surname Zhang

to open up; to spread; sheet of paper; classifier for flat objects, sheet; classifier for votes

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
表面张力 表面張力 biao3 mian4 zhang1 li4
surface tension

不事张扬 不事張揚 bu4 shi4 zhang1 yang2
quietly; without ostentation

弛张热 弛張熱 chi2 zhang1 re4
remittent fever

创伤后心理压力紧张综合症 創傷後心理壓力緊張綜合症 chuang1 shang1 hou4 xin1 li3 ya1 li4 jin3 zhang1 zong1 he2 zheng4
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

大张旗鼓 大張旗鼓 da4 zhang1 qi2 gu3
with great fanfare

大张声势 大張聲勢 da4 zhang1 sheng1 shi4
to spread one's voice wide (idiom); wide publicity

大张挞伐 大張撻伐 da4 zhang1 ta4 fa2
to launch an all-out attack (idiom); to roundly condemn; to castigate

单张 單張 dan1 zhang1
flyer; leaflet; single-sheet (map etc)

单张汇票 單張匯票 dan1 zhang1 hui4 piao4
sola bill of exchange (international trade)

东张西望 東張西望 dong1 zhang1 xi1 wang4
to look in all directions (idiom); to glance around

纲举目张 綱舉目張 gang1 ju3 mu4 zhang1
if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open (idiom); take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves; (of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered

更张 更張 geng1 zhang1
lit. to restring one's bow; to reform and start over again

乖张 乖張 guai1 zhang1
recalcitrant; unreasonable; peevish

过度紧张 過度緊張 guo4 du4 jin3 zhang1
hypertension; excessive stress

海底扩张 海底擴張 hai3 di3 kuo4 zhang1
seafloor spreading (geology)

海底扩张说 海底擴張說 hai3 di3 kuo4 zhang1 shuo1
theory of seafloor spreading (geology)

慌慌张张 慌慌張張 huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1

慌张 慌張 huang1 zhang1
confused; flustered

剑拔弩张 劍拔弩張 jian4 ba2 nu3 zhang1
lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility; at daggers drawn

角弓反张 角弓反張 jiao3 gong1 fan3 zhang1
opitoshtonous (med.), muscular spasm of the body associated with tetanus and meningitis

紧张 緊張 jin3 zhang1
nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce

紧张缓和 緊張緩和 jin3 zhang1 huan3 he2

紧张状态 緊張狀態 jin3 zhang1 zhuang4 tai4
tense situation; standoff

静脉曲张 靜脈曲張 jing4 mai4 qu1 zhang1
varicose veins

开张 開張 kai1 zhang1
to open a business; first transaction of a business day

夸张 誇張 kua1 zhang1
to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; extreme; ridiculous

扩张 擴張 kuo4 zhang1
expansion; dilation; to expand (e.g. one's power or influence); to broaden

明目张胆 明目張膽 ming2 mu4 zhang1 dan3
openly and without fear; brazenly

女修道张 女修道張 nv3 xiu1 dao4 zhang1

铺张 鋪張 pu1 zhang1
ostentation; extravagance

铺张浪费 鋪張浪費 pu1 zhang1 lang4 fei4
extravagance and waste (idiom)

七嘴八张 七嘴八張 qi1 zui3 ba1 zhang1
see 七嘴八舌

伸张 伸張 shen1 zhang1
to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue); to promote

声张 聲張 sheng1 zhang1
to make public; to disclose

失张失智 失張失智 shi1 zhang1 shi1 zhi4
out of one's mind

十三张 十三張 shi2 san1 zhang1
Chinese poker

舒张 舒張 shu1 zhang1
to relax and expand; (physiology) diastole

舒张压 舒張壓 shu1 zhang1 ya1
diastolic blood pressure

尾张国 尾張國 wei3 zhang1 guo2
Owari or Owari-no-kuni, Japanese fiefdom during 11th-15th century, current Aichi prefecture around Nagoya

嚣张 囂張 xiao1 zhang1
rampant; unbridled; arrogant; aggressive

嚣张跋扈 囂張跋扈 xiao1 zhang1 ba2 hu4
arrogant and despotic

嚣张气焰 囂張氣焰 xiao1 zhang1 qi4 yan4
overweening attitude; threatening manner

心脏舒张压 心臟舒張壓 xin1 zang4 shu1 zhang1 ya1
diastolic blood pressure

虚张声势 虛張聲勢 xu1 zhang1 sheng1 shi4
(false) bravado; to bluff

血脉偾张 血脈僨張 xue4 mai4 fen4 zhang1
lit. blood vessels swell wide (idiom); fig. one's blood runs quicker; to be excited

血清张力素 血清張力素 xue4 qing1 zhang1 li4 su4

张爱玲 張愛玲 zhang1 ai4 ling2
Eileen Chang (1920-1995), famous Chinese-American novelist

张宝 張寶 zhang1 bao3
Zhang Bao (-184), leader of the Yellow Turban rebels during the late Han 漢朝|汉朝

张北 張北 zhang1 bei3
Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口, Hebei

张北县 張北縣 zhang1 bei3 xian4
Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口, Hebei

张斌 張斌 zhang1 bin1
Zhang Bin (1979-), CCTV sports presenter

张伯伦 張伯倫 zhang1 bo2 lun2
Chamberlain (name); Wilt Chamberlain (1936-1999), US basketball player

张柏芝 張柏芝 zhang1 bo2 zhi1
Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer

张敞 張敞 zhang1 chang2
Zhang Chang, official and scholar of the Western Han dynasty

张成泽 張成澤 zhang1 cheng2 ze2
Jang Seong-taek or Chang Sŏngt'aek (1946-2013), brother-in-law of Kim Jong-il 金正日, uncle and regent of Kim Jong-un 金正恩

张弛 張弛 zhang1 chi2
tension and relaxation

张春帆 張春帆 zhang1 chun1 fan1
Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The Nine-tailed Turtle 九尾龜|九尾龟

张春桥 張春橋 zhang1 chun1 qiao2
Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four

张纯如 張純如 zhang1 chun2 ru2
Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese American historian and author of the Rape of Nanjing

张大千 張大千 zhang1 da4 qian1
Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), one of the greatest Chinese artists of the 20th century

张岱 張岱 zhang1 dai4
Zhang Dai (1597-c. 1684), late Ming scholar

张丹 張丹 zhang1 dan1
Zhang Dan (1985-), Chinese figure skater

张德江 張德江 zhang1 de2 jiang1
Zhang Dejiang (1946-), PRC politician

张灯结彩 張燈結彩 zhang1 deng1 jie2 cai3
to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)

张店 張店 zhang1 dian4
Zhangdian district of Zibo city 淄博市, Shandong

张店区 張店區 zhang1 dian4 qu1
Zhangdian district of Zibo city 淄博市, Shandong

张二鸿 張二鴻 zhang1 er4 hong2
Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 (1952-), British-Chinese writer, author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅 and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事

张飞 張飛 zhang1 fei1
Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, famous as fearsome fighter and lover of wine

张飞打岳飞 張飛打岳飛 zhang1 fei1 da3 yue4 fei1
lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei; fig. an impossible combination; an impossible turn of events (idiom)

张高丽 張高麗 zhang1 gao1 li4
Zhang Gaoli (1946-), PRC politician

张挂 張掛 zhang1 gua4
to hang up (a picture, banner, mosquito net etc)

张冠李戴 張冠李戴 zhang1 guan1 li3 dai4
lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head; to attribute sth to the wrong person (idiom); to confuse one thing with another

张国荣 張國榮 zhang1 guo2 rong2
Leslie Cheung (1956-2003), Hong Kong singer and actor

张国焘 張國燾 zhang1 guo2 tao1
Zhang Guotao (1897-1979), Chinese communist leader in the 1920s and 1930s, defected to Guomindang in 1938

张衡 張衡 zhang1 heng2
Zhang Heng (78-139) great Han dynasty astronomer and mathematician

张华 張華 zhang1 hua4
Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writer, poet and politician; Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank; other Zhang Hua's too numerous to mention

张皇 張皇 zhang1 huang2
alarmed; flustered

张惶 張惶 zhang1 huang2
variant of 張皇|张皇

张皇失措 張皇失措 zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4
panic-stricken (idiom); to be in a flustered state; also written 張惶失措|张惶失措

张惠妹 張惠妹 zhang1 hui4 mei4
A-Mei, aka Gulilai Amit (1972-), aboriginal Taiwanese pop singer

张籍 張籍 zhang1 ji2
Zhang Ji (767-830), Tang Dynasty poet

张家长,李家短 張家長,李家短 zhang1 jia1 chang2 - li3 jia1 duan3
lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis (idiom); to gossip about the neighbors

张家川回族自治县 張家川回族自治縣 zhang1 jia1 chuan1 hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Zhanjiachuan Huizu autonomous county in Gansu

张家港 張家港 zhang1 jia1 gang3
Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州, Jiangsu

张家港市 張家港市 zhang1 jia1 gang3 shi4
Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州, Jiangsu

张家界 張家界 zhang1 jia1 jie4
Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan, formerly Dayong 大庸

张家界市 張家界市 zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4
Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan

张家口 張家口 zhang1 jia1 kou3
Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei

张家口地区 張家口地區 zhang1 jia1 kou3 di4 qu1
Zhangjiakou prefecture in Hebei

张家口市 張家口市 zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4
Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei

张静初 張靜初 zhang1 jing4 chu1
Zhang Jingchu (1980-), PRC actress

张居正 張居正 zhang1 ju1 zheng4
Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee

张角 張角 zhang1 jue2
Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yellow turban rebels during the late Han

张开 張開 zhang1 kai1
to open up; to spread; to extend

张口 張口 zhang1 kou3
to gape; to yawn; to open one's mouth; to start speaking; to talk carelessly; to talk out of place

张口结舌 張口結舌 zhang1 kou3 jie2 she2
agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words; gaping and speechless

张狂 張狂 zhang1 kuang2
brash; insolent; frantic

张力 張力 zhang1 li4

张量 張量 zhang1 liang4
tensor (math.)

张罗 張羅 zhang1 luo5
to take care of; to raise money; to attend to (guests, customers etc)

张曼玉 張曼玉 zhang1 man4 yu4
Maggie Cheung (1964-), Hong Kong actress

张目 張目 zhang1 mu4
to open one's eyes wide

张宁 張寧 zhang1 ning2
Zhang Ning (1975-), PRC female badminton player and Olympic gold medalist

张溥 張溥 zhang1 pu3
Zhang Pu (1602-1641), Ming dynasty scholar and prolific writer, proponent of 複社|复社 cultural renewal movement, author of Five tombstone inscriptions 五人墓碑記|五人墓碑记

张骞 張騫 zhang1 qian1
Zhang Qian (-114 BC), Han dynasty explorer of 2nd century BC

张秋 張秋 zhang1 qiu1
Cho Chang (Harry Potter)

张戎 張戎 zhang1 rong2
Jung Chang (1952-), British-Chinese writer, name at birth Zhang Erhong 張二鴻|张二鸿, author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅 and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事

张若虚 張若虛 zhang1 ruo4 xu1
Zhang Ruoxu (c. 660-720), Tang dynasty poet, author of yuefu poem River on a spring night 春江花月夜

张三 張三 zhang1 san1
John Doe; Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四, 王五 Tom, Dick and Harry

张三,李四,王五,赵六 張三,李四,王五,趙六 zhang1 san1 - li3 si4 - wang2 wu3 - zhao4 liu4
four proverbial names; Tom, Dick and Harry

张三李四 張三李四 zhang1 san1 li3 si4
Zhang and Li (idiom); Zhang with tight trousers and Li with wide hat; Tom, Dick and Harry

张僧繇 張僧繇 zhang1 seng1 you2
Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家

张韶涵 張韶涵 zhang1 shao2 han2
Angela Chang (1982-), Taiwanese pop singer and actress

张太雷 張太雷 zhang1 tai4 lei2
Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding member of Chinese communist party

张天翼 張天翼 zhang1 tian1 yi4
Zhang Tian'yi (1906-1985), children's writer, author of prize-winning fairy tale Secret of the Magic Gourd 寶葫蘆的秘密|宝葫芦的秘密

张贴 張貼 zhang1 tie1
to post (a notice); to advertise

张廷玉 張廷玉 zhang1 ting2 yu4
Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史 and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典

张湾 張灣 zhang1 wan1
Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市, Hubei

张湾区 張灣區 zhang1 wan1 qu1
Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市, Hubei

张王李赵 張王李趙 zhang1 wang2 li3 zhao4
anyone; Mr Average; any Tom, Dick or Harry

张望 張望 zhang1 wang4
to look around; to peep (through a crack); to peer at; to throw a look at

张闻天 張聞天 zhang1 wen2 tian1
Zhang Wentian (1900-1976), CCP party leader and theorist

张献忠 張獻忠 zhang1 xian4 zhong1
Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), leader of a late-Ming peasant revolt

张心 張心 zhang1 xin1
to be troubled; to be concerned

张旭 張旭 zhang1 xu4
Zhang Xu (probably early 8th century), Tang dynasty poet and calligrapher, most famous for his grass script 草書|草书

张学良 張學良 zhang1 xue2 liang2
Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fengtian clique warlord, then senior general for the Nationalists and subsequently for the People's Liberation Army

张学友 張學友 zhang1 xue2 you3
Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-), cantopop and film star

张牙舞爪 張牙舞爪 zhang1 ya2 wu3 zhao3
to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures

张扬 張揚 zhang1 yang2
Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter

张扬 張揚 zhang1 yang2
to display ostentatiously; to bring out into the open; to make public; to spread around; flamboyant; brash

张掖 張掖 zhang1 ye4
Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu

张掖地区 張掖地區 zhang1 ye4 di4 qu1
Zhangye prefecture, Gansu (old term); Zhangye prefecture level city 張掖市|张掖市 (district in Gansu)

张掖市 張掖市 zhang1 ye4 shi4
Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu

张揖 張揖 zhang1 yi1
Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让, named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅 and several lost works

张仪 張儀 zhang1 yi2
Zhang Yi (-309 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家 during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)

张怡 張怡 zhang1 yi2
Zhang Yi (1608-1695), prolific author and poet spanning interregnum between Ming and Qing

张怡宁 張怡寧 zhang1 yi2 ning2
Zhang Yining (1981-), PRC female table tennis player and Olympic gold medalist

张艺谋 張藝謀 zhang1 yi4 mou2
Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director

张易之 張易之 zhang1 yi4 zhi1
Zhang Yizhi (-705), Tang dynasty politician and favorite of Empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天

张荫桓 張蔭桓 zhang1 yin4 huan2
Zhang Yinhuan (1837-1900), late Qing politician and senior Chinese diplomat

张择端 張擇端 zhang1 ze2 duan1
Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Song dynasty painter

张震 張震 zhang1 zhen4
Chang Chen (1976-), Taiwanese film actor

张之洞 張之洞 zhang1 zhi1 dong4
Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent politician in late Qing

张志新 張志新 zhang1 zhi4 xin1
Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revolutionary and martyr, who followed the true Marxist-Leninist line as a party member, and was arrested in 1969, murdered in 1975 after opposing the counterrevolutionary party-usurping conspiracies of Lin Biao and the Gan

张治中 張治中 zhang1 zhi4 zhong1
Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969), National Revolutionary Army general

张自烈 張自烈 zhang1 zi4 lie4
Zhang Zilie (1597-1673), Ming dynasty scholar, author of Zhengzitong 正字通

张自忠 張自忠 zhang1 zi4 zhong1
Zhang Zizhong (1891-1940), Chinese National Revolutionary Army general during the Second Sino-Japanese War

张嘴 張嘴 zhang1 zui3
to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request); to gape

张作霖 張作霖 zhang1 zuo4 lin2
Zhang Zuolin (c. 1873-1928), warlord of Manchuria 1916-1928

纸张 紙張 zhi3 zhang1

主张 主張 zhu3 zhang1
to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion

自作主张 自作主張 zi4 zuo4 zhu3 zhang1
to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative

做张做势 做張做勢 zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 shi4
to put on an act (idiom); to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics

做张做智 做張做智 zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4
to put on an act (idiom); to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics

做张做致 做張做致 zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4
see 做張做智|做张做智