too horrible to contemplate; unthinkable; inconceivable
不想不想bu4 xiang3
猜想猜想cai1 xiang3
to guess; to conjecture; to suppose; to suspect
畅想暢想chang4 xiang3
to think freely; unfettered imagination
痴想痴想chi1 xiang3
to daydream; wishful thinking; pipe dream
痴心妄想痴心妄想chi1 xin1 wang4 xiang3
to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom); to labor under a delusion; wishful thinking
初步设想初步設想chu1 bu4 she4 xiang3
tentative idea
揣想揣想chuai3 xiang3
to conjecture
断想斷想duan4 xiang3
brief commentary
对比联想對比聯想dui4 bi3 lian2 xiang3
word association; association of ideas
发想發想fa1 xiang3
to come up with an idea; generation of ideas; inspiration
封建思想封建思想feng1 jian4 si1 xiang3
feudal way of thinking
浮想浮想fu2 xiang3
passing thought; an idea that comes into one's head; recollection
浮想联翩浮想聯翩fu2 xiang3 lian2 pian1
to let one's imagination roam
富于想像富於想像fu4 yu2 xiang3 xiang4
感想感想gan3 xiang3
impressions; reflections; thoughts
哥德巴赫猜想哥德巴赫猜想ge1 de2 ba1 he4 cai1 xiang3
the Goldbach conjecture in number theory
构想構想gou4 xiang3
to conceive; concept
构想图構想圖gou4 xiang3 tu2
notional diagram (i.e. made-up picture or artist's impression for news story)
观想觀想guan1 xiang3
to visualize (Buddhist practice)
胡思乱想胡思亂想hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3
to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild
胡想胡想hu2 xiang3
see 胡思亂想|胡思乱想
幻想幻想huan4 xiang3
delusion; fantasy
回想回想hui2 xiang3
to recall; to recollect; to think back
假想假想jia3 xiang3
imaginary; virtual; to imagine; hypothesis
科学幻想科學幻想ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3
science fiction
可想而知可想而知ke3 xiang3 er2 zhi1
it is obvious that...; as one can well imagine...
可想像可想像ke3 xiang3 xiang4
空想空想kong1 xiang3
daydream; fantasy; to fantasize
空想社会主义空想社會主義kong1 xiang3 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4
utopian socialism
苦思冥想苦思冥想ku3 si1 ming2 xiang3
to consider from all angles (idiom); to think hard; to rack one's brains
狂想狂想kuang2 xiang3
fantasy; illusion; vain dream
狂想曲狂想曲kuang2 xiang3 qu3
rhapsody (music)
理想理想li3 xiang3
an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect
理想国理想國li3 xiang3 guo2
Plato's "The Republic" (c. 380 BC)
理想国理想國li3 xiang3 guo2
ideal state; utopia
理想化理想化li3 xiang3 hua4
to idealize
理想主义理想主義li3 xiang3 zhu3 yi4
联想聯想lian2 xiang3
abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团
联想聯想lian2 xiang3
to associate (cognitively); to make an associative connection; mental association; word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
联想集团聯想集團lian2 xiang3 ji2 tuan2
Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm)
联想起聯想起lian2 xiang3 qi3
to associate; to think of
联想学习聯想學習lian2 xiang3 xue2 xi2
associative learning
料想料想liao4 xiang3
to expect; to presume; to think (sth is likely)
毛泽东思想毛澤東思想mao2 ze2 dong1 si1 xiang3
Mao Zedong Thought; Maoism
没想到沒想到mei2 xiang3 dao4
didn't expect
梦想夢想meng4 xiang3
(fig.) to dream of; dream
梦想家夢想家meng4 xiang3 jia1
dreamer; visionary
冥思苦想冥思苦想ming2 si1 ku3 xiang3
to consider from all angles (idiom); to think hard; to rack one's brains
冥想冥想ming2 xiang3
to meditate; meditation
瞑想瞑想ming2 xiang3
to muse; to think deeply; contemplation; meditation
默想默想mo4 xiang3
silent contemplation; to meditate; to think in silence
绮想綺想qi3 xiang3
fantasies; imaginings
跂想跂想qi3 xiang3
to expect anxiously
绮想曲綺想曲qi3 xiang3 qu3
capriccio (music)
儒家思想儒家思想ru2 jia1 si1 xiang3
Confucian thoughts; the thinking of the Confucian school
涉想涉想she4 xiang3
to imagine; to consider
设想設想she4 xiang3
to imagine; to assume; to envisage; tentative plan; to have consideration for
试想試想shi4 xiang3
just think!; imagine that!
思前想后思前想後si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4
to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and future; to ponder over reasons and connection
lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom); fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation; to want to have one's cake and eat it too
预想預想yu4 xiang3
to anticipate; to expect
远大理想遠大理想yuan3 da4 li3 xiang3
lofty ideal
朝思暮想朝思暮想zhao1 si1 mu4 xiang3
to yearn for sth day and night (idiom)
政治思想政治思想zheng4 zhi4 si1 xiang3
political thought; ideology
主体思想主體思想zhu3 ti3 si1 xiang3
Juche Idea (North Korean ideology of political, economic and military independence)
追想追想zhui1 xiang3
to recall
着想著想zhuo2 xiang3
to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr.
最终幻想最終幻想zui4 zhong1 huan4 xiang3
Final Fantasy (video game)
左思右想左思右想zuo3 si1 you4 xiang3
to turn over in one's mind (idiom); to think through from different angles; to ponder