to carry (hanging down from the hand); to lift; to put forward; to mention; to raise (an issue); upwards character stroke; lifting brush stroke (in painting); scoop for measuring liquid
Abdulahat Abdurixit (1942-), PRC engineer and politician, chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region 1994-2003, in 2003 vice-chair of 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
阿凡提阿凡提a1 fan2 ti2
Effendi, wily and fearless hero of Uighur folk tales; smart guy
阿卡提阿卡提a1 ka3 di1
Arcadia (Greek prefecture on the Peloponnese)
阿提拉阿提拉a1 ti2 la1
Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God
阿瓦提阿瓦提a1 wa3 ti2
Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang
阿瓦提县阿瓦提縣a1 wa3 ti2 xian4
Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang
安提瓜岛安提瓜島an1 ti2 gua1 dao3
安提瓜和巴布达安提瓜和巴布達an1 ti2 gua1 he2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda
芭提雅芭提雅ba1 ti2 ya3
Pattaya, Thailand
彼拉提斯彼拉提斯bi3 la1 ti2 si1
Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw)
别提了別提了bie2 ti2 le5
say no more; don't bring it up; drop the subject
布拉提斯拉瓦布拉提斯拉瓦bu4 la1 ti2 si1 la1 wa3
Bratislava, capital of Slovakia (Tw)
不提也罢不提也罷bu4 ti2 ye3 ba4
best not to mention it; drop it; never mind; let's not talk about it
重提重提chong2 ti2
to raise the same topic
重提旧事重提舊事chong2 ti2 jiu4 shi4
to raise the same old topic again; to hark back
达尔马提亚達爾馬提亞da2 er3 ma3 ti2 ya4
Dalmatia, Croatian region on the eastern coast of Adriatic Sea
大前提大前提da4 qian2 ti2
major premise
大提琴大提琴da4 ti2 qin2
cello; violoncello
大提琴手大提琴手da4 ti2 qin2 shou3
提防提防di1 fang2
to guard against; to be vigilant; watch you don't (slip); also pr.
提溜提溜di1 liu1
to carry
低音大提琴低音大提琴di1 yin1 da4 ti2 qin2
double bass; contrabass
低音提琴低音提琴di1 yin1 ti2 qin2
double bass; contrabass
耳提面命耳提面命er3 ti2 mian4 ming4
to give sincere advice (idiom); to exhort earnestly
服务提供商服務提供商fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 shang1
(Internet) service provider
服务提供者服務提供者fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 zhe3
service provider
富纳富提富納富提fu4 na4 fu4 ti2
Funafuti, capital of Tuvalu
孩提孩提hai2 ti2
(literary) infant; young child
好汉不提当年勇好漢不提當年勇hao3 han4 bu4 ti2 dang1 nian2 yong3
a real man doesn't boast about his past achievements (idiom)
赫斯提亚赫斯提亞he4 si1 ti2 ya4
Hestia, goddess of the hearth in Greek mythology, daughter of Chronos and Rhea
吉布提吉布提ji2 bu4 ti2
挤提擠提ji3 ti2
bank run; to crowd into a bank and withdraw all one's money
计提計提ji4 ti2
to set aside; to make provision for (capital requirements)
梜提梜提jia1 ti2
(old) chopsticks
绝口不提絕口不提jue2 kou3 bu4 ti2
lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
to mention; to raise (a subject); to bring to sb's attention
提价提價ti2 jia4
to raise the price
提交提交ti2 jiao1
to submit (a report etc); to refer (a problem) to sb
提克里特提克里特ti2 ke4 li3 te4
提款提款ti2 kuan3
to withdraw money; to take money out of the bank
提款机提款機ti2 kuan3 ji1
bank autoteller; ATM
提款卡提款卡ti2 kuan3 ka3
debit card; ATM card
提拉米苏提拉米蘇ti2 la1 mi3 su1
tiramisu (Italian dessert) (loanword)
提篮提籃ti2 lan2
a basket
提篮儿提籃兒ti2 lan2 er5
a basket
提炼提煉ti2 lian4
to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process
提梁提梁ti2 liang2
handle in the shape of a hoop
提列提列ti2 lie4
to make provision (against a loss); a bookkeeping entry
提领提領ti2 ling3
to withdraw (cash from an ATM)
提留提留ti2 liu2
to withdraw (money) and retain it
提名提名ti2 ming2
to nominate
提摩太提摩太ti2 mo2 tai4
提摩太后书提摩太後書ti2 mo2 tai4 hou4 shu1
Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy
提摩太前书提摩太前書ti2 mo2 tai4 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to Timothy
提姆·罗宾斯提姆·羅賓斯ti2 mu3 - luo2 bin1 si1
Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, director, activist and musician
提赔提賠ti2 pei2
to make a claim (for damages etc)
提起提起ti2 qi3
to mention; to speak of; to lift; to pick up; to arouse; to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)
提起公诉提起公訴ti2 qi3 gong1 su4
to raise a charge; to sue; to institute proceedings
提起精神提起精神ti2 qi3 jing1 shen5
to raise one's spirits; to take courage
提前提前ti2 qian2
to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance
提前起爆提前起爆ti2 qian2 qi3 bao4
"fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire); preinitiation
提前投票提前投票ti2 qian2 tou2 piao4
early vote
提挈提挈ti2 qie4
to hold by the hand; fig. to nurture; to foster; to bring up; to support
提亲提親ti2 qin1
to propose marriage
提亲事提親事ti2 qin1 shi4
to propose marriage
提琴提琴ti2 qin2
instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)
提请提請ti2 qing3
to propose
提取提取ti2 qu3
to withdraw (money); to collect (left luggage); to extract; to refine
提任提任ti2 ren4
to promote and appoint
提上议事日程提上議事日程ti2 shang4 yi4 shi4 ri4 cheng2
to put (sth) on the agenda
提神提神ti2 shen2
to freshen up; to be cautious or vigilant; to watch out; stimulant to enhance mental performance; stay-awake drug; agrypnotic
提神剂提神劑ti2 shen2 ji4
stimulant; psychostimulant; agrypnotic
提神醒脑提神醒腦ti2 shen2 xing3 nao3
to refresh and clear the mind (idiom); invigorating; bracing
提审提審ti2 shen3
to commit sb for trial; to bring sb for interrogation
提升提昇ti2 sheng1
to promote; to upgrade
提示提示ti2 shi4
to point out; to remind (sb of sth); to suggest; suggestion; tip; reminder; notice
提示承兑提示承兌ti2 shi4 cheng2 dui4
to present (a draft) for acceptance (commerce)
提示付款提示付款ti2 shi4 fu4 kuan3
to present (a bill of exchange etc) for payment
提示音提示音ti2 shi4 yin1
提手提手ti2 shou3
a handle
提述提述ti2 shu4
to refer to
提水工程提水工程ti2 shui3 gong1 cheng2
project to raise low-lying water for irrigation purposes
提速提速ti2 su4
to increase the specified cruising speed; to pick up speed; to speed up
提头儿提頭兒ti2 tou2 er5
to give a lead
提味提味ti2 wei4
to improve taste; to make sth palatable
提问提問ti2 wen4
to question; to quiz; to grill
提现提現ti2 xian4
to withdraw funds
提线木偶提線木偶ti2 xian4 mu4 ou3
提箱提箱ti2 xiang1
a suitcase; a traveling-bag
提携提攜ti2 xie2
to lead by the hand; to guide; to support
提薪提薪ti2 xin1
to receive a raise in salary
提心提心ti2 xin1
提心吊胆提心吊膽ti2 xin1 diao4 dan3
(saying) to be very scared and on edge
提醒提醒ti2 xing3
to remind; to call attention to; to warn of
提醒物提醒物ti2 xing3 wu4
提学御史提學御史ti2 xue2 yu4 shi3
superintendent of education (formal title)
提讯提訊ti2 xun4
to bring sb to trial
提要提要ti2 yao4
summary; abstract
提掖提掖ti2 ye1
to recommend sb for a promotion; to guide and support sb
提议提議ti2 yi4
proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest
提喻法提喻法ti2 yu4 fa3
提早提早ti2 zao3
ahead of schedule; sooner than planned; to bring forward (to an earlier time)
提振提振ti2 zhen4
to boost; to stimulate
提制提製ti2 zhi4
to refine; to extract
提子提子ti2 zi3
to capture stones (in Go)
提字器提字器ti2 zi4 qi4
提子提子ti2 zi5
grape; raisin
未提及未提及wei4 ti2 ji2
not mentioned
温馨提示溫馨提示wen1 xin1 ti2 shi4
Please note:; tip; hint
乌鲁克恰提烏魯克恰提wu1 lu3 ke4 qia4 ti2
Wuqia county in Xinjiang; name of county in Xinjiang from early 20th century now called Wuqia 烏恰縣|乌恰县
乌鲁克恰提县烏魯克恰提縣wu1 lu3 ke4 qia4 ti2 xian4
Wuqia county in Xinjiang; name of county in Xinjiang from early 20th century now called Wuqia 烏恰縣|乌恰县
熙提熙提xi1 ti2
stilb, unit of luminance
相提并论相提並論xiang1 ti2 bing4 lun4
to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)
小提琴小提琴xiao3 ti2 qin2
fiddle; violin
小提琴手小提琴手xiao3 ti2 qin2 shou3
violinist; fiddler
辛辛那提辛辛那提xin1 xin1 na4 ti2
Cincinnati, Ohio
伊瑞克提翁庙伊瑞克提翁廟yi1 rui4 ke4 ti2 weng1 miao4
the Erechteum, Athens
一字不提一字不提yi1 zi4 bu4 ti2
to not mention a single word (about sth) (idiom)
因特网提供商因特網提供商yin1 te4 wang3 ti2 gong1 shang1
Internet service provider (ISP)
预提預提yu4 ti2
to withhold (tax); withholding
只字不提隻字不提zhi1 zi4 bu4 ti2
not to mention (idiom); to say not one word; fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor