua4 he2
chemical combination
化合价化合價hua4 he2 jia4
valence (chemistry)
化合物化合物hua4 he2 wu4
chemical compound
黄河大合唱黃河大合唱huang2 he2 da4 he2 chang4
Yellow River Cantata (1939) by Xian Xinghai 冼星海
回合回合hui2 he2
one of a sequence of contests (or subdivisions of a contest) between the same two opponents; round (boxing etc); rally (tennis etc); frame (billiards etc); inning; (tennis, soccer etc) rubber or leg; round (of negotiations)
回合制回合制hui2 he2 zhi4
turn-based (gaming)
会合會合hui4 he2
to meet; to rendezvous; to merge; to link up; meeting; confluence
汇合匯合hui4 he2
confluence; to converge; to join; to fuse; fusion
会合处會合處hui4 he2 chu4
混合混合hun4 he2
to mix; to blend
混合动力车混合動力車hun4 he2 dong4 li4 che1
hybrid vehicle
混合毒剂混合毒劑hun4 he2 du2 ji4
tactical mixture of chemical agents
混合肥料混合肥料hun4 he2 fei2 liao4
混合感染混合感染hun4 he2 gan3 ran3
mixed infection
混合模型混合模型hun4 he2 mo2 xing2
hybrid model
混合失语症混合失語症hun4 he2 shi1 yu3 zheng4
mixed aphasia
混合体混合體hun4 he2 ti3
混合物混合物hun4 he2 wu4
混合型汽车混合型汽車hun4 he2 xing2 qi4 che1
hybrid car
混合泳混合泳hun4 he2 yong3
medley (swimming)
集合集合ji2 he2
to gather; to assemble; set (mathematics)
集合论集合論ji2 he2 lun4
set theory (math.)
集合名词集合名詞ji2 he2 ming2 ci2
collective noun (linguistics)
集合体集合體ji2 he2 ti3
aggregate; ensemble; bundle
建教合作建教合作jian4 jiao4 he2 zuo4
cooperative education (Tw)
交合交合jiao1 he2
to join; to meet; to copulate; sexual intercourse
胶合膠合jiao1 he2
to join with glue
胶合板膠合板jiao1 he2 ban3
接合接合jie1 he2
to connect; to join; to assemble
接合菌纲接合菌綱jie1 he2 jun1 gang1
结合結合jie2 he2
to combine; to link; to integrate; binding
结合过程結合過程jie2 he2 guo4 cheng2
cohesive process(es)
结合律結合律jie2 he2 lv4
associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)
结合模型結合模型jie2 he2 mo2 xing2
combination model
金合欢金合歡jin1 he2 huan1
金铜合铸金銅合鑄jin1 tong2 he2 zhu4
copper gold alloy
紧密配合緊密配合jin3 mi4 pei4 he2
to coordinate closely; to act in close partnership with
经合經合jing1 he2
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织
经合组织經合組織jing1 he2 zu3 zhi1
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD; abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
耦合耦合ou3 he2
coupling (physics); copula (statistics); to be coupled (with sth)
偶合偶合ou3 he2
配合配合pei4 he2
matching; fitting in with; compatible with; to correspond; to fit; to conform to; rapport; to coordinate with; to act in concert with; to cooperate; to become man and wife; to combine parts of machine
偏正式合成词偏正式合成詞pian1 zheng4 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2
modified compound word
拼合拼合pin1 he2
to fit together; to put together
频率合成頻率合成pin2 lv4 he2 cheng2
frequency synthesis
期货合约期貨合約qi1 huo4 he2 yue1
futures contract (finance)
齐心合力齊心合力qi2 xin1 he2 li4
to work as one (idiom); united in a concerted effort; working hard together
企业联合组织企業聯合組織qi3 ye4 lian2 he2 zu3 zhi1
syndicate (group of businesses)
砌合砌合qi4 he2
bond (in building)
契合契合qi4 he2
agreement; to agree; to get on with; congenial; agreeing with; to ally oneself with sb
砌合法砌合法qi4 he2 fa3
bond (in building)
恰合恰合qia4 he2
to be just right for
前仰后合前仰後合qian2 yang3 hou4 he2
to sway to and fro; to rock back and forth
巧合巧合qiao3 he2
coincidence; coincidental; to coincide
切合切合qie4 he2
to fit in with; to suit; appropriate
切合实际切合實際qie4 he2 shi2 ji4
practical; corresponding to reality; geared to practical situations
氢净合成油氫淨合成油qing1 jing4 he2 cheng2 you2
hydrogenated oil
擎拳合掌擎拳合掌qing2 quan2 he2 zhang3
to clasp hands; to put one's palms together (in obeisance)
情投意合情投意合qing2 tou2 yi4 he2
to have an affinity with each other (idiom); to find each other congenial