怀 huai2
surname Huai

怀 huai2
bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child)

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
不怀好意 不懷好意 bu4 huai2 hao3 yi4
to harbor evil designs; to harbor malicious intentions

楚怀王 楚懷王 chu3 huai2 wang2
King Huai of Chu (reigned 328-299 BC); later King Huai of Chu (reigned 208-205 BC)

搋在怀里 搋在懷裡 chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3
to tuck into one's bosom; also written 揣在懷裡|揣在怀里

揣在怀里 揣在懷裡 chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3
to tuck into one's bosom; also written 搋在懷裡|搋在怀里

感怀 感懷 gan3 huai2
to recall with emotion; to feel sentiments

耿耿于怀 耿耿於懷 geng3 geng3 yu2 huai2
to take troubles to heart (idiom); brooding

挂怀 掛懷 gua4 huai2
concerned; troubled; having sth on one's mind

关怀 關懷 guan1 huai2
care; solicitude; to show care for; concerned about; attentive to

关怀备至 關懷備至 guan1 huai2 bei4 zhi4
the utmost care (idiom); to look after sb in every possible way

郭永怀 郭永懷 guo1 yong3 huai2
Guo Yonghuai (1909-1968), Chinese aviation pioneer

过度关怀 過度關懷 guo4 du4 guan1 huai2
obsession; excessive concern

毫不怀疑 毫不懷疑 hao2 bu4 huai2 yi2
without the slightest doubt

怀安 懷安 huai2 an1
Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口, Hebei

怀安县 懷安縣 huai2 an1 xian4
Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口, Hebei

怀抱 懷抱 huai2 bao4
to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc)

怀璧其罪 懷璧其罪 huai2 bi4 qi2 zui4
lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime (idiom); to get into trouble on account of a cherished item; fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others.

怀表 懷錶 huai2 biao3
pocket watch

怀才不遇 懷才不遇 huai2 cai2 bu4 yu4
to have talent but no opportunity (idiom); to be an unrecognized talent

怀春 懷春 huai2 chun1
(of girls) to yearn for love

怀敌意 懷敵意 huai2 di2 yi4

怀俄明 懷俄明 huai2 e2 ming2
Wyoming, US state

怀俄明州 懷俄明州 huai2 e2 ming2 zhou1
Wyoming, US state

怀古 懷古 huai2 gu3
to recall the past; to cherish the memory of past events; to reminisce; nostalgic

怀恨 懷恨 huai2 hen4
to nurse hatred; to harbor a grudge; spiteful

怀恨在心 懷恨在心 huai2 hen4 zai4 xin1
to harbor hard feelings

怀化 懷化 huai2 hua4
Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan

怀化市 懷化市 huai2 hua4 shi4
Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan

怀化县 懷化縣 huai2 hua4 xian4
Huaihua county, Hunan

怀集 懷集 huai2 ji2
Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆, Guangdong

怀集县 懷集縣 huai2 ji2 xian4
Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆, Guangdong

怀旧 懷舊 huai2 jiu4
fond remembrance of times past; nostalgia

怀旧感 懷舊感 huai2 jiu4 gan3
feeling of nostalgia

怀来 懷來 huai2 lai2
Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口, Hebei

怀来县 懷來縣 huai2 lai2 xian4
Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口, Hebei

怀里 懷裡 huai2 li3
embrace; bosom

怀禄 懷祿 huai2 lu4
to yearn for a high official position

怀念 懷念 huai2 nian4
to cherish the memory of; to think of; reminisce

怀宁 懷寧 huai2 ning2
Huaining county in Anqing 安慶|安庆, Anhui

怀宁县 懷寧縣 huai2 ning2 xian4
Huaining county in Anqing 安慶|安庆, Anhui

怀仁 懷仁 huai2 ren2
Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州, Shanxi

怀仁县 懷仁縣 huai2 ren2 xian4
Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州, Shanxi

怀妊 懷妊 huai2 ren4
gestation; pregnancy

怀柔 懷柔 huai2 rou2
to conciliate; to appease

怀柔 懷柔 huai2 rou2
Huairou rural district of Beijing, formerly Huairou county

怀柔区 懷柔區 huai2 rou2 qu1
Huairou rural district of Beijing municipality, formerly Huairou county

怀柔县 懷柔縣 huai2 rou2 xian4
former Huairou county, now Huairou rural district of Beijing

怀氏虎鸫 懷氏虎鶇 huai2 shi4 hu3 dong1
(bird species of China) White's thrush (Zoothera aurea)

怀胎 懷胎 huai2 tai1
to become pregnant; to carry a child in the womb

怀特 懷特 huai2 te4
White (name)

怀特岛 懷特島 huai2 te4 dao3
Isle of Wight, island off the south coast of England

怀乡 懷鄉 huai2 xiang1

怀疑 懷疑 huai2 yi2
to doubt (sth); to be skeptical of; to have one's doubts; to harbor suspicions; to suspect that

怀疑派 懷疑派 huai2 yi2 pai4

怀疑者 懷疑者 huai2 yi2 zhe3
skeptic; suspecter

怀有 懷有 huai2 you3
to have in one's person (feelings, talent etc)

怀远 懷遠 huai2 yuan3
Huaiyuan county in Bengbu 蚌埠, Anhui

怀远县 懷遠縣 huai2 yuan3 xian4
Huaiyuan county in Bengbu 蚌埠, Anhui

怀孕 懷孕 huai2 yun4
pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy

寄怀 寄懷 ji4 huai2
emotions expressed in writing

介怀 介懷 jie4 huai2
to mind; to brood over; to be concerned about

襟怀 襟懷 jin1 huai2
bosom (the seat of emotions); one's mind

襟怀坦白 襟懷坦白 jin1 huai2 tan3 bai2
open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything; ingenuous; open hearted; unselfish; magnanimous; broad-minded

襟怀夷旷 襟懷夷曠 jin1 huai2 yi2 kuang4

眷怀 眷懷 juan4 huai2
to yearn for; to miss

开怀 開懷 kai1 huai2
to one's heart's content; without restraint

宽大为怀 寬大為懷 kuan1 da4 wei2 huai2
magnanimous (idiom); generous

李怀远 李懷遠 li3 huai2 yuan3
Li Huaiyuan (-756), senior Tang dynasty official

林怀民 林懷民 lin2 huai2 min2
Lin Hwai-Min (1947-), Taiwanese choreographer and dancer

临终关怀 臨終關懷 lin2 zhong1 guan1 huai2
palliative care

满怀 滿懷 man3 huai2
to have one's heart filled with; (to collide) full on; (of farm animals) heavy with young

缅怀 緬懷 mian3 huai2
to commemorate; to recall fondly; to think of the past

彭德怀 彭德懷 peng2 de2 huai2
Peng Dehuai (1898-1974), top communist general, subsequently politician and politburo member, disgraced after attacking Mao's failed policies in 1959, and died after extensive persecution during the Cultural Revolution

情怀 情懷 qing2 huai2
feelings; mood

仁怀 仁懷 ren2 huai2
Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义, Guizhou

仁怀市 仁懷市 ren2 huai2 shi4
Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义, Guizhou

仁怀县 仁懷縣 ren2 huai2 xian4
Renhuai county in Zun'yi prefecture 遵義|遵义, Guizhou

伤怀 傷懷 shang1 huai2
grieved; full of sorrow

社会关怀 社會關懷 she4 hui4 guan1 huai2
social care

身怀六甲 身懷六甲 shen1 huai2 liu4 jia3
to be pregnant (idiom)

释怀 釋懷 shi4 huai2
to release (tension); relief (from suspense); to dispel (usu. with negative, unable to forget)

抒怀 抒懷 shu1 huai2
to express emotion

投怀送抱 投懷送抱 tou2 huai2 song4 bao4
to throw oneself in sb's arms; to throw oneself at sb

忘怀 忘懷 wang4 huai2
to forget

显怀 顯懷 xian3 huai2
to look pregnant; obviously pregnant

心存怀疑 心存懷疑 xin1 cun2 huai2 yi2
to be suspicious

心怀 心懷 xin1 huai2
to harbor (thoughts); to cherish; to entertain (illusions)

心怀叵测 心懷叵測 xin1 huai2 po3 ce4
see 居心叵測|居心叵测

胸怀 胸懷 xiong1 huai2
one's bosom (the seat of emotions); breast; broad-minded and open; to think about; to cherish

胸怀坦荡 胸懷坦蕩 xiong1 huai2 tan3 dang4
open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything; ingenuous; open hearted; unselfish; magnanimous; broad-minded

虚怀若谷 虛懷若谷 xu1 huai2 ruo4 gu3
receptive as an echoing canyon (idiom); modest and open-minded

雅怀 雅懷 ya3 huai2
refined feelings; distinguished emotions

饮流怀源 飲流懷源 yin3 liu2 huai2 yuan2
lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom); gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings!

正中下怀 正中下懷 zheng4 zhong4 xia4 huai2
exactly what one wants

追怀 追懷 zhui1 huai2
to recall; to bring to mind; to reminisce