to be; to act as; manage; withstand; when; during; ought; should; match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time or place); on the spot; right; just at
at or in the very same...; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; to replace; to regard as; to think; to pawn; (coll.) to fail (a student)
to go on foot (idiom); to do things at a leisurely pace
半瓶水响叮当半瓶水響叮噹ban4 ping2 shui3 xiang3 ding1 dang1
lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound (idiom); fig. empty vessels make the most noise; one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest
悲歌当哭悲歌當哭bei1 ge1 dang4 ku1
to sing instead of weep (idiom)
便当便當bian4 dang1
convenient; handy; easy; bento (a meal in a partitioned box); lunchbox
不当紧不當緊bu4 dang1 jin3
not important; of no consequence
不当事不當事bu4 dang1 shi4
useless; regard as useless
不当不當bu4 dang4
unsuitable; improper; inappropriate
不当得利不當得利bu4 dang4 de2 li4
unjust enrichment
不当一回事不當一回事bu4 dang4 yi1 hui2 shi4
not regard as a matter (of any importance)
不敢当不敢當bu4 gan3 dang1
lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise; you flatter me
不减当年不減當年bu4 jian3 dang1 nian2
(of one's skills, appearance etc) not to have deteriorated a bit; to be as (good, vigorous etc) as ever
不适当不適當bu4 shi4 dang4
inadequate; unfit
不正当不正當bu4 zheng4 dang4
dishonest; unfair; improper
不正当关系不正當關係bu4 zheng4 dang4 guan1 xi4
improper relation; adulterous relation
不正当竞争不正當競爭bu4 zheng4 dang4 jing4 zheng1
unfair competition; illicit competition
豺狼当道豺狼當道chai2 lang2 dang1 dao4
ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land
豺狼当路豺狼當路chai2 lang2 dang1 lu4
ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land
豺狼当涂豺狼當塗chai2 lang2 dang1 tu2
ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land
承当承當cheng2 dang1
to bear (responsibility); to take on; to assume
吃亏上当吃虧上當chi1 kui1 shang4 dang4
to be taken advantage of
充当充當chong1 dang1
to serve as; to act as; to play the role of
搭当搭當da1 dang4
variant of 搭檔|搭档
大敌当前大敵當前da4 di2 dang1 qian2
facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties; Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud
大而无当大而無當da4 er2 wu2 dang4
grandiose but impractical (idiom); large but of no real use
担当擔當dan1 dang1
to take upon oneself; to assume
当班當班dang1 ban1
to work one's shift
当兵當兵dang1 bing1
to serve in the army; to be a soldier
当场當場dang1 chang3
at the scene; on the spot
当初當初dang1 chu1
at that time; originally
当代當代dang1 dai4
the present age; the contemporary era
当代史當代史dang1 dai4 shi3
contemporary history
当代新儒家當代新儒家dang1 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1
Contemporary New Confucianism; see 新儒家
当当噹噹dang1 dang1
(onom.) ding dong
当当當當dang1 dang1
Dangdang (online retailer)
当当车噹噹車dang1 dang1 che1
(coll.) tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956; also written 鐺鐺車|铛铛车
当道當道dang1 dao4
in the middle of the road; to be in the way; to hold power
当地當地dang1 di4
当地居民當地居民dang1 di4 ju1 min2
a local person; the local population
当地时间當地時間dang1 di4 shi2 jian1
local time
当断即断當斷即斷dang1 duan4 ji2 duan4
not to delay making a decision when a decision is needed
当断则断當斷則斷dang1 duan4 ze2 duan4
to make a decision when it's time to decide
当儿當兒dang1 er5
the very moment; just then; during (that brief interval)
当归當歸dang1 gui1
Angelica sinensis
当行出色當行出色dang1 hang2 chu1 se4
to excel in one's field
当红當紅dang1 hong2
currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc)
当机立断當機立斷dang1 ji1 li4 duan4
to make prompt decisions (idiom)
当即當即dang1 ji2
at once; on the spot
当家當家dang1 jia1
to manage the household; to be the one in charge of the family; to call the shots; to be in charge
当家作主當家作主dang1 jia1 zuo4 zhu3
to be in charge in one's own house (idiom); to be the master of one's own affairs
(onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound
叮当声叮噹聲ding1 dang1 sheng1
叮当响叮噹響ding1 dang1 xiang3
(onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound
叮叮当当叮叮噹噹ding1 ding1 dang1 dang1
(onom.) ding dong; jingling of bells; clanking sound
丁零当啷丁零噹啷ding1 ling5 dang1 lang1
ding-a-ling; (onom.) for sound of bell
定当定當ding4 dang1
定当定當ding4 dang4
settled; ready; finished
独当一面獨當一面du2 dang1 yi1 mian4
to assume personal responsibility (idiom); to take charge of a section
对酒当歌對酒當歌dui4 jiu3 dang1 ge1
lit. sing to accompany wine (idiom); fig. life is short, make merry while you can
防卫过当防衛過當fang2 wei4 guo4 dang4
excessive self-defense (self-defense with excessive force)
分当分當fen4 dang1
as should be; as expected
噶当派噶當派ga2 dang1 pai4
Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism
该当該當gai1 dang1
should; to deserve
敢做敢当敢做敢當gan3 zuo4 gan3 dang1
daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it; a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions; the buck stops here
敢作敢当敢作敢當gan3 zuo4 gan3 dang1
variant of 敢做敢當|敢做敢当
耕当问奴耕當問奴geng1 dang1 wen4 nu2
if it's plowing, ask the laborer (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
if it's plowing ask the laborer, if it's weaving ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
勾当勾當gou4 dang4
shady business
咣当咣當guang1 dang1
crash; bang
过当過當guo4 dang4
行当行當hang2 dang5
profession; role (acting)
好汉不提当年勇好漢不提當年勇hao3 han4 bu4 ti2 dang1 nian2 yong3
a real man doesn't boast about his past achievements (idiom)
好汉做事好汉当好漢做事好漢當hao3 han4 zuo4 shi4 hao3 han4 dang1
daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it (idiom); a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions; the buck stops here
lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom); fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation; to want to have one's cake and eat it too