variant of 惡|恶, esp. used in names of chemical components

evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse; to harm

see 惡心|恶心

to hate; to loathe; ashamed; to fear; to slander

strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
白胸苦恶鸟 白胸苦惡鳥 bai2 xiong1 ku3 e4 niao3
(bird species of China) white-breasted waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus)

避恶 避惡 bi4 e4
to avoid evil

不念旧恶 不念舊惡 bu4 nian4 jiu4 e4
do not recall old grievances (idiom, from Analects); forgive and forget

惩恶劝善 懲惡勸善 cheng2 e4 quan4 shan4
see 懲惡揚善|惩恶扬善

惩恶扬善 懲惡揚善 cheng2 e4 yang2 shan4
to uphold virtue and condemn evil (idiom)

丑恶 醜惡 chou3 e4
ugly; repulsive

除恶务尽 除惡務盡 chu2 e4 wu4 jin4
to eradicate evil completely (idiom); thorough in rooting out wickedness

从善如登,从恶如崩 從善如登,從惡如崩 cong2 shan4 ru2 deng1 - cong2 e4 ru2 beng1
doing good is like a hard climb, doing evil is like an easy fall (idiom)

恶嗪 噁嗪 e3 qin2
oxazine C4H5NO

恶心 噁心 e3 xin1
variant of 惡心|恶心

恶心 惡心 e3 xin1
nausea; to feel sick; disgust; nauseating; to embarrass (deliberately)

恶霸 惡霸 e4 ba4
evil tyrant

恶报 惡報 e4 bao4

恶病质 惡病質 e4 bing4 zhi4
Cachexia (physical wasting associated with long-term illness)

恶补 惡補 e4 bu3
to overdose on supplementary medicine; to cram too hard

恶叉白赖 惡叉白賴 e4 cha1 bai2 lai4
evil behavior (idiom); brazen villainy

恶臭 惡臭 e4 chou4

恶创 惡創 e4 chuang1
malign sore (TCM)

恶德 惡德 e4 de2
wickedness; evil behavior

恶斗 惡鬥 e4 dou4
hard fighting; fierce battle

恶毒 惡毒 e4 du2

恶恶实实 惡惡實實 e4 e4 shi2 shi2
very fierce

恶妇 惡婦 e4 fu4
vicious wife

恶感 惡感 e4 gan3
malice; ill will

恶搞 惡搞 e4 gao3
spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)

恶搞文化 惡搞文化 e4 gao3 wen2 hua4
spoofing culture (Web-based genre in PRC acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)

恶贯满盈 惡貫滿盈 e4 guan4 man3 ying2
lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); filled with extreme evil; replete with vice; guilty of monstrous crimes

恶鬼 惡鬼 e4 gui3
evil spirit; devil

恶棍 惡棍 e4 gun4
scoundrel; rogue; bully; villain

恶果 惡果 e4 guo3
evil consequence; retribution (in Buddhism)

恶汉 惡漢 e4 han4
overbearing fiend

恶狠 惡狠 e4 hen3
fierce and vicious

恶狠狠 惡狠狠 e4 hen3 hen3
very fierce

恶恨 惡恨 e4 hen4
to hate; to abhor

恶化 惡化 e4 hua4
to worsen

恶疾 惡疾 e4 ji2
unpleasant ailment; foul disease

恶迹 惡跡 e4 ji4
evil conduct

恶口 惡口 e4 kou3
bad language; foul mouth

恶辣 惡辣 e4 la4

恶浪 惡浪 e4 lang4
violent wave; fierce billow; fig. depraved force

恶劣 惡劣 e4 lie4
vile; nasty; of very poor quality

恶劣影响 惡劣影響 e4 lie4 ying3 xiang3
evil influence

恶骂 惡罵 e4 ma4
to curse fiercely

恶梦 惡夢 e4 meng4

恶名 惡名 e4 ming2
bad name; evil reputation

恶名儿 惡名兒 e4 ming2 er5
erhua variant of 惡名|恶名

恶名昭彰 惡名昭彰 e4 ming2 zhao1 zhang1
infamous; notorious

恶名昭著 惡名昭著 e4 ming2 zhao1 zhu4
notorious (idiom); infamous

恶魔 惡魔 e4 mo2
demon; fiend

恶魔城 惡魔城 e4 mo2 cheng2
Castlevania (video game series)

恶癖 惡癖 e4 pi3
bad habit

恶气 惡氣 e4 qi4
evil smell; resentment; unpleasant manner

恶人 惡人 e4 ren2
evil person; vile creature; ugly man

恶人先告状 惡人先告狀 e4 ren2 xian1 gao4 zhuang4
the guilty party files the suit; the thief cries thief

恶煞 惡煞 e4 sha4
demon; fiend

恶少 惡少 e4 shao4
young thug; malicious young ruffian

恶舌 惡舌 e4 she2
vicious talk; malicious tongue

恶神 惡神 e4 shen2
malignant deity; fiend

恶声 惡聲 e4 sheng1
malicious abuse; lewd song; evil reputation

恶誓 惡誓 e4 shi4
evil oath

恶事 惡事 e4 shi4
evil; malicious deed

恶事传千里 惡事傳千里 e4 shi4 chuan2 qian1 li3
evil deeds spread a thousand miles (idiom); scandal spreads like wildfire

恶势力 惡勢力 e4 shi4 li4
evil forces; criminal elements

恶水 惡水 e4 shui3
dirty water; water that is unfit to drink; slops

恶俗 惡俗 e4 su2
bad habit; evil custom; vulgarity

恶岁 惡歲 e4 sui4
lean year; year of bad harvest

恶损 惡損 e4 sun3
to ridicule

恶徒 惡徒 e4 tu2
hoodlum; bad guy

恶习 惡習 e4 xi2
bad habit; vice

恶相 惡相 e4 xiang4
evil countenance; vicious appearance

恶心 惡心 e4 xin1
bad habit; vicious habit; vice

恶行 惡行 e4 xing2
evil or wicked conduct

恶性 惡性 e4 xing4
malignant; wicked; vicious (circle); producing evil; rapid (decline); runaway (inflation)

恶性疟原虫 惡性瘧原蟲 e4 xing4 nve4 yuan2 chong2
plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite)

恶性通货膨胀 惡性通貨膨脹 e4 xing4 tong1 huo4 peng2 zhang4

恶性循环 惡性循環 e4 xing4 xun2 huan2
vicious circle

恶性肿瘤 惡性腫瘤 e4 xing4 zhong3 liu2
malignant tumor

恶凶凶 惡兇兇 e4 xiong1 xiong1

恶言 惡言 e4 yan2
evil tongue; malicious talk

恶言伤人 惡言傷人 e4 yan2 shang1 ren2
to insult; to direct bad language at sb; to slag off

恶意 惡意 e4 yi4
malice; evil intention

恶意代码 惡意代碼 e4 yi4 dai4 ma3
malicious code (e.g. virus); malware

恶意软件 惡意軟件 e4 yi4 ruan3 jian4
malware (computing)

恶意中伤 惡意中傷 e4 yi4 zhong1 shang1
malicious libel; slander

恶有恶报 惡有惡報 e4 you3 e4 bao4
evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds; sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)

恶语 惡語 e4 yu3
evil words; malicious talk

恶语伤人 惡語傷人 e4 yu3 shang1 ren2
to insult; to direct bad language at sb; to slag off

恶语中伤 惡語中傷 e4 yu3 zhong4 shang1
vicious slander; to calumny maliciously

恶运 惡運 e4 yun4
variant of 厄運|厄运

恶战 惡戰 e4 zhan4
hard fighting; fierce battle

恶仗 惡仗 e4 zhang4
hard fighting; fierce battle

恶浊 惡濁 e4 zhuo2
filthy; foul

恶作剧 惡作劇 e4 zuo4 ju4
mischief; mischievous; practical joke; prank

恶唑啉 惡唑啉 e4 zuo4 lin2

恶唑啉酮 惡唑啉酮 e4 zuo4 lin2 tong2

二恶英 二噁英 er4 e4 ying1
dioxin; also written 二惡英|二恶英

二恶英 二惡英 er4 e4 ying1

改恶向善 改惡向善 gai3 e4 xiang4 shan4
turn away from evil and follow virtue

功率恶化 功率惡化 gong1 lv4 e4 hua4
power penalty

鬼怕恶人 鬼怕惡人 gui3 pa4 e4 ren2
lit. ghosts are afraid of evil too; an evil person fears someone even more evil (idiom)

好事不出门,恶事传千里 好事不出門,惡事傳千里 hao3 shi4 bu4 chu1 men2 - e4 shi4 chuan2 qian1 li3
lit. good deeds do not go beyond the door, evil deeds spread a thousand miles; a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast (idiom)

好恶 好惡 hao4 wu4
lit. likes and dislikes; preferences; taste

好逸恶劳 好逸惡勞 hao4 yi4 wu4 lao2
to love ease and comfort and hate work (idiom)

恨恶 恨惡 hen4 wu4
to despise

红脚苦恶鸟 紅腳苦惡鳥 hong2 jiao3 ku3 e4 niao3
(bird species of China) brown crake (Amaurornis akool)

怙恶不悛 怙惡不悛 hu4 e4 bu4 quan1
to keep doing evil without a sense of repentance (idiom)

积恶 積惡 ji1 e4
accumulated evil

积恶余殃 積惡餘殃 ji1 e4 yu2 yang1
Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom).

疾恶如仇 疾惡如仇 ji2 wu4 ru2 chou2
to hate evil as one hates an enemy (idiom)

奸恶 奸惡 jian1 e4
crafty and evil

交恶 交惡 jiao1 e4
to become enemies; to become hostile towards

旧恶 舊惡 jiu4 e4
old wrong; past grievance; wickedness of former times

居心险恶 居心險惡 ju1 xin1 xian3 e4
to have sinister motives

可恶 可惡 ke3 wu4
repulsive; vile; hateful; abominable

面恶心善 面惡心善 mian4 e4 xin1 shan4
to have a mean-looking face but a heart of gold (idiom)

男性厌恶 男性厭惡 nan2 xing4 yan4 wu4

女性厌恶 女性厭惡 nv3 xing4 yan4 wu4

弃恶从善 棄惡從善 qi4 e4 cong2 shan4
to renounce evil and turn to virtue (idiom)

钱是万恶之源 錢是萬惡之源 qian2 shi4 wan4 e4 zhi1 yuan2
Money is the root of all evil.

穷山恶水 窮山惡水 qiong2 shan1 e4 shui3
lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom); fig. inhospitable natural environment

劝善惩恶 勸善懲惡 quan4 shan4 cheng2 e4
to encourage virtue and punish evil (idiom); fig. poetic justice; you get what's coming to you

善恶 善惡 shan4 e4
good and evil; good versus evil

善有善报,恶有恶报 善有善報,惡有惡報 shan4 you3 shan4 bao4 - e4 you3 e4 bao4
virtue has its reward, evil its retribution

善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到 善有善報,惡有惡報,若然不報時晨未到 shan4 you3 shan4 bao4 - e4 you3 e4 bao4 - ruo4 ran2 bu4 bao4 shi2 chen2 wei4 dao4
Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time

深恶痛绝 深惡痛絕 shen1 wu4 tong4 jue2
to detest bitterly (idiom); implacable hatred; to abhor; anathema

十恶不赦 十惡不赦 shi2 e4 bu4 she4
wicked beyond redemption (idiom); heinous

贪婪是万恶之源 貪婪是萬惡之源 tan1 lan2 shi4 wan4 e4 zhi1 yuan2
Greed is the root of all evil.

万恶 萬惡 wan4 e4
everything that is evil

万恶滔天 萬惡滔天 wan4 e4 tao1 tian1
so much evil that it reaches all the way to heaven (idiom)

万恶之源 萬惡之源 wan4 e4 zhi1 yuan2
the root of all evil

无恶不作 無惡不作 wu2 e4 bu4 zuo4
not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed

喜恶 喜惡 xi3 e4
likes and dislikes

嫌恶 嫌惡 xian2 wu4
to loathe; to abhor; hatred; revulsion

险恶 險惡 xian3 e4
dangerous; sinister; vicious

相恶 相惡 xiang1 e4
to hate one another

邪恶 邪惡 xie2 e4
sinister; vicious; wicked; evil

邪恶轴心 邪惡軸心 xie2 e4 zhou2 xin1
the Axis of Evil

星象恶曜 星象惡曜 xing1 xiang4 e4 yao4
unlucky star (evil portent in astrology)

性恶论 性惡論 xing4 e4 lun4
"human nature is evil", theory advocated by Xunzi 荀子

凶恶 兇惡 xiong1 e4
fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening

凶恶 凶惡 xiong1 e4
variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening

凶神恶煞 兇神惡煞 xiong1 shen2 e4 sha4
fiends (idiom); devils and monsters

厌恶 厭惡 yan4 wu4
to loathe; to hate; disgusted with sth

厌恶人类者 厭惡人類者 yan4 wu4 ren2 lei4 zhe3

洋场恶少 洋場惡少 yang2 chang3 e4 shao4
city infested with foreign adventurers (esp. of Shanghai in pre-Liberation China) (idiom)

隐恶扬善 隱惡揚善 yin3 e4 yang2 shan4
to praise the virtue of sb or sth while concealing their faults

元恶 元惡 yuan2 e4
arch-criminal; master criminal

元恶大憝 元惡大憝 yuan2 e4 da4 dui4
arch-criminal and archenemy (idiom)

憎恶 憎惡 zeng1 e4
to hate evil; see also 憎惡|憎恶

憎恶 憎惡 zeng1 wu4
to loathe; to hate; to abhor; see also 憎惡|憎恶

彰善瘅恶 彰善癉惡 zhang1 shan4 dan4 e4
to distinguish good and evil (idiom); to uphold virtue and condemn evil; to praise good and expose vice

自食恶果 自食惡果 zi4 shi2 e4 guo3
lit. to eat one's own bitter fruit (idiom); fig. to suffer the consequences of one's own actions; to stew in one's own juice

罪大恶极 罪大惡極 zui4 da4 e4 ji2
guilty of terrible crimes (idiom); reprehensible

罪恶 罪惡 zui4 e4
crime; evil; sin

罪恶滔天 罪惡滔天 zui4 e4 tao1 tian1
evil crimes fill heaven (idiom)

作恶 作惡 zuo4 e4
to do evil