palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; horseshoe; to slap; to hold in one's hand; to wield

strokes 12
strokes after radical 8
八卦掌 八卦掌 ba1 gua4 zhang3
baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing)

巴掌 巴掌 ba1 zhang3
palm of the hand; classifier: slap

抃掌 抃掌 bian4 zhang3
to clap; to applaud

长掌义县龙 長掌義縣龍 chang2 zhang3 yi4 xian4 long2
Yixianosaurus longimanus, theropod dinosaur from Yi county 義縣|义县, Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, west Liaoning

鹅掌楸 鵝掌楸 e2 zhang3 qiu1
Chinese tulip tree; Liriodendron chinense

反掌 反掌 fan3 zhang3
lit. to turn over one's palm; fig. everything is going very well.

拊掌 拊掌 fu3 zhang3
to clap hands

孤掌难鸣 孤掌難鳴 gu1 zhang3 nan2 ming2
It's hard to clap with only one hand.; It takes two to tango; It's difficult to achieve anything without support.

股掌 股掌 gu3 zhang3
(have sb in) the palm of one's hand; fig. (under) one's complete control

鼓掌 鼓掌 gu3 zhang3
to applaud; to clap

合掌 合掌 he2 zhang3
to clasp hands; to put one's palms together (in prayer)

合掌瓜 合掌瓜 he2 zhang3 gua1
see 佛手瓜

击掌 擊掌 ji1 zhang3
to clap one's hands; to clap each other's hands; high five

脚掌 腳掌 jiao3 zhang3
the sole of the foot

接掌 接掌 jie1 zhang3
to take over; to take control

了如指掌 瞭如指掌 liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3
variant of 了如指掌

了如指掌 了如指掌 liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3
to know sth like the back of one's hand (idiom); to know (a person, a place etc) inside out

了若指掌 瞭若指掌 liao3 ruo4 zhi3 zhang3
see 了如指掌

了若指掌 了若指掌 liao3 ruo4 zhi3 zhang3
see 了如指掌

摩拳擦掌 摩拳擦掌 mo2 quan2 ca1 zhang3
fig. to rub one's fists and wipe one's palms (idiom); to roll up one's sleeves for battle; eager to get into action or start on a task

磨拳擦掌 磨拳擦掌 mo2 quan2 ca1 zhang3
variant of 摩拳擦掌

魔掌 魔掌 mo2 zhang3
the power of sb or sth evil; the clutches (of a bad person etc)

擎拳合掌 擎拳合掌 qing2 quan2 he2 zhang3
to clasp hands; to put one's palms together (in obeisance)

手掌 手掌 shou3 zhang3

手掌心 手掌心 shou3 zhang3 xin1
see 手心

甩手掌柜 甩手掌櫃 shuai3 shou3 zhang3 gui4
lit. arm-flinging shopkeeper; fig. sb who asks others to work but does nothing himself

仙人掌 仙人掌 xian1 ren2 zhang3

仙人掌果 仙人掌果 xian1 ren2 zhang3 guo3
prickly pear

熊掌 熊掌 xiong2 zhang3
bear paw (as food)

鸭掌 鴨掌 ya1 zhang3
duck feet (claws)

鞅掌 鞅掌 yang1 zhang3
busy; bustling

一个巴掌拍不响 一個巴掌拍不響 yi1 ge5 ba1 zhang3 pai1 bu4 xiang3
lit. one palm alone cannot clap (proverb); fig. it takes two persons to start a dispute; it takes two to tango; it's difficult to achieve anything without support

易如翻掌 易如翻掌 yi4 ru2 fan1 zhang3
see 易如反掌

易如反掌 易如反掌 yi4 ru2 fan3 zhang3
easy as a hand's turn (idiom); very easy; no effort at all

易于反掌 易於反掌 yi4 yu2 fan3 zhang3
see 易如反掌

鱼与熊掌 魚與熊掌 yu2 yu3 xiong2 zhang3
lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other; you can't always get everything you want; you can't have your cake and eat it

鱼与熊掌不可兼得 魚與熊掌不可兼得 yu2 yu3 xiong2 zhang3 bu4 ke3 jian1 de2
lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other; you can't always get everything you want; you can't have your cake and eat it

掌厨 掌廚 zhang3 chu2
to prepare meals; chef

掌灯 掌燈 zhang3 deng1
to hold a lamp; to light a lamp

掌舵 掌舵 zhang3 duo4
to steer (a ship)

掌骨 掌骨 zhang3 gu3
metacarpal bone (long bones in the hand and feet)

掌故 掌故 zhang3 gu4
anecdote; tales (esp. about historical figure)

掌掴 掌摑 zhang3 guai1
to slap

掌管 掌管 zhang3 guan3
in charge of; to control

掌柜 掌櫃 zhang3 gui4

掌击 掌擊 zhang3 ji1
to slap

掌控 掌控 zhang3 kong4
to control; in control of

掌权 掌權 zhang3 quan2
to wield (political etc) power; be in power

掌上电脑 掌上電腦 zhang3 shang4 dian4 nao3
handheld computer; PDA (personal digital assistant); Pocket PC

掌上明珠 掌上明珠 zhang3 shang4 ming2 zhu1
lit. a pearl in the palm (idiom); fig. beloved person (esp. daughter)

掌勺 掌勺 zhang3 shao2
to be in charge of the cooking; to be the chef; head cook; chef

掌声 掌聲 zhang3 sheng1

掌声雷动 掌聲雷動 zhang3 sheng1 lei2 dong4
thunderous applause (idiom)

掌握 掌握 zhang3 wo4
to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency

掌握电脑 掌握電腦 zhang3 wo4 dian4 nao3
PDA; Personal Digital Assistant

掌玺大臣 掌璽大臣 zhang3 xi3 da4 chen2
chancellor (rank in various European states); grand chancellor

掌玺官 掌璽官 zhang3 xi3 guan1
chancellor (rank in various European states)

掌相 掌相 zhang3 xiang4
palmistry; features of a palm (in palmistry)

掌心 掌心 zhang3 xin1
hollow of the palm

掌中戏 掌中戲 zhang3 zhong1 xi4
see 布袋戲|布袋戏

掌子面 掌子面 zhang3 zi5 mian4
face (mining)

掌嘴 掌嘴 zhang3 zui3
to slap

职掌 職掌 zhi2 zhang3
to be in charge of; assignment

执掌 執掌 zhi2 zhang3
to wield (power etc)

主掌 主掌 zhu3 zhang3
in charge (of a position etc); the person in charge; responsible