see 拮据

variant of 據|据

according to; to act in accordance with; to depend on; to seize; to occupy

㨿 ju4
variant of 據|据

strokes 11
strokes after radical 8
传闻证据 傳聞證據 chuan2 wen2 zheng4 ju4
hearsay (law)

单据 單據 dan1 ju4
receipts; invoices; transaction records

电子数据交换 電子數據交換 dian4 zi3 shu4 ju4 jiao1 huan4
electronic exchange of data

非对称式数据用户线 非對稱式數據用戶線 fei1 dui4 chen4 shi4 shu4 ju4 yong4 hu4 xian4
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line; ADSL

割据 割據 ge1 ju4
to set up an independent regime; to secede; segmentation; division; fragmentation

根据 根據 gen1 ju4
according to; based on; basis; foundation

根据地 根據地 gen1 ju4 di4
base of operations

根据规定 根據規定 gen1 ju4 gui1 ding4
according to provisions; as stipulated in the rules

光纤分布式数据接口 光纖分布式數據接口 guang1 xian1 fen1 bu4 shi4 shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3
Fiber Distributed Data Interface; FDDI

光纤分布数据接口 光纖分佈數據接口 guang1 xian1 fen1 bu4 shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3
FDDI; Fiber Distributed Data Interface

间接证据 間接證據 jian4 jie1 zheng4 ju4
indirect testimony; circumstantial evidence

拮据 拮据 jie2 ju1
hard pressed for money; in financial straits

借据 借據 jie4 ju4
receipt for a loan

进退失据 進退失據 jin4 tui4 shi1 ju4
no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); at a loss; in a hopeless situation

据报 據報 ju4 bao4
it is reported; according to reports

据报导 據報導 ju4 bao4 dao3
according to (news) reports

据报道 據報道 ju4 bao4 dao4
according to a report; It is reported that...

据称 據稱 ju4 cheng1
it is said; allegedly; according to reports; or so they say

据传 據傳 ju4 chuan2
it is rumored that ...; it is reported that ...

据此 據此 ju4 ci3
according to this; on the ground of the above; (formally introduces reported speech in writing)

据点 據點 ju4 dian3
stronghold; defended military base; base for operations; strategic point; foothold; (market) presence

据估计 據估計 ju4 gu1 ji4
according to estimates

据理 據理 ju4 li3
according to reason; in principle

据理力争 據理力爭 ju4 li3 li4 zheng1
to contend on strong grounds; to argue strongly for what is right

据料 據料 ju4 liao4
according to forecasts; it is expected that...

据情办理 據情辦理 ju4 qing2 ban4 li3
to handle a situation according to the circumstances (idiom)

据实 據實 ju4 shi2
according to the facts

据实以告 據實以告 ju4 shi2 yi3 gao4
to report according to the facts; to tell the truth; to tell it like it is

据守 據守 ju4 shou3
to guard; to hold a fortified position; entrenched

据守天险 據守天險 ju4 shou3 tian1 xian3
to guard a natural stronghold

据说 據說 ju4 shuo1
it is said that; reportedly

据统计 據統計 ju4 tong3 ji4
according to statistics

据为己有 據為己有 ju4 wei2 ji3 you3
to take for one's own; to expropriate

据闻 據聞 ju4 wen2
accounts; one's understanding

据我看 據我看 ju4 wo3 kan4
in my view; in my opinion; from what I can see

据我所知 據我所知 ju4 wo3 suo3 zhi1
as far as I know; to the best of my knowledge

据悉 據悉 ju4 xi1
according to reports; it is reported (that)

据险 據險 ju4 xian3
to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)

据信 據信 ju4 xin4
according to belief; it is believed that

据有 據有 ju4 you3
to occupy; to hold; to possess

考据 考據 kao3 ju4
textual criticism

理据 理據 li3 ju4
grounds; justification; logical basis; (linguistic) motivation

论据 論據 lun4 ju4
grounds (for an argument); contention; thesis

盘据 盤據 pan2 ju4
variant of 盤踞|盘踞

蟠据 蟠據 pan2 ju4
variant of 盤踞|盘踞

判据 判據 pan4 ju4
criterion; criteria

票据 票據 piao4 ju4
negotiable instrument (draft, note etc); voucher; receipt

票据法 票據法 piao4 ju4 fa3
negotiable instruments act

凭据 憑據 ping2 ju4

契据 契據 qi4 ju4

窃据 竊據 qie4 ju4
to usurp; to claim unjustly; to expropriate

日据时代 日據時代 ri4 ju4 shi2 dai4
the era of Japanese occupation

收据 收據 shou1 ju4

数据 數據 shu4 ju4
data; numbers; digital

数据处理 數據處理 shu4 ju4 chu3 li3
data processing

数据传输 數據傳輸 shu4 ju4 chuan2 shu1
data transmission

数据段 數據段 shu4 ju4 duan4
data segment

数据机 數據機 shu4 ju4 ji1
modem (Tw)

数据接口 數據接口 shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3
data interface

数据介面 數據介面 shu4 ju4 jie4 mian4
data interface

数据库 數據庫 shu4 ju4 ku4

数据库软件 數據庫軟件 shu4 ju4 ku4 ruan3 jian4
database software

数据链路 數據鏈路 shu4 ju4 lian4 lu4
data link

数据链路层 數據鏈路層 shu4 ju4 lian4 lu4 ceng2
data link layer

数据链路连接标识 數據鏈路連接標識 shu4 ju4 lian4 lu4 lian2 jie1 biao1 zhi4
data link connection identifier (DLCI)

数据流 數據流 shu4 ju4 liu2
data stream; data flow

数据通信 數據通信 shu4 ju4 tong1 xin4
data communication

数据挖掘 數據挖掘 shu4 ju4 wa1 jue2
data mining

数据网络 數據網絡 shu4 ju4 wang3 luo4
data network

数据压缩 數據壓縮 shu4 ju4 ya1 suo1
data compression

数据总线 數據總線 shu4 ju4 zong3 xian4
data bus (computer)

数据组 數據組 shu4 ju4 zu3

统计数据 統計數據 tong3 ji4 shu4 ju4
statistical data

维基数据 維基數據 wei2 ji1 shu4 ju4
Wikistats, (stats.wikimedia.org), online tool providing statistics for Wikimedia projects

行为数据 行為數據 xing2 wei2 shu4 ju4
behavioral data (marketing)

依据 依據 yi1 ju4
according to; basis; foundation

引经据典 引經據典 yin3 jing1 ju4 dian3
lit. to quote the classics; to quote chapter and verse (idiom)

预期收入票据 預期收入票據 yu4 qi1 shou1 ru4 piao4 ju4
revenue anticipation note (RAN, financing)

元数据 元數據 yuan2 shu4 ju4

占据 佔據 zhan4 ju4
to occupy; to hold

真凭实据 真憑實據 zhen1 ping2 shi2 ju4
reliable evidence (idiom); conclusive proof; definitive evidence

证据 證據 zheng4 ju4
evidence; proof; testimony

直接数据 直接數據 zhi2 jie1 shu4 ju4
data-direct (in LAN emulation)

字据 字據 zi4 ju4
written pledge; contract; IOU