Bayuquan District of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning
鲅鱼圈区鮁魚圈區ba4 yu2 quan1 qu1
Bayuquan district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning
北极圈北極圈bei3 ji2 quan1
Arctic Circle
博客圈博客圈bo2 ke4 quan1
叉圈叉圈cha1 quan1
XO ("extra old"), grade of cognac quality
成圈成圈cheng2 quan1
出圈出圈chu1 quan1
to muck out; to clean muck from a cowshed, pigsty etc
出圈儿出圈兒chu1 quan1 er5
to overstep the norm; to go out of bounds
磁气圈磁氣圈ci2 qi4 quan1
大东亚共荣圈大東亞共榮圈da4 dong1 ya4 gong4 rong2 quan1
Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japanese wartime slogan for their short-lived Pacific Empire, first enunciated by Prime Minister Prince KONOE Fumimaro 近衛文麿|近卫文麿 in 1938
大气圈大氣圈da4 qi4 quan1
大圆圈大圓圈da4 yuan2 quan1
great circle (in spherical geometry)
垫圈墊圈dian4 juan4
to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc
垫圈墊圈dian4 quan1
washer (on bolt); toilet seat
兜圈子兜圈子dou1 quan1 zi5
to encircle; to go around; to circle; to beat about the bush
风圈風圈feng1 quan1
ring around the moon; lunar halo; solar halo
感应线圈感應線圈gan3 ying4 xian4 quan1
induction coil; solenoid
钢圈鋼圈gang1 quan1
wheel rim
怪圈怪圈guai4 quan1
vicious circle; (abnormal) phenomenon
光圈光圈guang1 quan1
aperture; diaphragm; halo; aureole
黑眼圈黑眼圈hei1 yan3 quan1
dark circles (under one's eyes); black eye
呼拉圈呼拉圈hu1 la1 quan1
hula hoop
呼啦圈呼啦圈hu1 la1 quan1
hula hoop
花圈花圈hua1 quan1
wreath; garland
胶圈膠圈jiao1 quan1
rubber ring; gasket
紧凑渺子线圈緊湊渺子線圈jin3 cou4 miao3 zi3 xian4 quan1
Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)
经圈經圈jing1 quan1
line of longitude; meridian (geography)
颈圈頸圈jing3 quan1
collar (animal)
救生圈救生圈jiu4 sheng1 quan1
life buoy; life belt; (jocularly) flab; spare tire
可圈可点可圈可點ke3 quan1 ke3 dian3
remarkable (performance, achievement etc); worthy of praise
栏圈欄圈lan2 quan1
pen; animal yard
篮圈籃圈lan2 quan1
ring; hoop
罗圈羅圈luo2 quan1
round frame of a sieve
罗圈儿羅圈兒luo2 quan1 er5
erhua variant of 羅圈|罗圈
罗圈儿揖羅圈兒揖luo2 quan1 er5 yi1
to bow around with hands joined (to people on all sides)
罗圈架羅圈架luo2 quan1 jia4
a quarrel in which third parties get involved
罗圈腿羅圈腿luo2 quan1 tui3
bow-legged; bandy-legged
罗氏线圈羅氏線圈luo2 shi4 xian4 quan1
Rogowski coil
马圈馬圈ma3 juan4
麦田怪圈麥田怪圈mai4 tian2 guai4 quan1
crop circle
摸八圈摸八圈mo1 ba1 quan1
to play mahjong
跑马圈地跑馬圈地pao3 ma3 quan1 di4
rushing to stake one's claim in new markets
朋友圈朋友圈peng2 you5 quan1
Moments (social networking function of smartphone app WeChat 微信)
气圈氣圈qi4 quan1
(planet) atmosphere; (medical) air ring; air cushion
圈a圈aquan1 -
at symbol, @
圈地圈地quan1 di4
staking a claim to territory; enclosure
圈地运动圈地運動quan1 di4 yun4 dong4
Enclosure Movement
圈点圈點quan1 dian3
to mark a text with dots and circles; to punctuate
圈内圈內quan1 nei4
close circle; community; (esp.) the show business milieu
圈圈叉叉圈圈叉叉quan1 quan1 cha1 cha1
圈圈圈圈quan1 quan5
to draw a circle; cliques; circles
圈圈点点圈圈點點quan1 quan5 dian3 dian3
annotations made in a book; fig. remarks and comments; to have an opinion on everything
圈数圈數quan1 shu4
number of laps
圈套圈套quan1 tao4
trap; snare; trick
圈状物圈狀物quan1 zhuang4 wu4
圈子圈子quan1 zi5
circle; ring; (social) circle
绕圈子繞圈子rao4 quan1 zi5
to go around in circles; to make a detour; (fig.) to beat about the bush
绕一圈繞一圈rao4 yi1 quan1
to go around one time; to do a circuit
软流圈軟流圈ruan3 liu2 quan1
asthenosphere (geology)
商圈商圈shang1 quan1
commercial district; business district
设圈套設圈套she4 quan1 tao4
to scam; to set a trap; to set up a scheme to defraud people
生态圈生態圈sheng1 tai4 quan1
生物圈生物圈sheng1 wu4 quan1
biosphere; ecosphere
水圈水圈shui3 quan1
the earth's ocean; the hydrosphere (geology)
斯托肯立石圈斯托肯立石圈si1 tuo1 ken3 li4 shi2 quan1
Stonehenge stone circle
弹簧垫圈彈簧墊圈tan2 huang2 dian4 quan1
spring washer
套圈套圈tao4 quan1
ferrule; ring toss
甜甜圈甜甜圈tian2 tian2 quan1
纬圈緯圈wei3 quan1
line of latitude; parallel
纬线圈緯線圈wei3 xian4 quan1
line of latitude; parallel
文化圈文化圈wen2 hua4 quan1
sphere of cultural influence
线圈線圈xian4 quan1
solenoid (electrical engineering); coil
线圈般線圈般xian4 quan1 ban1
solenoid (electrical engineering); coil
项圈項圈xiang4 quan1
烟圈煙圈yan1 quan1
smoke ring
岩流圈岩流圈yan2 liu2 quan1
asthenosphere (geology)
岩石圈岩石圈yan2 shi2 quan1
lithosphere (in geology, the rigid crust of the earth)
眼圈眼圈yan3 quan1
rim of the eye; eye socket
眼圈红了眼圈紅了yan3 quan1 hong2 le5
to be on the verge of tears
演艺圈演藝圈yan3 yi4 quan1
show business
油炸圈饼油炸圈餅you2 zha2 quan1 bing3
圆圈圓圈yuan2 quan1
政圈政圈zheng4 quan1
government circle; political circle
中圈套中圈套zhong4 quan1 tao4
to fall in a trap
转圈轉圈zhuan4 quan1
to rotate; to twirl; to run around; to encircle; rotation; (coll.) to speak indirectly; to beat about the bush