Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
楔形楔形xie1 xing2
cuneiform (letters); wedge-shape
楔形文字楔形文字xie1 xing2 wen2 zi4
cuneiform (Babylonian script)
楔形物楔形物xie1 xing2 wu4
形变形變xing2 bian4
deformation; bending
形成形成xing2 cheng2
to form; to take shape
形成层形成層xing2 cheng2 ceng2
vascular cambium (layer of tissue responsible for growth inside wood)
形单影只形單影隻xing2 dan1 ying3 zhi1
lonely soul; solitary
形而上学形而上學xing2 er2 shang4 xue2
形骸形骸xing2 hai2
the human body; skeleton
形核形核xing2 he2
形婚形婚xing2 hun1
sham marriage, esp. a marriage between a gay man and a lesbian arranged in response to parental expectations of a conventional marriage; abbr. for 形式婚姻
形迹形跡xing2 ji4
manner; bearing; trace; mark; trail; etiquette
形貌形貌xing2 mao4
形旁形旁xing2 pang2
part of Chinese character indicating the meaning; also called significative or radical
形容形容xing2 rong2
to describe; description; appearance; look
形容词形容詞xing2 rong2 ci2
形容辞形容辭xing2 rong2 ci2
形上形上xing2 shang4
形神形神xing2 shen2
body and soul; physical and spiritual; material form and internal spirit
形声形聲xing2 sheng1
ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character
形声字形聲字xing2 sheng1 zi4
radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character
形胜形勝xing2 sheng4
advantageous; strategic (position)
形式形式xing2 shi4
outer appearance; form; shape; formality
形势形勢xing2 shi4
circumstances; situation; terrain
形式化形式化xing2 shi4 hua4
formalization; formalized
形势严峻形勢嚴峻xing2 shi4 yan2 jun4
in grave difficulties; the situation is grim
形式主义形式主義xing2 shi4 zhu3 yi4
Formalism (art)
形似形似xing2 si4
similar in shape and appearance
形态形態xing2 tai4
shape; form; pattern; morphology
形态发生素形態發生素xing2 tai4 fa1 sheng1 su4
形态学形態學xing2 tai4 xue2
morphology (in biology or linguistics)
形体形體xing2 ti3
figure; physique; form and structure
形同形同xing2 tong2
tantamount to; to be like
形同陌路形同陌路xing2 tong2 mo4 lu4
to be estranged
形同虚设形同虛設xing2 tong2 xu1 she4
to exist in name only; empty shell; useless (idiom)
形象形象xing2 xiang4
image; form; figure; visualization; vivid
形像形像xing2 xiang4
form; image
形象大使形象大使xing2 xiang4 da4 shi3
person who represents an organization and enhances its image; ambassador
形象艺术形象藝術xing2 xiang4 yi4 shu4
visual arts
形形色色形形色色xing2 xing2 se4 se4
all kinds of; all sorts of; every (different) kind of
形译形譯xing2 yi4
derivation of a Chinese loanword from Japanese by using the same characters (or variants) but applying Chinese pronunciation (e.g. 場合|场合, derived from Japanese 場合, pronounced "ba'ai")
形意拳形意拳xing2 yi4 quan2
Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art)
形影不离形影不離xing2 ying3 bu4 li2
inseparable (as form and shadow)
形影相吊形影相弔xing2 ying3 xiang1 diao4
with only body and shadow to comfort each other (idiom); extremely sad and lonely
形影相随形影相隨xing2 ying3 xiang1 sui2
lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom); fig. inseparable
形于色形於色xing2 yu2 se4
to show one's feelings; to show it in one's face
形制形制xing2 zhi4
form; shape; structure; design
形质形質xing2 zhi4
form; structure; design
形状形狀xing2 zhuang4
form; shape
血栓形成血栓形成xue4 shuan1 xing2 cheng2
已成形已成形yi3 cheng2 xing2
意识形态意識形態yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4
异形異形yi4 xing2
not the usual type; atypical; heterotype
异形词異形詞yi4 xing2 ci2
variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划 and 筆畫|笔画; exact synonym and homonym written with different characters
隐形隱形yin3 xing2
隐形眼镜隱形眼鏡yin3 xing2 yan3 jing4
contact lens
有形有形you3 xing2
material; tangible; visible; shapely
原形原形yuan2 xing2
original shape; true appearance (under the disguise); true character
圆形圓形yuan2 xing2
round; circular
原形毕露原形畢露yuan2 xing2 bi4 lu4
original identity fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth