to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); fig. to tag a label on sb


strokes 6
strokes after radical 3
暴扣 暴扣 bao4 kou4
slam dunk (basketball)

不折不扣 不折不扣 bu4 zhe2 bu4 kou4
a hundred percent; to the letter; out-and-out

查扣 查扣 cha2 kou4
to seize; to confiscate

搭扣 搭扣 da1 kou4
a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and buttonhole (e.g. the buckle on metal wristwatches)

打折扣 打折扣 da3 zhe2 kou4
to give a discount; to be of less value than anticipated

代扣 代扣 dai4 kou4
to withhold tax (from employee's salary)

带扣 帶釦 dai4 kou4

登山扣 登山扣 deng1 shan1 kou4

抵扣 抵扣 di3 kou4
to deduct from; to compensate

吊扣 吊扣 diao4 kou4
to suspend (a licence etc)

摁扣儿 摁釦兒 en4 kou4 er5
a popper; a snap fastener

钩扣 鉤扣 gou1 kou4

哈扣 哈扣 ha1 kou4
hardcore (loanword)

环环相扣 環環相扣 huan2 huan2 xiang1 kou4
closely linked with one another; interlocked; to interrelate

回扣 回扣 hui2 kou4
brokerage; a commission paid to a middleman; euphemism for a bribe; a kickback

解扣 解釦 jie3 kou4
lit. to unbutton; fig. to solve a dispute

紧扣 緊扣 jin3 kou4
to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)

克扣 剋扣 ke4 kou4
to dock; to deduct; to embezzle

扣查 扣查 kou4 cha2
to detain and question

扣除 扣除 kou4 chu2
to deduct

扣带回 扣帶回 kou4 dai4 hui2
cingulum (anatomy)

扣发 扣發 kou4 fa1
to deprive; to withhold; to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)

扣分 扣分 kou4 fen1
to deduct marks (when grading school work); to have marks deducted; penalty points; to lose points for a penalty or error

扣关 扣關 kou4 guan1
variant of 叩關|叩关

扣环 釦環 kou4 huan2
ring fastener; buckle; retainer strap

扣击 扣擊 kou4 ji1
to smash a ball

扣缴 扣繳 kou4 jiao3
to withhold; to garnish (wages etc)

扣扣 扣扣 kou4 kou4
(Internet slang) QQ instant messenger

扣篮 扣籃 kou4 lan2
slam dunk

扣留 扣留 kou4 liu2
to detain; to arrest; to hold; to confiscate

扣帽子 扣帽子 kou4 mao4 zi5
to tag sb with unfair label; power word

扣女 扣女 kou4 nv3
(slang) to pick up girls; to chase after girls

扣襻 釦襻 kou4 pan4

扣球 扣球 kou4 qiu2
to smash a ball; to spike

扣去 扣去 kou4 qu4
to deduct (points etc)

扣人心弦 扣人心弦 kou4 ren2 xin1 xian2
to excite; to thrill; exciting; thrilling; cliff-hanging

扣肉 扣肉 kou4 rou4
steamed pork

扣杀 扣殺 kou4 sha1
to smash a ball; to spike

扣上 扣上 kou4 shang4
to buckle up; to fasten

扣屎盔子 扣屎盔子 kou4 shi3 kui1 zi5
(northern dialect) lit. to cap in excrement; fig. to discredit with absurd unfounded accusations; to vilify

扣屎盆子 扣屎盆子 kou4 shi3 pen2 zi5
to make a scapegoat of sb; to defame; to slander

扣式电池 扣式電池 kou4 shi4 dian4 chi2
button cell; watch battery

扣题 扣題 kou4 ti2
to stick to the topic

扣押 扣押 kou4 ya1
to detain; to hold in custody; to distrain; to seize property

扣压 扣壓 kou4 ya1
to withhold; to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)

扣眼 釦眼 kou4 yan3
eyelet; buttonhole

扣眼儿 釦眼兒 kou4 yan3 er5
erhua variant of 釦眼|扣眼

扣应 扣應 kou4 ying4
to call in (to a broadcast program) (loanword) (Taiwan)

扣住 扣住 kou4 zhu4
to detain; to hold back by force; to buckle; to hook

扣子 釦子 kou4 zi5

领扣 領釦 ling3 kou4
collar button

门扣 門釦 men2 kou4
door latch

尼龙搭扣 尼龍搭釦 ni2 long2 da1 kou4
nylon buckle; velcro

黏扣带 黏扣帶 nian2 kou4 dai4
velcro (Tw)

钮扣 鈕釦 niu3 kou4
variant of 紐扣|纽扣

纽扣 紐扣 niu3 kou4

皮带扣 皮帶釦 pi2 dai4 kou4
belt buckle

认死扣儿 認死扣兒 ren4 si3 kou4 er5

袖扣 袖扣 xiu4 kou4
cuff link

预扣 預扣 yu4 kou4
to withhold

折扣 折扣 zhe2 kou4