hand; (formal) to hold; person engaged in certain types of work; person skilled in certain types of work; personal(ly); convenient; classifier for skill
lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom); fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
赤手赤手chi4 shou3
with bare hands
赤手空拳赤手空拳chi4 shou3 kong1 quan2
empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing to rely on; unarmed and defenseless
初试身手初試身手chu1 shi4 shen1 shou3
to have a try; to try one's hand; initial foray
出手出手chu1 shou3
to dispose of; to spend (money); to undertake a task
触手觸手chu4 shou3
触手可得觸手可得chu4 shou3 ke3 de2
within reach
触手可及觸手可及chu4 shou3 ke3 ji2
within reach
吹鼓手吹鼓手chui1 gu3 shou3
(old) musicians at a wedding cortege or funeral procession; (fig.) trumpeter of sb's praises; booster
吹竽手吹竽手chui1 yu2 shou3
player of the yu 竽 (free reed mouth organ)
凑手湊手cou4 shou3
at hand; within easy reach; convenient; handy
措手措手cuo4 shou3
to deal with; to manage; to proceed
措手不及措手不及cuo4 shou3 bu4 ji2
no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared
搭把手搭把手da1 ba3 shou3
to help out
搭把手儿搭把手兒da1 ba3 shou3 er5
erhua variant of 搭把手
搭脚手架搭腳手架da1 jiao3 shou3 jia4
to put up scaffolding
打成平手打成平手da3 cheng2 ping2 shou3
to draw (a competition); to fight to a standstill
打手枪打手槍da3 shou3 qiang1
to masturbate
打手语打手語da3 shou3 yu3
to use sign language
打手打手da3 shou5
hired thug
打下手打下手da3 xia4 shou3
to act in a supporting role; fig. to play second fiddle
to hold back a trick; not to divulge all one's trade secrets
龙龛手鉴龍龕手鑑long2 kan1 shou3 jian4
Longkan Shoujian, Chinese character dictionary from 997 AD containing 26,430 entries, with radicals placed into 240 rhyme groups and arranged according to the four tones, and the rest of the characters similarly arranged under each radical
龙龛手镜龍龕手鏡long2 kan1 shou3 jing4
see 龍龕手鑑|龙龛手鉴
隆乳手术隆乳手術long2 ru3 shou3 shu4
breast enlargement operation; boob job
露一手露一手lou4 yi1 shou3
to show off one's abilities; to exhibit one's skills
鹿死谁手鹿死誰手lu4 si3 shei2 shou3
to whom the deer falls (idiom); the one to emerge victor (i.e. to seize the empire); prize winner; champion
轮机手輪機手lun2 ji1 shou3
满手滿手man3 shou3
毛手毛脚毛手毛腳mao2 shou3 mao2 jiao3
carelessly and haphazardly; to paw; to grope; to get fresh
美容手术美容手術mei3 rong2 shou3 shu4
cosmetic surgery
妙手妙手miao4 shou3
miraculous hands of a healer; highly skilled person; brilliant move in chess or weiqi (go) 圍棋|围棋
妙手回春妙手回春miao4 shou3 hui2 chun1
magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure; brilliant doctor
妙手空空妙手空空miao4 shou3 kong1 kong1
petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish); empty-handed; having nothing
民歌手民歌手min2 ge1 shou3
folk singer
明手明手ming2 shou3
dummy (in bridge)
名手名手ming2 shou3
master; famous artist or sportsman
拿不出手拿不出手na2 bu4 chu1 shou3
not presentable; shoddy and too embarrassing to show
拿出手拿出手na2 chu1 shou3
not presentable; not fit to be seen in company
拿手拿手na2 shou3
expert in; good at
拿手菜拿手菜na2 shou3 cai4
specialty (dish)
内六角扳手內六角扳手nei4 liu4 jiao3 ban1 shou3
Allen key; hex key
能手能手neng2 shou3
蹑手蹑脚躡手躡腳nie4 shou3 nie4 jiao3
to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)
弄到手弄到手nong4 dao4 shou3
to get in hand; to get (one's) hands on; to get hold of (in the sense of to acquire)
扒手扒手pa2 shou3
拍手拍手pai1 shou3
to clap one's hands
炮手砲手pao4 shou3
gunner; artillery crew
劈手劈手pi1 shou3
with a lightning move of the hand
胼手胝足胼手胝足pian2 shou3 zhi1 zu2
with callouses on hands and feet (idiom); to work one's fingers to the bone
平板手机平板手機ping2 ban3 shou3 ji1
phablet (hybrid between a smart phone and a tablet)
苹果手机蘋果手機ping2 guo3 shou3 ji1
Apple phone; iPhone
平手平手ping2 shou3
(sports) draw; tie
剖腹产手术剖腹產手術pou1 fu4 chan3 shou3 shu4
Cesarean section operation
剖宫产手术剖宮產手術pou1 gong1 chan3 shou3 shu4
Cesarean section operation
棋逢敌手棋逢敵手qi2 feng2 di2 shou3
see 棋逢對手|棋逢对手
棋逢对手棋逢對手qi2 feng2 dui4 shou3
to be evenly matched; to meet one's match
旗手旗手qi2 shou3
a flag carrier (army); ensign
棋手棋手qi2 shou3
chess player
牵手牽手qian1 shou3
to hold hands
枪手槍手qiang1 shou3
gunman; sharpshooter; sb who takes an exam for sb else; sb who produces a piece of work for sb else to pass off as their own
however strong you are, there is always someone stronger (idiom); there is always sth more to learn; never be satisfied to rest on your laurels; there is no room for complacency
抢手搶手qiang3 shou3
(of goods) popular; in great demand
抢手货搶手貨qiang3 shou3 huo4
a best-seller; a hot property
巧手巧手qiao3 shou3
skillful hands; dexterous; a dab hand
亲如手足親如手足qin1 ru2 shou3 zu2
as close as brothers (idiom); deep friendship
亲手親手qin1 shou3
personally; with one's own hands
亲自动手親自動手qin1 zi4 dong4 shou3
to do the job oneself
琴手琴手qin2 shou3
player of a stringed instrument
轻手轻脚輕手輕腳qing1 shou3 qing1 jiao3
(to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)
情同手足情同手足qing2 tong2 shou3 zu2
as close as one's hands and feet (idiom); loving one another as brothers; deep friendship; closely attached to one another
a slip; miscalculation; unwise move; accidentally; by mistake; to lose control; to be defeated
释手釋手shi4 shou3
to let go; to loosen one's grip; to put sth down
试手試手shi4 shou3
to work for a trial period; worker on probation
试手儿試手兒shi4 shou3 er5
erhua variant of 試手|试手
视同手足視同手足shi4 tong2 shou3 zu2
to regard sb as a brother (idiom)
收手收手shou1 shou3
to stop; to pull back
手把手把shou3 ba4
手扳葫芦手扳葫蘆shou3 ban1 hu2 lu5
lever hoist pulley
手板葫芦手板葫蘆shou3 ban3 hu2 lu5
lever pulley block
手包手包shou3 bao1
手背手背shou3 bei4
back of the hand
手笔手筆shou3 bi3
sth written or painted in one's own hand; (of a writer, calligrapher or painter) skill; style; hand; (fig.) style shown in spending money, handling business etc; scale
手臂手臂shou3 bi4
arm; helper
手边手邊shou3 bian1
on hand; at hand
手表手錶shou3 biao3
wrist watch
手柄手柄shou3 bing3
handle; video game controller
手脖子手脖子shou3 bo2 zi5
wrist (dialect)
手不释卷手不釋卷shou3 bu4 shi4 juan4
lit. always with a book in hand (idiom); fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent and hardworking
手册手冊shou3 ce4
manual; handbook
手抄本手抄本shou3 chao1 ben3
manuscript copy of a book (before the printing press)
手掣手掣shou3 che4
handbrake; game controller (Cantonese)
手锤手錘shou3 chui2
mallet; drumstick
手搭凉棚手搭涼棚shou3 da1 liang2 peng2
to shade one's eyes with one's hand
手打手打shou3 da3
hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter), abbr. for 手打字機|手打字机
手打字机手打字機shou3 da3 zi4 ji1
hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter)
手刀手刀shou3 dao1
hand formed into a flat shape, as for a karate chop
手嶌葵手嶌葵shou3 dao3 kui2
TESHIMA Aoi (1987-), Japanese female pop singer
手倒立手倒立shou3 dao4 li4
手到拈来手到拈來shou3 dao4 nian1 lai2
lit. to stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); fig. easy to do
手到擒来手到擒來shou3 dao4 qin2 lai2
stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); very easy
手电手電shou3 dian4
flashlight; torch
手电筒手電筒shou3 dian4 tong3
flashlight; electric hand torch
手定手定shou3 ding4
to set down (rules); to institute
手动手動shou3 dong4
manual; manually operated; manual gear-change
手动变速器手動變速器shou3 dong4 bian4 su4 qi4
manual gearbox; manual transmission
手动挡手動擋shou3 dong4 dang3
manual gear change; shift stick
手段手段shou3 duan4
method; means (of doing sth); strategy; trick
手法手法shou3 fa3
technique; trick; skill
手风琴手風琴shou3 feng1 qin2
手缝手縫shou3 feng2
to sew by hand; hand-sewn
手感手感shou3 gan3
the feel (of sth touched with the hand); (textiles) handle
手稿手稿shou3 gao3
manuscript; script
手工手工shou3 gong1
handwork; manual
手工台手工檯shou3 gong1 tai2
手工业手工業shou3 gong1 ye4
手工艺手工藝shou3 gong1 yi4
handicraft; arts and crafts
手滑手滑shou3 hua2
to do sth by mistake (with one's hand); to make a slip of the hand (e.g. click the wrong button)
手环手環shou3 huan2
wristband; bracelet
手机手機shou3 ji1
cell phone; mobile phone
手迹手跡shou3 ji4
sb's original handwriting or painting
手交手交shou3 jiao1
handjob; manual stimulation
手脚手腳shou3 jiao3
hand and foot; movement of limbs; action; trick; step in a procedure (CL: 道)
手脚不干净手腳不乾淨shou3 jiao3 bu4 gan1 jing4
thieving; light-fingered; prone to stealing
手巾手巾shou3 jin1
hand towel; handkerchief
手紧手緊shou3 jin3
tightfisted; stingy; short of money; hard up
手颈手頸shou3 jing3
(dialect) wrist
手举手舉shou3 ju3
a salute; hands raised
手卷手捲shou3 juan3
hand scroll (horizontal format for Chinese landscape painting); hand roll (Japanese: temaki, style of fish cuisine); hand rolled cigarette; hand roll (many contexts); roll up
手绢手絹shou3 juan4
手铐手銬shou3 kao4
manacles; handcuffs
手控手控shou3 kong4
manual control
手拉车手拉車shou3 la1 che1
手拉葫芦手拉葫蘆shou3 la1 hu2 lu5
hand chain pulley block
手拉手手拉手shou3 la1 shou3
to join hands; hand in hand
手雷手雷shou3 lei2
手里手裡shou3 li3
in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands
手里剑手裡劍shou3 li3 jian4
straight or circular throwing-knife used by ninja and samurai (loanword from Japanese 手裏剣 shuriken)
手链手鏈shou3 lian4
chain bracelet
手榴弹手榴彈shou3 liu2 dan4
hand grenade
手忙脚乱手忙腳亂shou3 mang2 jiao3 luan4
to act with confusion; to be in a flurry; to be flustered
手拿包手拿包shou3 na2 bao1
clutch bag
手帕手帕shou3 pa4
手排手排shou3 pai2
manual transmission
手气手氣shou3 qi4
luck (in gambling)
手牵手手牽手shou3 qian1 shou3
hand in hand
手枪手槍shou3 qiang1
手巧手巧shou3 qiao3
to be skillful with one's hands; to be manually adroit
手球手球shou3 qiu2
team handball
手软手軟shou3 ruan3
to be lenient; to relent; to be reluctant to make a hard decision; to think twice
手刹车手剎車shou3 sha1 che1
手势手勢shou3 shi4
gesture; sign; signal
手式手式shou3 shi4
gesture; same as 手勢|手势
手书手書shou3 shu1
to write personally; personal letter
手术手術shou3 shu4
(surgical) operation; surgery
手术台手術檯shou3 shu4 tai2
operating table
手松手鬆shou3 song1
liberal with one's money; free-spending
手弹手彈shou3 tan2
fingered (bass)
手套手套shou3 tao4
glove; mitten
手套箱手套箱shou3 tao4 xiang1
glove compartment (of a car); glovebox (sealed compartment with attached gloves for handling hazardous materials etc)
lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods (idiom); fig. to pay for what you want in cash; simple and direct transaction
一手遮天一手遮天yi1 shou3 zhe1 tian1
lit. to hide the sky with one hand; to hide the truth from the masses
一展身手一展身手yi1 zhan3 shen1 shou3
to showcase one's (unique) talents; to display one's (individual) prowess
移植手术移植手術yi2 zhi2 shou3 shu4
(organ) transplant operation
翼手龙翼手龍yi4 shou3 long2
婴儿手推车嬰兒手推車ying1 er2 shou3 tui1 che1
baby buggy
鹰手营子矿鷹手營子礦ying1 shou3 ying2 zi5 kuang4
Yingshouyingzikuang district of Chengde city 承德市, Hebei
鹰手营子矿区鷹手營子礦區ying1 shou3 ying2 zi5 kuang4 qu1
Yingshouyingzikuang district of Chengde city 承德市, Hebei
应手應手ying4 shou3
to handle; convenient
游手遊手you2 shou3
to be idle
游手好闲遊手好閑you2 shou3 hao4 xian2
to idle about
有手有脚有手有腳you3 shou3 you3 jiao3
lit. have hands have feet; to be able bodied (idiom); to have the ability to work
有一手有一手you3 yi1 shou3
to have a skill; to have a lot on the ball; to have an affair
右手右手you4 shou3
right hand; right-hand side
御手御手yu4 shou3
the emperor's hand; variant of 馭手|驭手
玉手玉手yu4 shou3
lily-white hands
驭手馭手yu4 shou3
person in charge of pack animals; chariot driver
援手援手yuan2 shou3
assistance; a helping hand; to lend a hand
援助之手援助之手yuan2 zhu4 zhi1 shou3
a helping hand
乐手樂手yue4 shou3
instrumental performer
再造手术再造手術zai4 zao4 shou3 shu4
reconstructive surgery
早动手,早收获早動手,早收穫zao3 dong4 shou3 - zao3 shou1 huo4
The sooner you set to work, the sooner you'll reap the rewards. (idiom)
招手招手zhao1 shou3
to wave; to beckon
指手划脚指手劃腳zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3
to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily; also written 指手畫腳|指手画脚
指手画脚指手畫腳zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3
to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily
智慧型手机智慧型手機zhi4 hui4 xing2 shou3 ji1
smartphone (Tw)
智能手机智能手機zhi4 neng2 shou3 ji1
炙手可热炙手可熱zhi4 shou3 ke3 re4
lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom); fig. arrogance of the powerful; a mighty figure no-one dares approach; hot (exciting or in favor)
种子选手種子選手zhong3 zi5 xuan3 shou3
seeded player
助手助手zhu4 shou3
assistant; helper
住手住手zhu4 shou3
to desist; to stop; to stay one's hand
助手席助手席zhu4 shou3 xi2
front passenger seat (in a car)
抓手抓手zhua1 shou3
starting point; mechanical hand; gripper
转手轉手zhuan3 shou3
to pass on; to resell; to change hands
转轮手枪轉輪手槍zhuan4 lun2 shou3 qiang1
revolver (handgun)
着手著手zhuo2 shou3
to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out
着手成春著手成春zhuo2 shou3 cheng2 chun1
lit. set out and it becomes spring (idiom); to effect a miracle cure (of medical operation); to bring back the dead; once it starts, everything goes well
自缚手脚自縛手腳zi4 fu4 shou3 jiao3
to bind oneself hand and foot
自己动手自己動手zi4 ji3 dong4 shou3
to do (sth) oneself; to help oneself to
自杀炸弹杀手自殺炸彈殺手zi4 sha1 zha4 dan4 sha1 shou3
suicide bomber
左轮手枪左輪手槍zuo3 lun2 shou3 qiang1
左手左手zuo3 shou3
left hand; left-hand side
左右手左右手zuo3 you4 shou3
left and right hands; (fig.) capable assistant; right-hand man
做手做手zuo4 shou3
to put one's hand to sth; to set about; skillful hands; worker; writer