to offer (tribute); to present respectfully (to superior, ancestor, deity etc); to esteem; to revere; to believe in (a religion); to wait upon; to accept orders (from superior)

strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
百般奉承 百般奉承 bai3 ban1 feng4 cheng2
to fawn upon sb in every possible way

等因奉此 等因奉此 deng3 yin1 feng4 ci3
officialese; official routine; (old) (conventional phrase used in response to one's superior) in view of the above, we therefore...

董奉 董奉 dong3 feng4
Dong Feng, doctor during Three Kingdoms period, famous for refusing fees and requesting that his patients plant apricot trees instead

阿谀奉承 阿諛奉承 e1 yu2 feng4 cheng2
flattering and fawning (idiom); sweet-talking

奉承者 奉承者 feng4 cheng2 zhe3

奉承 奉承 feng4 cheng5
to fawn on; to flatter; to ingratiate oneself; flattery

奉承讨好 奉承討好 feng4 cheng5 tao3 hao3
to curry favor; to get the desired outcome by flattery

奉告 奉告 feng4 gao4
(honorific) to inform

奉公 奉公 feng4 gong1
to pursue public affairs

奉公克己 奉公剋己 feng4 gong1 ke4 ji3
self-restraint and devotion to public duties (idiom); selfless dedication; to serve the public interest wholeheartedly

奉公守法 奉公守法 feng4 gong1 shou3 fa3
to carry out official duties and observe the law

奉化 奉化 feng4 hua4
Fenghua county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波, Zhejiang

奉化市 奉化市 feng4 hua4 shi4
Fenghu county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波, Zhejiang

奉还 奉還 feng4 huan2
to return with thanks; to give back (honorific)

奉节 奉節 feng4 jie2
Fengjie county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

奉节县 奉節縣 feng4 jie2 xian4
Fengjie County in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

奉命 奉命 feng4 ming4
to receive orders; to follow orders; to act under orders

奉陪 奉陪 feng4 pei2
(honorific) to accompany; to keep sb company

奉劝 奉勸 feng4 quan4
may I offer a bit of advice

奉若神明 奉若神明 feng4 ruo4 shen2 ming2
to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere; to worship; to deify; to make a holy cow of sth; to put sb on a pedestal

奉上 奉上 feng4 shang4
to offer

奉申贺敬 奉申賀敬 feng4 shen1 he4 jing4
polite congratulations (i.e. on a greeting card)

奉祀 奉祀 feng4 si4
to offer sacrifice (to Gods or ancestors); to consecrate; dedicated to

奉送 奉送 feng4 song4
(honorific) to give

奉天 奉天 feng4 tian1
old name for Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳 in modern Liaoning province

奉为圭臬 奉為圭臬 feng4 wei2 gui1 nie4
to take as a guiding principle (idiom)

奉系 奉系 feng4 xi4
Fengtian clique (of northern warlords)

奉系军阀 奉系軍閥 feng4 xi4 jun1 fa2
Fengtian clique (of northern warlords)

奉贤 奉賢 feng4 xian2
Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai

奉贤区 奉賢區 feng4 xian2 qu1
Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai

奉献 奉獻 feng4 xian4
to offer respectfully; to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote

奉现 奉現 feng4 xian4

奉新 奉新 feng4 xin1
Fengxin county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi

奉辛比克党 奉辛比克黨 feng4 xin1 bi3 ke4 dang3
Funcinpec (royalist Cambodian political party)

奉新县 奉新縣 feng4 xin1 xian4
Fengxin county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi

奉行 奉行 feng4 xing2
to pursue (a course, a policy)

奉养 奉養 feng4 yang3
to look after (elderly parents); to serve; to support

奉迎 奉迎 feng4 ying2
(honorific) to greet; to fawn

奉赠 奉贈 feng4 zeng4
(honorific) to present; to give as a present

奉召 奉召 feng4 zhao4
to receive orders

奉诏 奉詔 feng4 zhao4
to receive an imperial command

奉职 奉職 feng4 zhi2
devotion to duty

奉旨 奉旨 feng4 zhi3
on imperial orders

奉子成婚 奉子成婚 feng4 zi3 cheng2 hun1
marriage arranged following a pregnancy; marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy

供奉 供奉 gong4 feng4
to consecrate; to enshrine and worship; an offering (to one's ancestors); a sacrifice (to a God)

回奉 回奉 hui2 feng4
to return a compliment; to give a return present

敬奉 敬奉 jing4 feng4
to worship piously; to present; to dedicate

克己奉公 剋己奉公 ke4 ji3 feng4 gong1
self-restraint and devotion to public duties (idiom); selfless dedication; to serve the public interest wholeheartedly

趋奉 趨奉 qu1 feng4
to fawn on; to kiss up to

什一奉献 什一奉獻 shi2 yi1 feng4 xian4

侍奉 侍奉 shi4 feng4
to wait upon; to serve; to attend to sb's needs

事奉 事奉 shi4 feng4
to serve

无可奉告 無可奉告 wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4
(idiom) "no comment"

信奉 信奉 xin4 feng4
belief; to believe (in sth)

阳奉阴违 陽奉陰違 yang2 feng4 yin1 wei2
outward devotion but inner opposition (idiom); to pay lip service; to agree overtly, but oppose in secret

自奉俭约 自奉儉約 zi4 feng4 jian3 yue1
to live frugally (idiom)

自奉甚俭 自奉甚儉 zi4 feng4 shen4 jian3
to allow oneself few comforts or pleasures (idiom)

遵奉 遵奉 zun1 feng4
to conform; to obey faithfully

尊奉 尊奉 zun1 feng4
worship; to revere; to venerate