strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually

odd (number)

strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
阿合奇 阿合奇 a1 he2 qi2
Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, Xinjiang

阿合奇县 阿合奇縣 a1 he2 qi2 xian4
Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, Xinjiang

阿莱奇冰川 阿萊奇冰川 a1 lai2 qi2 bing1 chuan1
Aletsch glacier, Switzerland

阿奇里斯 阿奇里斯 a1 qi2 li3 si1
Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus), son of Thetis and Peleus, Greek hero central to the Iliad

阿奇霉素 阿奇霉素 a1 qi2 mei2 su4
azithromycin (macrolide antibiotic); Zithromax

艾尔米塔奇 艾爾米塔奇 ai4 er3 mi3 ta3 ji1
Ermitazh or Hermitage museum in St Peterburg

爱丽丝漫游奇境记 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記 ai4 li4 si1 man4 you2 qi2 jing4 ji4
Alice in Wonderland

艾奇逊 艾奇遜 ai4 qi2 xun4
Atchison or Acheson (name); Atchison city on Missouri in Kansas, USA

安克雷奇 安克雷奇 an1 ke4 lei2 qi2
Anchorage (city in Alaska)

白耳奇鹛 白耳奇鶥 bai2 er3 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) white-eared sibia (Heterophasia auricularis)

彼得罗维奇 彼得羅維奇 bi3 de2 luo2 wei2 qi2
Petrovich (name)

布里奇顿 布里奇頓 bu4 li3 qi2 dun4
Bridgetown, capital of Barbados

不足为奇 不足為奇 bu4 zu2 wei2 qi2
not at all surprising (idiom)

长尾奇鹛 長尾奇鶥 chang2 wei3 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) long-tailed sibia (Heterophasia picaoides)

初刻拍案惊奇 初刻拍案驚奇 chu1 ke4 pai1 an4 jing1 qi2
Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part I), first of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初

出奇 出奇 chu1 qi2
extraordinary; exceptional; unusual

出奇制胜 出奇制勝 chu1 qi2 zhi4 sheng4
to win by a surprise move

传奇 傳奇 chuan2 qi2
legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty

传奇人物 傳奇人物 chuan2 qi2 ren2 wu4
legendary person; legend (i.e. person)

达·芬奇 達·芬奇 da2 - fen1 qi2
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Renaissance painter

道奇 道奇 dao4 qi2
Dodge, US automobile brand, division of Chrysler LLC

吊诡矜奇 弔詭矜奇 diao4 gui3 jin1 qi2
strange and paradoxical

都会传奇 都會傳奇 du1 hui4 chuan2 qi2
urban legend (translation of recent Western term); story or theory circulated as true; same as 都市傳奇|都市传奇

都市传奇 都市傳奇 du1 shi4 chuan2 qi2
urban legend (translation of recent Western term); story or theory circulated as true; same as 都會傳奇|都会传奇

咄咄称奇 咄咄稱奇 duo1 duo1 cheng1 qi2
to cluck one's tongue in wonder

二刻拍案惊奇 二刻拍案驚奇 er4 ke4 pai1 an4 jing1 qi2
Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part II), second of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初

翻空出奇 翻空出奇 fan1 kong1 chu1 qi2
to overturn empty convention, and display originality (idiom); new and different ideas

古奇 古奇 gu3 qi2
Gucci (brand)

怪人奥尔·扬科维奇 怪人奧爾·揚科維奇 guai4 ren2 ao4 er3 - yang2 ke1 wei2 qi2
"Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-), US singer and writer of parody songs

瑰奇 瑰奇 gui1 qi2
magnificent; precious

哈季奇 哈季奇 ha1 ji4 qi2
Goran Hadžić (1958-), Croatian Serb leader until 1994, indicted war criminal

哈士奇 哈士奇 ha1 shi4 qi2
husky (sled dog)

海上奇书 海上奇書 hai3 shang4 qi2 shu1
literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆 featuring serialized novels in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular

好奇 好奇 hao4 qi2
inquisitive; curious; inquisitiveness; curiosity

好奇尚异 好奇尚異 hao4 qi2 shang4 yi4
to have a taste for the exotic (idiom)

好奇心 好奇心 hao4 qi2 xin1
interest in sth; curiosity; inquisitive

赫奇帕奇 赫奇帕奇 he4 qi2 pa4 qi2
Hufflepuff (Harry Potter)

黑顶奇鹛 黑頂奇鶥 hei1 ding3 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) black-headed sibia (Heterophasia desgodinsi)

黑头奇鹛 黑頭奇鶥 hei1 tou2 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) rufous sibia (Heterophasia capistrata)

化腐朽为神奇 化腐朽為神奇 hua4 fu3 xiu3 wei2 shen2 qi2
lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)

灰奇鹛 灰奇鶥 hui1 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) grey sibia (Heterophasia gracilis)

奇函数 奇函數 ji1 han2 shu4
odd function (math.)

奇偶 奇偶 ji1 ou3
parity; odd and even

奇偶性 奇偶性 ji1 ou3 xing4
parity (odd or even)

奇数 奇數 ji1 shu4
odd number

奇蹄类 奇蹄類 ji1 ti2 lei4
Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates, such as horses, zebras etc)

奇蹄目 奇蹄目 ji1 ti2 mu4
Perissodactyla; order of odd-toed ungulate (including horse, tapir, rhinoceros)

奇羡 奇羨 ji1 xian4
surplus; profit

加格达奇 加格達奇 jia1 ge2 da2 qi2
Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia

加格达奇区 加格達奇區 jia1 ge2 da2 qi2 qu1
Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia

金里奇 金里奇 jin1 li3 qi2
(Newt) Gingrich

惊奇 驚奇 jing1 qi2
to be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder

居奇 居奇 ju1 qi2
to hoard; to speculate; profiteering

卡布奇诺 卡布奇諾 ka3 bu4 qi2 nuo4
cappuccino (coffee)

卡拉奇那 卡拉奇那 ka3 la1 ji1 na4
Krajina (former Yugoslavia)

卡拉季奇 卡拉季奇 ka3 la1 ji4 ji1
Radovan Karadžić (1945-), former Bosnian Serb leader and war criminal

卡拉奇 卡拉奇 ka3 la1 qi2
Karachi (Pakistan)

柯萨奇病毒 柯薩奇病毒 ke1 sa4 qi2 bing4 du2
Coxsachie A intestinal virus

柯沙奇病毒 柯沙奇病毒 ke1 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2

克赖斯特彻奇 克賴斯特徹奇 ke4 lai4 si1 te4 che4 qi2
Christchurch (New Zealand city)

克沙奇病毒 克沙奇病毒 ke4 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2

离奇 離奇 li2 qi2
odd; bizarre

离奇有趣 離奇有趣 li2 qi2 you3 qu4

里奇蒙 里奇蒙 li3 qi2 meng2
Richmond (place name or surname)

栗背奇鹛 栗背奇鶥 li4 bei4 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) rufous-backed sibia (Heterophasia annectans)

丽色奇鹛 麗色奇鶥 li4 se4 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) beautiful sibia (Heterophasia pulchella)

猎奇 獵奇 lie4 qi2
to hunt for novelty; to seek novelty

刘少奇 劉少奇 liu2 shao4 qi2
Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969), Chinese communist leader, a martyr of the Cultural Revolution

玛奇朵 瑪奇朵 ma3 qi2 duo3
macchiato (loanword); latte macchiato (coffee)

蒙太奇 蒙太奇 meng2 tai4 qi2
montage (film) (loanword)

米奇 米奇 mi3 qi2
Mickey or Mitch (name)

米奇老鼠 米奇老鼠 mi3 qi2 lao3 shu3
Mickey Mouse

魔宫传奇 魔宮傳奇 mo2 gong1 chuan2 qi2
The Name of the Rose, 1986 movie based on the novel by Umberto Eco

莫霍洛维奇 莫霍洛維奇 mo4 huo4 luo4 wei2 qi2
Andrija Mohorovichich or Mohorovičić (1857-1936), Croatian geologist and seismologist who discovered the Mohorovichich discontinuity or Moho

莫霍洛维奇不连续面 莫霍洛維奇不連續面 mo4 huo4 luo4 wei2 qi2 bu4 lian2 xu4 mian4
Mohorovichich discontinuity (lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere); abbr. to Moho 莫霍面

姆拉迪奇 姆拉迪奇 mu3 la1 di2 qi2
Mladić (name); Ratko Mladić (1942-), army chief of Bosnian Serbs 1965-1996 and indicted war criminal

纳尼亚传奇 納尼亞傳奇 na4 ni2 ya4 chuan2 qi2
The Chronicles of Narnia, children's stories by C.S. Lewis

南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇 南喬治亞島和南桑威奇 nan2 qiao2 zhi4 ya4 dao3 he2 nan2 sang1 wei1 qi2
South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands

拍案惊奇 拍案驚奇 pai1 an4 jing1 qi2
to slap the table in amazement (idiom); wonderful!; amazing!

平淡无奇 平淡無奇 ping2 dan4 wu2 qi2
ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about

奇兵 奇兵 qi2 bing1
troops appearing suddenly (in a raid or ambush)

奇才 奇才 qi2 cai2

奇彩 奇彩 qi2 cai3
unexpected splendour

奇耻大辱 奇恥大辱 qi2 chi3 da4 ru3
extraordinary shame and humiliation (idiom)

奇丑 奇醜 qi2 chou3
grotesque; extremely ugly; hideous

奇丑无比 奇醜無比 qi2 chou3 wu2 bi3
extremely ugly; incomparably hideous

奇怪 奇怪 qi2 guai4
strange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled

奇观 奇觀 qi2 guan1
spectacle; impressive sight

奇诡 奇詭 qi2 gui3
strange; queer; intriguing

奇花异草 奇花異草 qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3
very rarely seen, unusual (idiom)

奇花异卉 奇花異卉 qi2 hua1 yi4 hui4
exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)

奇幻 奇幻 qi2 huan4
fantasy (fiction)

奇祸 奇禍 qi2 huo4
unexpected calamity; sudden disaster

奇货可居 奇貨可居 qi2 huo4 ke3 ju1
rare commodity worth hoarding; object for profiteering

奇迹 奇跡 qi2 ji4
miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel

奇技 奇技 qi2 ji4
brilliant skill; uncanny feat

奇解 奇解 qi2 jie3
singular solution (to a math. equation)

奇景 奇景 qi2 jing3

奇谲 奇譎 qi2 jue2
strange and deceitful; sly; treacherous

奇崛 奇崛 qi2 jue2
strange and prominent

奇绝 奇絕 qi2 jue2
strange; rare; bizarre

奇昆古尼亚病毒 奇昆古尼亞病毒 qi2 kun1 gu3 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2
Chikungunya virus

奇昆古尼亚热 奇昆古尼亞熱 qi2 kun1 gu3 ni2 ya4 re4
Chikungunya fever

奇览 奇覽 qi2 lan3
singular excursion; off the beaten track

奇丽 奇麗 qi2 li4
singularly beautiful; weird and wonderful

奇门遁甲 奇門遁甲 qi2 men2 dun4 jia3
ancient Chinese divination tradition (still in use today)

奇妙 奇妙 qi2 miao4
fantastic; wonderful

奇能 奇能 qi2 neng2
special ability

奇能异士 奇能異士 qi2 neng2 yi4 shi4
extraordinary hero with special abilities; martial arts superhero

奇努克 奇努克 qi2 nu3 ke4
Chinook (helicopter)

奇葩 奇葩 qi2 pa1
exotic flower; (fig.) marvel; prodigy; (slang) weirdo; outlandish

奇葩异卉 奇葩異卉 qi2 pa1 yi4 hui4
rare and exotic flora (idiom)

奇趣 奇趣 qi2 qu4
quaint charm

奇缺 奇缺 qi2 que1
very short of (food, clean water etc); extreme shortage; deficit

奇人 奇人 qi2 ren2
an eccentric; odd person; person of extraordinary talent

奇瑞 奇瑞 qi2 rui4
Chery (car manufacturer)

奇士 奇士 qi2 shi4
odd person; an eccentric

奇事 奇事 qi2 shi4

奇台 奇台 qi2 tai2
Qitai county or Guchung nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang

奇台县 奇台縣 qi2 tai2 xian4
Qitai county or Guchung nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang

奇谈 奇談 qi2 tan2
odd story; exotic tale; fig. ridiculous argument

奇谈怪论 奇談怪論 qi2 tan2 guai4 lun4
strange tales and absurd arguments (idiom); unreasonable remarks

奇特 奇特 qi2 te4
peculiar; unusual; queer

奇瓦瓦 奇瓦瓦 qi2 wa3 wa3
Chihuahua, Mexico

奇伟 奇偉 qi2 wei3
singular and majestic; strange and grand

奇闻 奇聞 qi2 wen2
anecdote; fantastic story

奇文 奇文 qi2 wen2
remarkable work; peculiar writing

奇文共赏 奇文共賞 qi2 wen2 gong4 shang3
lit. remarkable work appreciated by all (idiom); universally praised (original meaning); incomprehensible nonsense; preposterous bullshit

奇袭 奇襲 qi2 xi2
surprise attack; raid

奇形怪状 奇形怪狀 qi2 xing2 guai4 zhuang4
fantastic oddities of every description (idiom); grotesquely shaped

奇异 奇異 qi2 yi4
fantastic; bizarre; odd; exotic; astonished

奇异笔 奇異筆 qi2 yi4 bi3
marker (writing instrument)

奇异果 奇異果 qi2 yi4 guo3
kiwi fruit; Chinese gooseberry

奇异夸克 奇異夸克 qi2 yi4 kua1 ke4
strange quark (particle physics)

奇遇 奇遇 qi2 yu4
happy encounter; fortuitous meeting; adventure

奇珍 奇珍 qi2 zhen1
a rare treasure; sth priceless and unique

奇珍异宝 奇珍異寶 qi2 zhen1 yi4 bao3
rare treasure (idiom)

奇志 奇志 qi2 zhi4
high aspiration

奇装异服 奇裝異服 qi2 zhuang1 yi4 fu2
bizarre dress

千奇百怪 千奇百怪 qian1 qi2 bai3 guai4
fantastic oddities of every description (idiom)

曲奇 曲奇 qu3 qi2
cookie (loanword)

萨尔科奇 薩爾科奇 sa4 er3 ke1 qi2
Sarkozy (name); Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-), president of France 2007-2012

萨马兰奇 薩馬蘭奇 sa4 ma3 lan2 qi2
Juan Antonio Samaranch (1920-), Spanish Olympic official, President of International Olympic Committee 1980-2001

神奇 神奇 shen2 qi2
magical; mystical; miraculous

神奇宝贝 神奇寶貝 shen2 qi2 bao3 bei4
Pokémon or Pocket Monsters, popular Japanese video game, anime and manga

施华洛世奇水晶 施華洛世奇水晶 shi1 hua2 luo4 shi4 qi2 shui3 jing1
Swarovski crystal

俗世奇人 俗世奇人 su2 shi4 qi2 ren2
Extraordinary people in our ordinary world, short stories by novelist Feng Jicai 馮驥才|冯骥才

塔迪奇 塔迪奇 ta3 di2 qi2
Tadich (name); Boris Tadić (1958-), Serbian politician, president from 2004

探奇 探奇 tan4 qi2
to seek unusual scenery or places

突发奇想 突發奇想 tu1 fa1 qi2 xiang3
suddenly have a thought (idiom); suddenly be inspired to do something

囤积居奇 囤積居奇 tun2 ji1 ju1 qi2
to hoard and profiteer; to speculate

瓦西里耶维奇 瓦西里耶維奇 wa3 xi1 li3 ye1 wei2 qi2
Vasilievich (name)

威奇托 威奇托 wei1 qi2 tuo1
Wichita (city in Kansas)

维奇 維奇 wei2 qi2
Pope Vigilius (in office 537-555); phonetic -vich or -wich in Russian names

无奇不有 無奇不有 wu2 qi2 bu4 you3
nothing is too bizarre; full of extraordinary things

稀奇 稀奇 xi1 qi2
rare; strange

西奇 西奇 xi1 qi2
sygyt (overtone singing)

希奇 希奇 xi1 qi2
rare; strange

稀奇古怪 稀奇古怪 xi1 qi2 gu3 guai4
crazy; bizarre; weird; fantastic; strange

希奇古怪 希奇古怪 xi1 qi2 gu3 guai4
crazy; bizarre; weird; fantastic; strange

新奇 新奇 xin1 qi2
novelty; new and odd

辛奇 辛奇 xin1 qi2
kimchi (loanword)

亚努科维奇 亞努科維奇 ya4 nu3 ke1 wei2 qi2
Viktor Feyedov Yanukovych (1950-) Ukrainian politician

扬科维奇 揚科維奇 yang2 ke1 wei2 qi2
Jankovic; Yankovic; Yankovich; Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player

耶莱娜·扬科维奇 耶萊娜·揚科維奇 ye2 lai2 nuo2 - yang2 ke1 wei2 qi2
Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player

伊里奇 伊里奇 yi1 li3 qi2
Ilyich or Illich (name)

有好奇心 有好奇心 you3 hao4 qi2 xin1

啧啧称奇 嘖嘖稱奇 ze2 ze2 cheng1 qi2
to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom); to be astonished

珍奇 珍奇 zhen1 qi2
rare; strange

珍禽奇兽 珍禽奇獸 zhen1 qin2 qi2 shou4
rare animals and birds; protected species