old variant of 往

to go (in a direction); to; towards; (of a train) bound for; past; previous

strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
不咎既往 不咎既往 bu4 jiu4 ji4 wang3
not censure sb for his past misdeeds; overlook sb's past mistakes; let bygones be bygones

常来常往 常來常往 chang2 lai2 chang2 wang3
to visit frequently; to have frequent dealings (with); to see each other often

从此往后 從此往後 cong2 ci3 wang3 hou4
from here on

独来独往 獨來獨往 du2 lai2 du2 wang3
coming and going alone (idiom); a lone operator; keeping to oneself; unsociable; maverick

赶往 趕往 gan3 wang3
to hurry to (somewhere)

古往今来 古往今來 gu3 wang3 jin1 lai2
since ancient times; since times immemorial

过往 過往 guo4 wang3
to come and go; to have friendly relations with; in the past; previous

既往 既往 ji4 wang3
past; bygone; the past

既往不咎 既往不咎 ji4 wang3 bu4 jiu4
to forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to let bygones be bygones; There is no point in crying over spilt milk.

继往开来 繼往開來 ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2
to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages

鉴往知来 鑒往知來 jian4 wang3 zhi1 lai2
to observe the past to foresee the future (idiom, taken loosely from Book of Songs); studying ancient wisdom gives insight into what is to come

交往 交往 jiao1 wang3
to associate (with); to have contact (with); to hang out (with); to date; (interpersonal) relationship; association; contact

开往 開往 kai1 wang3
(of a bus, train etc) to leave for; heading for

来而不往非礼也 來而不往非禮也 lai2 er2 bu4 wang3 fei1 li3 ye3
not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind

来往 來往 lai2 wang3
to come and go; to have dealings with; to be in relation with

礼尚往来 禮尚往來 li3 shang4 wang3 lai2
lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity (idiom); fig. to return politeness for politeness

前往 前往 qian2 wang3
to leave for; to proceed towards; to go

人往高处爬,水往低处流 人往高處爬,水往低處流 ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 pa2 - shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2
see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流

人往高处走,水往低处流 人往高處走,水往低處流 ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 - shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2
man seeks his way up just as water seeks its way down (idiom); one should constantly strive to make progress

神往 神往 shen2 wang3
to be fascinated; to be rapt; to long for; to dream of

驶往 駛往 shi3 wang3
bound for

送往迎来 送往迎來 song4 wang3 ying2 lai2
see 迎來送往|迎来送往

逃往 逃往 tao2 wang3
to run away; to go into exile

通往 通往 tong1 wang3
to lead to

往常 往常 wang3 chang2
habitually (in the past); as one used to do formerly; as it used to be

往程 往程 wang3 cheng2
outbound leg (of a bus or train journey etc)

往初 往初 wang3 chu1
(literary) former times; in olden days

往返 往返 wang3 fan3
to go back and forth; to go to and fro; round trip

往复 往復 wang3 fu4
to go and come back; to make a return trip; backwards and forwards (e.g. of piston or pump action); to reciprocate (of machine part)

往复锯 往復鋸 wang3 fu4 ju4
reciprocating saw

往复运动 往復運動 wang3 fu4 yun4 dong4
backwards and forwards action (e.g. of piston or pump); reciprocating motion

往古 往古 wang3 gu3
in former times; in olden days

往后 往後 wang3 hou4
from now on; in the future; time to come

往还 往還 wang3 huan2
contacts; dealings

往迹 往跡 wang3 ji4
past events; former times

往届 往屆 wang3 jie4
former sessions; former years

往来 往來 wang3 lai2
dealings; contacts; to go back and forth

往来帐户 往來帳戶 wang3 lai2 zhang4 hu4
current account (in bank)

往例 往例 wang3 li4
(usual) practice of the past; precedent

往脸上抹黑 往臉上抹黑 wang3 lian3 shang4 mo3 hei1
to bring shame to; to smear; to disgrace

往泥里踩 往泥裡踩 wang3 ni4 li3 cai3
to belittle; to attack sb

往年 往年 wang3 nian2
in former years; in previous years

往前 往前 wang3 qian2
to move forwards

往日 往日 wang3 ri4
in former days

往生 往生 wang3 sheng1
to be reborn; to live in paradise (Buddhism); to die; (after) one's death

往时 往時 wang3 shi2
past events; former times

往事 往事 wang3 shi4
past events; former happenings

往事如风 往事如風 wang3 shi4 ru2 feng1
the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall

往事已矣 往事已矣 wang3 shi4 yi3 yi3
the past is dead (idiom)

往死里 往死裡 wang3 si3 li3
(coll.) (to beat etc) to death

往岁 往歲 wang3 sui4
in former years; in olden days

往外 往外 wang3 wai4
out; outbound; departing

往往 往往 wang3 wang3
often; frequently

往昔 往昔 wang3 xi1
in the past

往心里去 往心裡去 wang3 xin1 li5 qu4
to take sth to heart; to take sth seriously

无往不利 無往不利 wu2 wang3 bu4 li4
to be successful in every endeavor

熙来攘往 熙來攘往 xi1 lai2 rang3 wang3
a place buzzing with activity (idiom)

向往 嚮往 xiang4 wang3
to yearn for; to look forward to

心驰神往 心馳神往 xin1 chi2 shen2 wang3
one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or person; to long for; infatuated; fascinated

一如既往 一如既往 yi1 ru2 ji4 wang3
just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always

一往情深 一往情深 yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1
deeply attached; devoted

一往无前 一往無前 yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2
to advance courageously (idiom); to press forward

一往直前 一往直前 yi1 wang3 zhi2 qian2
see 一往無前|一往无前

一直往前 一直往前 yi1 zhi2 wang3 qian2
straight ahead

已往 已往 yi3 wang3
the past

以往 以往 yi3 wang3
in the past; formerly

迎来送往 迎來送往 ying2 lai2 song4 wang3
lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing (idiom); busy entertaining guests; all time taken over with social niceties

勇往前进 勇往前進 yong3 wang3 qian2 jin4
see 勇往直前

勇往直前 勇往直前 yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2
to advance bravely

悠然神往 悠然神往 you1 ran2 shen2 wang3
thoughts wandering far away

直来直往 直來直往 zhi2 lai2 zhi2 wang3
blunt; outspoken

转往 轉往 zhuan3 wang3
to change (to final stretch of journey)