sack; purse; pocket (for money)

strokes 22
strokes after radical 19
安全气囊 安全氣囊 an1 quan2 qi4 nang2
safety airbag (auto.)

包囊 包囊 bao1 nang2
bundle; bag

饱私囊 飽私囊 bao3 si1 nang2
to stuff one's pockets; to enrich oneself dishonestly

背囊 背囊 bei4 nang2
backpack; knapsack; rucksack

布囊 布囊 bu4 nang2
cloth bag

布囊其口 佈囊其口 bu4 nang2 qi2 kou3
lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth; to gag; fig. to silence

臭皮囊 臭皮囊 chou4 pi2 nang2
this mortal flesh

储精囊 儲精囊 chu3 jing1 nang2
seminal vesicle

刺丝囊 刺絲囊 ci4 si1 nang2
nematocyst; capsule of nettle cells of medusa or anemone

胆囊 膽囊 dan3 nang2
gall bladder

革囊 革囊 ge2 nang2
leather purse; fig. human body

鼓鼓囊囊 鼓鼓囊囊 gu3 gu5 nang1 nang1
full and bulging (of a pocket, pouch etc)

关节囊 關節囊 guan1 jie2 nang2
articular capsule (of joint such as knee in anatomy)

腘窝囊肿 膕窩囊腫 guo2 wo1 nang2 zhong3
Baker's cyst or popliteal cyst (medicine)

胶囊 膠囊 jiao1 nang2
capsule (pharm.); caplet

解囊 解囊 jie3 nang2
lit. to loosen one's purse; fig. to give generously to help others

锦囊妙计 錦囊妙計 jin3 nang2 miao4 ji4
brocade sack of miracle plans (idiom); bag of tricks; fiendishly cunning masterplan (written out by strategic genius of fiction, and given to the local commander in a brocade bag)

精囊 精囊 jing1 nang2

酒囊饭袋 酒囊飯袋 jiu3 nang2 fan4 dai4
wine sack, food bag (idiom); useless person, only fit for guzzling and boozing

慷慨解囊 慷慨解囊 kang1 kai3 jie3 nang2
to contribute generously (idiom); help sb generously with money; to give generously to charity

卵黄囊 卵黃囊 luan3 huang2 nang2
yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)

盲囊 盲囊 mang2 nang2
cecum (anatomy); appendix

毛囊 毛囊 mao2 nang2
hair follicle

毛小囊 毛小囊 mao2 xiao3 nang2

蜜囊 蜜囊 mi4 nang2
honey sac (bee anatomy)

囊膪 囊膪 nang1 chuai4
soft, fat meat of pig's belly; sow's sagging teats; weakling; flabby person; also written 囊揣

囊揣 囊揣 nang1 chuai4
soft, fat meat of pig's belly; sow's sagging teats; weakling; flabby person; also written 囊膪

囊袋 囊袋 nang2 dai4

囊括 囊括 nang2 kuo4
to include; to embrace; to bring together

囊泡 囊泡 nang2 pao4

囊谦 囊謙 nang2 qian1
Nangqên county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州, Qinghai

囊谦县 囊謙縣 nang2 qian1 xian4
Nangqên county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州, Qinghai

囊中取物 囊中取物 nang2 zhong1 qu3 wu4
as easy as reaching for it from a bag (idiom); in the bag; (as good as) in one's possession

囊中羞涩 囊中羞澀 nang2 zhong1 xiu1 se4
to be embarrassingly short of money

囊肿 囊腫 nang2 zhong3
cyst (med.)

胚囊 胚囊 pei1 nang2
(botany) embryo sac

胚囊泡 胚囊泡 pei1 nang2 pao4
(biology) blastodermic vesicle

皮肤肌肉囊 皮膚肌肉囊 pi2 fu1 ji1 rou4 nang2
dermo-muscular sac

皮囊 皮囊 pi2 nang2
leather bag

缥囊 縹囊 piao3 nang2
book bag made of silk

气囊 氣囊 qi4 nang2
air sac; aerostat gasbag

青囊 青囊 qing1 nang2
medical practice (Chinese medicine) (old)

倾囊 傾囊 qing1 nang2
to empty one's pocket; to give everything to help sb

青囊经 青囊經 qing1 nang2 jing1
Qingnang Jing, a book on medical practice written by 華佗|华佗

沙囊 沙囊 sha1 nang2
sandbag; variant of 砂囊

砂囊 砂囊 sha1 nang2
gizzard (anatomy of birds, gastropods etc)

声囊 聲囊 sheng1 nang2
vocal sac; vocal pouch (for vocal amplification in male frogs)

时空胶囊 時空膠囊 shi2 kong1 jiao1 nang2
time capsule (Tw)

受精囊 受精囊 shou4 jing1 nang2
seminal receptacle

私囊 私囊 si1 nang2
one's own pocket

笥匮囊空 笥匱囊空 si4 kui4 nang2 kong1
extremely destitute (idiom)

嗉囊 嗉囊 su4 nang2
crop (anatomy of birds, gastropods etc)

探囊取物 探囊取物 tan4 nang2 qu3 wu4
to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie; in the bag

橐囊 橐囊 tuo2 nang2
sacks; bags

微胶囊技术 微膠囊技術 wei1 jiao1 nang2 ji4 shu4

微囊 微囊 wei1 nang2
microcapsule; caplet (pharm.)

窝囊 窩囊 wo1 nang5
to feel vexed; annoyed; good-for-nothing; stupid and cowardly

窝囊废 窩囊廢 wo1 nang5 fei4
(coll.) spineless coward; wimp; a good-for-nothing

窝囊气 窩囊氣 wo1 nang5 qi4
pent-up frustration; petty annoyances

纤维囊泡症 纖維囊泡症 xian1 wei2 nang2 pao4 zheng4
cystic fibrosis

香囊 香囊 xiang1 nang2
spice bag

行囊 行囊 xing2 nang2
traveling bag; luggage

阴囊 陰囊 yin1 nang2

扎囊 扎囊 za1 nang2
Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区, Tibet

扎囊县 扎囊縣 za1 nang2 xian4
Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区, Tibet

智囊机构 智囊機構 zhi4 nang2 ji1 gou4
think tank; brain trust

智囊团 智囊團 zhi4 nang2 tuan2
think tank; brain trust

中饱私囊 中飽私囊 zhong1 bao3 si1 nang2
to stuff one's pockets; to take bribes

子囊菌 子囊菌 zi3 nang2 jun1