surname Hui

favor; benefit; to bestow; (literary) benevolence; (honorific)

strokes 12
strokes after radical 8
保惠师 保惠師 bao3 hui4 shi1

德惠 德惠 de2 hui4
Dehui county level city in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin

德惠地区 德惠地區 de2 hui4 di4 qu1
Dehui county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin

德惠市 德惠市 de2 hui4 shi4
Dehui county level city in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin

恩惠 恩惠 en1 hui4
favor; grace

互惠 互惠 hu4 hui4
mutual benefit; mutually beneficial; reciprocal

惠安 惠安 hui4 an1
Hui'an county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian

惠安县 惠安縣 hui4 an1 xian4
Hui'an county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian

惠城 惠城 hui4 cheng2
Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市, Guangdong

惠城区 惠城區 hui4 cheng2 qu1
Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市, Guangdong

惠东 惠東 hui4 dong1
Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州, Guangdong

惠东县 惠東縣 hui4 dong1 xian4
Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州, Guangdong

惠而不费 惠而不費 hui4 er2 bu4 fei4
a kind act that costs nothing

惠更斯 惠更斯 hui4 geng1 si1
Huygens (name); Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), Dutch mathematician and astronomer

惠顾 惠顧 hui4 gu4
your patronage

惠济 惠濟 hui4 ji4
Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan

惠济区 惠濟區 hui4 ji4 qu1
Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan

惠来 惠來 hui4 lai2
Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong

惠来县 惠來縣 hui4 lai2 xian4
Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong

惠灵顿 惠靈頓 hui4 ling2 dun4
Wellington, capital of New Zealand

惠民 惠民 hui4 min2
to benefit the people

惠民 惠民 hui4 min2
Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州, Shandong

惠民县 惠民縣 hui4 min2 xian4
Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州, Shandong

惠能 惠能 hui4 neng2
variant of 慧能

惠农 惠農 hui4 nong2
Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市, Ningxia

惠农区 惠農區 hui4 nong2 qu1
Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市, Ningxia

惠普 惠普 hui4 pu3

惠普公司 惠普公司 hui4 pu3 gong1 si1
Hewlett-Packard; HP

惠山 惠山 hui4 shan1
Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市, Jiangsu

惠山区 惠山區 hui4 shan1 qu1
Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市, Jiangsu

惠施 惠施 hui4 shi1
Hui Shi, also known as Hui-zi 惠子(c. 370-310 BC), politician and philosopher of the School of Logicians 名家 during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)

惠水 惠水 hui4 shui3
Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou

惠水县 惠水縣 hui4 shui3 xian4
Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou

惠斯勒 惠斯勒 hui4 si1 le4
Whistler (name)

惠斯特 惠斯特 hui4 si1 te4
whist (loanword)

惠特曼 惠特曼 hui4 te4 man4
Whitman (surname); Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet and journalist

惠特妮·休斯顿 惠特妮·休斯頓 hui4 te4 ni1 - xiu1 si1 dun4
Whitney Houston (1963-2012), American singer and actress

惠阳 惠陽 hui4 yang2
Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市, Guangdong

惠阳地区 惠陽地區 hui4 yang2 di4 qu1
Huizhou prefecture 惠州, Guangdong

惠阳区 惠陽區 hui4 yang2 qu1
Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市, Guangdong

惠誉 惠譽 hui4 yu4
Fitch, credit rating agency

惠远寺 惠遠寺 hui4 yuan3 si4
Huiyuan Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

惠州 惠州 hui4 zhou1
Huizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong

惠州市 惠州市 hui4 zhou1 shi4
Huizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong province

惠子 惠子 hui4 zi5
Hui-zi also known as Hui Shi 惠施 (c. 370-310 BC), politician and philosopher of the School of Logicians 名家 during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)

晋惠帝 晉惠帝 jin4 hui4 di4
Emperor Hui of Jin (259-307), personal name 司馬衷|司马衷, 2nd emperor of Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝, reigned 290-307

朴槿惠 朴槿惠 piao2 jin3 hui4
Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙, President of Korea from 2013

秦惠文王 秦惠文王 qin2 hui4 wen2 wang2
King Huiwen of Qin 秦國|秦国, ruled 338-211 BC during the Warring States Period

仁惠 仁惠 ren2 hui4
benevolent; merciful; humane

施惠 施惠 shi1 hui4
to give charity to sb; to oblige

实惠 實惠 shi2 hui4
tangible benefit; material advantages; cheap; economical; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount)

受惠 受惠 shou4 hui4
to benefit; favored

特惠 特惠 te4 hui4
special privilege; favorable (terms); discount (price); preferential (treatment); ex gratia (payment)

特惠金 特惠金 te4 hui4 jin1
ex gratia payment

沃尔特·惠特曼 沃爾特·惠特曼 wo4 er3 te4 - hui4 te4 man4
Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet, essayist and journalist

贤惠 賢惠 xian2 hui4
variant of 賢慧|贤慧

小渊惠三 小淵惠三 xiao3 yuan1 hui4 san1
Obuchi Keizo (1937-2000), Japanese politician, prime minister 1998-2000

秀外惠中 秀外惠中 xiu4 wai4 hui4 zhong1
variant of 秀外慧中

优惠 優惠 you1 hui4
preferential; favorable; deal; offer; discount

优惠贷款 優惠貸款 you1 hui4 dai4 kuan3
loan on favorable terms; concessionary loan; soft loan

优惠券 優惠券 you1 hui4 quan4

张惠妹 張惠妹 zhang1 hui4 mei4
A-Mei, aka Gulilai Amit (1972-), aboriginal Taiwanese pop singer

赵惠文王 趙惠文王 zhao4 hui4 wen2 wang2
King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BC during the Warring States Period

最惠国 最惠國 zui4 hui4 guo2
most-favored nation (trade status)

最惠国待遇 最惠國待遇 zui4 hui4 guo2 dai4 yu4
most favored nation