Abbasid Empire (750-1258), successor of the Umayyad caliphate
矮子里拔将军矮子裡拔將軍ai3 zi5 li5 ba2 jiang1 jun1
lit. choose a general from among the dwarfs; fig. choose the best person available (out of a mediocre bunch)
拔除拔除ba2 chu2
to pull out; to remove
拔萃拔萃ba2 cui4
to stand out from one's fellows; high level examination for official candidacy (traditional)
拔地拔地ba2 di4
to rise steeply from level ground
拔掉拔掉ba2 diao4
to pluck; to pull off; to pull out; to unplug
拔钉锤拔釘錘ba2 ding1 chui2
claw hammer
拔顶拔頂ba2 ding3
topping (mining)
拔毒拔毒ba2 du2
draw out pus by applying a plaster to the affected area
拔高拔高ba2 gao1
to raise (one's voice); to overrate; to build up; to stand out; outstanding
拔根拔根ba2 gen1
拔罐拔罐ba2 guan4
cupping glass; fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin); ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)
拔罐法拔罐法ba2 guan4 fa3
fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin); ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)
拔罐子拔罐子ba2 guan4 zi3
cupping technique used in TCM
拔海拔海ba2 hai3
elevation (above sea level)
拔河拔河ba2 he2
tug-of-war; to take part in a tug-of-war
拔火罐拔火罐ba2 huo3 guan4
suction cup (used in Chinese medicine to draw the blood and qi 氣|气); detachable suction chimney to make a stove draw
拔火罐儿拔火罐兒ba2 huo3 guan4 er5
erhua variant of 拔火罐
拔尖拔尖ba2 jian1
top-notch (colloquial); to push oneself to the front
拔尖儿拔尖兒ba2 jian1 er5
erhua variant of 拔尖
拔节拔節ba2 jie2
jointing (agriculture)
拔节期拔節期ba2 jie2 qi1
elongation stage; jointing stage (agriculture)
拔凉拔凉拔涼拔涼ba2 liang2 ba2 liang2
(dialect) very cold; chilled
拔锚拔錨ba2 mao2
to weigh anchor
拔毛拔毛ba2 mao2
to pull out hair; to pluck; epilation
拔毛连茹拔毛連茹ba2 mao2 lian2 ru2
lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔茅连茹拔茅連茹ba2 mao2 lian2 ru2
lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔茅茹拔茅茹ba2 mao2 ru2
lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow; fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔苗助长拔苗助長ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3
to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)
拔取拔取ba2 qu3
to pick out; to select and recruit; to pluck; to pull
拔染拔染ba2 ran3
拔丝拔絲ba2 si1
wire drawing; candied floss (cooking); spun sugar or toffee (coating)
拔腿拔腿ba2 tui3
to break into a run
拔牙拔牙ba2 ya2
to extract a tooth
拔秧拔秧ba2 yang1
to pull up seedlings (for transplanting)
拔营拔營ba2 ying2
to strike camp
拔擢拔擢ba2 zhuo2
select the best people for promotion
把拔把拔ba3 ba2
超拔超拔chao1 ba2
outstanding; to fast-track; to elevate; to free oneself from
出类拔萃出類拔萃chu1 lei4 ba2 cui4
to excel the common (idiom); surpassing; preeminent; outstanding
吹灯拔蜡吹燈拔蠟chui1 deng1 ba2 la4
lit. to blow out the lamp and put out the candle (idiom); fig. to die; to bite the dust; to be over and done with
孤拔孤拔gu1 ba2
Amédée Courbet (1826-1885), a French admiral who won a series of important land and naval victories during the Tonkin campaign and the Sino-French War
海拔海拔hai3 ba2
height above sea level; elevation
汉尼拔漢尼拔han4 ni2 ba2
Hannibal (name); Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC), Carthaginian general
坚忍不拔堅忍不拔jian1 ren3 bu4 ba2
坚韧不拔堅韌不拔jian1 ren4 bu4 ba2
firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyielding
剑拔弩张劍拔弩張jian4 ba2 nu3 zhang1
lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility; at daggers drawn
劲拔勁拔jing4 ba2
tall and straight
隽拔雋拔juan4 ba2
handsome (of people); graceful (of calligraphy)
俊拔俊拔jun4 ba2
outstandingly talented
开拔開拔kai1 ba2
to set out (of troops); departure; start date (of military expedition)
连根拔連根拔lian2 gen1 ba2
to pull up by the roots; to uproot
马桶拔馬桶拔ma3 tong3 ba2
plunger for unblocking toilet
热插拔熱插拔re4 cha1 ba2
hot swapping
提拔提拔ti2 ba2
to promote to a higher job; to select for promotion
挑拔挑拔tiao3 ba2
to provoke
挺拔挺拔ting3 ba2
tall and straight
拓拔拓拔tuo4 ba2
branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534); also written 拓跋
象拔蚌象拔蚌xiang4 ba2 bang4
elephant trunk clam; geoduck (Panopea abrupta), large clam with a long proboscis (mainly from Washington State and British Columbia)
鞋拔鞋拔xie2 ba2
shoe horn
鞋拔子鞋拔子xie2 ba2 zi5
选拔選拔xuan3 ba2
to select the best
雁过拔毛雁過拔毛yan4 guo4 ba2 mao2
lit. to grab feathers from a flying goose; fig. to seize any opportunity; pragmatic
一毛不拔一毛不拔yi1 mao2 bu4 ba2
stingy (idiom)
甄拔甄拔zhen1 ba2
to select
自拔自拔zi4 ba2
to free oneself; to extricate oneself from a difficult situation