lit. the emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are worried to death (idiom); fig. the observers are more anxious than the person involved
皇太后皇太後huang2 tai4 hou4
empress dowager
皇太极皇太極huang2 tai4 ji2
Hong Taiji (1592-1643), eighth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤, reigned 1626-1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金, then founded the Qing dynasty 大清 and reigned 1636-1643 as Emperor; posthumous name 清太宗
皇太极清太宗皇太極清太宗huang2 tai4 ji2 qing1 tai4 zong1
Hung Taiji (1592-1643), eighth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤, reigned 1626-1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金, then founded the Qing dynasty 大清 and reigned 1636-1643 as Emperor
皇太子皇太子huang2 tai4 zi3
crown prince
黄腰太阳鸟黃腰太陽鳥huang2 yao1 tai4 yang2 niao3
(bird species of China) crimson sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja)
火尾太阳鸟火尾太陽鳥huo3 wei3 tai4 yang2 niao3
(bird species of China) fire-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga ignicauda)
Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 薑子牙|姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
交换以太网络交換以太網絡jiao1 huan4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4
switched Ethernet
聚光太阳能聚光太陽能ju4 guang1 tai4 yang2 neng2
concentrating solar power (CSP)
快速以太网络快速以太網絡kuai4 su4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4
Fast Ethernet
蓝喉太阳鸟藍喉太陽鳥lan2 hou2 tai4 yang2 niao3
(bird species of China) Mrs. Gould's sunbird (Aethopyga gouldiae)
老太老太lao3 tai4
old lady
老太公老太公lao3 tai4 gong1
aged gentleman (dialect, respectful term)
老太婆老太婆lao3 tai4 po2
old woman (at times contemptuous)
老太太老太太lao3 tai4 tai5
elderly lady (respectful); esteemed mother
老太爷老太爺lao3 tai4 ye2
elderly gentleman (respectful); esteemed father
绿喉太阳鸟綠喉太陽鳥lv4 hou2 tai4 yang2 niao3
(bird species of China) green-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga nipalensis)
麻生太郎麻生太郎ma2 sheng1 tai4 lang2
ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese entrepreneur and LDP politician, prime minister from 2008
马太馬太ma3 tai4
Matthew (name)
马太福音馬太福音ma3 tai4 fu2 yin1
Gospel according to St Matthew
马太沟馬太溝ma3 tai4 gou1
Mataigou town in Pingluo county 平羅縣|平罗县, Shizuishan 石嘴山, Ningxia
马太沟镇馬太溝鎮ma3 tai4 gou1 zhen4
Mataigou town in Pingluo county 平羅縣|平罗县, Shizuishan 石嘴山, Ningxia
蒙太奇蒙太奇meng2 tai4 qi2
montage (film) (loanword)
明太祖明太祖ming2 tai4 zu3
Ming Taizu, Temple name of first Ming emperor Hongwu 洪武
潘太克斯潘太克斯pan1 tai4 ke4 si1
Pentax, Japanese optics company
欺人太甚欺人太甚qi1 ren2 tai4 shen4
to bully intolerably (idiom)
桥本龙太郎橋本龍太郎qiao2 ben3 long2 tai4 lang2
HASHIMOTO Ryūtarō (1937-2006), Japanese politician, prime minister 1996-1998
清太宗清太宗qing1 tai4 zong1
posthumous title of Hung Taiji 皇太極|皇太极 (1592-1643), eighth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤, reigned 1626-1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金, then founded the Qing dynasty 大清 and reigned 1636-1643 as Emperor
清太祖清太祖qing1 tai4 zu3
posthumous title of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤 (1559-1626), founder and first Khan of the Manchu Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金 (from 1616)
三宝太监三寶太監san1 bao3 tai4 jian4
Sanbao Eunuch, official title of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和; also written 三保太監|三保太监
圣德太子聖德太子sheng4 de2 tai4 zi3
Prince Shōtoku Taiji (574-621), major Japanese statesman and reformer of the Asuka period 飛鳥時代|飞鸟时代, proponent of state Buddhism, portrayed as Buddhist saint
石原慎太郎石原慎太郎shi2 yuan2 shen4 tai4 lang2
Ishihara Jintarō (1932-), Japanese author and politician, governor of Tokyo since 1999
司马辽太郎司馬遼太郎si1 ma3 liao2 tai4 lang2
SHIBA Ryotarō (1923-1996), Japanese author of historical novels
送上太空送上太空song4 shang4 tai4 kong1
to launch into space
宋太祖宋太祖song4 tai4 zu3
Emperor Taizu of Song, posthumous title of the founding Song emperor Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤|赵匡胤 (927-976), reigned from 960
太白太白tai4 bai2
Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡, Shaanxi; Venus
太白粉太白粉tai4 bai2 fen3
cornstarch; potato starch
太白山太白山tai4 bai2 shan1
Mt Taibai in Shaanxi
太白县太白縣tai4 bai2 xian4
Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡, Shaanxi
太白星太白星tai4 bai2 xing1
Venus (planet)
太半太半tai4 ban4
more than half; a majority; most; mostly
太保太保tai4 bao3
Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
太保太保tai4 bao3
a very high official in ancient China; juvenile delinquents
太保市太保市tai4 bao3 shi4
Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
太仓太倉tai4 cang1
Taicang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州, Jiangsu
太仓市太倉市tai4 cang1 shi4
Taicang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州, Jiangsu
太常太常tai4 chang2
Minister of Ceremonies in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿
太初太初tai4 chu1
the absolute beginning
太妃糖太妃糖tai4 fei1 tang2
toffee (loanword)
太夫人太夫人tai4 fu1 ren2
(old) dowager; old lady (title for the mother of a noble or an official)
太公太公tai4 gong1
great-grandfather; (old) grandfather; father
太公兵法太公兵法tai4 gong1 bing1 fa3
alternative name for ”Three Strategies of Huang Shigong” 黃石公三略|黄石公三略, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书
Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 薑子牙|姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
太公望太公望tai4 gong1 wang4
see Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙
太古太古tai4 gu3
太谷太谷tai4 gu3
Taigu county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
太古代太古代tai4 gu3 dai4
Archaeozoic (geological era before 2500m years ago)
太谷县太谷縣tai4 gu3 xian4
Taigu county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
太古洋行太古洋行tai4 gu3 yang2 hang2
Butterfield and Swire (Hong Kong bank)
太古宙太古宙tai4 gu3 zhou4
Archaean (geological eon before 2500m years ago)
太过太過tai4 guo4
excessively; too
太行山太行山tai4 hang2 shan1
Taihang Mountains on the border between Hebei and Shanxi
太好了太好了tai4 hao3 le5
very good
太和太和tai4 he2
Taihe County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳, Anhui; Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning
太和殿太和殿tai4 he2 dian4
the central pavilion of the Forbidden City rendered in English as "Hall of Supreme Harmony"
太和区太和區tai4 he2 qu1
Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning
太和县太和縣tai4 he2 xian4
Taihe County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳, Anhui
太后太后tai4 hou4
Empress Dowager
太湖太湖tai4 hu2
Lake Tai near Wuxi City 無錫|无锡, bordering on Jiangsu and Zhejiang, one of China's largest freshwater lakes
太湖县太湖縣tai4 hu2 xian4
Taihu county in Anqing 安慶|安庆, Anhui
太极太極tai4 ji2
the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some interpretations of Chinese mythology
太极剑太極劍tai4 ji2 jian4
a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play
太极拳太極拳tai4 ji2 quan2
shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan; traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation; a martial art
太极图太極圖tai4 ji2 tu2
diagram of cosmological scheme; Yin-Yang symbol; ☯
太极图说太極圖說tai4 ji2 tu2 shuo1
philosophical book by Song dynasty scholar Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤|周敦颐, starting from an interpretation of the Book of Changes
太监太監tai4 jian4
court eunuch; palace eunuch
太康太康tai4 kang1
Taikang county in Zhoukou 周口, Henan
太康县太康縣tai4 kang1 xian4
Taikang county in Zhoukou 周口, Henan
太空太空tai4 kong1
outer space
太空步太空步tai4 kong1 bu4
moonwalk (dance)
太空舱太空艙tai4 kong1 cang1
space capsule; ejection capsule (cabin)
太空船太空船tai4 kong1 chuan2
太空飞船太空飛船tai4 kong1 fei1 chuan2
space shuttle
太空服太空服tai4 kong1 fu2
太空漫步太空漫步tai4 kong1 man4 bu4
space walk
太空人太空人tai4 kong1 ren2
太空梭太空梭tai4 kong1 suo1
space shuttle
太空探索太空探索tai4 kong1 tan4 suo3
space exploration
太空舞步太空舞步tai4 kong1 wu3 bu4
moonwalk (dance)
太空行走太空行走tai4 kong1 xing2 zou3
太空游太空遊tai4 kong1 you2
space tourism
太空站太空站tai4 kong1 zhan4
space station
太鲁阁太魯閣tai4 lu3 ge2
Taroko gorge national park in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县, Taiwan; Taroko ethnic group Taiwan
太鲁阁族太魯閣族tai4 lu3 ge2 zu2
Taroko, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
太麻里太麻里tai4 ma2 li3
Taimali township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan
太麻里乡太麻里鄉tai4 ma2 li3 xiang1
Taimali township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan
太妹太妹tai4 mei4
girl delinquent; tomboy; schoolgirl tough
太平太平tai4 ping2
peace and security
太平太平tai4 ping2
place name
太平公主太平公主tai4 ping2 gong1 zhu3
Princess Taiping (c. 665-713), Tang Dynasty princess, politically powerful and known for her beauty
太平广记太平廣記tai4 ping2 guang3 ji4
Extensive records of the Taiping era (978), fictional history edited by Li Fang 李昉
太平间太平間tai4 ping2 jian1
mortuary; morgue
太平门太平門tai4 ping2 men2
emergency exit
太平鸟太平鳥tai4 ping2 niao3
(bird species of China) Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)
太平区太平區tai4 ping2 qu1
Taiping district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning
太平绅士太平紳士tai4 ping2 shen1 shi4
Justice of the Peace (JP)
太平盛世太平盛世tai4 ping2 sheng4 shi4
peace and prosperity (idiom)
太平市太平市tai4 ping2 shi4
Taiping city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
太平天国太平天國tai4 ping2 tian1 guo2
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864)
太平洋太平洋tai4 ping2 yang2
Pacific Ocean
太平洋联合铁路太平洋聯合鐵路tai4 ping2 yang2 lian2 he2 tie3 lu4
Union Pacific Railroad
太平洋潜鸟太平洋潛鳥tai4 ping2 yang2 qian2 niao3
(bird species of China) Pacific loon (Gavia pacifica)
太平洋区域太平洋區域tai4 ping2 yang2 qu1 yu4
the Pacific Region; the Pacific Rim
太平洋战争太平洋戰爭tai4 ping2 yang2 zhan4 zheng1
Pacific War between Japan and the US, 1941-1945
太平洋周边太平洋週邊tai4 ping2 yang2 zhou1 bian1
Pacific Rim
太平洋周边太平洋周邊tai4 ping2 yang2 zhou1 bian1
variant of 太平洋週邊|太平洋周边, Pacific Rim
太平御览太平御覽tai4 ping2 yu4 lan3
Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era, general Song dynasty encyclopedia compiled during 977-983 under Li Fang 李昉, 1000 scrolls
太婆太婆tai4 po2
太仆寺旗太僕寺旗tai4 pu1 si4 qi2
Taibus banner in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia
太仆太僕tai4 pu2
Grand Servant in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿
太仆寺太僕寺tai4 pu2 si4
Court of imperial stud, office originally charged with horse breeding; Taibus banner in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia
太仆寺卿太僕寺卿tai4 pu2 si4 qing1
Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding
太上太上tai4 shang4
title of respect for taoists
太上皇太上皇tai4 shang4 huang2
Taishang Huang; Retired Emperor; father of the reigning emperor; fig. puppet master
太师太師tai4 shi1
imperial tutor
太石村太石村tai4 shi2 cun1
Taishi village (in Guangdong province)
太史公太史公tai4 shi3 gong1
Grand Scribe, the title by which Sima Qian 司馬遷|司马迁 refers to himself in Records of the Historian 史記|史记
太史令太史令tai4 shi3 ling4
grand scribe (official position in many Chinese states up to the Han)
太守太守tai4 shou3
governor of a province
太岁太歲tai4 sui4
Tai Sui, God of the year; archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星; nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area
太太太太tai4 tai5
married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife
太田太田tai4 tian2
Ohta or Ōta (Japanese surname)
太虚太虛tai4 xu1
Taixu (famed Buddhist monk, 1890-1947)
太虚太虛tai4 xu1
great emptiness; the void; heaven; the skies; universe; cosmos; original essence of the cosmos
太学太學tai4 xue2
Imperial College of Supreme Learning, established in 124 BC, and the highest educational institute in ancient China until the Sui Dynasty
太阳报太陽報tai4 yang2 bao4
The Sun (the name of various newspapers, notably in the UK and in Hong Kong)
太阳窗太陽窗tai4 yang2 chuang1
sun window; sun roof (of car)
太阳灯太陽燈tai4 yang2 deng1
太阳电池太陽電池tai4 yang2 dian4 chi2
solar cell
太阳电池板太陽電池板tai4 yang2 dian4 chi2 ban3
solar panel
太阳风太陽風tai4 yang2 feng1
solar wind
太阳公司太陽公司tai4 yang2 gong1 si1
Sun corporation
太阳光太陽光tai4 yang2 guang1
太阳光柱太陽光柱tai4 yang2 guang1 zhu4
solar pillar; sun pillar (atmospheric optics)
太阳黑子太陽黑子tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3
太阳黑子周太陽黑子周tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3 zhou1
sunspot cycle
太阳花太陽花tai4 yang2 hua1
sunflower (Helianthus annuus); rose moss (Portulaca grandiflora)
The Sun Shines over the Sanggan River, proletarian novel by Ding Ling, winner of 1951 Stalin prize
太阳太陽tai4 yang5
sun; abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴
太爷太爺tai4 ye2
(respectful for) one's grandfather; sb's father; older people; the head of the house (used by servants); a district magistrate
太液池太液池tai4 ye4 chi2
area to the west of the Forbidden City, now divided into Zhongnanhai and Beihai
太医太醫tai4 yi1
imperial physician
太阴太陰tai4 yin1
the Moon (esp. in Daoism)
太原太原tai4 yuan2
Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central north China
太原市太原市tai4 yuan2 shi4
Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central north China
太子太子tai4 zi3
crown prince
太子丹太子丹tai4 zi3 dan1
Prince Dan of Yan (-226 BC), commissioned the attempted assassination of King Ying Zheng of Qin 秦嬴政 (later the First Emperor 秦始皇) by Jing Ke 荆轲 in 227 BC
太子党太子黨tai4 zi3 dang3
princelings, descendants of senior communist officials (PRC)
太子港太子港tai4 zi3 gang3
Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti
太子河区太子河區tai4 zi3 he2 qu1
Taizi district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市, Liaoning
太子十三峰太子十三峰tai4 zi3 shi2 san1 feng1
thirteen peaks of Meri snow mountains in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan; also written 梅里雪山
太子太保太子太保tai4 zi3 tai4 bao3
tutor to the crown prince (in imperial China)
太宗太宗tai4 zong1
posthumous name given to second emperor of a dynasty; King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418
太祖太祖tai4 zu3
Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty)
唐太宗唐太宗tang2 tai4 zong1
Emperor Taizong of Tang, reign name of second Tang emperor Li Shimin 李世民 (599-649), reigned 626-649
"Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Taizong of Tang", military treatise attributed to Li Jing 李靖 and one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书
提摩太提摩太ti2 mo2 tai4
提摩太后书提摩太後書ti2 mo2 tai4 hou4 shu1
Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy
提摩太前书提摩太前書ti2 mo2 tai4 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to Timothy
天下太平天下太平tian1 xia4 tai4 ping2
the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
外太空外太空wai4 tai4 kong1
outer space
王太后王太后wang2 tai4 hou4
Queen Dowager (in Europe); widowed queen; Queen mother
渥太华渥太華wo4 tai4 hua2
Ottawa, capital of Canada
西太平洋西太平洋xi1 tai4 ping2 yang2
the western Pacific Ocean
小太平鸟小太平鳥xiao3 tai4 ping2 niao3
(bird species of China) Japanese waxwing (Bombycilla japonica)
小太太小太太xiao3 tai4 tai5
concubine; mistress
雪山太子雪山太子xue3 shan1 tai4 zi3
Meri snow mountains in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan; also written 梅里雪山
Prince Dan of Yan (-226 BC), commissioned the attempted assassination of King Ying Zheng of Qin 秦嬴政 (later the First Emperor 秦始皇) by Jing Ke 荆轲 in 227 BC
姨太太姨太太yi2 tai4 tai5
以太以太yi3 tai4
乙太乙太yi3 tai4
variant of 以太
以太网以太網yi3 tai4 wang3
以太网路以太網路yi3 tai4 wang3 lu4
以太网络以太網絡yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4
以太网络端口以太網絡端口yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 duan1 kou3
Ethernet port
犹太猶太you2 tai4
Jew; Jewish; Judea (in Biblical Palestine)
犹太法典猶太法典you2 tai4 fa3 dian3
the Talmud
犹太复国主义猶太復國主義you2 tai4 fu4 guo2 zhu3 yi4
犹太复国主义者猶太復國主義者you2 tai4 fu4 guo2 zhu3 yi4 zhe3
a Zionist
犹太会堂猶太會堂you2 tai4 hui4 tang2
synagogue; Jewish temple
犹太教猶太教you2 tai4 jiao4
犹太教堂猶太教堂you2 tai4 jiao4 tang2
犹太人猶太人you2 tai4 ren2
元太祖元太祖yuan2 tai4 zu3
posthumous title of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗 (1162-1227)
张太雷張太雷zhang1 tai4 lei2
Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding member of Chinese communist party
章太炎章太炎zhang1 tai4 yan2
Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution
正太正太zheng4 tai4
young, cute boy; derived from Japanese loanword shotacon 正太控
正太控正太控zheng4 tai4 kong4
shotacon (Japanese loanword); manga or anime genre depicting young boys in an erotic manner