surname Cheng

to succeed; to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to become; to turn into; to be all right; OK!; one tenth

strokes 6
strokes after radical 2
八成 八成 ba1 cheng2
eighty percent; most probably; most likely

八相成道 八相成道 ba1 xiang4 cheng2 dao4
the eight stages of the Buddha's life (Buddhism)

百炼成钢 百煉成鋼 bai3 lian4 cheng2 gang1
to be tempered into a steel

百事无成 百事無成 bai3 shi4 wu2 cheng2
to have accomplished nothing (idiom)

败不成军 敗不成軍 bai4 bu4 cheng2 jun1
The army is completely routed. (idiom)

半成品 半成品 ban4 cheng2 pin3
semi-manufactured goods; semi-finished articles; semi-finished products

宝成铁路 寶成鐵路 bao3 cheng2 tie3 lu4
Baoji-Chengdu Railway

抱成一团 抱成一團 bao4 cheng2 yi1 tuan2
to band together; to gang up; to stick together

必不可少组成 必不可少組成 bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3 zu3 cheng2
absolute necessity; sine qua non

编成 編成 bian1 cheng2
to organize; to put together; to edit

边际成本 邊際成本 bian1 ji4 cheng2 ben3
marginal cost

变成 變成 bian4 cheng2
to change into; to turn into; to become

波澜老成 波瀾老成 bo1 lan2 lao3 cheng2
splendid and powerful (of story); majestic; awesome

不成 不成 bu4 cheng2
won't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?

不成材 不成材 bu4 cheng2 cai2
worthless; good-for-nothing

不成功便成仁 不成功便成仁 bu4 cheng2 gong1 bian4 cheng2 ren2
to succeed or die trying (idiom)

不成话 不成話 bu4 cheng2 hua4
see 不像話|不像话

不成熟 不成熟 bu4 cheng2 shu2
unripe; immature

不成体统 不成體統 bu4 cheng2 ti3 tong3
not according with decorum (idiom); scandalous; bad form; unacceptable behavior

不成文 不成文 bu4 cheng2 wen2
unwritten (rule)

不成文法 不成文法 bu4 cheng2 wen2 fa3
unwritten law

不成样子 不成樣子 bu4 cheng2 yang4 zi5
shapeless; deformed; ruined; beyond recognition; (of a person) reduced to a shadow

不打不成才 不打不成才 bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 cai2
spare the rod and spoil the child (idiom)

不打不成器 不打不成器 bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 qi4
spare the rod and spoil the child (idiom)

不打不成相识 不打不成相識 bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 xiang1 shi2
don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship

不空成就佛 不空成就佛 bu4 kong1 cheng2 jiu4 fo2
Amoghasiddhi Buddha

不以规矩,不能成方圆 不以規矩,不能成方圓 bu4 yi3 gui1 ju5 - bu4 neng2 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules

不赞成 不贊成 bu4 zan4 cheng2
disapproval; to disapprove

沉没成本 沉沒成本 chen2 mo4 cheng2 ben3
sunk cost (economics)

成安 成安 cheng2 an1
Chang'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸, Hebei

成安县 成安縣 cheng2 an1 xian4
Chang'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸, Hebei

成百上千 成百上千 cheng2 bai3 shang4 qian1
hundreds; a large number; lit. by the hundreds and thousands

成败 成敗 cheng2 bai4
success or failure

成败得失 成敗得失 cheng2 bai4 de2 shi1
lit. success and failure, the gains and losses (idiom); fig. to weigh up various factors

成败利钝 成敗利鈍 cheng2 bai4 li4 dun4
succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idiom); advantages and disadvantages; success and failure; You win some, you lose some.

成败论人 成敗論人 cheng2 bai4 lun4 ren2
to judge people based on their success or failure (idiom)

成败在此一举 成敗在此一舉 cheng2 bai4 zai4 ci3 yi1 ju3
win or lose, it all ends here; this is the moment to shine

成报 成報 cheng2 bao4
Sing Pao Daily News

成本 成本 cheng2 ben3
(manufacturing, production etc) costs

成材 成材 cheng2 cai2
to make sth of oneself; to become a person who is worthy of respect; (of a tree) to grow to full size; to become useful for timber

成才 成才 cheng2 cai2
to make sth of oneself; to become a person who is worthy of respect

成层 成層 cheng2 ceng2
layered; stratified

成虫 成蟲 cheng2 chong2
imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its development)

成串 成串 cheng2 chuan4
cluster; bunch

成道 成道 cheng2 dao4
to reach illumination (Buddhism)

成丁 成丁 cheng2 ding1
(of a male) to come of age; an adult male

成都 成都 cheng2 du1
Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province 四川 in southwest China

成都市 成都市 cheng2 du1 shi4
Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province 四川 in southwest China

成都体育大学 成都體育大學 cheng2 du1 ti3 yu4 da4 xue2
Chengdu Sports University

成对 成對 cheng2 dui4
to form a pair

成反比 成反比 cheng2 fan3 bi3
to vary inversely; inversely proportional to

成方儿 成方兒 cheng2 fang1 er5
set prescription (i.e. medicine specifically prescribed for a definite condition)

成份 成份 cheng2 fen4
composition; make-up; ingredient; element; component; one's social status; same as 成分

成分 成分 cheng2 fen4
composition; make-up; ingredient; element; component; one's social status

成份股 成份股 cheng2 fen4 gu3
share included in composite index

成佛 成佛 cheng2 fo2
to become a Buddha; to attain enlightenment

成功 成功 cheng2 gong1
Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan

成功 成功 cheng2 gong1
success; to succeed

成功感 成功感 cheng2 gong1 gan3
sense of accomplishment

成功镇 成功鎮 cheng2 gong1 zhen4
Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan

成骨 成骨 cheng2 gu3
bone formation; osteogenesis

成骨不全症 成骨不全症 cheng2 gu3 bu4 quan2 zheng4
osteogenesis imperfecta (OI); brittle bone disease

成规 成規 cheng2 gui1
established rules; the beaten track

成果 成果 cheng2 guo3
result; achievement; gain; profit

成汉 成漢 cheng2 han4
Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-347)

成核 成核 cheng2 he2

成何体统 成何體統 cheng2 he2 ti3 tong3
What a scandal!; Whatever next?

成华 成華 cheng2 hua2
Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市, Sichuan

成华区 成華區 cheng2 hua2 qu1
Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市, Sichuan

成话 成話 cheng2 hua4
to make sense

成婚 成婚 cheng2 hun1
to get married

成活 成活 cheng2 huo2
to survive

成活率 成活率 cheng2 huo2 lv4
survival rate; rate of success

成吉思汗 成吉思汗 cheng2 ji2 si1 han2
Genghis Khan (1162-1227)

成绩 成績 cheng2 ji4
achievement; performance records; grades

成绩单 成績單 cheng2 ji4 dan1
school report or transcript

成绩卓然 成績卓然 cheng2 ji4 zhuo2 ran2
to achieve astounding results (idiom)

成家 成家 cheng2 jia1
to settle down and get married (of a man); to become a recognized expert

成家立室 成家立室 cheng2 jia1 li4 shi4
to get married (idiom)

成家立业 成家立業 cheng2 jia1 li4 ye4
to get married and start a career (idiom); to settle down; to establish oneself

成见 成見 cheng2 jian4
preconceived idea; bias; prejudice

成交 成交 cheng2 jiao1
to complete a contract; to reach a deal

成交价 成交價 cheng2 jiao1 jia4
sale price; negotiated price; price reached in an auction

成教 成教 cheng2 jiao4
adult education, abbr. for 成人教育

成就 成就 cheng2 jiu4
accomplishment; success; achievement; to achieve (a result); to create; to bring about

成军 成軍 cheng2 jun1
lit. to form an army; to set up (team, group, band, organization etc); to found; opening (ceremony); to commission (arms system, naval vessel); to graduate from an apprenticeship

成均馆 成均館 cheng2 jun1 guan3
Koryo Seonggyungwan, university dating back to Korean Goryeo dynasty, in Gaesong, North Korea; Sungkyun kwan university, Seoul

成考移民 成考移民 cheng2 kao3 yi2 min2
mandatory college exam for immigrants

成了 成了 cheng2 le5
to be done; to be ready; that's enough!; that will do!

成立 成立 cheng2 li4
to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water

成龙 成龍 cheng2 long2
Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and cantopop star

成名 成名 cheng2 ming2
to make one's name; to become famous

成名作 成名作 cheng2 ming2 zuo4
work that makes one's name

成年 成年 cheng2 nian2
to grow to adulthood; fully grown; the whole year

成年累月 成年累月 cheng2 nian2 lei3 yue4
year in, year out (idiom)

成年人 成年人 cheng2 nian2 ren2
adult person

成年者 成年者 cheng2 nian2 zhe3

成批 成批 cheng2 pi1
in batches; in bulk

成品 成品 cheng2 pin3
finished goods; a finished product

成品油 成品油 cheng2 pin3 you2
refined oil

成器 成器 cheng2 qi4
to make sth of oneself; to become a person who is worthy of respect

成千 成千 cheng2 qian1

成千成万 成千成萬 cheng2 qian1 cheng2 wan4
lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands

成千累万 成千累萬 cheng2 qian1 lei3 wan4
lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands

成千上万 成千上萬 cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4
lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands

成亲 成親 cheng2 qin1
to get married

成圈 成圈 cheng2 quan1

成全 成全 cheng2 quan2
to help sb accomplish his aim; to help sb succeed; to complete; to make whole; to round off

成群 成群 cheng2 qun2
in groups; large numbers of; grouping

成群结队 成群結隊 cheng2 qun2 jie2 dui4
making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in large numbers; as a large crowd

成人 成人 cheng2 ren2

成仁 成仁 cheng2 ren2
to die for a good cause

成人礼 成人禮 cheng2 ren2 li3
coming of age ceremony

成日 成日 cheng2 ri4
all day long; the whole day; the whole time

成色 成色 cheng2 se4
relative purity of silver or gold; purity in carat weight; quality; fineness

成实宗 成實宗 cheng2 shi2 zong1
Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism

成事不足,败事有余 成事不足,敗事有餘 cheng2 shi4 bu4 zu2 - bai4 shi4 you3 yu2
unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything (idiom); unable to do anything right; never make, but always mar

成书 成書 cheng2 shu1
publication; a book's first appearance

成熟 成熟 cheng2 shu2
mature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr.

成熟分裂 成熟分裂 cheng2 shu2 fen1 lie4
meiosis (in sexual reproduction)

成双成对 成雙成對 cheng2 shuang1 cheng2 dui4
to form pairs; to be in couples

成双作对 成雙作對 cheng2 shuang1 zuo4 dui4
see 成雙成對|成双成对

成说 成說 cheng2 shuo1
accepted theory or formulation

成套 成套 cheng2 tao4
forming a complete set; complementing one another

成体 成體 cheng2 ti3
adult; fully formed; developed

成天 成天 cheng2 tian1
(coll.) all day long; all the time

成田 成田 cheng2 tian2
Narita (Japanese surname and place name)

成田机场 成田機場 cheng2 tian2 ji1 chang3
Narita Airport (Tokyo)

成王败寇 成王敗寇 cheng2 wang2 bai4 kou4
see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇

成为 成為 cheng2 wei2
to become; to turn into

成文 成文 cheng2 wen2
written; statutory

成文法 成文法 cheng2 wen2 fa3

成武 成武 cheng2 wu3
Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽, Shandong

成武县 成武縣 cheng2 wu3 xian4
Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽, Shandong

成仙 成仙 cheng2 xian1
to become immortal

成县 成縣 cheng2 xian4
Cheng county in Longnan 隴南|陇南, Gansu

成象 成象 cheng2 xiang4
to form an image; to call to mind

成像 成像 cheng2 xiang4
to form an image; imaging

成效 成效 cheng2 xiao4
effect; result

成心 成心 cheng2 xin1
intentional; deliberate; on purpose

成形 成形 cheng2 xing2
to take shape; shaping; forming

成行 成行 cheng2 xing2
to embark on a journey

成型 成型 cheng2 xing2
to become shaped; to become formed

成性 成性 cheng2 xing4
to become second nature; by nature

成样 成樣 cheng2 yang4
seemly; presentable

成样子 成樣子 cheng2 yang4 zi5
seemly; presentable

成药 成藥 cheng2 yao4
patent medicine; medicine already made up

成也萧何,败也萧何 成也蕭何,敗也蕭何 cheng2 ye3 xiao1 he2 - bai4 ye3 xiao1 he2
lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom), alluding to Han Xin 韓信|韩信 being made Grand General 大將軍|大将军; fig. a situation where one's success and failure are both due to the same factor

成夜 成夜 cheng2 ye4
all night long

成衣 成衣 cheng2 yi1
ready-made clothes

成因 成因 cheng2 yin1
cause; factor; cause of formation

成瘾 成癮 cheng2 yin3
to be addicted; addiction

成蛹 成蛹 cheng2 yong3
to pupate; to become a chrysalis

成渝 成渝 cheng2 yu2
Chengdu 成都 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆

成语 成語 cheng2 yu3
Chinese set expression, typically of 4 characters, often alluding to a story or historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage

成语典故 成語典故 cheng2 yu3 dian3 gu4
historical or literary anecdote that gives rise to a saying

成语接龙 成語接龍 cheng2 yu3 jie1 long2
game where the last word of one idiom 成語|成语 is the first of the next

成员 成員 cheng2 yuan2

成员国 成員國 cheng2 yuan2 guo2
member country

成灾 成災 cheng2 zai1
disastrous; to turn into a disaster

成则为王,败则为寇 成則為王,敗則為寇 cheng2 ze2 wei2 wang2 - bai4 ze2 wei2 kou4
lit. called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated (idiom); fig. losers are always in the wrong

成章 成章 cheng2 zhang1
to form a coherent composition

成长 成長 cheng2 zhang3
to mature; to grow; growth

成长率 成長率 cheng2 zhang3 lv4
growth rate

成者为王,败者为寇 成者為王,敗者為寇 cheng2 zhe3 wei2 wang2 - bai4 zhe3 wei2 kou4
see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇

成真 成真 cheng2 zhen1
to come true

成竹在胸 成竹在胸 cheng2 zhu2 zai4 xiong1
see 胸有成竹

成组 成組 cheng2 zu3
to make up (out of components)

出口成章 出口成章 chu1 kou3 cheng2 zhang1
to speak like a printed book; quick and clever talking; the gift of the gab

川端康成 川端康成 chuan1 duan1 kang1 cheng2
Kawabata Yasunari, Japanese literature Nobel laureate

磁共振成像 磁共振成像 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4
magnetic resonance imaging MRI

凑成 湊成 cou4 cheng2
to put together; to make up (a set); to round up (a number to a convenient multiple); resulting in...

促成 促成 cu4 cheng2
to facilitate; to effect

达成 達成 da2 cheng2
to reach (an agreement); to accomplish

达成协议 達成協議 da2 cheng2 xie2 yi4
to reach agreement

打成平手 打成平手 da3 cheng2 ping2 shou3
to draw (a competition); to fight to a standstill

打成一片 打成一片 da3 cheng2 yi1 pian4
to merge; to integrate; to become as one; to unify together

大功告成 大功告成 da4 gong1 gao4 cheng2
successfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful

大器晚成 大器晚成 da4 qi4 wan3 cheng2
lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot (idiom); fig. a great talent matures slowly; in the fullness of time a major figure will develop into a pillar of the state; Rome wasn't built in a day

当成 當成 dang4 cheng2
to consider as; to take to be

低成本 低成本 di1 cheng2 ben3
low cost; inexpensive

点金成铁 點金成鐵 dian3 jin1 cheng2 tie3
to transform gold into base metal (idiom); fig. to edit sb else's beautiful prose and ruin it

点石成金 點石成金 dian3 shi2 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem

点铁成金 點鐵成金 dian3 tie3 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem

独木不成林 獨木不成林 du2 mu4 bu4 cheng2 lin2
a lone tree does not make a forest (idiom); one cannot accomplish much on one's own

煅成末 煅成末 duan4 cheng2 mo4
to calcine (purify by heating)

反目成仇 反目成仇 fan3 mu4 cheng2 chou2
to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb

泛滥成灾 泛濫成災 fan4 lan4 cheng2 zai1
flood causes disaster (idiom); fig. swamped with work

放射生成物 放射生成物 fang4 she4 sheng1 cheng2 wu4
radiogenic material

放下屠刀,立地成佛 放下屠刀,立地成佛 fang4 xia4 tu2 dao1 - li4 di4 cheng2 fo2
lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes

分成 分成 fen1 cheng2
to divide (into); to split a bonus; to break into; tenths; percentage allotment

风成 風成 feng1 cheng2
produced by wind; eolian

奉子成婚 奉子成婚 feng4 zi3 cheng2 hun1
marriage arranged following a pregnancy; marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy

抚养成人 撫養成人 fu3 yang3 cheng2 ren2
to bring up (a child)

阜成门 阜成門 fu4 cheng2 men2
Fuchengmen neighborhood of Beijing

改成 改成 gai3 cheng2
to convert; to turn into (sth else); to adapt (a story to another medium)

高不成低不就 高不成低不就 gao1 bu4 cheng2 di1 bu4 jiu4
can't reach the high or accept the low (idiom); not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one

功败垂成 功敗垂成 gong1 bai4 chui2 cheng2
to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure; to fall at the last hurdle; snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

功成不居 功成不居 gong1 cheng2 bu4 ju1
not to claim personal credit for achievement (idiom)

功成名就 功成名就 gong1 cheng2 ming2 jiu4
to win success and recognition (idiom)

功到自然成 功到自然成 gong1 dao4 zi4 ran2 cheng2
effort will undoubtedly lead to success (idiom)

功能磁共振成像术 功能磁共振成像術 gong1 neng2 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4 shu4
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

功能性磁共振成像 功能性磁共振成像 gong1 neng2 xing4 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

构成 構成 gou4 cheng2
to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing)

光能合成 光能合成 guang1 neng2 he2 cheng2

好梦难成 好夢難成 hao3 meng4 nan2 cheng2
a beautiful dream is hard to realize (idiom)

合成 合成 he2 cheng2
to compose; to constitute; compound; synthesis; mixture; synthetic

合成词 合成詞 he2 cheng2 ci2
compound word

合成代谢 合成代謝 he2 cheng2 dai4 xie4
anabolism (biology); constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc); assimilation

合成法 合成法 he2 cheng2 fa3
(chemical) synthesis

合成类固醇 合成類固醇 he2 cheng2 lei4 gu4 chun2
anabolic steroids

合成器 合成器 he2 cheng2 qi4

合成石油 合成石油 he2 cheng2 shi2 you2
synthetic oil

合成数 合成數 he2 cheng2 shu4
composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)

合成物 合成物 he2 cheng2 wu4
compound; composite; cocktail

合成洗涤剂 合成洗滌劑 he2 cheng2 xi3 di2 ji4
synthetic detergent

合成纤维 合成纖維 he2 cheng2 xian1 wei2
synthetic fiber

合成橡胶 合成橡膠 he2 cheng2 xiang4 jiao1
synthetic rubber

合成语境 合成語境 he2 cheng2 yu3 jing4
composite context

合成语音 合成語音 he2 cheng2 yu3 yin1
assembled phonology

核合成 核合成 he2 he2 cheng2

恨铁不成钢 恨鐵不成鋼 hen4 tie3 bu4 cheng2 gang1
lit. to hate iron for not becoming steel; to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (idiom)

红血球生成素 紅血球生成素 hong2 xue4 qiu2 sheng1 cheng2 su4
erythropoietin (EPO)

化学成分 化學成分 hua4 xue2 cheng2 fen4
chemical composition

换成 換成 huan4 cheng2
to exchange (sth) for (sth else); to replace with; to convert into

慌成一团 慌成一團 huang1 cheng2 yi1 tuan2
(of a group of people) to run about helplessly

挥汗成雨 揮汗成雨 hui1 han4 cheng2 yu3
to drip with sweat; sweat poured off (him)

浑然天成 渾然天成 hun2 ran2 tian1 cheng2
to resemble nature itself; of the highest quality (idiom)

火成 火成 huo3 cheng2
igneous (geology); formed by fire; volcanic (rock)

火成碎屑 火成碎屑 huo3 cheng2 sui4 xie4

火成岩 火成岩 huo3 cheng2 yan2
igneous rock (geology); volcanic rock

基本完成 基本完成 ji1 ben3 wan2 cheng2
fundamentally complete; basically finished

积非成是 積非成是 ji1 fei1 cheng2 shi4
a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom); a lie or an error passed on for a long time may be taken for the truth

机会成本 機會成本 ji1 hui4 cheng2 ben3
opportunity cost

机会带来成功 機會帶來成功 ji1 hui4 dai4 lai2 cheng2 gong1
Opportunity brings success. (idiom)

积劳成疾 積勞成疾 ji1 lao2 cheng2 ji2
to accumulate work causes sickness (idiom); to fall ill from constant overwork

积少成多 積少成多 ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1
Many little things add up to sth great.; Many little drops make an ocean. (idiom)

积习成俗 積習成俗 ji1 xi2 cheng2 su2
accumulated habits become custom

集成 集成 ji2 cheng2
integrated (as in integrated circuit)

集成电路 集成電路 ji2 cheng2 dian4 lu4
integrated circuit; IC

集腋成裘 集腋成裘 ji2 ye4 cheng2 qiu2
many hairs make a fur coat (idiom); many small contributions add up to sth big; many a mickle makes a muckle

急于求成 急於求成 ji2 yu2 qiu2 cheng2
anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success; impatient for result; impetuous

既成事实 既成事實 ji4 cheng2 shi4 shi2
fait accompli

计算机集成制造 計算機集成制造 ji4 suan4 ji1 ji2 cheng2 zhi4 zao4
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

加工成本 加工成本 jia1 gong1 cheng2 ben3
processing cost

家庭成员 家庭成員 jia1 ting2 cheng2 yuan2
family member

驾鹤成仙 駕鶴成仙 jia4 he4 cheng2 xian1
to fly on a crane and become immortal

剪成 剪成 jian3 cheng2
cut into

建成 建成 jian4 cheng2
to establish; to build

建成区 建成區 jian4 cheng2 qu1
built-up area; urban area

阶级成分 階級成分 jie1 ji2 cheng2 fen4
social composition; social status (in Marxist theory, esp. using during cultural revolution)

结成 結成 jie2 cheng2
to form; to forge (alliances etc)

结队成群 結隊成群 jie2 dui4 cheng2 qun2
to form a large group (idiom)

金成 金晟 jin1 cheng2
Sung KIM, US diplomat and director of US State Department's Korea office

金日成 金日成 jin1 ri4 cheng2
Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) Great Leader of North Korea

久病成良医 久病成良醫 jiu3 bing4 cheng2 liang2 yi1
long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom)

久病成医 久病成醫 jiu3 bing4 cheng2 yi1
(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor

九成 九成 jiu3 cheng2
nine-tenths; ninety percent

聚沙成塔 聚沙成塔 ju4 sha1 cheng2 ta3
sand grains accumulate to make a tower a tower (idiom); by gathering small amounts one gets a huge quantity; many a mickle makes a muckle

看成 看成 kan4 cheng2
to regard as

可望有成 可望有成 ke3 wang4 you3 cheng2
can be expected to be a success

溃不成军 潰不成軍 kui4 bu4 cheng2 jun1
utterly defeated

兰郑长成品油管道 蘭鄭長成品油管道 lan2 zheng4 chang2 cheng2 pin3 you2 guan3 dao4
Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline

老成 老成 lao3 cheng2
mature; experienced; sophisticated

老成持重 老成持重 lao3 cheng2 chi2 zhong4
old and wise; experienced and knowledgeable

老羞成怒 老羞成怒 lao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4
see 惱羞成怒|恼羞成怒

乐观其成 樂觀其成 le4 guan1 qi2 cheng2
to look favorably on sth; would be glad to see it happen

乐见其成 樂見其成 le4 jian4 qi2 cheng2
to look favorably on sth; would be glad see it happen

累成狗 累成狗 lei4 cheng2 gou3
(Internet slang) to be dog-tired

李成桂 李成桂 li3 cheng2 gui4
Yi Seong-gye (1335-1408), founder and first king of Korean Yi dynasty (1392-1910)

李成江 李成江 li3 cheng2 jiang1
Li Chengjiang (1979-), Chinese figure skater

李建成 李建成 li3 jian4 cheng2
Li Jiancheng (589-626), eldest son of first Tang emperor Li Yuan 唐高祖李淵|唐高祖李渊, murdered by his brother 李世民 in the Xuanwu Gate coup 玄武門之變|玄武门之变; Professor Li Jiancheng (1993-), geophysicist and specialist in satellite geodesy

李自成 李自成 li3 zi4 cheng2
Li Zicheng (1605-1645), leader of peasant rebellion at the end of the Ming Dynasty

立地成佛 立地成佛 li4 di4 cheng2 fo2
to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes

历史成本 歷史成本 li4 shi3 cheng2 ben3
historic cost (accounting)

联合式合成词 聯合式合成詞 lian2 he2 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2
coordinative compound word

留成 留成 liu2 cheng2
to retain a portion (of profits etc)

乱成一团 亂成一團 luan4 cheng2 yi1 tuan2
in a great mess; chaotic

落成 落成 luo4 cheng2
to complete a construction project

绿树成荫 綠樹成蔭 lv4 shu4 cheng2 yin4
(of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage; (of a road) to be tree-lined

马到成功 馬到成功 ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1
to win instant success (idiom)

没有规矩,不成方圆 沒有規矩,不成方圓 mei2 you3 gui1 ju5 - bu4 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules

没有规矩,何以成方圆 沒有規矩,何以成方圓 mei2 you3 gui1 ju5 - he2 yi3 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules

美梦成真 美夢成真 mei3 meng4 cheng2 zhen1
a dream come true

米已成炊 米已成炊 mi3 yi3 cheng2 chui1
lit. the rice has already been cooked (idiom); fig. what is done cannot be undone

明成祖 明成祖 ming2 cheng2 zu3
Ming Chengzu, Temple name of third Ming Emperor Yongle 永樂|永乐

磨杵成针 磨杵成針 mo2 chu3 cheng2 zhen1
to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study diligently

墨守成规 墨守成規 mo4 shou3 cheng2 gui1
hidebound by convention (idiom)

谋事在人,成事在天 謀事在人,成事在天 mou2 shi4 zai4 ren2 - cheng2 shi4 zai4 tian1
planning is with man, accomplishing with heaven (idiom); Man proposes but God disposes.

目成 目成 mu4 cheng2
to make eyes; to exchange flirting glances with sb

木已成舟 木已成舟 mu4 yi3 cheng2 zhou1
lit. the timber has been turned into a boat already (idiom); fig. what is done cannot be undone

难不成 難不成 nan2 bu4 cheng2
Is it possible that ... ?

脑成像技术 腦成像技術 nao3 cheng2 xiang4 ji4 shu4
brain imaging technique

恼羞成怒 惱羞成怒 nao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4
to fly into a rage out of humiliation; to be ashamed into anger (idiom)

年成 年成 nian2 cheng5
the year's harvest

酿成 釀成 niang4 cheng2
to form gradually; to lead to

拧成一股绳 擰成一股繩 ning2 cheng2 yi1 gu3 sheng2
to twist together to form a rope; (fig.) to unite; to work together

弄假成真 弄假成真 nong4 jia3 cheng2 zhen1
pretense that turns into reality (idiom); to play at make-believe, but accidentally make it true

弄巧成拙 弄巧成拙 nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1
to overreach oneself; to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face

偏正式合成词 偏正式合成詞 pian1 zheng4 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2
modified compound word

拼成 拼成 pin1 cheng2
to put sth together from component parts

频率合成 頻率合成 pin2 lv4 he2 cheng2
frequency synthesis

平成 平成 ping2 cheng2
Heisei, reign name of Japanese Emperor Akihito, from 1989

平方成反比 平方成反比 ping2 fang1 cheng2 fan3 bi3
proportional to inverse square (physics)

齐武成 齊武成 qi2 wu3 cheng2
Emperor Wucheng of Qi, personal name 高湛 (537-568), reigned 561-565

切成 切成 qie1 cheng2
to cut up (into pieces); to slice; to carve; to dice; to shred

切成块 切成塊 qie1 cheng2 kuai4
to cut into cubes; to dice (vegetable)

切成丝 切成絲 qie1 cheng2 si1
to grate; to shred (vegetable)

氢净合成油 氫淨合成油 qing1 jing4 he2 cheng2 you2
hydrogenated oil

丘成桐 丘成桐 qiu1 cheng2 tong2
Shing-Tung Yau (1949-), Chinese-American mathematician, Fields medalist in 1982

屈打成招 屈打成招 qu1 da3 cheng2 zhao1
to obtain confessions under torture

热成层 熱成層 re4 cheng2 ceng2

荣成 榮成 rong2 cheng2
Rongcheng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong

荣成市 榮成市 rong2 cheng2 shi4
Rongcheng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong

荣成湾 榮成灣 rong2 cheng2 wan1
Roncheng bay near Weihai 威海市 on north coast of Shandong

三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,合成一個諸葛亮 san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 - he2 cheng2 yi1 ge4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom

三人成虎 三人成虎 san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3
three men talking makes a tiger (idiom); repeated rumor becomes a fact

三五成群 三五成群 san1 wu3 cheng2 qun2
in groups of three or four (idiom)

少成多 少成多 shao3 cheng2 duo1
Many little things add up to sth great (idiom); many a mickle makes a muckle

少年老成 少年老成 shao4 nian2 lao3 cheng2
accomplished though young; lacking youthful vigor

少女露笑脸,婚事半成全 少女露笑臉,婚事半成全 shao4 nv3 lu4 xiao4 lian3 - hun1 shi4 ban4 cheng2 quan2
When the girl smiles, the matchmaker's job is half done. (idiom)

深成岩 深成岩 shen1 cheng2 yan2
plutonic rock; abyssal rock

神成为人 神成為人 shen2 cheng2 wei2 ren2
God became man

生产成本 生產成本 sheng1 chan3 cheng2 ben3
production costs

生成 生成 sheng1 cheng2
to generate; to produce; generated; produced

生成树 生成樹 sheng1 cheng2 shu4
spanning tree (in graph theory)

生米煮成熟饭 生米煮成熟飯 sheng1 mi3 zhu3 cheng2 shu2 fan4
the rice is cooked; what's done is done; it's too late to change anything now (idiom)

生米做成熟饭 生米做成熟飯 sheng1 mi3 zuo4 cheng2 shu2 fan4
lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed; It's too late to change anything now.; also written 生米煮成熟飯|生米煮成熟饭

失败是成功之母 失敗是成功之母 shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3
Failure is the mother of success.

十成 十成 shi2 cheng2

十成九稳 十成九穩 shi2 cheng2 jiu3 wen3
see 十拿九穩|十拿九稳

使成 使成 shi3 cheng2
to cause; to render

使成一体 使成一體 shi3 cheng2 yi1 ti3
to unify

势成骑虎 勢成騎虎 shi4 cheng2 qi2 hu3
if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway

嗜痂成癖 嗜痂成癖 shi4 jia1 cheng2 pi3
to have strange and dangerous addictions (idiom)

嗜杀成性 嗜殺成性 shi4 sha1 cheng2 xing4

事业有成 事業有成 shi4 ye4 you3 cheng2
to be successful in business; professional success

收成 收成 shou1 cheng2

守成 守成 shou3 cheng2
to preserve the accomplishments of previous generations; to carry on the good work of one's predecessors

水到渠成 水到渠成 shui3 dao4 qu2 cheng2
lit. where water flows, a canal is formed (idiom); fig. when conditions are right, success will follow naturally

顺理成章 順理成章 shun4 li3 cheng2 zhang1
logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text)

速成 速成 su4 cheng2
crash (course); accelerated (process); quick (fix); instant (success); to achieve in a short time

塑造成 塑造成 su4 zao4 cheng2
to shape into; to mold (into some form); to fashion into

缩成 縮成 suo1 cheng2
to shrink into

缩成一团 縮成一團 suo1 cheng2 yi1 tuan2
to huddle together; to curl up

提成 提成 ti2 cheng2
to take a percentage

天成 天成 tian1 cheng2
as if made by heaven

天文学大成 天文學大成 tian1 wen2 xue2 da4 cheng2
the Almagest by Ptolemy

铁杵成针 鐵杵成針 tie3 chu3 cheng2 zhen1
see 磨杵成針|磨杵成针

偷鸡不成蚀把米 偷雞不成蝕把米 tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3
lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom); fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off; to go for wool and come back shorn

脱胎成仙 脫胎成仙 tuo1 tai1 cheng2 xian1
reborn as immortal

外来成语 外來成語 wai4 lai2 cheng2 yu3
loan idiom

完成 完成 wan2 cheng2
to complete; to accomplish

完成时 完成時 wan2 cheng2 shi2
perfect tense (grammar)

网络成瘾 網絡成癮 wang3 luo4 cheng2 yin3
Internet addiction; net addiction; web addiction

望女成凤 望女成鳳 wang4 nv3 cheng2 feng4
see 望子成龍|望子成龙

望子成龙 望子成龍 wang4 zi3 cheng2 long2
lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life; to have great hopes for one's offspring; to give one's child the best education as a career investment

未成 未成 wei4 cheng2
minor (i.e. person under 18); incomplete; unachieved; failed; abortive

蔚成 蔚成 wei4 cheng2
to afford (a magnificent view etc); to become (a prevailing fashion etc)

未成冠 未成冠 wei4 cheng2 guan1
minor (old usage, person under 20)

未成年人 未成年人 wei4 cheng2 nian2 ren2
minor (i.e. person under 18)

未成年者 未成年者 wei4 cheng2 nian2 zhe3
minor (not an adult)

卫留成 衛留成 wei4 liu2 cheng2
Wei Liucheng (1946-), fifth governor of Hainan

蔚然成风 蔚然成風 wei4 ran2 cheng2 feng1
to have become common practice (idiom); to become a general trend

未完成 未完成 wei4 wan2 cheng2
imperfect; incomplete

文成 文成 wen2 cheng2
Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang

文成县 文成縣 wen2 cheng2 xian4
Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang

无成 無成 wu2 cheng2
achieving nothing

无巧不成书 無巧不成書 wu2 qiao3 bu4 cheng2 shu1
curious coincidence

无心插柳柳成阴 無心插柳柳成陰 wu2 xin1 cha1 liu3 liu3 cheng2 yin1
lit. idly poke a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree to shade you; (fig.) unintentional actions may bring unexpected success; also written 無心插柳柳成蔭|无心插柳柳成荫

吸毒成瘾 吸毒成癮 xi1 du2 cheng2 yin3
drug addiction

媳妇熬成婆 媳婦熬成婆 xi2 fu4 ao2 cheng2 po2
lit. even a submissive daughter-in-law will one day become a domineering mother-in-law (idiom); fig. the oppressed will become the oppressor; what goes around comes around

习惯成自然 習慣成自然 xi2 guan4 cheng2 zi4 ran2
habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature

习以成俗 習以成俗 xi2 yi3 cheng2 su2
to become accustomed to sth through long practice

习以成性 習以成性 xi2 yi3 cheng2 xing4
deeply ingrained; steeped in

现成 現成 xian4 cheng2
ready-made; readily available

相辅相成 相輔相成 xiang1 fu3 xiang1 cheng2
to complement one another (idiom)

相沿成习 相沿成習 xiang1 yan2 cheng2 xi2
well established; accepted as a result of long usage

相映成趣 相映成趣 xiang1 ying4 cheng2 qu4
to set each other off nicely

孝成王 孝成王 xiao4 cheng2 wang2
King Xiaocheng of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 266-245 BC

新成土 新成土 xin1 cheng2 tu3
Primosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)

心想事成 心想事成 xin1 xiang3 shi4 cheng2
to have one's wishes come true; wish you the best!

形成 形成 xing2 cheng2
to form; to take shape

形成层 形成層 xing2 cheng2 ceng2
vascular cambium (layer of tissue responsible for growth inside wood)

性成熟 性成熟 xing4 cheng2 shu2
sexual maturity

胸有成略 胸有成略 xiong1 you3 cheng2 lve4
the hero has plans already laid (idiom); to have plans ready in advance; forewarned is forearmed

胸有成算 胸有成算 xiong1 you3 cheng2 suan4
the hero has plans already laid (idiom); to have plans ready in advance; forewarned is forearmed

胸有成竹 胸有成竹 xiong1 you3 cheng2 zhu2
to plan in advance (idiom); a card up one's sleeve; forewarned is forearmed

熊成基 熊成基 xiong2 cheng2 ji1
Xiong Chengji (1887-1910), anti-Qing revolutionary and martyr

修成正果 修成正果 xiu1 cheng2 zheng4 guo3
to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight; to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts; to come to fruition

修炼成仙 修煉成仙 xiu1 lian4 cheng2 xian1
lit. to practice austerities to become a Daoist immortal; practice makes perfect

薛福成 薛福成 xue1 fu2 cheng2
Xue Fucheng (1838-1894), Qing official and progressive political theorist

学业有成 學業有成 xue2 ye4 you3 cheng2
to be successful in one's studies; academic success

血流成河 血流成河 xue4 liu2 cheng2 he2
rivers of blood (idiom); bloodbath

血栓形成 血栓形成 xue4 shuan1 xing2 cheng2

熏陶成性 熏陶成性 xun1 tao2 cheng2 xing4
(idiom) nurture makes second nature; good habits come by long assimilation

盐成土 鹽成土 yan2 cheng2 tu3
Halosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)

眼成穿 眼成穿 yan3 cheng2 chuan1
to watch in anticipation (idiom)

养成 養成 yang3 cheng2
to cultivate; to raise; to form (a habit); to acquire

夜不成眠 夜不成眠 ye4 bu4 cheng2 mian2
to be unable to sleep at night

一成不变 一成不變 yi1 cheng2 bu4 bian4
nothing much changes (idiom); always the same; stuck in a rut

一举成功 一舉成功 yi1 ju3 cheng2 gong1
success at one go; to succeed at the first attempt

一口吃不成胖子 一口吃不成胖子 yi1 kou3 chi1 bu4 cheng2 pang4 zi5
lit. you cannot get fat with only one mouthful (proverb); fig. learn to walk before you run

一气呵成 一氣呵成 yi1 qi4 he1 cheng2
to do something at one go; to flow smoothly

一失足成千古恨 一失足成千古恨 yi1 shi1 zu2 cheng2 qian1 gu3 hen4
a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow (idiom)

一事无成 一事無成 yi1 shi4 wu2 cheng2
to have achieved nothing; to be a total failure; to get nowhere

一雨成秋 一雨成秋 yi1 yu3 cheng2 qiu1
a sudden shower towards the end of summer brings an abrupt arrival of autumn (idiom)

已成形 已成形 yi3 cheng2 xing2

译成 譯成 yi4 cheng2
to translate into (Chinese, English etc)

因爱成恨 因愛成恨 yin1 ai4 cheng2 hen4
hatred caused by love (idiom); to grow to hate someone because of unrequited love for that person

因人成事 因人成事 yin1 ren2 cheng2 shi4
to get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends

有成 有成 you3 cheng2
to succeed; successful

有情人终成眷属 有情人終成眷屬 you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3
love will find a way (idiom)

有意栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成阴 有意栽花花不發,無心插柳柳成陰 you3 yi4 zai1 hua1 hua1 bu4 fa1 - wu2 xin1 cha1 liu3 liu3 cheng2 yin1
lit. you plant a garden and the flowers do not bloom, you poke a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree; fig. things do not always turn out as one would expect; well-laid plans may fail, and success may come where you least expect it

有志竟成 有志竟成 you3 zhi4 jing4 cheng2
persevere and you will succeed (idiom); where there's a will, there's a way

有志者事竟成 有志者事竟成 you3 zhi4 zhe3 shi4 jing4 cheng2
a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, there's a way

语音合成 語音合成 yu3 yin1 he2 cheng2
speech synthesis

宇宙生成论 宇宙生成論 yu3 zhou4 sheng1 cheng2 lun4

玉成 玉成 yu4 cheng2
please help achieve something (formal)

约定俗成 約定俗成 yue1 ding4 su2 cheng2
established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement; customary convention

赞成 贊成 zan4 cheng2
to approve; to endorse; (literary) to assist

赞成票 贊成票 zan4 cheng2 piao4
approval; affirmative vote

造成 造成 zao4 cheng2
to bring about; to create; to cause

造成问题 造成問題 zao4 cheng2 wen4 ti2
to create an issue; to cause a problem

责成 責成 ze2 cheng2
give sb a task

张成泽 張成澤 zhang1 cheng2 ze2
Jang Seong-taek or Chang Sŏngt'aek (1946-2013), brother-in-law of Kim Jong-il 金正日, uncle and regent of Kim Jong-un 金正恩

长成 長成 zhang3 cheng2
to grow up

正常成本 正常成本 zheng4 chang2 cheng2 ben3
normal cost (accountancy)

郑成功 鄭成功 zheng4 cheng2 gong1
Koxinga (1624-1662), military leader

植物化学成分 植物化學成分 zhi2 wu4 hua4 xue2 cheng2 fen4

只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針 zhi3 yao4 gong1 fu5 shen1 - tie3 chu3 mo2 cheng2 zhen1
If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle.; cf idiom 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study diligently

制成 製成 zhi4 cheng2
to manufacture; to turn out (a product)

制成品 制成品 zhi4 cheng2 pin3
manufactured goods; finished product

终成眷属 終成眷屬 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3
see 有情人終成眷屬|有情人终成眷属

终成泡影 終成泡影 zhong1 cheng2 pao4 ying3
to come to nothing (idiom)

中成药 中成藥 zhong1 cheng2 yao4
prepared prescription (Chinese medicine)

中山成彬 中山成彬 zhong1 shan1 cheng2 bin1
NAKAYAMA Nariaki (1943-), right-wing Japanese cabinet minister and prominent denier of Japanese war crimes

众志成城 眾志成城 zhong4 zhi4 cheng2 cheng2
unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)

周成王 周成王 zhou1 cheng2 wang2
King Cheng of Zhou (1055-1021 BC), reigned 1042-1021 BC as the 2nd king of Western Zhou 西周, son of King Wu of Zhou 周武王

铸成 鑄成 zhu4 cheng2
to cast in metal; (fig.) to forge; to fashion

铸成大错 鑄成大錯 zhu4 cheng2 da4 cuo4
to make a serious mistake (idiom)

专用集成电路 專用集成電路 zhuan1 yong4 ji2 cheng2 dian4 lu4
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)

装成 裝成 zhuang1 cheng2
to pretend

着手成春 著手成春 zhuo2 shou3 cheng2 chun1
lit. set out and it becomes spring (idiom); to effect a miracle cure (of medical operation); to bring back the dead; once it starts, everything goes well

卓有成效 卓有成效 zhuo2 you3 cheng2 xiao4
highly effective; fruitful

自成一家 自成一家 zi4 cheng2 yi1 jia1
to have a style of one's own

自学成才 自學成才 zi4 xue2 cheng2 cai2
a self-made genius

总成本 總成本 zong3 cheng2 ben3
total costs

组成 組成 zu3 cheng2
to form; to make up; to constitute

组成部分 組成部分 zu3 cheng2 bu4 fen4
part; component; ingredient; constituent

坐观成败 坐觀成敗 zuo4 guan1 cheng2 bai4
to sit and await success or failure (idiom); to wait to see the outcome of a fight before taking sides; to sit on the fence

坐享其成 坐享其成 zuo4 xiang3 qi2 cheng2
to reap where one has not sown (idiom)