a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhist themes)
表面文章表面文章biao3 mian4 wen2 zhang1
superficial show; going through the motions
表意文字表意文字biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4
ideograph; ideographical writing system
炳文炳文bing3 wen2
luminous style
博文博文bo2 wen2
blog article; to write a blog article (netspeak)
博文约礼博文約禮bo2 wen2 yue1 li3
vigorously pursuing knowledge, while scrupulously abiding by the rules of decorum (idiom)
repetitious passage; multiple variants of Chinese characters
崇文门崇文門chong2 wen2 men2
Chongwenmen in Beijing
崇文区崇文區chong2 wen2 qu1
Chongwen district of central Beijing
初文初文chu1 wen2
archaic (and simpler) form of a Chinese character
纯文字純文字chun2 wen2 zi4
text only (webpage)
纯文字页純文字頁chun2 wen2 zi4 ye4
text-only webpage
次文化次文化ci4 wen2 hua4
粗鲁不文粗魯不文cu1 lu3 bu4 wen2
crude and ill-educated (idiom)
达尔文達爾文da2 er3 wen2
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Species" 物種起源|物种起源; Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory (Australia) 北領地|北领地
达尔文港達爾文港da2 er3 wen2 gang3
Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory, Australia
达尔文学说達爾文學說da2 er3 wen2 xue2 shuo1
达尔文学徒達爾文學徒da2 er3 wen2 xue2 tu2
达文西達文西da2 wen2 xi1
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Renaissance painter (Tw)
大文蛤大文蛤da4 wen2 ge2
giant clam; geoduck (Panopea abrupta); elephant trunk clam; same as 象拔蚌
大汶口文化大汶口文化da4 wen4 kou3 wen2 hua4
Dawenkou culture (c. 4100-2600 BC), Neolithic culture based in today's Shandong area 山東|山东
大有文章大有文章da4 you3 wen2 zhang1
some deeper meaning in this; more to it than meets the eye; there's sth behind all this
祷文禱文dao3 wen2
litany (text of a prayer)
得文得文de2 wen2
Devon (county of southwest England)
德文德文de2 wen2
German (language)
电子文件電子文件dian4 zi3 wen2 jian4
electronic document
吊文弔文diao4 wen2
paper prayers for the dead burnt at funerals
东巴文化東巴文化dong1 ba1 wen2 hua4
Dongba culture of the Nakhi ethnic group of Lijiang 麗江|丽江 in northwest Yunnan
东方文明東方文明dong1 fang1 wen2 ming2
Eastern civilization
东西方文化東西方文化dong1 xi1 fang1 wen2 hua4
Eastern and Western culture
独立中文笔会獨立中文筆會du2 li4 zhong1 wen2 bi3 hui4
Independent Chinese PEN center
读者文摘讀者文摘du2 zhe3 wen2 zhai1
Reader's Digest
多元文化主义多元文化主義duo1 yuan2 wen2 hua4 zhu3 yi4
俄文俄文e2 wen2
Russian language
恶搞文化惡搞文化e4 gao3 wen2 hua4
spoofing culture (Web-based genre in PRC acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)
法文法文fa3 wen2
French language
繁文繁文fan2 wen2
convoluted; elaborate formalities
繁文缛节繁文縟節fan2 wen2 ru4 jie2
convoluted and overelaborate (document); unnecessarily elaborate writing; mumbo-jumbo
反文旁反文旁fan3 wen2 pang2
(colloquial) grapheme 攵 (variant form of Kangxi radical 66, 攴)
梵文梵文fan4 wen2
方文山方文山fang1 wen2 shan1
Vincent Fang (1969-), Taiwanese multi-Golden Melody Award lyricist
非物质文化遗产非物質文化遺產fei1 wu4 zhi4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3
(UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage
分文分文fen1 wen2
a single penny; a single cent
分文不取分文不取fen1 wen2 bu4 qu3
to give for free
讣文訃文fu4 wen2
obituary notice
公文公文gong1 wen2
公文包公文包gong1 wen2 bao1
briefcase; attaché case
古典文学古典文學gu3 dian3 wen2 xue2
classical literature
古文古文gu3 wen2
old language; the Classics; classical Chinese as a literary model, esp. in Tang and Song prose; classical Chinese as a school subject
古文观止古文觀止gu3 wen2 guan1 zhi3
Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, compiled and edited by Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou of Qing dynasty
古文明古文明gu3 wen2 ming2
ancient civilization
古文运动古文運動gu3 wen2 yun4 dong4
cultural movement aspiring to study and emulate classic works, at different periods of history, esp. Tang and Song
Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰; also written 斯文·赫定
斯文·赫定斯文·赫定si1 wen2 - he4 ding4
Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰
死文字死文字si3 wen2 zi4
dead language; indecipherable script
姒文命姒文命si4 wen2 ming4
Si Wenming, personal name of Yu the Great 大禹
隋文帝隋文帝sui2 wen2 di4
first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604
隋文帝杨坚隋文帝楊堅sui2 wen2 di4 yang2 jian1
first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604
泰文泰文tai4 wen2
Thai (language)
唐文宗唐文宗tang2 wen2 zong1
Emperor Wenzong of Tang (809-840), reign name of fifteenth Tang emperor 李昂, reigned 827-840
天城文天城文tian1 cheng2 wen2
Devanagari alphabet used in India and Nepal
天文天文tian1 wen2
天文单位天文單位tian1 wen2 dan1 wei4
Astronomical Unit; AU; 149,567,892 km
天文馆天文館tian1 wen2 guan3
天文台天文台tian1 wen2 tai2
天文学天文學tian1 wen2 xue2
天文学大成天文學大成tian1 wen2 xue2 da4 cheng2
the Almagest by Ptolemy
天文学家天文學家tian1 wen2 xue2 jia1
田文田文tian2 wen2
birth name of Lord Menchang of Qi, Chancellor of Qi and Wei during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
条文條文tiao2 wen2
clause; explanatory section in a document
通关文牒通關文牒tong1 guan1 wen2 die2
同文馆同文館tong2 wen2 guan3
the first modern Chinese library established in 1898 by William A.P. Martin 丁韙良|丁韪良, becoming the foundation for Peking University library
头文字頭文字tou2 wen2 zi4
initial; first letter of word (in Latin script)
推文推文tui1 wen2
tweet (on Twitter); (HK, Tw) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; to reply to original poster (or recommend a post) on PTT bulletin board
外文外文wai4 wen2
foreign language (written)
外文系外文係wai4 wen2 xi4
department of foreign languages; modern languages (college department)
王洪文王洪文wang2 hong2 wen2
Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the Gang of Four
王叔文王叔文wang2 shu1 wen2
Wang Shuwen (735-806), famous Tang dynasty scholar, Go player and politician, a leader of failed Yongzhen Reform 永貞革新|永贞革新 of 805
望文生义望文生義wang4 wen2 sheng1 yi4
lit. view a text and interpret (idiom); to interpret word by word without understanding the meaning; a far-fetched interpretation
魏文帝魏文帝wei4 wen2 di4
Cao Pi 曹丕, emperor of Wei 220-226
温文尔雅溫文爾雅wen1 wen2 er3 ya3
cultured and refined (idiom); gentle and cultivated
文安文安wen2 an1
Wen'an county in Langfang 廊坊, Hebei
文安县文安縣wen2 an1 xian4
Wen'an county in Langfang 廊坊, Hebei
文本文本wen2 ben3
version; text
文本编辑器文本編輯器wen2 ben3 bian1 ji2 qi4
text editor
文本框文本框wen2 ben3 kuang4
text box (computing)
文笔文筆wen2 bi3
writings; writing style
文部文部wen2 bu4
Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county 尼瑪縣|尼玛县, Nagchu prefecture, central Tibet; Tang dynasty equivalent of 吏部, personnel office
文不对题文不對題wen2 bu4 dui4 ti2
irrelevant; beside the point
文不加点文不加點wen2 bu4 jia1 dian3
to write a flawless essay in one go (idiom); to be quick-witted and skilled at writing compositions
文部省文部省wen2 bu4 sheng3
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Japan), ceased to exist in 2001 when it was merged with another ministry
文部乡文部鄉wen2 bu4 xiang1
Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county 尼瑪縣|尼玛县, Nagchu prefecture, central Tibet
文采文采wen2 cai3
literary talent; literary grace; rich and bright colors
文昌文昌wen2 chang1
Wenchang City, Hainan
文昌市文昌市wen2 chang1 shi4
Wenchang City, Hainan
文昌鱼文昌魚wen2 chang1 yu2
lancelet (Branchiostoma lanceolatum), a primitive fish
文抄公文抄公wen2 chao1 gong1
文臣文臣wen2 chen2
civilian court official (in former times)
文成文成wen2 cheng2
Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang
文成县文成縣wen2 cheng2 xian4
Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang
文创产业文創產業wen2 chuang4 chan3 ye4
creative industries (design, music, publishing etc); abbr. for 文化創意產業|文化创意产业
文辞文辭wen2 ci2
language; words
文旦文旦wen2 dan4
文档文檔wen2 dang4
(computer) file
文档对象模型文檔對象模型wen2 dang4 dui4 xiang4 mo2 xing2
Document Object Model (DOM)
文登文登wen2 deng1
Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong
文登市文登市wen2 deng1 shi4
Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong
文牒文牒wen2 die2
official document
文牍文牘wen2 du2
paperwork; official documents and letters; (old) secretary
文读文讀wen2 du2
literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character
文牍主义文牘主義wen2 du2 zhu3 yi4
red tape
文法文法wen2 fa3
文房四宝文房四寶wen2 fang2 si4 bao3
Four Treasures of the Study, namely 筆|笔, 墨, 紙|纸 and 硯|砚; the essentials of calligraphy and scholarship (idiom)
文峰文峰wen2 feng1
Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市, Henan
文风文風wen2 feng1
writing style
文风不动文風不動wen2 feng1 bu4 dong4
absolutely still; fig. not the slightest change; also written 紋風不動|纹风不动
文峰区文峰區wen2 feng1 qu1
Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市, Henan
文峰镇文峰鎮wen2 feng1 zhen4
Wenfeng town (common place name)
文稿文稿wen2 gao3
manuscript; article (in newspaper); draft
文告文告wen2 gao4
written statement; proclamation; announcement
文革文革wen2 ge2
Cultural Revolution (1966-76); abbr. for 文化大革命
文蛤文蛤wen2 ge2
clam; bivalve mollusc, many spp.
文过饰非文過飾非wen2 guo4 shi4 fei1
to cover up one's faults (idiom); to whitewash
文豪文豪wen2 hao2
literary giant; great writer; eminent writer
文化文化wen2 hua4
culture; civilization; cultural
文化层文化層wen2 hua4 ceng2
culture level (in archaeological site)
文化城文化城wen2 hua4 cheng2
city of culture
文化冲击文化衝擊wen2 hua4 chong1 ji1
culture shock
文化传统文化傳統wen2 hua4 chuan2 tong3
cultural tradition
文化大革命文化大革命wen2 hua4 da4 ge2 ming4
Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
文化宫文化宮wen2 hua4 gong1
cultural palace
文化交流文化交流wen2 hua4 jiao1 liu2
cultural exchange
文化圈文化圈wen2 hua4 quan1
sphere of cultural influence
文化热文化熱wen2 hua4 re4
cultural fever; cultural craze
文化史文化史wen2 hua4 shi3
cultural history
文化水平文化水平wen2 hua4 shui3 ping2
educational level
文化遗产文化遺產wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3
cultural heritage
文化障碍文化障礙wen2 hua4 zhang4 ai4
cultural barrier
文汇报文彙報wen2 hui4 bao4
Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong newspaper); Wenhui News (Shanghai newspaper)
文火文火wen2 huo3
small flame (when cooking, simmering etc)
文集文集wen2 ji2
collected works
文件文件wen2 jian4
document; file
文件大小文件大小wen2 jian4 da4 xiao3
file size
文件服务器文件服務器wen2 jian4 fu2 wu4 qi4
file server
文件格式文件格式wen2 jian4 ge2 shi4
file format
文件夹文件夾wen2 jian4 jia1
folder; file (paper)
文江学海文江學海wen2 jiang1 xue2 hai3
river of literacy, sea of learning (idiom); ars longa, vita brevis
文教文教wen2 jiao4
culture and education
文锦渡文錦渡wen2 jin3 du4
Man Kam To (place in Hong Kong)
文静文靜wen2 jing4
(of a person's manner or character) gentle and quiet
文具文具wen2 ju4
stationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc)
文具店文具店wen2 ju4 dian4
stationery store
文具商文具商wen2 ju4 shang1
文康文康wen2 kang1
Wen Kang (mid-19th century), Manchu-born novelist, author of The Gallant Maid 兒女英雄傳|儿女英雄传
文康活动文康活動wen2 kang1 huo2 dong4
cultural and recreational activities (Tw)
文科文科wen2 ke1
liberal arts; humanities
文科学士文科學士wen2 ke1 xue2 shi4
Bachelor of Arts B.A.
文库文庫wen2 ku4
collection of documents; library; book series; sequence of data, esp. genome
文莱文萊wen2 lai2
Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo
文莱达鲁萨兰国文萊達魯薩蘭國wen2 lai2 da2 lu3 sa4 lan2 guo2
Brunei Darussalam
文理文理wen2 li3
arts and sciences
文联文聯wen2 lian2
abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)
文盲文盲wen2 mang2
文秘文秘wen2 mi4
文面文面wen2 mian4
to tattoo the face; face tattoo; to brand (ancient punishment)
文明文明wen2 ming2
civilized; civilization; culture
文明病文明病wen2 ming2 bing4
lifestyle diseases
文明化文明化wen2 ming2 hua4
文明小史文明小史wen2 ming2 xiao3 shi3
Short History of Civilization, late Qing novel by Li Boyuan 李伯元 or Li Baojia 李寶嘉|李宝嘉 describing the turmoil after the 1900 Eight-Nation Alliance 八國聯軍|八国联军
文墨文墨wen2 mo4
writing; culture
文凭文憑wen2 ping2
文气文氣wen2 qi4
the impact of a piece of writing on the reader; gentle; refined
文青文青wen2 qing1
young person who adopts an artistic or intellectual style; abbr. for 文藝青年|文艺青年
文人文人wen2 ren2
scholar; literati
文人相轻文人相輕wen2 ren2 xiang1 qing1
scholars tend to disparage one another (idiom)
文如其人文如其人wen2 ru2 qi2 ren2
the writing style mirrors the writer (idiom)
文山文山wen2 shan1
Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州, Yunnan; Wenshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan
文山会海文山會海wen2 shan1 hui4 hai3
a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (idiom)
文山区文山區wen2 shan1 qu1
Wenshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan
文山线文山線wen2 shan1 xian4
Taipei Metro Wenshan Line (known as the Muzha Line 木柵線|木栅线 prior to October 8, 2009)
文山县文山縣wen2 shan1 xian4
Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州, Yunnan
文山州文山州wen2 shan1 zhou1
abbr. for 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南
Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南
文身文身wen2 shen1
to tattoo
文圣区文聖區wen2 sheng4 qu1
Wensheng district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市, Liaoning
文石文石wen2 shi2
aragonite (geology)
文史文史wen2 shi3
literature and history
文士文士wen2 shi4
literati; scholar
文饰文飾wen2 shi4
to polish a text; rhetoric; ornate language; to use florid language to conceal errors; to gloss over
文殊文殊wen2 shu1
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
文书文書wen2 shu1
document; official correspondence; secretary; secretariat
文书处理文書處理wen2 shu1 chu3 li3
dealing with red tape; paperwork; (Tw) word processing
文殊菩萨文殊菩薩wen2 shu1 pu2 sa4
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
文殊师利菩萨文殊師利菩薩wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 pu2 sa4
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
文水文水wen2 shui3
Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
文水县文水縣wen2 shui3 xian4
Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
文思文思wen2 si1
the train of thought in writing
文坛文壇wen2 tan2
literary circles
文体文體wen2 ti3
genre of writing; literary form; style; literary recreation and sporting activities
文天祥文天祥wen2 tian1 xiang2
Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), Song dynasty politician and poet, folk hero in resisting Mongol invasion in Jiangxi in 1275
文童文童wen2 tong2
a person studying for the imperial examinations
文武文武wen2 wu3
civil and military
文武百官文武百官wen2 wu3 bai3 guan1
civil and military officials
文武合一文武合一wen2 wu3 he2 yi1
civilians and the military (working) hand in hand (idiom)
文武双全文武雙全wen2 wu3 shuang1 quan2
well versed in letters and military technology (idiom); fine scholar and soldier; master of pen and sword
文物文物wen2 wu4
cultural relic; historical relic
文物径文物徑wen2 wu4 jing4
heritage trail
文献文獻wen2 xian4
文县文縣wen2 xian4
Wen county in Longnan 隴南|陇南, Gansu
文献学文獻學wen2 xian4 xue2
Philology; Historical Linguistics
文胸文胸wen2 xiong1
文须雀文鬚雀wen2 xu1 que4
(bird species of China) bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus)
文宣文宣wen2 xuan1
promotional material; propaganda
文宣部文宣部wen2 xuan1 bu4
propaganda department
文选文選wen2 xuan3
compilation; selected works
文学文學wen2 xue2
文学博士文學博士wen2 xue2 bo2 shi4
Doctor of Letters
文学家文學家wen2 xue2 jia1
writer; man of letters
文学巨匠文學巨匠wen2 xue2 ju4 jiang4
literary master
文学史文學史wen2 xue2 shi3
history of literature
文学士文學士wen2 xue2 shi4
Bachelor of Arts; B.A.; BA; A.B.; Artium Baccalaureus
文雅文雅wen2 ya3
elegant; refined
文言文言wen2 yan2
classical Chinese
文言文文言文wen2 yan2 wen2
classical Chinese
文以载道文以載道wen2 yi3 zai4 dao4
words of truth; moral expressed in words; written article explaining a moral
文艺文藝wen2 yi4
literature and art
文艺兵文藝兵wen2 yi4 bing1
PLA military personnel who specialize in literary or artistic pursuits
文艺复兴文藝復興wen2 yi4 fu4 xing1
the Renaissance
文艺演出文藝演出wen2 yi4 yan3 chu1
theatrical performance
文艺作品文藝作品wen2 yi4 zuo4 pin3
literary work; art work
文娱文娛wen2 yu2
cultural recreation; entertainment
文员文員wen2 yuan2
office worker; clerk
文苑文苑wen2 yuan4
the literary world
文苑英华文苑英華wen2 yuan4 ying1 hua2
Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature, Song dynasty collection of poetry, odes, songs and writings compiled during 982-986 under Li Fang 李昉, Xu Xuan 徐鉉|徐铉, Song Bai 宋白 and Su Yijian 蘇易簡|苏易简, 1000 scrolls
文约文約wen2 yue1
contract; written agreement
文责自负文責自負wen2 ze2 zi4 fu4
the author takes sole responsibility for the views expressed here (disclaimer)
文摘文摘wen2 zhai1
digest (of literature); to make a digest (of data); summary
文章文章wen2 zhang1
article; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning
文征明文徵明wen2 zheng1 ming2
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming painter, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子
文职文職wen2 zhi2
civilian post (as opposed to military); civil service; administration
文质彬彬文質彬彬wen2 zhi4 bin1 bin1
refined in manner; gentle
文治武功文治武功wen2 zhi4 wu3 gong1
political and military achievements (idiom)
文种文種wen2 zhong3
Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the state of Yue during Spring and Autumn period
文诌诌文謅謅wen2 zhou1 zhou1
bookish; genteel; erudite
文绉绉文縐縐wen2 zhou1 zhou1
bookish; genteel; erudite
文竹文竹wen2 zhu2
setose asparagus
文字文字wen2 zi4
character; script; writing; written language; writing style; phraseology
文字处理文字處理wen2 zi4 chu3 li3
word processing
文字档文字檔wen2 zi4 dang4
text file
文字改革文字改革wen2 zi4 gai3 ge2
reform of the writing system
文字学文字學wen2 zi4 xue2
文字学家文字學家wen2 zi4 xue2 jia1
expert on writing systems
文字狱文字獄wen2 zi4 yu4
literary inquisition; official persecution of intellectuals for their writing
文宗文宗wen2 zong1
Wenzong Emperor, reign name of Yuan Dynasty emperor Tugh Temür (1304-1332), reigned 1328-1332
material and spiritual culture; matter and mind; material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted into Deng Xiaoping theory from 1978)
西班牙文西班牙文xi1 ban1 ya2 wen2
Spanish (language)
希伯莱文希伯萊文xi1 bo2 lai2 wen2
Hebrew language
希腊文希臘文xi1 la4 wen2
Greek literature
西文西文xi1 wen2
Spanish; Western language; foreign languages (in Qing times)
香港文化中心香港文化中心xiang1 gang3 wen2 hua4 zhong1 xin1
Hong Kong Cultural Center
香港中文大学香港中文大學xiang1 gang3 zhong1 wen2 da4 xue2
Chinese University of Hong Kong
象形文字象形文字xiang4 xing2 wen2 zi4
pictogram; hieroglyph
楔形文字楔形文字xie1 xing2 wen2 zi4
cuneiform (Babylonian script)
新文化运动新文化運動xin1 wen2 hua4 yun4 dong4
the New Culture Movement (mid-1910s and 1920s), intellectual revolution against Confucianism aiming to introduce Western elements, especially democracy and science
兴文興文xing1 wen2
Xingwen county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan
兴文县興文縣xing1 wen2 xian4
Xingwen county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan
行文行文xing2 wen2
writing style (formal); to send an official written communication
修文修文xiu1 wen2
Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳, Guizhou
修文县修文縣xiu1 wen2 xian4
Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳, Guizhou
虚文虛文xu1 wen2
dead letter; rule no longer in force; empty formality
虚文浮礼虛文浮禮xu1 wen2 fu2 li3
empty formality
叙利亚文敘利亞文xu4 li4 ya4 wen2
Syriac language (from c. 2nd century BC); the Syriac script
序文序文xu4 wen2
preface; foreword; preamble; recital (law); also written 敘文|叙文
叙文敘文xu4 wen2
variant of 序文
学位论文學位論文xue2 wei4 lun4 wen2
a dissertation; a PhD thesis
亚文化亞文化ya4 wen2 hua4
颜文字顏文字yan2 wen2 zi4
Japanese-style emoticon, e.g. (⇀‸↼‶)
谚文諺文yan4 wen2
hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet
洋文洋文yang2 wen2
foreign language (esp. Western) (old)
阳文陽文yang2 wen2
characters cut in relief
仰韶文化仰韶文化yang3 shao2 wen2 hua4
Yangshao neolithic culture from the central Yellow river basin, with red and black pottery
姚文元姚文元yao2 wen2 yuan2
Yao Wenyuan (1931-2005), one of the Gang of Four
咬文嚼字咬文嚼字yao3 wen2 jiao2 zi4
to bite words and chew characters (idiom); punctilious about minutiae of wording
叶伟文葉偉文ye4 wei3 wen2
alias of 葉偉民|叶伟民
伊藤博文伊藤博文yi1 teng2 bo2 wen2
ITŌ Hirobumi (1841-1909), Japanese Meiji restoration politician, prime minister on four occasions, influential in Japanese expansionism in Korea, assassinated in Harbin
一文不名一文不名yi1 wen2 bu4 ming2
to be penniless
一文不值一文不值yi1 wen2 bu4 zhi2
worthless (idiom); no use whatsoever
一纸空文一紙空文yi1 zhi3 kong1 wen2
a worthless piece of paper (idiom)
异文異文yi4 wen2
variant character; loan word; variant written form (for the same word); different edition
译文譯文yi4 wen2
translated text
音频文件音頻文件yin1 pin2 wen2 jian4
audio file (computer)
引文引文yin3 wen2
quotation; citation
印欧文印歐文yin4 ou1 wen2
Indo-European (language)
英国文化协会英國文化協會ying1 guo2 wen2 hua4 xie2 hui4
British Council
英文英文ying1 wen2
English (language)
应用文應用文ying4 yong4 wen2
applied writing; writing for practical purposes (business letters, advertising etc)
尤里斯·伊文思尤里斯·伊文思you2 li3 si1 - yi1 wen2 si1
Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist
尤文图斯尤文圖斯you2 wen2 tu2 si1
Juventus, Italian football team
俞文豹俞文豹yu2 wen2 bao4
Yu Wenbao (lived around 1240), prolific Song dynasty poet
宇文宇文yu3 wen2
a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people; two-character surname Yuwen
语文語文yu3 wen2
literature and language
原文原文yuan2 wen2
original text
越南文越南文yue4 nan2 wen2
Vietnamese written language; Vietnamese literature
越文越文yue4 wen2
Vietnamese written language; Vietnamese literature
允文允武允文允武yun3 wen2 yun3 wu3
equally proficient in intellectual and military affairs
韵文韻文yun4 wen2
杂文雜文za2 wen2
藏文藏文zang4 wen2
Tibetan script; Tibetan written language; Tibetan language
赵惠文王趙惠文王zhao4 hui4 wen2 wang2
King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BC during the Warring States Period
证明文件證明文件zheng4 ming2 wen2 jian4
identification document; documentary proof
正文正文zheng4 wen2
main text (as opposed to footnotes); main body (of a book)
钟鼎文鐘鼎文zhong1 ding3 wen2
bell-cauldron script; the 籀文 form of Chinese character used in metal inscriptions
中国文联中國文聯zhong1 guo2 wen2 lian2
abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)
CSIC, Chinese standard interchange code used from 1992
中英文对照中英文對照zhong1 ying1 wen2 dui4 zhao4
Chinese-English parallel texts
重文轻武重文輕武zhong4 wen2 qing1 wu3
to value letters and belittle arms (idiom); to stress civil matters and neglect the military; to prefer the pen to the sword
周文王周文王zhou1 wen2 wang2
King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC), reigned c. 1099-1056 BC as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou 周武王 the first Zhou dynasty king
籀文籀文zhou4 wen2
seal script used throughout the pre-Han period
咒文咒文zhou4 wen2
incantation; spell; to curse
主祷文主禱文zhu3 dao3 wen2
Lord's Prayer
属文屬文zhu3 wen2
to write prose
跩文跩文zhuai3 wen2
see 轉文|转文 (Tw)
转文轉文zhuai3 wen2
to parade by interspersing one's speech or writing with literary allusions; Taiwan pr.
转文轉文zhuan3 wen2
(Internet) to repost (Tw)
撰文撰文zhuan4 wen2
article (in publication)
追悼文追悼文zhui1 dao4 wen2
缀文綴文zhui4 wen2
to compose an essay
咨文咨文zi1 wen2
official communication (between gov. offices of equal rank); report delivered by the head of gov. on affairs of state
紫金山天文台紫金山天文台zi3 jin1 shan1 tian1 wen2 tai2
Purple Mountain Observatory
作文作文zuo4 wen2
to write an essay; composition (student essay)
做文章做文章zuo4 wen2 zhang1
to make an issue of sth; to fuss; to make a song and dance