lit. peace when you come or go; peace wherever you go
打抱不平打抱不平da3 bao4 bu4 ping2
to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice; to fight for justice; also written 抱打不平
打成平手打成平手da3 cheng2 ping2 shou3
to draw (a competition); to fight to a standstill
邓小平鄧小平deng4 xiao3 ping2
Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese communist leader, de facto leader of PRC 1978-1990 and creator of "socialism with Chinese characteristics"
邓小平理论鄧小平理論deng4 xiao3 ping2 li3 lun4
Deng Xiaoping Theory; Dengism; the foundation of PRC economic development after the cultural revolution, building the capitalist economy within Chinese communist party control
地平线地平線di4 ping2 xian4
垫平墊平dian4 ping2
to level (surfaces)
东北平原東北平原dong1 bei3 ping2 yuan2
Northeast Plain, also called the Manchurian Plain
东欧平原東歐平原dong1 ou1 ping2 yuan2
East European Plain
东平東平dong1 ping2
Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安, Shandong
东平县東平縣dong1 ping2 xian4
Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安, Shandong
东太平洋東太平洋dong1 tai4 ping2 yang2
east Pacific
东太平洋隆起東太平洋隆起dong1 tai4 ping2 yang2 long2 qi3
East Pacific rise (a mid-oceanic ridge stretching from California down to Antarctica)
动平衡動平衡dong4 ping2 heng2
dynamic equilibrium; dynamic balancing
多平台多平臺duo1 ping2 tai2
multi-platform (computing)
恩平恩平en1 ping2
Enping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong
恩平市恩平市en1 ping2 shi4
Enping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong
放平放平fang4 ping2
to set level; to lay flat
非平衡非平衡fei1 ping2 heng2
non-equilibrium; disequilibrium; unbalance
非平衡态非平衡態fei1 ping2 heng2 tai4
unbalance; disequilibrium
粉饰太平粉飾太平fen3 shi4 tai4 ping2
to pretend that everything is going well
忿忿不平忿忿不平fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2
variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平
愤愤不平憤憤不平fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2
to feel indignant; to feel aggrieved
风平浪静風平浪靜feng1 ping2 lang4 jing4
lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; all is quiet; a dead calm (at sea)
抚平撫平fu3 ping2
to flatten; to smooth down; to unwrinkle; (fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds); to heal (scars)
阜平阜平fu4 ping2
see 阜平縣|阜平县
富平富平fu4 ping2
Fuping County in Weinan 渭南, Shaanxi
复平面複平面fu4 ping2 mian4
complex plane
阜平县阜平縣fu4 ping2 xian4
Fuping county, Baoding, Hebei
富平县富平縣fu4 ping2 xian4
Fuping County in Weinan 渭南, Shaanxi
复数平面複數平面fu4 shu4 ping2 mian4
complex plane (math.); Argand plane
高平高平gao1 ping2
Gaoping, city in 山西; Cao Bang, Vietnam
高平市高平市gao1 ping2 shi4
Gaoping county level city in Jincheng 晉城|晋城, Shanxi
高平县高平縣gao1 ping2 xian4
Gaoping County in southern Shanxi
歌舞升平歌舞升平ge1 wu3 sheng1 ping2
lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom); fig. to make a show of happiness and prosperity
公平公平gong1 ping2
fair; impartial
公平合理公平合理gong1 ping2 he2 li3
fair; equitable
公平交易公平交易gong1 ping2 jiao1 yi4
fair dealing
公平竞争公平競爭gong1 ping2 jing4 zheng1
fair competition
公平贸易公平貿易gong1 ping2 mao4 yi4
fair trade
公平审判权公平審判權gong1 ping2 shen3 pan4 quan2
the right to a fair trial
关中平原關中平原guan1 zhong1 ping2 yuan2
Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河
广平廣平guang3 ping2
Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸, Hebei
广平县廣平縣guang3 ping2 xian4
Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸, Hebei
桂平桂平gui4 ping2
Guiping county level city in Guigang 貴港|贵港, Guangxi
桂平市桂平市gui4 ping2 shi4
Guiping county level city in Guigang 貴港|贵港, Guangxi
国际和平基金会國際和平基金會guo2 ji4 he2 ping2 ji1 jin1 hui4
international peace foundation
海平面海平面hai3 ping2 mian4
sea level
汉语水平考试漢語水平考試han4 yu3 shui3 ping2 kao3 shi4
HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)
和平和平he2 ping2
peace; peaceful
和平和平he2 ping2
Heping district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning; Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams)
平手平手ping2 shou3
(sports) draw; tie
平顺平順ping2 shun4
Pingshun, county in Shanxi
平顺平順ping2 shun4
smooth; smooth-going; plain sailing
平顺县平順縣ping2 shun4 xian4
Pingshun county, Shanxi
平素平素ping2 su4
usually; habitually; ordinarily; normally
平台平臺ping2 tai2
platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
平摊平攤ping2 tan1
to spread out; (fig.) to share equally
平潭平潭ping2 tan2
Pingtan county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
平潭县平潭縣ping2 tan2 xian4
Pingtan county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
平坦平坦ping2 tan3
level; even; smooth; flat
平塘平塘ping2 tang2
Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
平塘县平塘縣ping2 tang2 xian4
Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
平天下平天下ping2 tian1 xia4
to pacify the country
平头平頭ping2 tou2
flattop; crew cut; common (people)
平头百姓平頭百姓ping2 tou2 bai3 xing4
common people
平纹平紋ping2 wen2
plain weave
平稳平穩ping2 wen3
smooth; steady
平芜平蕪ping2 wu2
open grassland
平武平武ping2 wu3
Pingwu county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳, north Sichuan
平武县平武縣ping2 wu3 xian4
Pingwu county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳, north Sichuan
平息平息ping2 xi1
to settle (a dispute); to quieten down; to suppress
平溪平溪ping2 xi1
Pingxi or Pinghsi township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
平溪乡平溪鄉ping2 xi1 xiang1
Pingxi or Pinghsi township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
平乡平鄉ping2 xiang1
Pingxiang county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei
平乡县平鄉縣ping2 xiang1 xian4
Pingxiang county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei
平信平信ping2 xin4
ordinary mail (as opposed to air mail etc)
平行平行ping2 xing2
parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous
平行公设平行公設ping2 xing2 gong1 she4
the parallel postulate (geometry); Euclid's fifth postulate
平型关平型關ping2 xing2 guan1
Pingxing pass on the Great Wall near Datong, famous for victory over the Japanese in Sep 1937
平型关大捷平型關大捷ping2 xing2 guan1 da4 jie2
victory of Pingxingguan pass, famous victory of Republican Chinese forces over the Japanese in Sep 1937
平行时空平行時空ping2 xing2 shi2 kong1
parallel universe
平行四边形平行四邊形ping2 xing2 si4 bian1 xing2
平行线平行線ping2 xing2 xian4
parallel lines
平胸平胸ping2 xiong1
平阳平陽ping2 yang2
Pingyang county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang
平阳县平陽縣ping2 yang2 xian4
Pingyang county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang
平遥平遙ping2 yao2
Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
平遥县平遙縣ping2 yao2 xian4
Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
平野平野ping2 ye3
Hirano (Japanese surname)
平移平移ping2 yi2
translation (geometry)
平易平易ping2 yi4
amiable (manner); unassuming; written in plain language; easy to take in
平抑平抑ping2 yi4
to stabilize; to keep (prices, vermin etc) under control
平邑平邑ping2 yi4
Pingyi county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂, Shandong
平易近人平易近人ping2 yi4 jin4 ren2
amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand
平邑县平邑縣ping2 yi4 xian4
Pingyi county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂, Shandong
平阴平陰ping2 yin1
Pingyin county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南, Shandong
平阴县平陰縣ping2 yin1 xian4
Pingyin county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南, Shandong
平印平印ping2 yin4
lithography; abbr. for 平版印刷
平庸平庸ping2 yong1
mediocre; indifferent; commonplace
平庸之辈平庸之輩ping2 yong1 zhi1 bei4
a nobody; a nonentity
平舆平輿ping2 yu2
Ping'yu county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
平舆县平輿縣ping2 yu2 xian4
Ping'yu county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
平原平原ping2 yuan2
field; plain
平原鹨平原鷚ping2 yuan2 liu4
(bird species of China) tawny pipit (Anthus campestris)
平原县平原縣ping2 yuan2 xian4
Pingyuan county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong
平远平遠ping2 yuan3
Pingyuan county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong
平远县平遠縣ping2 yuan3 xian4
Pingyuan county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong
平月平月ping2 yue4
February of a common year
平仄平仄ping2 ze4
level and oblique tones (technical term for classical Chinese rhythmic poetry)
平镇平鎮ping2 zhen4
Pingzhen or Pingchen city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县, north Taiwan
平镇市平鎮市ping2 zhen4 shi4
Pingzhen or Pingchen city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县, north Taiwan
平整平整ping2 zheng3
smooth; level; to level off; to flatten (remove bumps)
平直平直ping2 zhi2
smooth; level
平装平裝ping2 zhuang1
paperback; paper-cover
平装本平裝本ping2 zhuang1 ben3
paperback (book)
铺平鋪平pu1 ping2
to spread out (material); to pave (the way, a road etc)
气不平氣不平qi4 bu4 ping2
angry at unfairness
切平面切平面qie1 ping2 mian4
tangent plane (to a surface)
饶平饒平rao2 ping2
Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州, Guangdong
饶平县饒平縣rao2 ping2 xian4
Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州, Guangdong
热动平衡熱動平衡re4 dong4 ping2 heng2
thermodynamic equilibrium
日经平均日經平均ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1
Nikkei 225 stock market index
日经平均指数日經平均指數ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei 225 stock market index
日经平均指数日經平均指數ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei index
软件平台軟件平臺ruan3 jian4 ping2 tai2
software platform
三江平原三江平原san1 jiang1 ping2 yuan2
Sanjiang or Three rivers plain in Heilongjiang, vast wetland watered by Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江 or Amur, Songhua 松花江, Ussuri 烏蘇里江|乌苏里江
社会平等社會平等she4 hui4 ping2 deng3
social equality
生活水平生活水平sheng1 huo2 shui3 ping2
living standards
生平生平sheng1 ping2
life (a person's whole life); in one's entire life
生平简介生平簡介sheng1 ping2 jian3 jie4
biographic sketch
生平事迹生平事跡sheng1 ping2 shi4 ji4
lifetime achievements
十二平均律十二平均律shi2 er4 ping2 jun1 lv4
equal temperament
世界和平世界和平shi4 jie4 he2 ping2
world peace
收支平衡点收支平衡點shou1 zhi1 ping2 heng2 dian3
break-even point
水平水平shui3 ping2
level (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal
水平尺水平尺shui3 ping2 chi3
spirit level
水平面水平面shui3 ping2 mian4
horizontal plane; level surface; water level
水平尾翼水平尾翼shui3 ping2 wei3 yi4
(aviation) tailplane; horizontal stabilizer
水平仪水平儀shui3 ping2 yi2
level (device to determine horizontal); spirit level; surveyor's level
水平轴水平軸shui3 ping2 zhou2
horizontal shaft; horizontal axis (math.)
顺平順平shun4 ping2
Shunping county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
顺平县順平縣shun4 ping2 xian4
Shunping county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
四海升平四海升平si4 hai3 sheng1 ping2
lit. all four oceans are peaceful; worldwide peace (idiom)
四平四平si4 ping2
Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
四平八稳四平八穩si4 ping2 ba1 wen3
everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary
四平地区四平地區si4 ping2 di4 qu1
former Siping prefecture, Jilin
四平市四平市si4 ping2 shi4
Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
松辽平原松遼平原song1 liao2 ping2 yuan2
Songliao Plain of northeast China including Songhua River 松花江 through the Liaoning Peninsula, also called the Northeast Plain 東北平原|东北平原
素昧平生素昧平生su4 mei4 ping2 sheng1
to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted; a complete stranger; not to know sb from Adam
算术平均算術平均suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1
arithmetic mean (math.)
算术平均数算術平均數suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 shu4
arithmetic mean
遂平遂平sui4 ping2
Suiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
遂平县遂平縣sui4 ping2 xian4
Suiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
岁岁平安歲歲平安sui4 sui4 ping2 an1
May you have peace year after year (New Year's greeting)
缩微平片縮微平片suo1 wei1 ping2 pian4
索尔兹伯里平原索爾茲伯里平原suo3 er3 zi1 bo2 li3 ping2 yuan2
Salisbury plain
太平太平tai4 ping2
place name
太平太平tai4 ping2
peace and security
太平公主太平公主tai4 ping2 gong1 zhu3
Princess Taiping (c. 665-713), Tang Dynasty princess, politically powerful and known for her beauty
太平广记太平廣記tai4 ping2 guang3 ji4
Extensive records of the Taiping era (978), fictional history edited by Li Fang 李昉
太平间太平間tai4 ping2 jian1
mortuary; morgue
太平门太平門tai4 ping2 men2
emergency exit
太平鸟太平鳥tai4 ping2 niao3
(bird species of China) Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)
太平区太平區tai4 ping2 qu1
Taiping district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning
太平绅士太平紳士tai4 ping2 shen1 shi4
Justice of the Peace (JP)
太平盛世太平盛世tai4 ping2 sheng4 shi4
peace and prosperity (idiom)
太平市太平市tai4 ping2 shi4
Taiping city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
太平天国太平天國tai4 ping2 tian1 guo2
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864)
太平洋太平洋tai4 ping2 yang2
Pacific Ocean
太平洋联合铁路太平洋聯合鐵路tai4 ping2 yang2 lian2 he2 tie3 lu4
Union Pacific Railroad
太平洋潜鸟太平洋潛鳥tai4 ping2 yang2 qian2 niao3
(bird species of China) Pacific loon (Gavia pacifica)
太平洋区域太平洋區域tai4 ping2 yang2 qu1 yu4
the Pacific Region; the Pacific Rim
太平洋战争太平洋戰爭tai4 ping2 yang2 zhan4 zheng1
Pacific War between Japan and the US, 1941-1945
太平洋周边太平洋周邊tai4 ping2 yang2 zhou1 bian1
variant of 太平洋週邊|太平洋周边, Pacific Rim
太平洋周边太平洋週邊tai4 ping2 yang2 zhou1 bian1
Pacific Rim
太平御览太平御覽tai4 ping2 yu4 lan3
Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era, general Song dynasty encyclopedia compiled during 977-983 under Li Fang 李昉, 1000 scrolls
烫平燙平tang4 ping2
to press (clothes); to iron out (wrinkles)
讨平討平tao3 ping2
to put down (an uprising); to pacify
天平天平tian1 ping2
scales (to weigh things)
天平动天平動tian1 ping2 dong4
(astronomy) libration
天下太平天下太平tian1 xia4 tai4 ping2
the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
调和平均数調和平均數tiao2 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4
harmonic mean
透平透平tou4 ping2
turbine (loanword)
透平机透平機tou4 ping2 ji1
万丈高楼平地起萬丈高樓平地起wan4 zhang4 gao1 lou2 ping2 di4 qi3
towering buildings are built up from the ground (idiom); great oaks from little acorns grow
王平王平wang2 ping2
Wang Ping (1962-2013), PRC crosstalk actor
网路平台網路平台wang3 lu4 ping2 tai2
network platform
维护和平維護和平wei2 hu4 he2 ping2
to uphold peace
文化水平文化水平wen2 hua4 shui3 ping2
educational level
武平武平wu3 ping2
Wuping county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
武平县武平縣wu3 ping2 xian4
Wuping county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
西平西平xi1 ping2
Xiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
熹平石经熹平石經xi1 ping2 shi2 jing1
Xiping steles, calligraphic work on carved steles of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD)
西平县西平縣xi1 ping2 xian4
Xiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
西太平洋西太平洋xi1 tai4 ping2 yang2
the western Pacific Ocean
习近平習近平xi2 jin4 ping2
Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, General Secretary of the CPC from 2012, President of the PRC from 2013
先进水平先進水平xian1 jin4 shui3 ping2
advanced level
向巴平措向巴平措xiang4 ba1 ping2 cuo4
Qiangba Puncog (1947-), chairman of government of Tibet (i.e. governor)
before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises (idiom); a new problem arises before the old is solved; many twists and turns to a story; one thing after another
一路平安一路平安yi1 lu4 ping2 an1
to have a pleasant journey; Bon voyage!
一马平川一馬平川yi1 ma3 ping2 chuan1
flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country