see 衚衕|胡同

(used in given names); variant of 同

like; same; similar; together; alike; with

strokes 6
strokes after radical 3
阿拉伯共同市场 阿拉伯共衕市場 a1 la1 bo2 gong4 tong2 shi4 chang3
Arab Common Market

伴同 伴同 ban4 tong2
to accompany

不敢苟同 不敢苟同 bu4 gan3 gou3 tong2
to beg to differ (idiom)

不可同日而语 不可同日而語 bu4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable

不同 不同 bu4 tong2
different; distinct; not the same; not alike

不同凡响 不同凡響 bu4 tong2 fan2 xiang3
lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding; brilliant; out of the common run

不约而同 不約而同 bu4 yue1 er2 tong2
to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation

陈希同 陳希同 chen2 xi1 tong2
Chen Xitong (1930-), mayor of Beijing at the time of 4th Jun 1989 Tiananmen incident

持不同政见 持不同政見 chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4
(politically) dissenting; dissident

持不同政见者 持不同政見者 chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4 zhe3
(political) dissident

雌雄同体 雌雄同體 ci2 xiong2 tong2 ti3

雌雄同体人 雌雄同體人 ci2 xiong2 tong2 ti3 ren2
a hermaphrodite

雌雄同体性 雌雄同體性 ci2 xiong2 tong2 ti3 xing4

大不相同 大不相同 da4 bu4 xiang1 tong2
not at all the same; substantially different

大同 大同 da4 tong2
Datong or Great community in neo-Confucian philosophy, sim. New Jerusalem; Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan; Datong prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西; Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县, Taiwan

大同区 大同區 da4 tong2 qu1
Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan; Datong district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆, Heilongjiang

大同市 大同市 da4 tong2 shi4
Datong prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西

大同县 大同縣 da4 tong2 xian4
Datong county in Datong 大同, Shanxi

大同乡 大同鄉 da4 tong2 xiang1
Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县, Taiwan

大同乡 大同鄉 da4 tong2 xiang1
person from the same province

大同小异 大同小異 da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4
virtually the same; differing only on small points

党同伐异 黨同伐異 dang3 tong2 fa2 yi4
to be narrowly partisan; to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views

道不同不相为谋 道不同不相為謀 dao4 bu4 tong2 bu4 xiang1 wei2 mou2
lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together; to go separate ways (idiom)

等同 等同 deng3 tong2
to equate; equal to

东非共同体 東非共同體 dong1 fei1 gong4 tong2 ti3
East African Community

恩同再造 恩同再造 en1 tong2 zai4 zao4
your favor amounts to being given a new lease on life (idiom)

放射性同位素 放射性同位素 fang4 she4 xing4 tong2 wei4 su4
radioactive isotope; radioisotope

非同步 非同步 fei1 tong2 bu4

非同步传输模式 非同步傳輸模式 fei1 tong2 bu4 chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4
asynchronous transfer mode; ATM

非同小可 非同小可 fei1 tong2 xiao3 ke3
extremely important; no small matter

风雨同舟 風雨同舟 feng1 yu3 tong2 zhou1
lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in hard times

感同身受 感同身受 gan3 tong2 shen1 shou4
to feel as if it had happened to oneself; to sympathize; (polite expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor

各不相同 各不相同 ge4 bu4 xiang1 tong2
to have nothing in common with each other (idiom)

公诸同好 公諸同好 gong1 zhu1 tong2 hao4
to share pleasure in the company of others (idiom); shared enjoyment with fellow enthusiasts

共同 共同 gong4 tong2
common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative

共同点 共同點 gong4 tong2 dian3
common ground

共同纲领 共同綱領 gong4 tong2 gang1 ling3
common program; formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan

共同基金 共同基金 gong4 tong2 ji1 jin1
mutual fund

共同利益 共同利益 gong4 tong2 li4 yi4
common interest; mutual benefit

共同努力 共同努力 gong4 tong2 nu3 li4
to work together; to collaborate

共同筛选 共同篩選 gong4 tong2 shai1 xuan3
collaborative filtering

共同社 共同社 gong4 tong2 she4
Kyōdō, Japanese news agency

共同体 共同體 gong4 tong2 ti3

共同闸道介面 共同閘道介面 gong4 tong2 zha2 dao4 jie4 mian4
Common Gateway Interface; CGI

苟同 苟同 gou3 tong2
to agree blindly

关税同盟 關稅同盟 guan1 shui4 tong2 meng2
customs union

汉萨同盟 漢薩同盟 han4 sa4 tong2 meng2
Hanseatic League

合同 合同 he2 tong5
(business) contract

合同法 合同法 he2 tong5 fa3
contract law

合同各方 合同各方 he2 tong5 ge4 fang1
parties to a contract (law)

胡同 胡同 hu2 tong4
lane; alley

胡同 衚衕 hu2 tong4
variant of 胡同

会同 會同 hui4 tong2
Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan

会同 會同 hui4 tong2
to handle sth jointly

会同县 會同縣 hui4 tong2 xian4
Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan

混同 混同 hun4 tong2
to mix up; to confuse one thing with another

伙同 伙同 huo3 tong2
to collude; in collusion with

鸡同鸭讲 雞同鴨講 ji1 tong2 ya1 jiang3
lit. chicken speaking with duck; fig. talking without communicating; people not understanding each other

截然不同 截然不同 jie2 ran2 bu4 tong2
entirely different; different as black and white

近乎同步 近乎同步 jin4 hu1 tong2 bu4

迥然不同 迥然不同 jiong3 ran2 bu4 tong2
widely different; utterly different

可转换同位素 可轉換同位素 ke3 zhuan3 huan4 tong2 wei4 su4
fertile isotope

恐同 恐同 kong3 tong2
see 恐同症

恐同症 恐同症 kong3 tong2 zheng4

兰艾同焚 蘭艾同焚 lan2 ai4 tong2 fen2
lit. to burn both fragrant orchids and stinking weeds (idiom); fig. to destroy indiscriminately the noble and common; the rain falls on the just and unjust alike

劳动合同 勞動合同 lao2 dong4 he2 tong5
labor contract; contract between employer and employees governing wages and conditions

劳务合同 勞務合同 lao2 wu4 he2 tong5
service contract

雷同 雷同 lei2 tong2
mirroring others; identical

李叔同 李叔同 li3 shu1 tong2
Liu Shutong (1880-1942), painter, Buddhist monk and distinguished figure in New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动 after the Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命 of 1911

连同 連同 lian2 tong2
together with; along with

裂变同位素 裂變同位素 lie4 bian4 tong2 wei4 su4
fissile isotope

戮力同心 戮力同心 lu4 li4 tong2 xin1
concerted efforts in a common cause (idiom); united and working together

男女同校 男女同校 nan2 nv3 tong2 xiao4

男同 男同 nan2 tong2
gay guy (coll.)

男同胞 男同胞 nan2 tong2 bao1
man; male; male compatriot

牛骥同槽 牛驥同槽 niu2 ji4 tong2 cao2
cow and famous steed at the same trough (idiom); fig. the common and the great are treated alike; also written 牛驥同皂|牛骥同皂

牛骥同皂 牛驥同皂 niu2 ji4 tong2 zao4
cow and famous steed at the same trough (idiom); fig. the common and the great are treated alike

女同 女同 nv3 tong2
a lesbian (coll.)

女同胞 女同胞 nv3 tong2 bao1
woman; female; female compatriot

欧洲共同市场 歐洲共同市場 ou1 zhou1 gong4 tong2 shi4 chang3
European common market (old term for EU, European Union)

欧洲共同体 歐洲共同體 ou1 zhou1 gong4 tong2 ti3
European Community, old term for EU, European Union 歐盟|欧盟

陪同 陪同 pei2 tong2
to accompany

普天同庆 普天同慶 pu3 tian1 tong2 qing4
everybody celebrating together; universal celebration; universal rejoicing

情同骨肉 情同骨肉 qing2 tong2 gu3 rou4
as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendship

情同手足 情同手足 qing2 tong2 shou3 zu2
as close as one's hands and feet (idiom); loving one another as brothers; deep friendship; closely attached to one another

求同 求同 qiu2 tong2
to seek consensus; to seek conformity

求同存异 求同存異 qiu2 tong2 cun2 yi4
to seek common ground while holding back differences (idiom); to agree to differ

趋同 趨同 qu1 tong2
to converge

全同 全同 quan2 tong2

认同 認同 ren4 tong2
to approve of; to endorse; to acknowledge; to recognize; to identify oneself with

日本共同社 日本共同社 ri4 ben3 gong4 tong2 she4
Kyōdō, Japanese news agency

如同 如同 ru2 tong2
like; as

三代同堂 三代同堂 san1 dai4 tong2 tang2
three generations under one roof

三马同槽 三馬同槽 san1 ma3 tong2 cao2
three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿 and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof

上同调 上同調 shang4 tong2 diao4
cohomology (invariant of a topological space in math.)

时代不同,风尚不同 時代不同,風尚不同 shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 - feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2
customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores!

视同 視同 shi4 tong2
to regard the same as; to regard as being the same as

视同儿戏 視同兒戲 shi4 tong2 er2 xi4
to regard sth as a plaything (idiom); to consider unimportant; to view as trifling

视同己出 視同己出 shi4 tong2 ji3 chu1
to regard sb as one's own child

视同手足 視同手足 shi4 tong2 shou3 zu2
to regard sb as a brother (idiom)

殊途同归 殊途同歸 shu1 tu2 tong2 gui1
different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achieve the same end

双方同意 雙方同意 shuang1 fang1 tong2 yi4
bilateral agreement

死胡同 死胡同 si3 hu2 tong4
dead end; blind alley

四世同堂 四世同堂 si4 shi4 tong2 tang2
Four Generations Under One Roof, novel by Lao She 老舍

四世同堂 四世同堂 si4 shi4 tong2 tang2
four generations under one roof (idiom)

随同 隨同 sui2 tong2

台湾民主自治同盟 台灣民主自治同盟 tai2 wan1 min2 zhu3 zi4 zhi4 tong2 meng2
Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League

谭嗣同 譚嗣同 tan2 si4 tong2
Tan Sitong (1865-1898), Qing writer and politician, one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子 of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898

通同 通同 tong1 tong2
to collude; to gang up on

同安 同安 tong2 an1
Tong'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市 (Amoy), Fujian

同安区 同安區 tong2 an1 qu1
Tong'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市 (Amoy), Fujian

同安县 同安縣 tong2 an1 xian4
former Tong'an county, now Tong'an district 同安區|同安区 of Xiamen city, Fujian

同案犯 同案犯 tong2 an4 fan4

同班 同班 tong2 ban1
to be in the same class; to be in the same squad; classmate

同班同学 同班同學 tong2 ban1 tong2 xue2

同伴 同伴 tong2 ban4
companion; comrade; fellow

同胞 同胞 tong2 bao1
born of the same parents; sibling; fellow citizen; compatriot

同胞兄妹 同胞兄妹 tong2 bao1 xiong1 mei4

同辈 同輩 tong2 bei4
of the same generation; person of the same generation; peer

同比 同比 tong2 bi3
over the same period; year-on-year

同病相怜 同病相憐 tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2
fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company

同步 同步 tong2 bu4
synchronous; to synchronize; to keep step with

同步加速器 同步加速器 tong2 bu4 jia1 su4 qi4

同步数位阶层 同步數位階層 tong2 bu4 shu4 wei4 jie1 ceng2
synchronous digital hierarchy; SDH

同侪 同儕 tong2 chai2
peer; member of the same class, generation or social group

同侪扶持 同儕扶持 tong2 chai2 fu2 chi2
peer support

同侪检视 同儕檢視 tong2 chai2 jian3 shi4
peer review

同侪审查 同儕審查 tong2 chai2 shen3 cha2
peer review

同侪团体 同儕團體 tong2 chai2 tuan2 ti3
peer group

同侪压力 同儕壓力 tong2 chai2 ya1 li4
peer pressure

同侪谘商 同儕諮商 tong2 chai2 zi1 shang1
peer counseling

同翅目 同翅目 tong2 chi4 mu4
Homoptera (insect suborder including cicadas, aphids, plant-hoppers, shield bugs etc)

同仇敌忾 同仇敵愾 tong2 chou2 di2 kai4
anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in opposition to the same adversary

同传耳麦 同傳耳麥 tong2 chuan2 er3 mai4
simultaneous interpretation headset

同窗 同窗 tong2 chuang1
schoolmate; fellow student

同床共枕 同床共枕 tong2 chuang2 gong4 zhen3
to share the bed; (fig.) to be married

同床异梦 同床異夢 tong2 chuang2 yi4 meng4
lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas; strange bedfellows; marital dissension

同党 同黨 tong2 dang3
member of the same party; member of the same group; accomplice

同道 同道 tong2 dao4
same principle

同道者 同道者 tong2 dao4 zhe3
fellow-traveler; like-minded person

同道中人 同道中人 tong2 dao4 zhong1 ren2
kindred spirit

同德 同德 tong2 de2
Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州, Qinghai

同德县 同德縣 tong2 de2 xian4
Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州, Qinghai

同等 同等 tong2 deng3
equal to; having the same social class or status

同调 同調 tong2 diao4
same tone; in agreement with; homology (invariant of a topological space in math.)

同犯 同犯 tong2 fan4

同房 同房 tong2 fang2
(of a married couple) to have intercourse; (literary) to share the same room; of the same family branch

同分异构 同分異構 tong2 fen1 yi4 gou4
isomerism (chemistry)

同分异构体 同分異構體 tong2 fen1 yi4 gou4 ti3
isomer (chemistry)

同符合契 同符合契 tong2 fu2 he2 qi4
same sign, joint aim (idiom); fig. completely compatible; identical

同父异母 同父異母 tong2 fu4 yi4 mu3
(of siblings) having the same father but different mothers; half (brother or sister)

同甘共苦 同甘共苦 tong2 gan1 gong4 ku3
shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to share life's joys and sorrows; for better or for worse

同甘苦 同甘苦 tong2 gan1 ku3
to share joys and sorrows; sharing good times and hard times; same as 同甘共苦

同感 同感 tong2 gan3
(have the) same feeling; similar impression; common feeling

同工 同工 tong2 gong1
fellow workers

同功 同功 tong2 gong1
analogous (evolutionary biology)

同工同酬 同工同酬 tong2 gong1 tong2 chou2
equal pay for equal work

同构 同構 tong2 gou4
isomorphism; isomorphic

同归于尽 同歸於盡 tong2 gui1 yu2 jin4
to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes; to take sb down with oneself; to end in mutual destruction

同行 同行 tong2 hang2
person of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry

同好 同好 tong2 hao4
fellow enthusiasts

同花 同花 tong2 hua1
flush (poker)

同花大顺 同花大順 tong2 hua1 da4 shun4
royal flush (poker)

同花顺 同花順 tong2 hua1 shun4
straight flush (poker)

同化 同化 tong2 hua4
assimilation (cultural, digestive, phonemic etc)

同化作用 同化作用 tong2 hua4 zuo4 yong4
assimilation; anabolism (biology); constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc)

同伙 同伙 tong2 huo3
colleague; co-conspirator; accomplice

同级 同級 tong2 ji2
on the same level; ranking equally

同级评审 同級評審 tong2 ji2 ping2 shen3
peer review

同济 同濟 tong2 ji4
abbr. of 同濟大學|同济大学

同济大学 同濟大學 tong2 ji4 da4 xue2
Tongji University

同济医科大学 同濟醫科大學 tong2 ji4 yi1 ke1 da4 xue2
Tongji Medical College

同江 同江 tong2 jiang1
Tongjiang county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯, Heilongjiang

同江市 同江市 tong2 jiang1 shi4
Tongjiang county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯, Heilongjiang

同居 同居 tong2 ju1
to live together

同款 同款 tong2 kuan3
similar (model); merchandise similar to that used by a celebrity etc

同乐 同樂 tong2 le4
to enjoy together

同乐会 同樂會 tong2 le4 hui4
social gathering at which those attending take it in turns to perform for the whole group (music, dancing or comedy etc)

同类 同類 tong2 lei4
similar; same type; alike

同类产品 同類產品 tong2 lei4 chan3 pin3
similar product

同类相食 同類相食 tong2 lei4 xiang1 shi2

同类相吸 同類相吸 tong2 lei4 xiang1 xi1
Like attracts like.

同理 同理 tong2 li3
Tongli, a city in Jiangsu Province, China

同理 同理 tong2 li3
for the same reason

同理心 同理心 tong2 li3 xin1

同量 同量 tong2 liang4
commensurable; commensurate

同量异位素 同量異位素 tong2 liang4 yi4 wei4 su4
nuclear isobar

同僚 同僚 tong2 liao2
colleague; fellow-worker

同龄 同齡 tong2 ling2
of the same age

同龄人 同齡人 tong2 ling2 ren2
peer; one's contemporary; person of the same age

同流合污 同流合污 tong2 liu2 he2 wu1
to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others

同路 同路 tong2 lu4
to go the same way

同路人 同路人 tong2 lu4 ren2
fellow traveler; comrade

同卵 同卵 tong2 luan3
(of twins) identical; monozygotic

同卵双胞胎 同卵雙胞胎 tong2 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1
identical twins

同盟 同盟 tong2 meng2

同盟国 同盟國 tong2 meng2 guo2
allied nation; ally; confederation

同盟会 同盟會 tong2 meng2 hui4
Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912

同蒙其利 同蒙其利 tong2 meng2 qi2 li4
to both benefit

同名 同名 tong2 ming2
of the same name; homonymous; self-titled (album)

同名同姓 同名同姓 tong2 ming2 tong2 xing4
having same given name and family name

同谋 同謀 tong2 mou2
to conspire with sb; to plot; a conspirator; a partner in crime; an accomplice

同母异父 同母異父 tong2 mu3 yi4 fu4
(of siblings) having the same mother but different fathers; half (brother or sister)

同年 同年 tong2 nian2
the same year

同袍 同袍 tong2 pao2
fellow soldier; comrade; companion; intimate friend

同配生殖 同配生殖 tong2 pei4 sheng1 zhi2

同期 同期 tong2 qi1
the corresponding time period (in a different year etc); concurrent; synchronous

同情 同情 tong2 qing2
to sympathize with; sympathy

同情者 同情者 tong2 qing2 zhe3
supporter; sympathizer (esp. of political cause); fellow traveler

同人 同人 tong2 ren2
people from the same workplace or profession; co-worker; colleague; pop culture enthusiasts who create fan fiction etc

同仁 同仁 tong2 ren2
Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州, Qinghai

同仁 同仁 tong2 ren2
variant of 同人

同仁堂 同仁堂 tong2 ren2 tang2
Tongrentang, Chinese pharmaceutical company (TCM)

同仁县 同仁縣 tong2 ren2 xian4
Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州, Qinghai

同日 同日 tong2 ri4
same day; simultaneous

同日而语 同日而語 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)

同上 同上 tong2 shang4
as above; ditto; idem

同声传译 同聲傳譯 tong2 sheng1 chuan2 yi4
simultaneous interpretation

同声翻译 同聲翻譯 tong2 sheng1 fan1 yi4
simultaneous translation

同声一哭 同聲一哭 tong2 sheng1 yi1 ku1
to share one's feeling of grief with others (idiom)

同时 同時 tong2 shi2
at the same time; simultaneously

同时代 同時代 tong2 shi2 dai4

同时期 同時期 tong2 shi2 qi1
at the same time; contemporary

同事 同事 tong2 shi4
colleague; co-worker

同室操戈 同室操戈 tong2 shi4 cao1 ge1
wielding the halberd within the household (idiom); internecine strife

同素异形体 同素異形體 tong2 su4 yi4 xing2 ti3

同态 同態 tong2 tai4
homomorphism (math.)

同堂 同堂 tong2 tang2
to live under the same roof (of different generations)

同途殊归 同途殊歸 tong2 tu2 shu1 gui1
same road out, different ones back

同位 同位 tong2 wei4

同位素 同位素 tong2 wei4 su4

同位素分离 同位素分離 tong2 wei4 su4 fen1 li2
isotopic separation

同文馆 同文館 tong2 wen2 guan3
the first modern Chinese library established in 1898 by William A.P. Martin 丁韙良|丁韪良, becoming the foundation for Peking University library

同屋 同屋 tong2 wu1

同喜 同喜 tong2 xi3
Thank you for your congratulations!; The same to you! (returning a compliment)

同乡 同鄉 tong2 xiang1
person from the same village, town, or province

同乡亲故 同鄉親故 tong2 xiang1 qin1 gu4
fellow countryman (from the same village); the folks back home

同心 同心 tong2 xin1
Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠, Ningxia

同心 同心 tong2 xin1
with common wishes; spirit of cooperation; concentric

同心同德 同心同德 tong2 xin1 tong2 de2
of one mind (idiom)

同心县 同心縣 tong2 xin1 xian4
Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠, Ningxia

同心协力 同心協力 tong2 xin1 xie2 li4
to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one

同行 同行 tong2 xing2
to journey together

同型配子 同型配子 tong2 xing2 pei4 zi3

同型性 同型性 tong2 xing2 xing4

同性 同性 tong2 xing4
same nature; homosexual

同性爱 同性愛 tong2 xing4 ai4

同性恋 同性戀 tong2 xing4 lian4
homosexuality; gay person; gay love

同性恋恐惧症 同性戀恐懼症 tong2 xing4 lian4 kong3 ju4 zheng4

同性恋者 同性戀者 tong2 xing4 lian4 zhe3
homosexual; gay person

同性相斥 同性相斥 tong2 xing4 xiang1 chi4
like polarities repel each other; (fig.) like repels like

同学 同學 tong2 xue2
to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate

同砚 同硯 tong2 yan4
classmate; fellow student

同样 同樣 tong2 yang4
same; equal; equivalent

同业 同業 tong2 ye4
same trade or business; person in the same trade or business

同业拆借 同業拆借 tong2 ye4 chai1 jie4
call loan; short-term loan within banking

同业公会 同業公會 tong2 ye4 gong1 hui4
trade association

同一 同一 tong2 yi1
identical; the same

同一个世界,同一个梦想 同一個世界,同一個夢想 tong2 yi1 ge4 shi4 jie4 - tong2 yi1 ge4 meng4 xiang3
One world - one dream, motto of 2008 Beijing Olympic games

同一挂 同一掛 tong2 yi1 gua4
(coll.) to have a lot in common (with sb); to get along well with each other

同义 同義 tong2 yi4

同意 同意 tong2 yi4
to agree; to consent; to approve

同义词 同義詞 tong2 yi4 ci2

同义反复 同義反復 tong2 yi4 fan3 fu4

同义语 同義語 tong2 yi4 yu3

同义字 同義字 tong2 yi4 zi4

同音 同音 tong2 yin1
unison; homophone

同音词 同音詞 tong2 yin1 ci2
homophonic words

同音字 同音字 tong2 yin1 zi4
homophonic characters

同余 同餘 tong2 yu2
congruent (math.); having same residue modulo some number

同余类 同餘類 tong2 yu2 lei4
congruence class (of integers modulo n)

同余式 同餘式 tong2 yu2 shi4
congruence (math.); equation for residue modulo some number

同源 同源 tong2 yuan2
homology (biology); a common origin

同源词 同源詞 tong2 yuan2 ci2
cognate; words having a common origin

同韵词 同韻詞 tong2 yun4 ci2
words with the same phonetic ending; rhyme

同在 同在 tong2 zai4
to be with

同知 同知 tong2 zhi1
government sub-prefect (old)

同志 同志 tong2 zhi4
comrade; (slang) homosexual

同质 同質 tong2 zhi4

同治 同治 tong2 zhi4
reign name of Qing emperor (1861-1875)

同舟共济 同舟共濟 tong2 zhou1 gong4 ji4
cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interests; obliged to collaborate towards common goals

同轴 同軸 tong2 zhou2
coaxial; concentric

同轴电缆 同軸電纜 tong2 zhou2 dian4 lan3
coaxial cable

同轴圆弧 同軸圓弧 tong2 zhou2 yuan2 hu2
coaxial circular arc; concentric arc (in spherical geometry)

同桌 同桌 tong2 zhuo1
desk-mate; seat-mate

同字框 同字框 tong2 zi4 kuang4
name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13); see also 冂

未敢苟同 未敢苟同 wei4 gan3 gou3 tong2
can't agree with

未可同日而语 未可同日而語 wei4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable

味同嚼蜡 味同嚼蠟 wei4 tong2 jiao2 la4
tastes as if one is chewing wax (idiom); tasteless; insipid

吴越同舟 吳越同舟 wu2 yue4 tong2 zhou1
Wu and Yue in the same boat (idiom); fig. cooperation between natural rivals; to collaborate towards a common end; in the same boat together

下同 下同 xia4 tong2
similarly hereinafter

相同 相同 xiang1 tong2
identical; same

相同名字 相同名字 xiang1 tong2 ming2 zi4
like-named; having the same name

小同乡 小同鄉 xiao3 tong2 xiang1
person from the same county

携手同行 攜手同行 xie2 shou3 tong2 xing2
to walk hand in hand; to cooperate

偕同 偕同 xie2 tong2
along with; accompanied by; together with

协同 協同 xie2 tong2
to cooperate; in coordination with; coordinated; collaborate; collaboration; collaborative

协同作用 協同作用 xie2 tong2 zuo4 yong4
synergy; cooperative interaction

新剧同志会 新劇同志會 xin1 ju4 tong2 zhi4 hui4
New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Tokyo Spring Willow Society 春柳社

形同 形同 xing2 tong2
tantamount to; to be like

形同陌路 形同陌路 xing2 tong2 mo4 lu4
to be estranged

形同虚设 形同虛設 xing2 tong2 xu1 she4
to exist in name only; empty shell; useless (idiom)

性别认同障碍 性別認同障礙 xing4 bie2 ren4 tong2 zhang4 ai4
gender identity disorder (GID); gender dysphoria

性同一性障碍 性同一性障礙 xing4 tong2 yi1 xing4 zhang4 ai4
gender identity disorder

薰莸不同器 薰蕕不同器 xun1 you2 bu4 tong2 qi4
lit. fragrant herbs and foul herbs do not go into the same vessel (idiom); bad people and good people do not mix

药食同源 藥食同源 yao4 shi2 tong2 yuan2
lit. food and medicine come from the same source (idiom); fig. there is no clear-cut distinction between food and medicine

一掬同情之泪 一掬同情之淚 yi1 ju1 tong2 qing2 zhi1 lei4
to shed tears of sympathy (idiom)

一视同仁 一視同仁 yi1 shi4 tong2 ren2
to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people

一同 一同 yi1 tong2
along; together

异病同治 異病同治 yi4 bing4 tong2 zhi4
to use the same method to treat different diseases (TCM)

异口同声 異口同聲 yi4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (idiom)

异曲同工 異曲同工 yi4 qu3 tong2 gong1
different tunes played with equal skill (idiom); different methods leading to the same result; different approach but equally satisfactory outcome

异同 異同 yi4 tong2
comparison; differences and similarities

英雄所见略同 英雄所見略同 ying1 xiong2 suo3 jian4 lve4 tong2
lit. heroes usually agree (idiom); Great minds think alike.

有福同享,有祸同当 有福同享,有禍同當 you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 - you3 huo4 tong2 dang1
To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse

有福同享,有难同当 有福同享,有難同當 you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 - you3 nan4 tong2 dang1
To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse

有所不同 有所不同 you3 suo3 bu4 tong2
to differ to some extent (idiom)

有同情心 有同情心 you3 tong2 qing2 xin1

与此同时 與此同時 yu3 ci3 tong2 shi2
at the same time; meanwhile

与日同辉 與日同輝 yu3 ri4 tong2 hui1
to become more glorious with each passing day (idiom)

与众不同 與眾不同 yu3 zhong4 bu4 tong2
to stand out from the masses (idiom)

约同 約同 yue1 tong2
to promise to accompany; an appointment (to go together with sb)

赞同 讚同 zan4 tong2
to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor

赞同 贊同 zan4 tong2
to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor

知情同意 知情同意 zhi1 qing2 tong2 yi4
informed consent

志同道合 志同道合 zhi4 tong2 dao4 he2
like-minded (idiom); fellow enthusiast; kindred spirit

中国民主同盟 中國民主同盟 zhong1 guo2 min2 zhu3 tong2 meng2
China Democratic League

中国同盟会 中國同盟會 zhong1 guo2 tong2 meng2 hui4
Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912

众口同声 眾口同聲 zhong4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
(of people) to be of one voice (idiom); unanimous