a flower may blossom again, but a person cannot get young again (proverb)
或多或少或多或少huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3
more or less
积少成多積少成多ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1
Many little things add up to sth great.; Many little drops make an ocean. (idiom)
极少極少ji2 shao3
very little; very few
极少数極少數ji2 shao3 shu4
extremely few; a small minority
减少減少jian3 shao3
to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower
较少較少jiao4 shao3
空中少爷空中少爺kong1 zhong1 shao4 ye5
airline steward
狼多肉少狼多肉少lang2 duo1 rou4 shao3
many wolves and not enough meat; not enough to go around
老来少老來少lao3 lai2 shao4
old but young at heart
老少老少lao3 shao4
the old and the young
老少皆宜老少皆宜lao3 shao4 jie1 yi2
suitable for both the young and the old
老少无欺老少無欺lao3 shao4 wu2 qi1
cheating neither old nor young; treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously; Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike.
老少咸宜老少咸宜lao3 shao4 xian2 yi2
suitable for young and old
刘少奇劉少奇liu2 shao4 qi2
Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969), Chinese communist leader, a martyr of the Cultural Revolution
男女老少男女老少nan2 nv3 lao3 shao4
men, women, young and old; all kinds of people; people of all ages
年少年少nian2 shao4
young; junior
年少无知年少無知nian2 shao4 wu2 zhi1
young and inexperienced; unsophisticated
诺克少諾克少nuo4 ke4 shao3
Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania (Tw)
钱多事少离家近錢多事少離家近qian2 duo1 shi4 shao3 li2 jia1 jin4
lots of money, less work, and close to home; ideal job
青少年青少年qing1 shao4 nian2
adolescent; youth; teenager
缺少缺少que1 shao3
lack; shortage of; shortfall; to be short (of); to lack
缺心少肺缺心少肺que1 xin1 shao3 fei4
brainless; stupid
缺衣少食缺衣少食que1 yi1 shao3 shi2
short of food and clothing; destitute
人烟稀少人煙稀少ren2 yan1 xi1 shao3
no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate
僧多粥少僧多粥少seng1 duo1 zhou1 shao3
lit. many monks and not much gruel (idiom); fig. not enough to go around; demand exceeds supply
少安无躁少安無躁shao3 an1 wu2 zao4
variant of 少安毋躁
少安毋躁少安毋躁shao3 an1 wu2 zao4
keep calm, don't get excited; don't be impatient
少不得少不得shao3 bu5 de2
cannot be avoided; cannot do without
少不了少不了shao3 bu5 liao3
cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many
少成多少成多shao3 cheng2 duo1
Many little things add up to sth great (idiom); many a mickle makes a muckle
少放少放shao3 fang4
to add less (of a spice etc)
少府少府shao3 fu3
Minor Treasurer in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿
少根筋少根筋shao3 gen1 jin1
(coll.) dim-witted; foolish; absent-minded
少管闲事少管閒事shao3 guan3 xian2 shi4
Mind your own business!; Don't interfere!
少见少見shao3 jian4
rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see
少间少間shao3 jian4
soon; a short while; a narrow gap; slightly better (state of health)
少见多怪少見多怪shao3 jian4 duo1 guai4
lit. rarely seen, very strange (idiom); to express amazement due to lack of experience; naive expression of excitement due to ignorance
少刻少刻shao3 ke4
a short while; soon
少块肉少塊肉shao3 kuai4 rou4
(coll.) (usually used in the negative) (can't) hurt (to do sth); (won't) hurt (to do sth)
少来少來shao3 lai2
refrain (from doing sth); (coll.) Come on!; Give me a break!; Save it!
少量少量shao3 liang4
a smidgen; a little bit; a few
少顷少頃shao3 qing3
in a short while; presently
少数少數shao3 shu4
small number; few; minority
少数民族少數民族shao3 shu4 min2 zu2
national minority; ethnic group
少数民族乡少數民族鄉shao3 shu4 min2 zu2 xiang1
ethnic township (formal village level subdivision of PRC county)
少说为佳少說為佳shao3 shuo1 wei2 jia1
Few words are best.; Brevity is the soul of wit.
少突胶质少突膠質shao3 tu1 jiao1 zhi4
oligodendrocytes (Greek: cells with few branches), a type of cell in central nervous system; oligodendroglia
少许少許shao3 xu3
a little; a few
少选少選shao3 xuan3
(literary) a little while
少阳病少陽病shao3 yang2 bing4
name of disease in TCM
少阳经少陽經shao3 yang2 jing1
one of the channels of TCM
少有少有shao3 you3
rare; infrequent
少之又少少之又少shao3 zhi1 you4 shao3
very few; very little
少艾少艾shao4 ai4
young and pretty; pretty girl
少东少東shao4 dong1
boss's son; young master
少儿少兒shao4 er2
少儿不宜少兒不宜shao4 er2 bu4 yi2
not suitable for children
少妇少婦shao4 fu4
young married woman
少将少將shao4 jiang4
major general; rear admiral; air vice marshal
少林少林shao4 lin2
the Shaolin monastery and martial arts school
少林寺少林寺shao4 lin2 si4
Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks
少奶奶少奶奶shao4 nai3 nai5
young lady of the house; wife of the young master
少男少女少男少女shao4 nan2 shao4 nv3
boys and girls; teenagers
少年少年shao4 nian2
youngster; juvenile
少年犯少年犯shao4 nian2 fan4
young criminal; juvenile delinquent
少年宫少年宮shao4 nian2 gong1
Children's Palace, institution where children can take part in various extracurricular activities
少年老成少年老成shao4 nian2 lao3 cheng2
accomplished though young; lacking youthful vigor
少年先锋队少年先鋒隊shao4 nian2 xian1 feng1 dui4
Young Pioneers of China (primary school league, a preparation for Communist Youth League); abbr. to 少先隊|少先队