a household; door; family

strokes 4
strokes after radical 0
挨户 挨戶 ai1 hu4
from house to house, one by one

挨户挨家 挨戶挨家 ai1 hu4 ai1 jia1
see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户

挨家挨户 挨家挨戶 ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4
to go from house to house

挨门挨户 挨門挨戶 ai1 men2 ai1 hu4
see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户

安家落户 安家落戶 an1 jia1 luo4 hu4
to make one's home in a place; to settle

搬迁户 搬遷戶 ban1 qian1 hu4
relocated household; unit that has moved

傍户而立 傍戶而立 bang4 hu4 er2 li4
to stand close to the door

傍人门户 傍人門戶 bang4 ren2 men2 hu4
to be dependent upon sb

包产到户 包產到戶 bao1 chan3 dao4 hu4
fixing of farm output quotas for each household

包产到户制 包產到戶制 bao1 chan3 dao4 hu4 zhi4
system of quotas for farm output per household

保户 保戶 bao3 hu4
insurance policy holder

暴发户 暴發戶 bao4 fa1 hu4
newly rich; parvenu; upstart

报户口 報戶口 bao4 hu4 kou3
to apply for residence; to register a birth

柴门小户 柴門小戶 chai2 men2 xiao3 hu4
woodcutter's cottage (idiom); poor person's hovel; fig. my humble house

吃大户 吃大戶 chi1 da4 hu4
mass seizure of food from landlords during famines before liberation

储户 儲戶 chu3 hu4
(bank) depositor

储蓄帐户 儲蓄帳戶 chu3 xu4 zhang4 hu4
savings account (in bank)

船户 船戶 chuan2 hu4
boatman; boat dweller

窗户棂 窗戶欞 chuang1 hu4 ling2
window frame

窗户 窗戶 chuang1 hu5

存户 存戶 cun2 hu4
depositor (in bank or shares)

大户 大戶 da4 hu4
great family; rich family; large landlord; conspicuous spender or consumer

蜑户 蜑戶 dan4 hu4
see 蜑家

登记用户 登記用戶 deng1 ji4 yong4 hu4
registered user

佃户 佃戶 dian4 hu4
tenant farmer

钉子户 釘子戶 ding1 zi5 hu4
householder who refuses to vacate his home despite pressure from property developers

顶门壮户 頂門壯戶 ding3 men2 zhuang4 hu4
to support the family business (idiom)

订户 訂戶 ding4 hu4
subscriber (to a newspaper or periodical)

定户 定戶 ding4 hu4
variant of 訂戶|订户

独立门户 獨立門戶 du2 li4 men2 hu4
to live apart from parents (of married couple); to achieve independence

多用户 多用戶 duo1 yong4 hu4

非对称式数据用户线 非對稱式數據用戶線 fei1 dui4 chen4 shi4 shu4 ju4 yong4 hu4 xian4
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line; ADSL

富户 富戶 fu4 hu4
rich family; large landlord

个体户 個體戶 ge4 ti3 hu4
self-employed; a private firm (PRC usage)

黑户 黑戶 hei1 hu4
unregistered resident or household; unlicensed shop

户部 戶部 hu4 bu4
Ministry of Revenue in imperial China

户部尚书 戶部尚書 hu4 bu4 shang4 shu1
Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)

户告人晓 戶告人曉 hu4 gao4 ren2 xiao3
to make known to every household (idiom); to disseminate widely; to shout from the rooftops

户籍 戶籍 hu4 ji2
census register; household register

户均 戶均 hu4 jun1
household average

户口 戶口 hu4 kou3
population (counted as number of households for census or taxation); registered residence; residence permit; (in Hong Kong and Macau) bank account

户口本 戶口本 hu4 kou3 ben3
household register; household registration booklet; residence certificate

户口簿 戶口簿 hu4 kou3 bu4
household register

户口制 戶口制 hu4 kou3 zhi4
PRC system of compulsory registration of households

户口制度 戶口制度 hu4 kou3 zhi4 du4
PRC system of compulsory registration

户内 戶內 hu4 nei4
indoors; within the home

户枢不蠹 戶樞不蠹 hu4 shu1 bu4 du4
lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten; constant activity prevents decay (idiom)

户头 戶頭 hu4 tou2
bank account

户外 戶外 hu4 wai4

户县 戶縣 hu4 xian4
Hu county in Xi'an 西安, Shaanxi

户限 戶限 hu4 xian4

户限为穿 戶限為穿 hu4 xian4 wei4 chuan1
an endless stream of visitors (idiom)

户型 戶型 hu4 xing2
configuration of rooms in a residence (e.g. 3BR 2 Bath)

户牖 戶牖 hu4 you3
door and window; the home

户主 戶主 hu4 zhu3
head of the household

花户 花戶 hua1 hu4
registered occupants of a house

活期帐户 活期帳戶 huo2 qi1 zhang4 hu4
current account (in bank)

集体户 集體戶 ji2 ti3 hu4
collective; joint household

家家户户 家家戶戶 jia1 jia1 hu4 hu4
each and every family (idiom); every household

家喻户晓 家喻戶曉 jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3
understood by everyone (idiom); well known; a household name

江户 江戶 jiang1 hu4
Edo (old name of Tokyo)

脚户 腳戶 jiao3 hu4
porter; donkey driver

净身出户 凈身出戶 jing4 shen1 chu1 hu4
to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or property)

开户 開戶 kai1 hu4
to open an account (bank etc)

客户 客戶 ke4 hu4
client; customer

客户端 客戶端 ke4 hu4 duan1
client (computing)

客户服务 客戶服務 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4
customer service; client service

客户服务部 客戶服務部 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 bu4
customer service division

客户服务器结构 客戶服務器結構 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 qi4 jie2 gou4
client server architecture

客户机 客戶機 ke4 hu4 ji1
client (computer)

客户机服务器环境 客戶機服務器環境 ke4 hu4 ji1 fu2 wu4 qi4 huan2 jing4
client-server environment

客户机软件 客戶機軟件 ke4 hu4 ji1 ruan3 jian4
client software

客户应用 客戶應用 ke4 hu4 ying4 yong4
client application

联产到户 聯產到戶 lian2 chan3 dao4 hu4
household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each rural household could freely decide what to produce and how to sell, as long as it fulfilled its quota of products to the state

猎户臂 獵戶臂 lie4 hu4 bi4
Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our solar system)

猎户座 獵戶座 lie4 hu4 zuo4
Orion (constellation)

猎户座大星云 獵戶座大星雲 lie4 hu4 zuo4 da4 xing1 yun2
the Great Nebula in Orion M42

猎户座流星雨 獵戶座流星雨 lie4 hu4 zuo4 liu2 xing1 yu3
Orionids; Orionid meteor shower

流水不腐,户枢不蠹 流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 liu2 shui3 bu4 fu3 - hu4 shu1 bu4 du4
lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom); fig. constant activity prevents decay

落户 落戶 luo4 hu4
to settle; to set up home

门当户对 門當戶對 men2 dang1 hu4 dui4
the families are well-matched in terms of social status (idiom); (of a prospective marriage partner) an appropriate match

门户 門戶 men2 hu4
door; strategic gateway; portal; faction; sect; family status; family; web portal; (old) brothel

门户开放 門戶開放 men2 hu4 kai1 fang4
open door policy; Egyptian President Sadat's infitah policy towards investment and relations with Israel

门户网站 門戶網站 men2 hu4 wang3 zhan4
web portal

门户之见 門戶之見 men2 hu4 zhi1 jian4
sectarian bias; parochialism

名义账户 名義賬戶 ming2 yi4 zhang4 hu4
nominal bank account

农户 農戶 nong2 hu4
peasant household

棚户 棚戶 peng2 hu4
shacks; shack-dwellers; slum-dwellers

蓬户 蓬戶 peng2 hu4
thatched house; poor person's house; humble home

棚户区 棚戶區 peng2 hu4 qu1

蓬户瓮牖 蓬戶甕牖 peng2 hu4 weng4 you3
thatched house, broken urn windows (idiom); poor person's house; humble home

蓬门筚户 蓬門篳戶 peng2 men2 bi4 hu4
overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom); poor person's house; humble home

蓬门荜户 蓬門蓽戶 peng2 men2 bi4 hu4
overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom); poor person's house; humble home

铺户 鋪戶 pu4 hu4
store; shop

千家万户 千家萬戶 qian1 jia1 wan4 hu4
every family (idiom)

清拆户 清拆戶 qing1 chai1 hu4
demolition of homes; to destroy homes (for new building projects)

入户 入戶 ru4 hu4
to obtain a residence permit

散户 散戶 san3 hu4
individual (shareholder); the small investor

商户 商戶 shang1 hu4
merchant; trader; businessman; firm

神户 神戶 shen2 hu4
Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka

收益帐户 收益帳戶 shou1 yi4 zhang4 hu4
income account (accountancy)

数字用户线路 數字用戶線路 shu4 zi4 yong4 hu4 xian4 lu4
digital subscriber line (DSL)

水户市 水戶市 shui3 hu4 shi4
Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

邃户 邃戶 sui4 hu4
forbidding entrance to a large, quiet house

屠户 屠戶 tu2 hu4

图像用户介面 圖像用戶介面 tu2 xiang4 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4
graphical user interface; GUI

图形用户界面 圖形用戶界面 tu2 xing2 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4
graphical user interface (GUI)

万户 萬戶 wan4 hu4
ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 households; also translated as Marquis

万户 萬戶 wan4 hu4
ten thousand houses or households

万户侯 萬戶侯 wan4 hu4 hou2
Marquis (highest Han dynasty ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 households); high nobles

万元户 萬元戶 wan4 yuan2 hu4
household with savings or annual income of 10,000 yuan or more (considered a large amount in the 1970s, when the term became established)

往来帐户 往來帳戶 wang3 lai2 zhang4 hu4
current account (in bank)

耶户 耶戶 ye1 hu4
Jehu (842-815 BC), Israelite king, prominent character in 2 Kings 9:10

夜不闭户 夜不閉戶 ye4 bu4 bi4 hu4
lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society

阴户 陰戶 yin1 hu4

用户 用戶 yong4 hu4
user; consumer; subscriber; customer

用户创造内容 用戶創造內容 yong4 hu4 chuang4 zao4 nei4 rong2
user-generated content (of a website)

用户到网络的接口 用戶到網絡的接口 yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 de5 jie1 kou3
User-Network Interface; UNI

用户到网络接口 用戶到網絡接口 yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 jie1 kou3
user-network interface; UNI

用户定义 用戶定義 yong4 hu4 ding4 yi4

用户端设备 用戶端設備 yong4 hu4 duan1 she4 bei4
customer premise equipment; CPE

用户界面 用戶界面 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4
user interface

用户名 用戶名 yong4 hu4 ming2
username; user ID

用户线 用戶線 yong4 hu4 xian4
subscriber line

在户外 在戶外 zai4 hu4 wai4

债户 債戶 zhai4 hu4

帐户 帳戶 zhang4 hu4
(bank, computer etc) account

账户 賬戶 zhang4 hu4
bank account; online account

终端用户 終端用戶 zhong1 duan1 yong4 hu4
end user

住户 住戶 zhu4 hu4
inhabitant; householder

专业户 專業戶 zhuan1 ye4 hu4
family firm producing a special product; cottage industry

庄稼户 莊稼戶 zhuang1 jia5 hu4
wealthy farmer; landlord

庄稼户儿 莊稼戶兒 zhuang1 jia5 hu4 er5
erhua variant of 莊稼戶|庄稼户

自立门户 自立門戶 zi4 li4 men2 hu4
to form one's own group or school of thought; to set up one's own business; to establish oneself

租户 租戶 zu1 hu4
tenant; person who leases

足不出户 足不出戶 zu2 bu4 chu1 hu4
lit. not putting a foot outside; to stay at home