the character 8 or 八; birthdate characters used in fortune-telling
八字步八字步ba1 zi4 bu4
step with feet splayed outwards
八字方针八字方針ba1 zi4 fang1 zhen1
the eight-character slogan for the economic policy proposed by 李富春 in 1961: 調整、鞏固、充實、提高|调整、巩固、充实、提高 "adjust, consolidate, enrich and improve"; a policy expressed as an eight-character slogan
八字还没一撇八字還沒一撇ba1 zi4 hai2 mei2 yi1 pie3
lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八; things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet
八字还没一撇儿八字還沒一撇兒ba1 zi4 hai2 mei2 yi1 pie3 er5
lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八; things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet
八字胡八字鬍ba1 zi4 hu2
mustache shaped like character 八
八字胡须八字鬍鬚ba1 zi4 hu2 xu1
mustache shaped like character 八
八字脚八字腳ba1 zi4 jiao3
八字眉八字眉ba1 zi4 mei2
sloping eyebrows, formed like character for "eight"
八字没一撇八字沒一撇ba1 zi4 mei2 yi1 pie3
lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 (idiom); fig. things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet
八字形八字形ba1 zi4 xing2
shape resembling the character 八 or 8; V-shape; splayed; figure of eight
白纸黑字白紙黑字bai2 zhi3 hei1 zi4
(written) in black and white
白字白字bai2 zi4
wrongly written or mispronounced character
背字背字bei4 zi4
bad luck
本字本字ben3 zi4
original form of a Chinese character
笔划检字表筆劃檢字表bi3 hua4 jian3 zi4 biao3
lookup table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke count
编码字符集編碼字符集bian1 ma3 zi4 fu2 ji2
coded character set
表意文字表意文字biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4
ideograph; ideographical writing system
表字表字biao3 zi4
literary name (an alternative name of a person stressing a moral principle); courtesy name
别字別字bie2 zi4
mispronounced or wrongly written character
不识字不識字bu4 shi2 zi4
不一致字不一致字bu4 yi1 zhi4 zi4
inconsistent phonogram(s)
草字头儿草字頭兒cao3 zi4 tou2 er5
grass radical 艹
查字法查字法cha2 zi4 fa3
look-up method for Chinese characters
拆字拆字chai1 zi4
fortune telling by unpicking Chinese characters
常用字常用字chang2 yong4 zi4
everyday words
厂字旁厂字旁chang3 zi4 pang2
name of "cliff" 厂 radical in simplified Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 27)
朝鲜字母朝鮮字母chao2 xian3 zi4 mu3
hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Korean letters
赤字赤字chi4 zi4
(financial) deficit; red letter
赤字累累赤字累累chi4 zi4 lei3 lei3
debt-ridden; heavily laden with debt
纯文字純文字chun2 wen2 zi4
text only (webpage)
纯文字页純文字頁chun2 wen2 zi4 ye4
text-only webpage
刺字刺字ci4 zi4
to tattoo
粗体字粗體字cu1 ti3 zi4
bold letter
错别字錯別字cuo4 bie2 zi4
incorrectly written or mispronounced characters
错字錯字cuo4 zi4
incorrect character; typo (in Chinese text)
打字打字da3 zi4
to type
打字机打字機da3 zi4 ji1
打字员打字員da3 zi4 yuan2
大写字母大寫字母da4 xie3 zi4 mu3
capital letters; uppercase letters
大字报大字報da4 zi4 bao4
big-character poster
单一合体字單一合體字dan1 yi1 he2 ti3 zi4
unique compound
单字單字dan1 zi4
single Chinese character; word (in a foreign language)
Second Chinese Character Simplification Scheme (second round of simplified Chinese characters, proposed in 1977 and retracted in 1986); abbr. to 二簡|二简
点阵字体點陣字體dian3 zhen4 zi4 ti3
bitmap font (computer)
点字點字dian3 zi4
Braille characters (alphabet for the blind)
点字机點字機dian3 zi4 ji1
Braille typewriter
电打字机電打字機dian4 da3 zi4 ji1
electric typewriter (as opposed to hand typewriter)
丁字丁字ding1 zi4
丁字步丁字步ding1 zi4 bu4
T-step (basic dance position, with the feet forming a T shape)
丁字尺丁字尺ding1 zi4 chi3
T-square; set square (carpenter's tool)
丁字镐丁字鎬ding1 zi4 gao3
hammer pick
丁字街丁字街ding1 zi4 jie1
丁字裤丁字褲ding1 zi4 ku4
thong (underwear)
丁字梁丁字梁ding1 zi4 liang2
冬字头冬字頭dong1 zi4 tou2
name of "walk slowly" component in Chinese characters; see also 夂
独体字獨體字du2 ti3 zi4
single-component character
多音多义字多音多義字duo1 yin1 duo1 yi4 zi4
character having several readings and meanings
多音字多音字duo1 yin1 zi4
character with two or more readings
多字节多字節duo1 zi4 jie2
讹字訛字e2 zi4
erroneous character; typographical error
繁体字繁體字fan2 ti3 zi4
traditional Chinese character
反义字反義字fan3 yi4 zi4
character with opposite meaning; antonym; opposite characters
方块字方塊字fang1 kuai4 zi4
Chinese characters
非拉丁字符非拉丁字符fei1 la1 ding1 zi4 fu2
non-latin letters
非数字非數字fei1 shu4 zi4
高清数字电视高清數字電視gao1 qing1 shu4 zi4 dian4 shi4
high definition digital television
个人数字助理個人數字助理ge4 ren2 shu4 zi4 zhu4 li3
personal digital assistant (PDA)
工字钢工字鋼gong1 zi4 gang1
工字梁工字梁gong1 zi4 liang2
古文字学古文字學gu3 wen2 zi4 xue2
古字古字gu3 zi4
old character; archaic form of a Chinese character
关键字關鍵字guan1 jian4 zi4
光学字符识别光學字符識別guang1 xue2 zi4 fu2 shi2 bie2
optical character recognition, OCR
国语罗马字國語羅馬字guo2 yu3 luo2 ma3 zi4
Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization system for Chinese devised by Y.R. Chao and others in 1925-26
国字國字guo2 zi4
Chinese character (Hanzi); the native script used to write a nation's language
国字脸國字臉guo2 zi4 lian3
square face
韩文字母韓文字母han2 wen2 zi4 mu3
hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Korean letters
汉语大字典漢語大字典han4 yu3 da4 zi4 dian3
Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990
汉字漢字han4 zi4
Chinese character; Japanese: kanji; Korean: hanja; Vietnamese: hán tự
汉字查字法漢字查字法han4 zi4 cha2 zi4 fa3
look-up method for Chinese characters
汉字字体漢字字體han4 zi4 zi4 ti3
calligraphic style of Chinese characters; typeface; font
合体字合體字he2 ti3 zi4
a Chinese character formed by combining existing elements - i.e. a combined ideogram 會意|会意 or radical plus phonetic 形聲|形声
黑体字黑體字hei1 ti3 zi4
bold letter
红十字紅十字hong2 shi2 zi4
Red Cross
虎字头虎字頭hu3 zi4 tou2
name of "tiger" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 141); see also 虍
画十字畫十字hua4 shi2 zi4
to make the sign of the cross; to make a cross (on paper)
划十字劃十字hua4 shi2 zi4
variant of 畫十字|画十字
会意字會意字hui4 yi4 zi4
combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements; also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds
oracle script; oracle bone character (an early form of Chinese script)
假借字假借字jia3 jie4 zi4
loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan
简化字簡化字jian3 hua4 zi4
simplified Chinese character
简体字簡體字jian3 ti3 zi4
simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字
检字表檢字表jian3 zi4 biao3
word index (of a dictionary)
检字法檢字法jian3 zi4 fa3
indexing system for Chinese characters in a dictionary
借字借字jie4 zi4
see 通假字
借字儿借字兒jie4 zi4 er5
IOU; receipt for a loan
金字金字jin1 zi4
gold lettering; gold characters
金字塔金字塔jin1 zi4 ta3
pyramid (building or structure)
井字棋井字棋jing3 zi4 qi2
旧字体舊字體jiu4 zi4 ti3
kyujitai, traditional Japanese character used before 1946
绝对数字絕對數字jue2 dui4 shu4 zi4
absolute (as opposed to relative) number
楷字楷字kai3 zi4
regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
康熙字典康熙字典kang1 xi1 zi4 dian3
the Kangxi Dictionary, named after the Kangxi Emperor, who in 1710 ordered its compilation, containing 47,035 single-character entries
克漏字克漏字ke4 lou4 zi4
cloze (loanword)
抠字眼摳字眼kou1 zi4 yan3
to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words
抠字眼儿摳字眼兒kou1 zi4 yan3 er5
erhua variant of 摳字眼|抠字眼
拉丁文字拉丁文字la1 ding1 wen2 zi4
the alphabet; latin letters
拉丁字母拉丁字母la1 ding1 zi4 mu3
Latin alphabet
老字号老字號lao3 zi4 hao4
shop, firm, or brand of merchandise with a long-established reputation
冷字冷字leng3 zi4
obscure word; unfamiliar character
例外字例外字li4 wai4 zi4
连字符連字符lian2 zi4 fu2
连字符号連字符號lian2 zi4 fu2 hao4
连字号連字號lian2 zi4 hao4
hyphen (punct.)
炼字煉字lian4 zi4
to craft one's words
练字練字lian4 zi4
to practice writing characters
六字真言六字真言liu4 zi4 zhen1 yan2
the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva (i.e. om mani padme hum)
罗马数字羅馬數字luo2 ma3 shu4 zi4
Roman numerals
罗马字羅馬字luo2 ma3 zi4
the Latin alphabet
罗马字母羅馬字母luo2 ma3 zi4 mu3
Roman letters; Roman alphabet
略字略字lve4 zi4
abbreviated character; simplified character
码字碼字ma3 zi4
numeral; digit; counter
盲字盲字mang2 zi4
Braille characters (alphabet for the blind)
米字旗米字旗mi3 zi4 qi2
Union Jack (flag of the United Kingdom)
名字名字ming2 zi5
name (of a person or thing)
默字默字mo4 zi4
to write from memory
南十字座南十字座nan2 shi2 zi4 zuo4
Crux (constellation); Southern Cross
喃字喃字nan2 zi4
Vietnam characters (like Chinese characters but native to Vietnam)
内八字脚內八字腳nei4 ba1 zi4 jiao3
intoeing; pigeon toes; knock-knees
批八字批八字pi1 ba1 zi4
to have one's fortune read; system of fortune telling based on a person's date and time of birth, according to 干支 (sexagenary cycle)
拼音文字拼音文字pin1 yin1 wen2 zi4
phonetic alphabet; alphabetic writing system
拼音字母拼音字母pin1 yin1 zi4 mu3
phonetic letters
拼字拼字pin1 zi4
平滑字平滑字ping2 hua2 zi4
sans serif (typography)
破体字破體字po4 ti3 zi5
non-standard or corrupted form of a Chinese character
破音字破音字po4 yin1 zi4
character with two or more readings; character where different readings convey different meanings (Tw)
铅活字印刷机鉛活字印刷機qian1 huo2 zi4 yin4 shua1 ji1
lead typesetting machine
铅字鉛字qian1 zi4
type; movable letters (printing)
签字簽字qian1 zi4
to sign (one's name); signature
签字笔簽字筆qian1 zi4 bi3
felt-tip pen; roller ball pen; gel ink pen
签字费簽字費qian1 zi4 fei4
signing bonus; sign-on bonus
千字节千字節qian1 zi4 jie2
千字文千字文qian1 zi4 wen2
Thousand Character Classic, 6th century poem used as a traditional reading primer
签字者簽字者qian1 zi4 zhe3
浅层文字淺層文字qian3 ceng2 wen2 zi4
shallow orthography (governed by simple rules)
蔷薇十字团薔薇十字團qiang2 wei1 shi2 zi4 tuan2
the Rosicrucian order (masonic order)
青字头青字頭qing1 zi4 tou2
"top of 青 character" component in Chinese characters
区字框區字框qu1 zi4 kuang4
name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22); see also 匚
人字洞人字洞ren2 zi4 dong4
Renzidong palaeolithic archaeological site at Fanchang 繁昌, Anhui
人字拖人字拖ren2 zi4 tuo1
flip-flops; abbr. for 人字拖鞋
人字拖鞋人字拖鞋ren2 zi4 tuo1 xie2
flip-flops; flip-flop sandals; thongs; see also 人字拖
认字認字ren4 zi4
literate; knowing how to read
三十六字母三十六字母san1 shi2 liu4 zi4 mu3
thirty six initial consonants of Song phonetic theory
三字经三字經san1 zi4 jing1
(slang) swearword; four-letter word
三字经三字經san1 zi4 jing1
Three Character Classic, 13th century reading primer consisting of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters
色字头上一把刀色字頭上一把刀se4 zi4 tou2 shang4 yi1 ba3 dao1
lit. there is a knife above the character for lust; fig. lascivious activities can lead to bitter consequences
生辰八字生辰八字sheng1 chen2 ba1 zi4
one's birth data for astrological purposes, combined from year, month, day, hour, heavenly trunk and earthly branch
生冷字生冷字sheng1 leng3 zi4
obscure or archaic character
声旁字聲旁字sheng1 pang2 zi4
character serving as sound value of another character; phonetic
生字生字sheng1 zi4
new character (in textbook); character that is unfamiliar or not yet studied
省字号省字號sheng3 zi4 hao4
an apostrophe (punct.)
识文断字識文斷字shi2 wen2 duan4 zi4
literate; a cultured person
识字識字shi2 zi4
to learn to read
十字十字shi2 zi4
cross road; cross-shaped; crucifix; the character ten
十字镐十字鎬shi2 zi4 gao3
十字花科十字花科shi2 zi4 hua1 ke1
Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic family including Brassica etc whose flowers have a cross of 4 petals)
十字架十字架shi2 zi4 jia4
cross; crucifix; yoke one has to endure
十字架刑十字架刑shi2 zi4 jia4 xing2
十字军十字軍shi2 zi4 jun1
crusaders; army of crusaders; the Crusades
十字军东征十字軍東征shi2 zi4 jun1 dong1 zheng1
the Crusades; crusaders' eastern expedition
十字军远征十字軍遠征shi2 zi4 jun1 yuan3 zheng1
the Crusades
十字路口十字路口shi2 zi4 lu4 kou3
crossroads; intersection
识字率識字率shi2 zi4 lv4
literacy rate
十字丝十字絲shi2 zi4 si1
十字头螺刀十字頭螺刀shi2 zi4 tou2 luo2 dao1
Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit)
十字形十字形shi2 zi4 xing2
cruciform; cross shape
十字绣十字繡shi2 zi4 xiu4
十字转门十字轉門shi2 zi4 zhuan4 men2
手打字机手打字機shou3 da3 zi4 ji1
hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter)
首字母首字母shou3 zi4 mu3
initial letters
首字母拚音词首字母拚音詞shou3 zi4 mu3 pin1 yin1 ci2
首字母缩写首字母縮寫shou3 zi4 mu3 suo1 xie3
熟字熟字shu2 zi4
familiar words; known Chinese character
数字數字shu4 zi4
numeral; digit; number; figure; amount; digital (electronics etc)
数字版权管理數字版權管理shu4 zi4 ban3 quan2 guan3 li3
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
数字导览设施數字導覽設施shu4 zi4 dao3 lan3 she4 shi1
digital navigation equipment
数字电路數字電路shu4 zi4 dian4 lu4
digital circuit
数字电视數字電視shu4 zi4 dian4 shi4
digital television
数字分频數字分頻shu4 zi4 fen1 pin2
digital frequency sharing
数字化數字化shu4 zi4 hua4
to digitalize; digital
数字命理学數字命理學shu4 zi4 ming4 li3 xue2
数字时钟數字時鐘shu4 zi4 shi2 zhong1
digital clock
数字通信數字通信shu4 zi4 tong1 xin4
digital communications
数字网數字網shu4 zi4 wang3
digital network
数字信号數字信號shu4 zi4 xin4 hao4
digital signal
数字用户线路數字用戶線路shu4 zi4 yong4 hu4 xian4 lu4
digital subscriber line (DSL)
数字钟數字鐘shu4 zi4 zhong1
digital clock
水底写字板水底寫字板shui3 di3 xie3 zi4 ban3
underwater writing tablet
说文解字說文解字shuo1 wen2 jie3 zi4
Shuowen Jiezi, the original Han dynasty Chinese character dictionary with 10,516 entries, authored by Xu Shen 許慎|许慎 in 2nd century
说文解字注說文解字註shuo1 wen2 jie3 zi4 zhu4
Commentary on Shuowen Jiezi (1815) by Duan Yucai 段玉裁
死文字死文字si3 wen2 zi4
dead language; indecipherable script
俗体字俗體字su2 ti3 zi4
nonstandard form of a Chinese character
俗字俗字su2 zi4
nonstandard form of a Chinese character
缩略字縮略字suo1 lve4 zi4
abbreviated character
探测字探測字tan4 ce4 zi4
probe (character)
提笔忘字提筆忘字ti2 bi3 wang4 zi4
to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters
题字題字ti2 zi4
inscription; autograph
提字器提字器ti2 zi4 qi4
通假字通假字tong1 jia3 zi4
phonetic loan character; using one character interchangeably for phonetically related characters
UCS, Chinese character coding adopted in PRC 1986; abbr. to 通用碼|通用码
通用字符集通用字符集tong1 yong4 zi4 fu2 ji2
universal character set UCS
同义字同義字tong2 yi4 zi4
同音字同音字tong2 yin1 zi4
homophonic characters
同字框同字框tong2 zi4 kuang4
name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13); see also 冂
统汉字統漢字tong3 han4 zi4
Unihan; China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs; abbr. for 中日韓統一表意文字|中日韩统一表意文字
头号字頭號字tou2 hao4 zi4
largest typeface; biggest letters
头文字頭文字tou2 wen2 zi4
initial; first letter of word (in Latin script)
吐字吐字tu3 zi4
diction; enunciation; to pronounce the words correctly (in opera)
外八字脚外八字腳wai4 ba1 zi4 jiao3
splayed feet
外八字腿外八字腿wai4 ba1 zi4 tui3
bow legs; bandy legs
未签字者未簽字者wei4 qian1 zi4 zhe3
文字文字wen2 zi4
character; script; writing; written language; writing style; phraseology
文字处理文字處理wen2 zi4 chu3 li3
word processing
文字档文字檔wen2 zi4 dang4
text file
文字改革文字改革wen2 zi4 gai3 ge2
reform of the writing system
文字学文字學wen2 zi4 xue2
文字学家文字學家wen2 zi4 xue2 jia1
expert on writing systems
文字狱文字獄wen2 zi4 yu4
literary inquisition; official persecution of intellectuals for their writing
无字碑無字碑wu2 zi4 bei1
stone tablet without inscription; blank stele
五笔字型五筆字型wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2
five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983
五笔字形五筆字形wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2
Chinese character input method for entering characters by numbered strokes; variant of 五筆字型|五笔字型
希腊字母希臘字母xi1 la4 zi4 mu3
Greek alphabet
西里尔字母西里爾字母xi1 li3 er3 zi4 mu3
Cyrillic alphabet; Cyrillic letters
习字習字xi2 zi4
to practice writing characters
香港红十字会香港紅十字會xiang1 gang3 hong2 shi2 zi4 hui4
Hong Kong Red Cross
相同名字相同名字xiang1 tong2 ming2 zi4
like-named; having the same name
象形文字象形文字xiang4 xing2 wen2 zi4
pictogram; hieroglyph
象形字象形字xiang4 xing2 zi4
pictogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character derived from a picture; sometimes called hieroglyph
小写字母小寫字母xiao3 xie3 zi4 mu3
lowercase (letters)
楔形文字楔形文字xie1 xing2 wen2 zi4
cuneiform (Babylonian script)
斜体字斜體字xie2 ti3 zi4
italic letter; slanting typeface
写字寫字xie3 zi4
to write characters
写字楼寫字樓xie3 zi4 lou2
office building
写字台寫字檯xie3 zi4 tai2
writing desk
新字体新字體xin1 zi4 ti3
shinjitai, simplified Japanese character used since 1946
形声字形聲字xing2 sheng1 zi4
radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character
许字許字xu3 zi4
颜文字顏文字yan2 wen2 zi4
Japanese-style emoticon, e.g. (⇀‸↼‶)
言字旁言字旁yan2 zi4 pang2
name of "speech" or "words" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 149); see also 訁|讠
咬文嚼字咬文嚼字yao3 wen2 jiao2 zi4
to bite words and chew characters (idiom); punctilious about minutiae of wording
咬字咬字yao3 zi4
to pronounce (clearly or otherwise); to enunciate
一致字一致字yi1 zhi4 zi4
consistent phonogram(s)
一字一字yi1 zi4
in a row; in a line
一字褒贬一字褒貶yi1 zi4 bao1 bian3
dispensing praise or blame with a single word (idiom); concise and powerful style
一字不差一字不差yi1 zi4 bu4 cha1
word for word; verbatim
一字不落一字不落yi1 zi4 bu4 la4
see 一字不漏
一字不漏一字不漏yi1 zi4 bu4 lou4
without missing a word
一字不识一字不識yi1 zi4 bu4 shi2
totally illiterate
一字不提一字不提yi1 zi4 bu4 ti2
to not mention a single word (about sth) (idiom)
一字巾一字巾yi1 zi4 jin1
headband; strip of cloth worn around the head
一字千金一字千金yi1 zi4 qian1 jin1
one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); (in praise of a piece of writing or calligraphy) each character is perfect; each word is highly valued
一字一泪一字一淚yi1 zi4 yi1 lei4
each word is a teardrop (idiom)
一字之师一字之師yi1 zi4 zhi1 shi1
one who can correct a misread or misspelt character and thus be your master
异体字異體字yi4 ti3 zi4
variant Chinese character
用字用字yong4 zi4
to use letters; to use words; diction
载酒问字載酒問字zai4 jiu3 wen4 zi4
a scholarly and inquisitive individual (idiom)
脏字髒字zang1 zi4
造字造字zao4 zi4
to create Chinese characters; cf Six Methods of forming Chinese characters 六書|六书
兆字节兆字節zhao4 zi4 jie2
megabyte (2^20 or approximately a million bytes)
斟酌字句斟酌字句zhen1 zhuo2 zi4 ju4
to measure one's words
正体字正體字zheng4 ti3 zi4
standard form of a Chinese character; (Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters
正字正字zheng4 zi4
to correct an erroneously written character; regular script (calligraphy); standard form (of a character or spelling)
正字法正字法zheng4 zi4 fa3
正字通正字通zheng4 zi4 tong1
Zhengzitong, Chinese character dictionary with 33,549 entries, edited by Ming scholar Zhang Zilie 張自烈|张自烈 in 17th century
只字不提隻字不提zhi1 zi4 bu4 ti2
not to mention (idiom); to say not one word; fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
之字路之字路zhi1 zi4 lu4
zigzag road; switchback
之字形之字形zhi1 zi4 xing2
Z-shaped; zigzag
指令名字指令名字zhi3 ling4 ming2 zi4
command name
指事字指事字zhi3 shi4 zi4
ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down; also known as self-explanatory character
中华字海中華字海zhong1 hua2 zi4 hai3
Zhonghua Zihai, the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionary with 85,568 entries, compiled in 1994
China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs; Unihan
逐字逐句逐字逐句zhu2 zi4 zhu2 ju4
literal; word by word and phrase by phrase
注音字母注音字母zhu4 yin1 zi4 mu3
see 注音符號|注音符号
转注字轉注字zhuan3 zhu4 zi4
transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character with meanings influenced by other words; sometimes called mutually explanatory character
转字锁轉字鎖zhuan4 zi4 suo3
combination lock
缀字綴字zhui4 zi4
to spell; to compose words
缀字课本綴字課本zhui4 zi4 ke4 ben3
spelling book
字串字串zi4 chuan4
character string
字词字詞zi4 ci2
letters or words; words or phrase
字典字典zi4 dian3
dictionary; character dictionary
字调字調zi4 diao4
tone of a character
字段字段zi4 duan4
(numeric, data) field
字符字符zi4 fu2
character (computing)
字符串字符串zi4 fu2 chuan4
string (computer science)
字符集字符集zi4 fu2 ji2
character set (e.g. ASCII 美國資訊交換標準碼|美国资讯交换标准码 or Unicode 統一碼|统一码)
字根字根zi4 gen1
character root; word root; etymon
字根表字根表zi4 gen1 biao3
table of components used in wubi input method 五筆輸入法|五笔输入法
字根合体字字根合體字zi4 gen1 he2 ti3 zi4
stem compound
字根通用码字根通用碼zi4 gen1 tong1 yong4 ma3
common coding for components of Chinese character; same as Zheng coding 鄭碼|郑码
字号字號zi4 hao4
characters and numbers (as used in a code); alphanumeric code; serial number
字号字號zi4 hao5
character size; font size; fame; reputation; shop; name of a shop
字画字畫zi4 hua4
the strokes of a character; calligraphy and painting
字汇字彙zi4 hui4
Zihui, Chinese character dictionary with 33,179 entries, released in 17th century
字汇字彙zi4 hui4
(computer) character repertoire; glossary, lexicon
字集字集zi4 ji2
character set
字迹字跡zi4 ji4
字脚字腳zi4 jiao3
serif; hook at the end of brushstroke
字节字節zi4 jie2
字节数字節數zi4 jie2 shu4
byte count
字句字句zi4 ju4
words; expressions; writing
字据字據zi4 ju4
written pledge; contract; IOU
字里行间字裡行間zi4 li3 hang2 jian1
between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning; connotations
字林字林zi4 lin2
Zilin, Chinese character dictionary with 12,824 entries from ca. 400 AD
字码字碼zi4 ma3
character code
字谜字謎zi4 mi2
letter puzzle
字面字面zi4 mian4
literal; typeface
字母字母zi4 mu3
letter (of the alphabet)
字母表字母表zi4 mu3 biao3
字母顺序字母順序zi4 mu3 shun4 xu4
order of letters in an alphabet
字幕字幕zi4 mu4
caption; subtitle
字首字首zi4 shou3
字书字書zi4 shu1
character book (i.e. school primer)
字数字數zi4 shu4
number of written characters; number of words; word count
字素字素zi4 su4
字体字體zi4 ti3
calligraphic style; typeface; font
字条字條zi4 tiao2
brief note
字帖字帖zi4 tie4
copybook (for calligraphy)
字图字圖zi4 tu2
字尾字尾zi4 wei3
字型字型zi4 xing2
font; typeface
字形字形zi4 xing2
form of a Chinese character; variant of 字型
字眼字眼zi4 yan3
字样字樣zi4 yang4
model or template character; written slogan or phrase; mention (e.g. "air mail" 航空 on a letter, "first draft" 初稿 on a document etc)
字义字義zi4 yi4
meaning of a character
字音字音zi4 yin1
phonetic value of a character
字源字源zi4 yuan2
Chinese character etymology
字元字元zi4 yuan2
character (computing) (Tw)
字元集字元集zi4 yuan2 ji2
character set
字斟句酌字斟句酌zi4 zhen1 ju4 zhuo2
weighing every word
字正腔圆字正腔圓zi4 zheng4 qiang1 yuan2
(of singing or speaking) very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing
字纸篓字紙簍zi4 zhi3 lou3
wastepaper basket
字纸篓子字紙簍子zi4 zhi3 lou3 zi5
see 字紙簍|字纸篓
字字珠玉字字珠玉zi4 zi4 zhu1 yu4
every word a gem (idiom); magnificent writing
字组字組zi4 zu3
block (of data); code word
综合业务数字网綜合業務數字網zong1 he2 ye4 wu4 shu4 zi4 wang3
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (computing)
纵横字谜縱橫字謎zong4 heng2 zi4 mi2
走背字走背字zou3 bei4 zi4
to have bad luck
走背字儿走背字兒zou3 bei4 zi4 er5
erhua variant of 走背字
组字組字zu3 zi4
word formation
左字头左字頭zuo3 zi4 tou2
"top of 左 character" component in Chinese characters