lit. to love money as much as one's own life (idiom); fig. avaricious; tightfisted
碍难从命礙難從命ai4 nan2 cong2 ming4
difficult to obey orders (idiom); much to my embarrassment, I am unable to comply
爱之如命愛之如命ai4 zhi1 ru2 ming4
inordinately fond of sth; lit. to love it as one's life
安非他命安非他命an1 fei1 ta1 ming4
amphetamine (medical) (loanword)
安身立命安身立命an1 shen1 li4 ming4
settle down and get on with one's pursuit
八宝山革命公墓八寶山革命公墓ba1 bao3 shan1 ge2 ming4 gong1 mu4
Mt Babao Revolutionary Cemetery in Haidian district of Beijing
半条命半條命ban4 tiao2 ming4
half a life; only half alive; barely alive; (scared, beaten etc) half to death
保命保命bao3 ming4
to save one's life; to survive
奔命奔命ben1 ming4
to rush about on errands; to be kept on the run
本命年本命年ben3 ming4 nian2
year of one's birth sign, according to the cycle of 12 animals of the earthly branches 地支
毙命斃命bi4 ming4
to meet violent death; to get killed
毕命畢命bi4 ming4
to die (in an accident etc); to have one's life cut short
薄命薄命bo2 ming4
to be born under an unlucky star (usu. of women); to be born unlucky
不听命不聽命bu4 ting1 ming4
to disobey
草菅人命草菅人命cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4
human life as grass (idiom); to kill people like scything grass; a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen
偿命償命chang2 ming4
to pay with one's life
长命富贵長命富貴chang2 ming4 fu4 gui4
We wish you long life and riches! (idiom, conventional greeting)
出人命出人命chu1 ren2 ming4
fatal; resulting in sb's death
从命從命cong2 ming4
to obey an order; to comply; to do sb's bidding; to do as requested
催命催命cui1 ming4
to press sb to death; fig. to pressurize sb continually
待命待命dai4 ming4
to be on call; to be on standby
丢命丟命diu1 ming4
to die
短命短命duan3 ming4
to die young; short-lived
短命鬼短命鬼duan3 ming4 gui3
sb who dies prematurely
对证命名對證命名dui4 zheng4 ming4 ming2
confrontation naming
耳提面命耳提面命er3 ti2 mian4 ming4
to give sincere advice (idiom); to exhort earnestly
二次革命二次革命er4 ci4 ge2 ming4
second revolution; campaign from 1913 of the provisional revolutionary government (under Sun Yat-sen and the Guomindang) against Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 and the Northern Warlords
saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda (idiom)
捐命捐命juan1 ming4
to lay down one's life
绝命絕命jue2 ming4
to commit suicide; to have one's life cut short
绝命书絕命書jue2 ming4 shu1
suicide note
抗命抗命kang4 ming4
against orders; to disobey; to refuse to accept orders
克他命克他命ke4 ta1 ming4
ketamine (loanword)
苦命苦命ku3 ming4
hard lot; bitter fate; unfortunate
乐天知命樂天知命le4 tian1 zhi1 ming4
to be content with what one is
临危授命臨危授命lin2 wei1 shou4 ming4
to sacrifice one's life in a crisis
灵命靈命ling2 ming4
the will of Heaven; the will of God
领命領命ling3 ming4
to accept an order
禄命祿命lu4 ming4
person's lot through life
卖命賣命mai4 ming4
to throw one's life in for; to haplessly give one's life for; to sacrifice oneself torturously working for another or for a group; to pour in one's utmost effort; to shed one's last ounce of strength for
冒生命危险冒生命危險mao4 sheng1 ming4 wei1 xian3
to risk one's life
没命沒命mei2 ming4
to lose one's life; to die; recklessly; desperately
民主革命民主革命min2 zhu3 ge2 ming4
democratic revolution; bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
命案命案ming4 an4
homicide case; murder case
命薄命薄ming4 bo2
to be unlucky
命不久已命不久已ming4 bu4 jiu3 yi3
at death's door
命定命定ming4 ding4
to be predestined
命赴黄泉命赴黃泉ming4 fu4 huang2 quan2
to visit the Yellow Springs; to die
命根命根ming4 gen1
lifeblood; the thing that one cherishes most in life; (coll.) family jewels (male genitals)
命根子命根子ming4 gen1 zi5
see 命根
命归黄泉命歸黃泉ming4 gui1 huang2 quan2
lit. to return to the Yellow Springs 黃泉|黄泉 (idiom); fig. to die; to meet one's end
命苦命苦ming4 ku3
to be born under an ill star
命理学命理學ming4 li3 xue2
命令命令ming4 ling4
order; command
命令行命令行ming4 ling4 hang2
command line (computing)
命令句命令句ming4 ling4 ju4
imperative sentence
命脉命脈ming4 mai4
命名命名ming4 ming2
to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to designate; named after; naming
命名法命名法ming4 ming2 fa3
命名日命名日ming4 ming2 ri4
name day (tradition of celebrating a given name on a certain day of the year)
命名系统命名系統ming4 ming2 xi4 tong3
system of nomenclature
命名作业命名作業ming4 ming2 zuo4 ye4
naming task
命盘命盤ming4 pan2
natal chart (astrology)
命题命題ming4 ti2
proposition (logic, math.); to assign an essay topic
命题逻辑命題邏輯ming4 ti2 luo2 ji5
propositional logic
命途命途ming4 tu2
the course of one's life; one's fate
命途多舛命途多舛ming4 tu2 duo1 chuan3
to meet with many difficulties in one's life (idiom)
命途坎坷命途坎坷ming4 tu2 kan3 ke3
to have a tough life; to meet much adversity in one's life
命危命危ming4 wei1
critical; life threatening (medicine)
命相命相ming4 xiang4
命运命運ming4 yun4
fate; destiny
命在旦夕命在旦夕ming4 zai4 dan4 xi1
to be at death's door (idiom)
命中注定命中註定ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4
decreed by fate (idiom); destined; fated
命中命中ming4 zhong4
to hit (a target)
命中率命中率ming4 zhong4 lv4
hit rate; scoring rate
谋财害命謀財害命mou2 cai2 hai4 ming4
to plot and kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
拚命拚命pan4 ming4
see 拼命
批命批命pi1 ming4
to tell sb's fortune
疲于奔命疲於奔命pi2 yu2 ben1 ming4
lit. tired of constantly running for one's life (idiom); terribly busy; up to one's ears in work
拼命拼命pin1 ming4
to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
拼命三郎拼命三郎pin1 ming4 san1 lang2
brave man, willing to risk his life
拼命讨好拼命討好pin1 ming4 tao3 hao3
to throw oneself at sb or sth; to bend over backwards to help
平均寿命平均壽命ping2 jun1 shou4 ming4
life expectancy
钦命欽命qin1 ming4
Imperial order or edict (old)
饶命饒命rao2 ming4
to spare sb's life
人命人命ren2 ming4
human life
人命关天人命關天ren2 ming4 guan1 tian1
human life is beyond value (idiom)
认命認命ren4 ming4
to accept misfortunes as decreed by fate; to be resigned to sth
while there is life, the fight continues (idiom); to fight to the last
生命多样性生命多樣性sheng1 ming4 duo1 yang4 xing4
生命吠陀生命吠陀sheng1 ming4 fei4 tuo2
Ayurveda (ancient Indian system and health care philosophy); also written 阿育吠陀
生命迹象生命跡象sheng1 ming4 ji4 xiang4
sign of life
生命科学生命科學sheng1 ming4 ke1 xue2
life sciences
生命力生命力sheng1 ming4 li4
生命线生命線sheng1 ming4 xian4
生命在于运动生命在於運動sheng1 ming4 zai4 yu2 yun4 dong4
life is motion (popular saying with many possible interpretations); Physical effort is vital for our bodies to function (Aristotle).; Life derives from physical exercise.
生命征象生命徵象sheng1 ming4 zheng1 xiang4
vital signs
生命周期生命週期sheng1 ming4 zhou1 qi1
life cycle
生死有命生死有命sheng1 si3 you3 ming4
life and death are ruled by fate (idiom)
时乖命蹇時乖命蹇shi2 guai1 ming4 jian3
bad times, adverse fate (idiom)
十月革命十月革命shi2 yue4 ge2 ming4
October Revolution
使命使命shi3 ming4
mission (diplomatic or other); set task
嗜酒如命嗜酒如命shi4 jiu3 ru2 ming4
to love wine as one's life (idiom); fond of the bottle
受命受命shou4 ming4
ordained or appointed to a post; to benefit from counsel
授命授命shou4 ming4
to give orders
寿命壽命shou4 ming4
life span; life expectancy; lifetime (of a machine)
寿命不长壽命不長shou4 ming4 bu4 chang2
one's days are numbered; not to have long to live (often fig.)
受命于天受命于天shou4 ming4 yu2 tian1
to become Emperor by the grace of Heaven; to "receive the Mandate of Heaven" (traditional English translation)
受洗命名受洗命名shou4 xi3 ming4 ming2
to be christened
数字命理学數字命理學shu4 zi4 ming4 li3 xue2
死命死命si3 ming4
doom; death; desperately
死于非命死於非命si3 yu2 fei1 ming4
violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster; an unnatural death
counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai
送命送命song4 ming4
to lose one's life; to get killed
宿命宿命su4 ming4
predestination; karma
宿命论宿命論su4 ming4 lun4
fatalism; fatalistic
肃清反革命分子肅清反革命份子su4 qing1 fan3 ge2 ming4 fen4 zi3
purge of counterrevolutionaries (esp. Stalin's purges of the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57); abbr. to 肅反|肃反
算命算命suan4 ming4
fortune-telling; to tell fortune
算命家算命家suan4 ming4 jia1
算命先生算命先生suan4 ming4 xian1 sheng5
算命者算命者suan4 ming4 zhe3
随时待命隨時待命sui2 shi2 dai4 ming4
on call; always available; ready at all times
索命索命suo3 ming4
to demand sb's life
汤武革命湯武革命tang1 wu3 ge2 ming4
the Tang and Wu Revolts: the overthrow (c. 1600 BC) of the Xia Dynasty by the first king, Tang 商湯|商汤, of the Shang Dynasty, and the overthrow (c. 1046 BC) of the Shang Dynasty by the Zhou Dynasty founder, King Wu 周武王
逃命逃命tao2 ming4
to escape; to flee; to run for one's life
天命天命tian1 ming4
Mandate of Heaven; destiny; fate; one's life span
听命聽命ting1 ming4
to obey an order; to take orders; to accept a state of affairs
听天安命聽天安命ting1 tian1 an1 ming4
to accept one's situation as dictated by heaven (idiom)
听天由命聽天由命ting1 tian1 you2 ming4
to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate; to trust to luck
图财害命圖財害命tu2 cai2 hai4 ming4
see 謀財害命|谋财害命
玩儿命玩兒命wan2 er5 ming4
to gamble with life; to take reckless risks
亡命亡命wang2 ming4
to flee; to go into exile (from prison)
亡命之徒亡命之徒wang2 ming4 zhi1 tu2
runaway (idiom); desperate criminal; fugitive
威尊命贱威尊命賤wei1 zun1 ming4 jian4
orders weightier than life
违命違命wei2 ming4
disobedient; to violate the Mandate of Heaven (天命)
唯命是从唯命是從wei2 ming4 shi4 cong2
to follow obediently
惟命是听惟命是聽wei2 ming4 shi4 ting1
see 唯命是從|唯命是从
维他命維他命wei2 ta1 ming4
vitamin (loanword)
维它命維它命wei2 ta1 ming4
variant of 維他命|维他命
未命名未命名wei4 ming4 ming2
untitled; unnamed; no name; nameless; unknown name
文化大革命文化大革命wen2 hua4 da4 ge2 ming4
Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
无生命無生命wu2 sheng1 ming4
inert; lifeless
相命者相命者xiang1 ming4 zhe3
fortune teller
相依为命相依為命xiang1 yi1 wei2 ming4
mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival; interdependent
辛亥革命辛亥革命xin1 hai4 ge2 ming4
Xinhai Revolution (1911), which ended the Qing Dynasty
新民主主义革命新民主主義革命xin1 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 ge2 ming4
New Democracy Revolution
星命家星命家xing1 ming4 jia1
astrologer (esp. Daoist)
行政命令行政命令xing2 zheng4 ming4 ling4
executive order
性命性命xing4 ming4
性命攸关性命攸關xing4 ming4 you1 guan1
vitally important; a matter of life and death
性质命题性質命題xing4 zhi4 ming4 ti2
categorical proposition (logic)
要命要命yao4 ming4
to cause sb's death; very; extremely; frightening; annoying
一命归天一命歸天yi1 ming4 gui1 tian1
see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼
一命归西一命歸西yi1 ming4 gui1 xi1
see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼
一命归阴一命歸陰yi1 ming4 gui1 yin1
see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼
一命呜呼一命嗚呼yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1
to die (idiom); to breathe one's last; to give up the ghost
一钱如命一錢如命yi1 qian2 ru2 ming4
stingy; penny-pinching
以人名命名以人名命名yi3 ren2 ming2 ming4 ming2
to name sth after a person; named after; eponymous
应急待命應急待命ying4 ji2 dai4 ming4
emergency standby; to be on standby
用命用命yong4 ming4
to follow orders; to abide by; to obey
怨命怨命yuan4 ming4
to complain about one's fate; to bemoan one's lot
陨命隕命yun3 ming4
variant of 殞命|殒命; to die; to perish
殒命殞命yun3 ming4
to die; to perish
运命運命yun4 ming4
fate; one's fortune
真命真命zhen1 ming4
to receive heaven's command (of Daoist immortals etc); ordained by heaven