sound; voice; tone; noise; classifier for sounds

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
B型超声 B型超聲 - xing2 chao1 sheng1
type-B ultrasound

唉声叹气 唉聲嘆氣 ai1 sheng1 tan4 qi4
sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom); to heave deep sighs; to sigh in despair

八声杜鹃 八聲杜鵑 ba1 sheng1 du4 juan1
(bird species of China) plaintive cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)

爆声 爆聲 bao4 sheng1
explosion; bang; sonic boom; engine knock

悲声载道 悲聲載道 bei1 sheng1 zai4 dao4
lamentations fill the roads (idiom); severe suffering all around

边声 邊聲 bian1 sheng1
outlandish sounds (wind blowing on frontier, wild horses neighing etc)

变徵之声 變徵之聲 bian4 zhi3 zhi1 sheng1
modified fifth note of the pentatonic scale

不动声色 不動聲色 bu4 dong4 sheng1 se4
not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected; not batting an eyelid

不露声色 不露聲色 bu4 lu4 sheng1 se4
not show one's feeling or intentions

不声不响 不聲不響 bu4 sheng1 bu4 xiang3
wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking; taciturn

不做声 不做聲 bu4 zuo4 sheng1
keep silent; not say a word

采声 采聲 cai3 sheng1

嘈杂声 嘈雜聲 cao2 za2 sheng1
noise; din

颤声 顫聲 chan4 sheng1
trill (of voice); see also 顫聲|颤声

超声 超聲 chao1 sheng1
ultrasonic; ultrasound

超声波 超聲波 chao1 sheng1 bo1
ultrasound (scan)

超声波检查 超聲波檢查 chao1 sheng1 bo1 jian3 cha2
echography; ultrasound scan

超声频 超聲頻 chao1 sheng1 pin2
ultrasonic; beyond human hearing

超声扫描 超聲掃描 chao1 sheng1 sao3 miao2
ultrasonic scan

吵闹声 吵鬧聲 chao3 nao4 sheng1

虫鸟叫声 蟲鳥叫聲 chong2 niao3 jiao4 sheng1

初声 初聲 chu1 sheng1
initial (i.e. initial consonant of a syllable in Asian phonetics)

出声 出聲 chu1 sheng1
to utter; to give voice

传声 傳聲 chuan2 sheng1
microphone; to use a microphone

传声器 傳聲器 chuan2 sheng1 qi4

传声筒 傳聲筒 chuan2 sheng1 tong3
loudhailer; megaphone; one who parrots sb; mouthpiece

次声波 次聲波 ci4 sheng1 bo1
infrasonic wave

促声 促聲 cu4 sheng1
same as 入聲|入声; entering tone

大放悲声 大放悲聲 da4 fang4 bei1 sheng1
great release of sorrow; to burst into tears

大声 大聲 da4 sheng1
loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly

大声喊叫 大聲喊叫 da4 sheng1 han3 jiao4
to shout loudly

大声疾呼 大聲疾呼 da4 sheng1 ji2 hu1
to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention; to make one's views known

大张声势 大張聲勢 da4 zhang1 sheng1 shi4
to spread one's voice wide (idiom); wide publicity

单口相声 單口相聲 dan1 kou3 xiang4 sheng1
comic monologue; one-person comic sketch

倒彩声 倒彩聲 dao4 cai3 sheng1
jeering; booing; catcalls

德国之声 德國之聲 de2 guo2 zhi1 sheng1
Deutsche Welle, German publicly-operated international broadcaster

滴答声 滴答聲 di1 da5 sheng1
tick (tock)

低声 低聲 di1 sheng1
in a low voice; softly

低声细语 低聲細語 di1 sheng1 xi4 yu3
in a whisper; in a low voice (idiom)

第二声 第二聲 di4 er4 sheng1
second tone in Mandarin; rising tone

第三声 第三聲 di4 san1 sheng1
third tone in Mandarin; falling-rising tone

第四声 第四聲 di4 si4 sheng1
fourth tone in Mandarin; falling tone

第一声 第一聲 di4 yi1 sheng1
first tone in Mandarin; high level tone

电磁噪声 電磁噪聲 dian4 ci2 zao4 sheng1
electromagnetic noise

电话铃声 電話鈴聲 dian4 hua4 ling2 sheng1
(telephone) ring; ringing

叮当声 叮噹聲 ding1 dang1 sheng1

对口相声 對口相聲 dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1
comic crosstalk; formalized comic dialog between two stand-up comics: leading role 逗哏 and fall-guy 捧哏

恶声 惡聲 e4 sheng1
malicious abuse; lewd song; evil reputation

二声 二聲 er4 sheng1
second tone

发嘎嘎声 發嘎嘎聲 fa1 ga1 ga1 sheng1

发声 發聲 fa1 sheng1
vocal; sound; sound production; to utter; to give voice

发声法 發聲法 fa1 sheng1 fa3

发声器 發聲器 fa1 sheng1 qi4
sound device

发声器官 發聲器官 fa1 sheng1 qi4 guan1
vocal organs; vocal cords

发嘘声 發噓聲 fa1 xu1 sheng1
to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)

放声 放聲 fang4 sheng1
very loudly; at the top of one's voice

放声大哭 放聲大哭 fang4 sheng1 da4 ku1
to burst into tears; to sob loudly; to bawl

蜚声 蜚聲 fei1 sheng1
to make a name; to become famous

蜚声海外 蜚聲海外 fei1 sheng1 hai3 wai4
famous at home and abroad

蜚声世界 蜚聲世界 fei1 sheng1 shi4 jie4
famous throughout the world

风声 風聲 feng1 sheng1
sound of the wind; rumor; talk; news; reputation

风声鹤唳 風聲鶴唳 feng1 sheng1 he4 li4
lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom); fig. to panic at the slightest move; to be jittery

风声紧 風聲緊 feng1 sheng1 jin3
(fig.) the situation is tense

高声 高聲 gao1 sheng1
aloud; loud; loudly

歌声 歌聲 ge1 sheng1
singing voice; fig. original voice of a poet

鼓声 鼓聲 gu3 sheng1
sound of a drum; drumbeat

怪声怪气 怪聲怪氣 guai4 sheng1 guai4 qi4
strange voice; affected manner of speaking

鼾声 鼾聲 han1 sheng1
sound of snoring

鼾声如雷 鼾聲如雷 han1 sheng1 ru2 lei2
thunderous snoring

喊声 喊聲 han3 sheng1
to yell; hubbub

和声 和聲 he2 sheng1
harmony (music)

哼声 哼聲 heng1 sheng1

吼声 吼聲 hou3 sheng1

呼呼声 呼呼聲 hu1 hu1 sheng1

呼叫声 呼叫聲 hu1 jiao4 sheng1

呼声 呼聲 hu1 sheng1
a shout; fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group

哗啦一声 嘩啦一聲 hua1 la1 yi1 sheng1
with a crash; with a thunderous noise

欢声 歡聲 huan1 sheng1
cheers; cries of joy or approval

回声 回聲 hui2 sheng1

回声定位 回聲定位 hui2 sheng1 ding4 wei4

绘声绘色 繪聲繪色 hui4 sheng1 hui4 se4
vivid and colorful (idiom); true to life; lively and realistic

假声 假聲 jia3 sheng1
falsetto; opposite: natural or true voice 真聲|真声

尖声啼哭 尖聲啼哭 jian1 sheng1 ti2 ku1

叫声 叫聲 jiao4 sheng1
yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals)

噤声令 噤聲令 jin4 sheng1 ling4
gag order

九声六调 九聲六調 jiu3 sheng1 liu4 diao4
nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Cantonese and other southern languages)

咔哒声 咔噠聲 ka3 da5 sheng1
(onom.) clunk

吭声 吭聲 keng1 sheng1
to utter a word

口口声声 口口聲聲 kou3 kou5 sheng1 sheng1
to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again

哭声 哭聲 ku1 sheng1
sound of weeping

哭声震天 哭聲震天 ku1 sheng1 zhen4 tian1
lit. cries of grief shake the heavens; great sorrow (idiom)

赖声川 賴聲川 lai4 sheng1 chuan1
Lai Shengchuan (1954-), US-Taiwanese dramatist and director

雷声 雷聲 lei2 sheng1

雷声大,雨点小 雷聲大,雨點小 lei2 sheng1 da4 - yu3 dian3 xiao3
loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain (idiom); a lot of talk, but no action; action speaks louder than words; his bite is worse than his bark

厉声 厲聲 li4 sheng1
stern voice

立体声 立體聲 li4 ti3 sheng1
stereo sound

联合声明 聯合聲明 lian2 he2 sheng1 ming2
joint declaration

连声 連聲 lian2 sheng1
repeatedly (say something)

铃声 鈴聲 ling2 sheng1
ring; ringtone; bell stroke; tintinnabulation

零声母 零聲母 ling2 sheng1 mu3
absence of initial consonant; a Chinese syllable having no initial consonant (starting directly with the medial vowel)

留声机 留聲機 liu2 sheng1 ji1
gramophone; phonograph

隆隆声 隆隆聲 long2 long2 sheng1
rumble (sound of thunder or gunfire)

锣声 鑼聲 luo2 sheng1
sound of gong

猫叫声 貓叫聲 mao1 jiao4 sheng1

猫声鸟 貓聲鳥 mao1 sheng1 niao3

美声 美聲 mei3 sheng1
bel canto

美声唱法 美聲唱法 mei3 sheng1 chang4 fa3
bel canto

闷声不响 悶聲不響 men1 sheng1 bu4 xiang3
to keep silent

闷声闷气 悶聲悶氣 men1 sheng1 men1 qi4

免责声明 免責聲明 mian3 ze2 sheng1 ming2

名声 名聲 ming2 sheng1

默不作声 默不作聲 mo4 bu4 zuo4 sheng1
to keep silent

倪柝声 倪柝聲 ni2 tuo4 sheng1
Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chinese Christian

拟声 擬聲 ni3 sheng1

拟声唱法 擬聲唱法 ni3 sheng1 chang4 fa3
scat singing

拟声词 擬聲詞 ni3 sheng1 ci2

平声 平聲 ping2 sheng1
level or even tone; first and second tones in modern Mandarin

七声 七聲 qi1 sheng1
tones of the musical scale

七声音阶 七聲音階 qi1 sheng1 yin1 jie1
heptatonic scale

齐声 齊聲 qi2 sheng1
all speaking together; in chorus

气动噪声 氣動噪聲 qi4 dong4 zao4 sheng1
aerodynamic noise

枪声 槍聲 qiang1 sheng1
crack; shooting sound; gunshot

悄然无声 悄然無聲 qiao3 ran2 wu2 sheng1
absolutely quiet

悄声 悄聲 qiao3 sheng1
quietly; in a low voice

悄无声息 悄無聲息 qiao3 wu2 sheng1 xi1
quietly; noiselessly

窃声 竊聲 qie4 sheng1
in a whisper; in stealthy tones

怯声怯气 怯聲怯氣 qie4 sheng1 qie4 qi4
to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage (idiom)

轻声 輕聲 qing1 sheng1
quietly; softly; neutral tone; light stress

轻声细语 輕聲細語 qing1 sheng1 xi4 yu3
to speak softly; to whisper (idiom)

去声 去聲 qu4 sheng1
falling tone; fourth tone in modern Mandarin

权利声明 權利聲明 quan2 li4 sheng1 ming2
copyright statement

人声鼎沸 人聲鼎沸 ren2 sheng1 ding3 fei4
lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (idiom); hubbub; brouhaha

忍气吞声 忍氣吞聲 ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1
to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence; to swallow one's anger; to grin and bear it

入声 入聲 ru4 sheng1
entering tone; checked tone; one of the four tones of Middle Chinese

上声 上聲 shang3 sheng1
falling and rising tone; third tone in modern Mandarin

哨子声 哨子聲 shao4 zi5 sheng1
whistling sound

射频噪声 射頻噪聲 she4 pin2 zao4 sheng1
radio frequency noise

声波 聲波 sheng1 bo1
sound wave

声波定位 聲波定位 sheng1 bo1 ding4 wei4
sonic location system (esp. underwater sonar); acoustic positioning

声称 聲稱 sheng1 cheng1
to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert

声带 聲帶 sheng1 dai4
vocal cords; vocal folds; (motion picture) soundtrack

声道 聲道 sheng1 dao4
sound track; audio channel

声调 聲調 sheng1 diao4
tone; note; a tone (on a Chinese syllable)

声调轮廓 聲調輪廓 sheng1 diao4 lun2 kuo4
tone contour

声调语言 聲調語言 sheng1 diao4 yu3 yan2
tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)

声东击西 聲東擊西 sheng1 dong1 ji1 xi1
to threaten the east and strike to the west (idiom); to create a diversion

声符 聲符 sheng1 fu2
phonetic component of a Chinese character

声价 聲價 sheng1 jia4

声卡 聲卡 sheng1 ka3
sound card

声浪 聲浪 sheng1 lang4

声类 聲類 sheng1 lei4
Shenglei, the earliest Chinese rime dictionary with 11,520 single-character entries, released in 3rd century (was not preserved to this day)

声泪俱下 聲淚俱下 sheng1 lei4 ju4 xia4
to shed tears while recounting sth; speaking in a tearful voice

声类系统 聲類系統 sheng1 lei4 xi4 tong3
phonetic system

声门 聲門 sheng1 men2

声明 聲明 sheng1 ming2
to state; to declare; statement; declaration

声名 聲名 sheng1 ming2
reputation; declaration

声名大噪 聲名大噪 sheng1 ming2 da4 zao4
to rise to fame

声名大震 聲名大震 sheng1 ming2 da4 zhen4
to create a sensation

声名狼藉 聲名狼藉 sheng1 ming2 lang2 ji2
to have a bad reputation

声明书 聲明書 sheng1 ming2 shu1

声母 聲母 sheng1 mu3
consonant; the initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable)

声纳 聲納 sheng1 na4
sonar (sound navigation and ranging) (loanword)

声呐 聲吶 sheng1 na4

声囊 聲囊 sheng1 nang2
vocal sac; vocal pouch (for vocal amplification in male frogs)

声旁 聲旁 sheng1 pang2
phonetic component of Chinese character

声旁错误 聲旁錯誤 sheng1 pang2 cuo4 wu4
phonological error

声旁字 聲旁字 sheng1 pang2 zi4
character serving as sound value of another character; phonetic

声频 聲頻 sheng1 pin2
audio frequency

声气 聲氣 sheng1 qi4
voice; tone

声情并茂 聲情並茂 sheng1 qing2 bing4 mao4
(of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)

声请 聲請 sheng1 qing3
to make a formal request; formal request; to make a claim (law)

声色场所 聲色場所 sheng1 se4 chang3 suo3
red-light district

声势 聲勢 sheng1 shi4
fame and power; prestige; influence; impetus; momentum

声说 聲說 sheng1 shuo1
to narrate

声嘶力竭 聲嘶力竭 sheng1 si1 li4 jie2
to shout oneself hoarse (idiom)

声索国 聲索國 sheng1 suo3 guo2
claimant country (in a territorial dispute)

声讨 聲討 sheng1 tao3
to denounce; to condemn

声望 聲望 sheng1 wang4
popularity; prestige

声威 聲威 sheng1 wei1
prestige; renown; influence

声鹀 聲鵐 sheng1 wu2
(bird species of China) common reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)

声息 聲息 sheng1 xi1
sound (often with negative, not a sound); whisper

声线 聲線 sheng1 xian4
tone of voice; timbre

声响 聲響 sheng1 xiang3
sound; noise

声像 聲像 sheng1 xiang4
audio-visual; (ultrasonography etc) acoustic image

声学 聲學 sheng1 xue2

声训 聲訓 sheng1 xun4
explaining a character or word by using a homophone

声押 聲押 sheng1 ya1
to apply to a court for an arrest warrant

声言 聲言 sheng1 yan2
to state; to declare; pronouncement; declaration

声音 聲音 sheng1 yin1
voice; sound

声优 聲優 sheng1 you1
seiyū; voice actor, especially in Japanese anime or video games (directly from the Japanese 声優 seiyū)

声誉 聲譽 sheng1 yu4
reputation; fame

声援 聲援 sheng1 yuan2
to support (a cause)

声乐 聲樂 sheng1 yue4
vocal music

声韵学 聲韻學 sheng1 yun4 xue2

声张 聲張 sheng1 zhang1
to make public; to disclose

失声 失聲 shi1 sheng1
to lose one's voice; (to cry out) involuntarily

收声 收聲 shou1 sheng1
(Cantonese) to stop talking; to shut up

嘶嘶声 嘶嘶聲 si1 si1 sheng1

咝咝声 噝噝聲 si1 si1 sheng1
hissing sound (onom.)

嘶哑声 嘶啞聲 si1 ya3 sheng1

四声 四聲 si4 sheng1
the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, namely: level or even tone 平聲|平声, third tone 上聲|上声, fourth tone 去聲|去声, entering tone 入聲|入声; the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation, namely: First or high level tone 陰平聲|阴平声, Second or rising

四声杜鹃 四聲杜鵑 si4 sheng1 du4 juan1
(bird species of China) Indian cuckoo (Cuculus micropterus)

颂声载道 頌聲載道 song4 sheng1 zai4 dao4
lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere; universal approbation

随声附和 隨聲附和 sui2 sheng1 fu4 he4
to parrot other people's words (idiom); to chime in with others

啼声 啼聲 ti2 sheng1
ululation; to howl

听话听声,锣鼓听音 聽話聽聲,鑼鼓聽音 ting1 hua4 ting1 sheng1 - luo2 gu3 ting1 yin1
to understand the unspoken implications (idiom)

同声传译 同聲傳譯 tong2 sheng1 chuan2 yi4
simultaneous interpretation

同声翻译 同聲翻譯 tong2 sheng1 fan1 yi4
simultaneous translation

同声一哭 同聲一哭 tong2 sheng1 yi1 ku1
to share one's feeling of grief with others (idiom)

吞声 吞聲 tun1 sheng1
to swallow one's cries

吞声忍气 吞聲忍氣 tun1 sheng1 ren3 qi4
see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声

万籁无声 萬籟無聲 wan4 lai4 wu2 sheng1
not a sound to be heard (idiom); dead silent

尾声 尾聲 wei3 sheng1
coda; epilogue; end

嗡嗡声 嗡嗡聲 weng1 weng1 sheng1
hum; drone; buzz

瓮声瓮气 甕聲甕氣 weng4 sheng1 weng4 qi4
to speak in a low muffled voice (idiom)

无声 無聲 wu2 sheng1
noiseless; noiselessly; silent

无声无息 無聲無息 wu2 sheng1 wu2 xi1
wordless and uncommunicative (idiom); without speaking; taciturn; not providing any news

五声音阶 五聲音階 wu3 sheng1 yin1 jie1
pentatonic scale

吸声 吸聲 xi1 sheng1
sound absorption

细声细气 細聲細氣 xi4 sheng1 xi4 qi4
in a fine voice (idiom); softly spoken

先声 先聲 xian1 sheng1
herald; precursor; harbinger

先声夺人 先聲奪人 xian1 sheng1 duo2 ren2
to gain the upper hand by a show of strength

响声 響聲 xiang3 sheng1

象声词 象聲詞 xiang4 sheng1 ci2

相声 相聲 xiang4 sheng5
comic dialog; sketch; crosstalk

消声 消聲 xiao1 sheng1
sound dissipation; noise reduction

销声匿迹 銷聲匿跡 xiao1 sheng1 ni4 ji4
to vanish without trace (idiom); to lie low

消声器 消聲器 xiao1 sheng1 qi4
noise reduction equipment

小声 小聲 xiao3 sheng1
in a low voice; (speak) in whispers

笑声 笑聲 xiao4 sheng1

心声 心聲 xin1 sheng1
thoughts; feelings; aspirations; heartfelt wishes; inner voice

形声 形聲 xing2 sheng1
ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character

形声字 形聲字 xing2 sheng1 zi4
radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character

嘘声 噓聲 xu1 sheng1
hissing sound; to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)

虚张声势 虛張聲勢 xu1 zhang1 sheng1 shi4
(false) bravado; to bluff

押平声韵 押平聲韻 ya1 ping2 sheng1 yun4
to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)

鸦雀无声 鴉雀無聲 ya1 que4 wu2 sheng1
lit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence

言为心声 言為心聲 yan2 wei2 xin1 sheng1
one's words reflect one's thinking (idiom)

衍声复词 衍聲複詞 yan3 sheng1 fu4 ci2
compound word such as 玫瑰, 咖啡, whose meaning is unrelated to the component hanzi, which often cannot be used singly

阳平声 陽平聲 yang2 ping2 sheng1
evenly rising tone, the second tone of putonghua

扬声器 揚聲器 yang2 sheng1 qi4

一递一声 一遞一聲 yi1 di4 yi1 sheng1
(of singers etc) one answering the other

一声 一聲 yi1 sheng1
first tone in Mandarin (high level tone)

一声不吭 一聲不吭 yi1 sheng1 bu4 keng1
to not say a word

一声不响 一聲不響 yi1 sheng1 bu4 xiang3
to keep totally silent; noiselessly

异口同声 異口同聲 yi4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (idiom)

阴平声 陰平聲 yin1 ping2 sheng1
high and level tone, the first tone of putonghua

音乐之声 音樂之聲 yin1 yue4 zhi1 sheng1
The Sound of Music, Broadway musical (1959) and Academy Award-winning movie (1965)

饮恨吞声 飲恨吞聲 yin3 hen4 tun1 sheng1
to harbor a grudge with deep-seated hatred (idiom)

应声虫 應聲蟲 ying1 sheng1 chong2
yes-man; opinionless person

应声 應聲 ying4 sheng1
an answering voice; to answer a voice; to respond; to copy a voice; to parrot

有声读物 有聲讀物 you3 sheng1 du2 wu4
audiobook; recording of a person reading the text of a book

有声书 有聲書 you3 sheng1 shu1

有声有色 有聲有色 you3 sheng1 you3 se4
having sound and color (idiom); vivid; dazzling

俞正声 俞正聲 yu2 zheng4 sheng1
Yu Zhengsheng (1945-), PRC politician

语声 語聲 yu3 sheng1
spoken language; sound of speaking

怨声 怨聲 yuan4 sheng1
wail; lament; voice of complaint

怨声载道 怨聲載道 yuan4 sheng1 zai4 dao4
lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around; discontent is openly voiced

噪声 噪聲 zao4 sheng1

噪声污染 噪聲污染 zao4 sheng1 wu1 ran3
noise pollution

仄声 仄聲 ze4 sheng1
oblique tone; nonlevel tone; uneven tone (the third tone of classical Chinese)

颤声 顫聲 zhan4 sheng1
trembling voice; see also 顫聲|颤声

掌声 掌聲 zhang3 sheng1

掌声雷动 掌聲雷動 zhang3 sheng1 lei2 dong4
thunderous applause (idiom)

真声 真聲 zhen1 sheng1
natural voice; modal voice; true voice; opposite: falsetto 假聲|假声

真声最高音 真聲最高音 zhen1 sheng1 zui4 gao1 yin1
highest true (non-falsetto) voice

整声 整聲 zheng3 sheng1
to tune (a musical instrument); to regulate the sound

吱声 吱聲 zhi1 sheng1
to utter a word; to make a sound; to cheep; to squeak; also pr.

掷地有声 擲地有聲 zhi4 di4 you3 sheng1
lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom); fig. (of one's words) powerful and resonating; to have substance

终场锣声 終場鑼聲 zhong1 chang3 luo2 sheng1
the final bell (esp. in sports competition)

中国好声音 中國好聲音 zhong1 guo2 hao3 sheng1 yin1
The Voice of China, PRC reality talent show

中声 中聲 zhong1 sheng1
medial (i.e. middle vowel of a syllable in Asian phonetics)

终声 終聲 zhong1 sheng1
final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)

众口同声 眾口同聲 zhong4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
(of people) to be of one voice (idiom); unanimous

状声词 狀聲詞 zhuang4 sheng1 ci2

吱吱声 吱吱聲 zi1 zi1 sheng1

纵声 縱聲 zong4 sheng1
loudly; in a loud voice

做声 做聲 zuo4 sheng1
to speak; to emit sound