to appear; to look; form; shape

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
U形转弯 U形轉彎 - xing2 zhuan3 wan1

凹凸形 凹凸形 ao1 tu1 xing2
crenelated; corrugated

八边形 八邊形 ba1 bian1 xing2

八角形 八角形 ba1 jiao3 xing2

八字形 八字形 ba1 zi4 xing2
shape resembling the character 八 or 8; V-shape; splayed; figure of eight

半圆形 半圓形 ban4 yuan2 xing2

扁锹形虫 扁鍬形蟲 bian3 qiao1 xing2 chong2
giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus)

变形 變形 bian4 xing2
deformation; to become deformed; to change shape; to morph

变形虫 變形蟲 bian4 xing2 chong2

变形金刚 變形金剛 bian4 xing2 jin1 gang1
Transformers (franchise)

彪形 彪形 biao1 xing2
husky; burly

彪形大汉 彪形大漢 biao1 xing2 da4 han4
burly chap; husky fellow

波形 波形 bo1 xing2
wave form

不等边三角形 不等邊三角形 bu4 deng3 bian1 san1 jiao3 xing2
scalene triangle

不定形 不定形 bu4 ding4 xing2
indeterminate form

不规则三角形 不規則三角形 bu4 gui1 ze2 san1 jiao3 xing2
scalene triangle (math.)

不规则四边形 不規則四邊形 bu4 gui1 ze2 si4 bian1 xing2
irregular quadrilateral; trapezium

叉形 叉形 cha1 xing2

长方形 長方形 chang2 fang1 xing2

成形 成形 cheng2 xing2
to take shape; shaping; forming

雏形 雛形 chu2 xing2
embryonic form; fledgling stage; prototype

雏形土 雛形土 chu2 xing2 tu3
Cambosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)

唇形科 唇形科 chun2 xing2 ke1
Labiatae, the taxonomic family including lavender, mint

词形 詞形 ci2 xing2
form of words (e.g. inflection, conjugation); morphology (linguistics)

得意忘形 得意忘形 de2 yi4 wang4 xing2
so pleased as to lose one's sense of measure; beside oneself with joy

等边三角形 等邊三角形 deng3 bian1 san1 jiao3 xing2
equilateral triangle

等腰三角形 等腰三角形 deng3 yao1 san1 jiao3 xing2
isosceles triangle

地形 地形 di4 xing2
topography; terrain; landform

地形图 地形圖 di4 xing2 tu2
topographic map

第一基本形式 第一基本形式 di4 yi1 ji1 ben3 xing2 shi4
(math.) first fundamental form

动态图形 動態圖形 dong4 tai4 tu2 xing2
animated graphics; animation

队形 隊形 dui4 xing2

遁形 遁形 dun4 xing2
to vanish; to hide; to cover one's traces

多胞形 多胞形 duo1 bao1 xing2

多边形 多邊形 duo1 bian1 xing2

多角形 多角形 duo1 jiao3 xing2
polygon; same as 多邊形|多边形

多形核白细胞 多形核白細胞 duo1 xing2 he2 bai2 xi4 bao1
polymorphonuclear leukocyte

方形 方形 fang1 xing2
square; square-shaped

放浪形骸 放浪形骸 fang4 lang4 xing2 hai2
to abandon all restraint (idiom)

分形 分形 fen1 xing2

分形几何 分形幾何 fen1 xing2 ji3 he2
fractal geometry

分形几何学 分形幾何學 fen1 xing2 ji3 he2 xue2
fractal geometry

复数形式 複數形式 fu4 shu4 xing2 shi4
plural form (of a countable noun)

赋形剂 賦形劑 fu4 xing2 ji4
(pharm.) vehicle; excipient

复音形 複音形 fu4 yin1 xing2
diphthong; liaison

改变形像 改變形像 gai3 bian4 xing2 xiang4

概形 概形 gai4 xing2
scheme (in algebraic geometry)

弓形 弓形 gong1 xing2
circular segment

拱形 拱形 gong3 xing2

共形 共形 gong4 xing2

固形物 固形物 gu4 xing2 wu4
solid particles in liquid

官场现形记 官場現形記 guan1 chang3 xian4 xing2 ji4
Observations on the Current State of Officialdom, late Qing novel by Li Baojia 李寶嘉|李宝嘉

冠形词 冠形詞 guan1 xing2 ci2
article (in grammar)

核变形 核變形 he2 bian4 xing2
nuclear deformation

弧形 弧形 hu2 xing2
curve; arc; arch

环形 環形 huan2 xing2

环形公路 環形公路 huan2 xing2 gong1 lu4
ring road; beltway

环形结构 環形結構 huan2 xing2 jie2 gou4
ring configuration

环形路 環形路 huan2 xing2 lu4
circular road; circuit

环形山 環形山 huan2 xing2 shan1
crater; ring-shaped mountain

回形针 回形針 hui2 xing2 zhen1
paper clip

畸形 畸形 ji1 xing2
deformity; abnormality

畸形儿 畸形兒 ji1 xing2 er2
deformed child; child with birth defect

剪切形变 剪切形變 jian3 qie1 xing2 bian4
shearing; shear deformation

矫形 矯形 jiao3 xing2
orthopedic (e.g. surgery)

矫形外科 矯形外科 jiao3 xing2 wai4 ke1
orthopedic surgery

矫形牙套 矯形牙套 jiao3 xing2 ya2 tao4
orthodontic brace

矫形医生 矯形醫生 jiao3 xing2 yi1 sheng1
orthopedic doctor

九边形 九邊形 jiu3 bian1 xing2

矩形 矩形 ju3 xing2

锯齿形 鋸齒形 ju4 chi3 xing2
sawtooth shape; zigzag

鹃形目 鵑形目 juan1 xing2 mu4
Cuculiformes, order of birds including cuckoo

喇叭形 喇叭形 la3 ba5 xing2
flared; funnel-shape; trumpet-shape

镰形血球贫血症 鐮形血球貧血症 lian2 xing2 xue4 qiu2 pin2 xue4 zheng4
sickle-cell anaemia; sickle-cell disease

脸形 臉形 lian3 xing2
variant of 臉型|脸型, shape of face; physiognomy

两性异形 兩性異形 liang3 xing4 yi4 xing2
sexual dimorphism

菱形 菱形 ling2 xing2

流形 流形 liu2 xing2
manifold (math.)

流于形式 流於形式 liu2 yu2 xing2 shi4
to become a mere formality

六边形 六邊形 liu4 bian1 xing2

六角形 六角形 liu4 jiao3 xing2

龙形拳 龍形拳 long2 xing2 quan2
Long Xing Quan - "Dragon Fist" - Martial Art

卵形 卵形 luan3 xing2
oval; egg-shaped (leaves in botany)

卵圆形 卵圓形 luan3 yuan2 xing2
oval; ellipsoidal

螺旋形 螺旋形 luo2 xuan2 xing2

马鹿易形 馬鹿易形 ma3 lu4 yi4 xing2
to distinguish horse and deer easily; to know right from wrong

马蹄形 馬蹄形 ma3 ti2 xing2
horseshoe shape

没有形状 沒有形狀 mei2 you3 xing2 zhuang4

面形 面形 mian4 xing2
shape of face

模形 模形 mo2 xing2

匿影藏形 匿影藏形 ni4 ying3 cang2 xing2
to hide from public view; to conceal one's identity; to lay low

怒形于色 怒形於色 nu4 xing2 yu2 se4
to betray anger (idiom); fury written across one's face

帕斯卡六边形 帕斯卡六邊形 pa4 si1 ka3 liu4 bian1 xing2
Pascal's hexagon

帕斯卡三角形 帕斯卡三角形 pa4 si1 ka3 san1 jiao3 xing2
Pascal's Triangle (math.)

扁形动物 扁形動物 pian1 xing2 dong4 wu4
flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes

扁形动物门 扁形動物門 pian1 xing2 dong4 wu4 men2
flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes

平行四边形 平行四邊形 ping2 xing2 si4 bian1 xing2

七边形 七邊形 qi1 bian1 xing2

七角形 七角形 qi1 jiao3 xing2

奇形怪状 奇形怪狀 qi2 xing2 guai4 zhuang4
fantastic oddities of every description (idiom); grotesquely shaped

锹形虫 鍬形蟲 qiao1 xing2 chong2
stag beetle (generic term for the beetles in the family of lucanidae)

情形 情形 qing2 xing5
circumstances; situation

穹形 穹形 qiong2 xing2
arched; vaulted; dome-shaped

球形 球形 qiu2 xing2
spherical; ball-shaped

全等图形 全等圖形 quan2 deng3 tu2 xing2
congruent figure (geometry)

全等形 全等形 quan2 deng3 xing2
congruent figure

雀形目 雀形目 que4 xing2 mu4
order Passeriformes (perching birds)

人形 人形 ren2 xing2
human shape; in human form; of human appearance; doll; puppet

蠕形动物 蠕形動物 ru2 xing2 dong4 wu4
soft-bodied organisms; vermes (obsolete taxonomic term)

如影随形 如影隨形 ru2 ying3 sui2 xing2
as the shadow follows the body (idiom); closely associated with each other; to follow relentlessly

三边形 三邊形 san1 bian1 xing2

三角形 三角形 san1 jiao3 xing2

伞形 傘形 san3 xing2

伞形科 傘形科 san3 xing2 ke1
Umbelliferae or Apiaceae, plant family containing carrot, coriander etc

山形 山形 shan1 xing2
Yamagata prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honshū 本州

山形县 山形縣 shan1 xing2 xian4
Yamagata prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honshū 本州

扇形 扇形 shan4 xing2
circular sector

蛇形 蛇形 she2 xing2
S-shaped; serpentine; coiled like a snake

身形 身形 shen1 xing2
figure (esp. a woman's)

神劳形瘁 神勞形瘁 shen2 lao2 xing2 cui4
to be completely drained both emotionally and physically (idiom)

十边形 十邊形 shi2 bian1 xing2

十二边形 十二邊形 shi2 er4 bian1 xing2

十二角形 十二角形 shi2 er4 jiao3 xing2

十角形 十角形 shi2 jiao3 xing2

十字形 十字形 shi2 zi4 xing2
cruciform; cross shape

四边形 四邊形 si4 bian1 xing2

四角形 四角形 si4 jiao3 xing2
square; quadrilateral

弹性形变 彈性形變 tan2 xing4 xing2 bian4
elastic deformation

梯次队形 梯次隊形 ti1 ci4 dui4 xing2
echelon formation (military)

梯形 梯形 ti1 xing2
trapezoid; ladder-shaped; terraced

体形 體形 ti3 xing2
figure; bodily form

条形 條形 tiao2 xing2
a bar; a strip

条形码 條形碼 tiao2 xing2 ma3

条形燃料 條形燃料 tiao2 xing2 ran2 liao4
fuel rods

条形图 條形圖 tiao2 xing2 tu2
bar chart

同素异形体 同素異形體 tong2 su4 yi4 xing2 ti3

凸多胞形 凸多胞形 tu1 duo1 bao1 xing2
convex polytope

凸多边形 凸多邊形 tu1 duo1 bian1 xing2
convex polygon

图形 圖形 tu2 xing2
picture; figure; diagram; graph; depiction; graphical

图形界面 圖形界面 tu2 xing2 jie4 mian4
Graphical User Interface (GUI) (computing)

图形卡 圖形卡 tu2 xing2 ka3
graphics card

图形用户界面 圖形用戶界面 tu2 xing2 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4
graphical user interface (GUI)

土木形骸 土木形骸 tu3 mu4 xing2 hai2
earth and wood framework (idiom); plain and undecorated body

椭圆形 橢圓形 tuo3 yuan2 xing2

椭圆形办公室 橢圓形辦公室 tuo3 yuan2 xing2 ban4 gong1 shi4
Oval office (in the White House)

外形 外形 wai4 xing2
figure; shape; external form; contour

弯月形透镜 彎月形透鏡 wan1 yue4 xing2 tou4 jing4
meniscus lens

完形 完形 wan2 xing2
total form; coherent whole; Gestalt; holistic

完形测验 完形測驗 wan2 xing2 ce4 yan4
Gestalt test

完形心理学 完形心理學 wan2 xing2 xin1 li3 xue2
Gestalt psychology (concerned with treating a subject as a coherent whole)

完形心理治疗 完形心理治療 wan2 xing2 xin1 li3 zhi4 liao2
Gestalt psychotherapy

微整形 微整形 wei1 zheng3 xing2
non-surgical cosmetic procedure (injection of Botox, hyaluronic acid etc)

位形 位形 wei4 xing2

位形空间 位形空間 wei4 xing2 kong1 jian1
configuration space (math.)

无定形碳 無定形碳 wu2 ding4 xing2 tan4
amorphous carbon

无法形容 無法形容 wu2 fa3 xing2 rong2
unspeakable; indescribable

无形 無形 wu2 xing2
incorporeal; virtual; formless; invisible (assets); intangible

无形贸易 無形貿易 wu2 xing2 mao4 yi4
invisibles (trade)

无形输出 無形輸出 wu2 xing2 shu1 chu1
invisible export

无形中 無形中 wu2 xing2 zhong1
imperceptibly; virtually

五笔字形 五筆字形 wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2
Chinese character input method for entering characters by numbered strokes; variant of 五筆字型|五笔字型

五边形 五邊形 wu3 bian1 xing2

五角形 五角形 wu3 jiao3 xing2

五形 五形 wu3 xing2
Wuxing - "Five Animals" - Martial Art

蜥形纲 蜥形綱 xi1 xing2 gang1
Sauropsida, class within Chordata containing reptiles

喜形于色 喜形於色 xi3 xing2 yu2 se4
face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy

显形 顯形 xian3 xing2
to show one's true nature (derog.); to betray oneself

现代形式 現代形式 xian4 dai4 xing2 shi4
the modern form

现形 現形 xian4 xing2
to become visible; to appear; to manifest one's true nature

相形见绌 相形見絀 xiang1 xing2 jian4 chu4
pale by comparison (idiom)

向量图形 向量圖形 xiang4 liang4 tu2 xing2
vector graphics (computer)

象形 象形 xiang4 xing2
pictogram; one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters; Chinese character derived from a picture; sometimes called hieroglyph

象形文字 象形文字 xiang4 xing2 wen2 zi4
pictogram; hieroglyph

象形字 象形字 xiang4 xing2 zi4
pictogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character derived from a picture; sometimes called hieroglyph

消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约 消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約 xiao1 chu2 dui4 fu4 nv3 yi1 qie4 xing2 shi4 qi2 shi4 gong1 yue1
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

楔形 楔形 xie1 xing2
cuneiform (letters); wedge-shape

楔形文字 楔形文字 xie1 xing2 wen2 zi4
cuneiform (Babylonian script)

楔形物 楔形物 xie1 xing2 wu4

形变 形變 xing2 bian4
deformation; bending

形成 形成 xing2 cheng2
to form; to take shape

形成层 形成層 xing2 cheng2 ceng2
vascular cambium (layer of tissue responsible for growth inside wood)

形单影只 形單影隻 xing2 dan1 ying3 zhi1
lonely soul; solitary

形而上学 形而上學 xing2 er2 shang4 xue2

形骸 形骸 xing2 hai2
the human body; skeleton

形核 形核 xing2 he2

形婚 形婚 xing2 hun1
sham marriage, esp. a marriage between a gay man and a lesbian arranged in response to parental expectations of a conventional marriage; abbr. for 形式婚姻

形迹 形跡 xing2 ji4
manner; bearing; trace; mark; trail; etiquette

形貌 形貌 xing2 mao4

形旁 形旁 xing2 pang2
part of Chinese character indicating the meaning; also called significative or radical

形容 形容 xing2 rong2
to describe; description; appearance; look

形容词 形容詞 xing2 rong2 ci2

形容辞 形容辭 xing2 rong2 ci2

形上 形上 xing2 shang4

形神 形神 xing2 shen2
body and soul; physical and spiritual; material form and internal spirit

形声 形聲 xing2 sheng1
ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character

形声字 形聲字 xing2 sheng1 zi4
radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character

形胜 形勝 xing2 sheng4
advantageous; strategic (position)

形式 形式 xing2 shi4
outer appearance; form; shape; formality

形势 形勢 xing2 shi4
circumstances; situation; terrain

形式化 形式化 xing2 shi4 hua4
formalization; formalized

形势严峻 形勢嚴峻 xing2 shi4 yan2 jun4
in grave difficulties; the situation is grim

形式主义 形式主義 xing2 shi4 zhu3 yi4
Formalism (art)

形似 形似 xing2 si4
similar in shape and appearance

形态 形態 xing2 tai4
shape; form; pattern; morphology

形态发生素 形態發生素 xing2 tai4 fa1 sheng1 su4

形态学 形態學 xing2 tai4 xue2
morphology (in biology or linguistics)

形体 形體 xing2 ti3
figure; physique; form and structure

形同 形同 xing2 tong2
tantamount to; to be like

形同陌路 形同陌路 xing2 tong2 mo4 lu4
to be estranged

形同虚设 形同虛設 xing2 tong2 xu1 she4
to exist in name only; empty shell; useless (idiom)

形象 形象 xing2 xiang4
image; form; figure; visualization; vivid

形像 形像 xing2 xiang4
form; image

形象大使 形象大使 xing2 xiang4 da4 shi3
person who represents an organization and enhances its image; ambassador

形象艺术 形象藝術 xing2 xiang4 yi4 shu4
visual arts

形形色色 形形色色 xing2 xing2 se4 se4
all kinds of; all sorts of; every (different) kind of

形译 形譯 xing2 yi4
derivation of a Chinese loanword from Japanese by using the same characters (or variants) but applying Chinese pronunciation (e.g. 場合|场合, derived from Japanese 場合, pronounced "ba'ai")

形意拳 形意拳 xing2 yi4 quan2
Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art)

形影不离 形影不離 xing2 ying3 bu4 li2
inseparable (as form and shadow)

形影相吊 形影相弔 xing2 ying3 xiang1 diao4
with only body and shadow to comfort each other (idiom); extremely sad and lonely

形影相随 形影相隨 xing2 ying3 xiang1 sui2
lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom); fig. inseparable

形于色 形於色 xing2 yu2 se4
to show one's feelings; to show it in one's face

形制 形制 xing2 zhi4
form; shape; structure; design

形质 形質 xing2 zhi4
form; structure; design

形状 形狀 xing2 zhuang4
form; shape

血栓形成 血栓形成 xue4 shuan1 xing2 cheng2

已成形 已成形 yi3 cheng2 xing2

意识形态 意識形態 yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4

异形 異形 yi4 xing2
not the usual type; atypical; heterotype

异形词 異形詞 yi4 xing2 ci2
variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划 and 筆畫|笔画; exact synonym and homonym written with different characters

隐形 隱形 yin3 xing2

隐形眼镜 隱形眼鏡 yin3 xing2 yan3 jing4
contact lens

有形 有形 you3 xing2
material; tangible; visible; shapely

原形 原形 yuan2 xing2
original shape; true appearance (under the disguise); true character

圆形 圓形 yuan2 xing2
round; circular

原形毕露 原形畢露 yuan2 xing2 bi4 lu4
original identity fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth

圆形面包 圓形麵包 yuan2 xing2 mian4 bao1

圆形木材 圓形木材 yuan2 xing2 mu4 cai2

圆珠形离子交换剂 圓珠形離子交換劑 yuan2 zhu1 xing2 li2 zi3 jiao1 huan4 ji4
bead-type ion exchanger

圆柱形 圓柱形 yuan2 zhu4 xing2

圆锥形 圓錐形 yuan2 zhui1 xing2
conical; coniform

月牙形 月牙形 yue4 ya2 xing2

整形 整形 zheng3 xing2
shaping; reshaping; plastic surgery or orthopedics (abbr. of 整形外科)

整形外科 整形外科 zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1
plastic surgery; orthopedics

整形外科医生 整形外科醫生 zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1
plastic surgeon

正多胞形 正多胞形 zheng4 duo1 bao1 xing2
convex polytope

正方形 正方形 zheng4 fang1 xing2

正六边形 正六邊形 zheng4 liu4 bian1 xing2
regular hexagon

正弦形 正弦形 zheng4 xian2 xing2
sinusoidal (shaped like a sine wave)

之字形 之字形 zhi1 zi4 xing2
Z-shaped; zigzag

直角三角形 直角三角形 zhi2 jiao3 san1 jiao3 xing2
a right angled triangle

重形式轻内容 重形式輕內容 zhong4 xing2 shi4 qing1 nei4 rong2
heavy on form, light on substance; to stress form at the expense of content

锥形 錐形 zhui1 xing2

锥形瓶 錐形瓶 zhui1 xing2 ping2
Erlenmeyer flask

自惭形秽 自慚形穢 zi4 can2 xing2 hui4
to feel ashamed of one's inferiority (idiom); to feel inferior

字形 字形 zi4 xing2
form of a Chinese character; variant of 字型

走形 走形 zou3 xing2
out of shape; to lose shape; to deform

走形儿 走形兒 zou3 xing2 er5
out of shape; to lose shape; to deform

走形式 走形式 zou3 xing2 shi4
to go through the formalities