to revolve; a loop; a circle

to whirl; immediately; variant of 鏇|镟

strokes 11
strokes after radical 7
棒旋星系 棒旋星系 bang4 xuan2 xing1 xi4
barred spiral galaxy

包柔氏螺旋体 包柔氏螺旋體 bao1 rou2 shi4 luo2 xuan2 ti3
Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria

包氏螺旋体 包氏螺旋體 bao1 shi4 luo2 xuan2 ti3
Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria

打旋 打旋 da3 xuan2
to revolve

打旋儿 打旋兒 da3 xuan2 er5
erhua variant of 打旋

发旋 髮旋 fa4 xuan2
hair whorl

反气旋 反氣旋 fan3 qi4 xuan2

高山旋木雀 高山旋木雀 gao1 shan1 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) bar-tailed treecreeper (Certhia himalayana)

钩端螺旋体病 鉤端螺旋體病 gou1 duan1 luo2 xuan2 ti3 bing4

核自旋 核自旋 he2 zi4 xuan2
nuclear spin

褐喉旋木雀 褐喉旋木雀 he4 hou2 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) Sikkim treecreeper (Certhia discolor)

黑旋风 黑旋風 hei1 xuan4 feng1
Black Whirlwind, nickname of 李逵, known for his fearsome behavior in combat and his dark complexion

红翅旋壁雀 紅翅旋壁雀 hong2 chi4 xuan2 bi4 que4
(bird species of China) wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)

环极涡旋 環極渦旋 huan2 ji2 wo1 xuan2
circumpolar vortex

回旋 回旋 hui2 xuan2
to cycle around; cyclotron; slalom

回旋 迴旋 hui2 xuan2
to turn around; maneuvering room; leeway

回旋加速器 回旋加速器 hui2 xuan2 jia1 su4 qi4
cyclotron (particle accelerator)

回旋曲 回旋曲 hui2 xuan2 qu3

回旋余地 回旋餘地 hui2 xuan2 yu2 di4
leeway; latitude; room for freedom of action

祸不旋踵 禍不旋踵 huo4 bu4 xuan2 zhong3
trouble is never far away (idiom)

霍氏旋木雀 霍氏旋木雀 huo4 shi4 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) Hodgson's treecreeper (Certhia hodgsoni)

凯旋 凱旋 kai3 xuan2
to return in triumph; to return victorious

凯旋门 凱旋門 kai3 xuan2 men2
triumphal arch

螺旋 螺旋 luo2 xuan2
spiral; helix; screw

螺旋粉 螺旋粉 luo2 xuan2 fen3
fusilli (corkscrew shaped pasta)

螺旋桨 螺旋槳 luo2 xuan2 jiang3

螺旋面 螺旋麵 luo2 xuan2 mian4
fusilli (pasta)

螺旋千斤顶 螺旋千斤頂 luo2 xuan2 qian1 jin1 ding3
screw jack

螺旋钳 螺旋鉗 luo2 xuan2 qian2

螺旋曲面 螺旋曲面 luo2 xuan2 qu1 mian4
spiral surface

螺旋体 螺旋體 luo2 xuan2 ti3
Spirochaetes, phylum of extremophile bacteria; spiral-shaped bacterium, e.g. causing syphilis

螺旋形 螺旋形 luo2 xuan2 xing2

螺旋藻 螺旋藻 luo2 xuan2 zao3
spiral algae; spirulina (dietary supplement)

盘旋 盤旋 pan2 xuan2
to spiral; to circle; to go around; to hover; to orbit

盘旋曲折 盤旋曲折 pan2 xuan2 qu1 zhe2
lit. windy and circuitous; difficult (idiom)

皮划艇激流回旋 皮劃艇激流回旋 pi2 hua2 ting3 ji1 liu2 hui2 xuan2
canoe-kayak slalom

气旋 氣旋 qi4 xuan2

四川旋木雀 四川旋木雀 si4 chuan1 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) Sichuan treecreeper (Certhia tianquanensis)

天旋地转 天旋地轉 tian1 xuan2 di4 zhuan4
the sky spins, the earth goes round (idiom); giddy with one's head spinning; fig. huge changes in the world

土耳其旋转烤肉 土耳其旋轉烤肉 tu3 er3 qi2 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4
Turkish döner kebab

涡旋 渦旋 wo1 xuan2
eddy; vortex

蜗旋 蝸旋 wo1 xuan2

斡旋 斡旋 wo4 xuan2
to mediate (a conflict etc)

下旋 下旋 xia4 xuan2
(sport) backspin

下旋削球 下旋削球 xia4 xuan2 xiao1 qiu2
(golf, tennis) undercut

休氏旋木雀 休氏旋木雀 xiu1 shi4 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) Hume's treecreeper (Certhia manipurensis)

锈红腹旋木雀 鏽紅腹旋木雀 xiu4 hong2 fu4 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) rusty-flanked treecreeper (Certhia nipalensis)

旋臂 旋臂 xuan2 bi4
spiral arm

旋覆花 旋覆花 xuan2 fu4 hua1
(botany) convolvulvus; Flos Inulae (Chinese herb)

旋光 旋光 xuan2 guang1
rotation of plane of polarization of light

旋花科 旋花科 xuan2 hua1 ke1
Convolvulaceae, herbaceous plant family

旋回 旋回 xuan2 hui2
to cycle

旋即 旋即 xuan2 ji2
soon after; shortly

旋里 旋里 xuan2 li3
to return home

旋量 旋量 xuan2 liang4
spinor (math)

旋流 旋流 xuan2 liu2
rotating flow

旋律 旋律 xuan2 lv4
melody; rhythm

旋木雀 旋木雀 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)

旋钮 旋鈕 xuan2 niu3
knob (e.g. handle or radio button)

旋前肌 旋前肌 xuan2 qian2 ji1
pronator teres muscle (below the elbow)

旋乾转坤 旋乾轉坤 xuan2 qian2 zhuan3 kun1
lit. overturning heaven and earth (idiom); earth-shattering; a radical change

旋绕 旋繞 xuan2 rao4
to curl up; to wind around

旋梯 旋梯 xuan2 ti1
spiral stairs; winding stairs (gymnastic equipment)

旋筒 旋筒 xuan2 tong3
rotor; turbine

旋涡 旋渦 xuan2 wo1
spiral; whirlpool; eddy; vortex

旋涡星系 旋渦星系 xuan2 wo1 xing1 xi4
spiral galaxy

旋涡星云 旋渦星雲 xuan2 wo1 xing1 yun2
spiral nebula

旋涡状 旋渦狀 xuan2 wo1 zhuang4

旋舞 旋舞 xuan2 wu3
whirling dance

旋翼 旋翼 xuan2 yi4
rotor wing

旋渊 旋淵 xuan2 yuan1

旋闸 旋閘 xuan2 zha2
rotor sluice gate

旋踵 旋踵 xuan2 zhong3
to turn on one's heel; in the twinkle of an eye; instantly

旋转 旋轉 xuan2 zhuan3
to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl

旋转极 旋轉極 xuan2 zhuan3 ji2
pole of rotation

旋转角 旋轉角 xuan2 zhuan3 jiao3
angle of rotation

旋转角速度 旋轉角速度 xuan2 zhuan3 jiao3 su4 du4
rotational angular velocity

旋转烤肉 旋轉烤肉 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4
döner kebab

旋转力 旋轉力 xuan2 zhuan3 li4
turning force; torque

旋转木马 旋轉木馬 xuan2 zhuan3 mu4 ma3
merry-go-round; carousel; Carousel, South Korean TV soap opera

旋转球 旋轉球 xuan2 zhuan3 qiu2
spin ball

旋转曲面 旋轉曲面 xuan2 zhuan3 qu1 mian4
a surface of revolution (math)

旋转台 旋轉台 xuan2 zhuan3 tai2
rotating platform; luggage carousel

旋转行李传送带 旋轉行李傳送帶 xuan2 zhuan3 xing2 li5 chuan2 song4 dai4
luggage conveyor belt; carousel

旋转运动 旋轉運動 xuan2 zhuan3 yun4 dong4
rotation; rotary motion

旋转指标 旋轉指標 xuan2 zhuan3 zhi3 biao1
winding number

旋转轴 旋轉軸 xuan2 zhuan3 zhou2
axis of rotation

旋子 旋子 xuan2 zi5
torsor (math)

旋床 鏇床 xuan4 chuang2

旋风 旋風 xuan4 feng1
whirlwind; tornado

旋风脚 旋風腳 xuan4 feng1 jiao3
whirlwind kick (martial arts)

旋工 鏇工 xuan4 gong1
lathe operator; spinning wheel worker

旋木 鏇木 xuan4 mu4
wood turning; woodwork lathe

旋子 旋子 xuan4 zi5
whirlwind somersault (in gymnastics or martial arts)

旋子 鏇子 xuan4 zi5
large metal plate for making bean curd; metal pot for warming wine

幽门螺旋杆菌 幽門螺旋桿菌 you1 men2 luo2 xuan2 gan3 jun1
Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium)

幽门螺旋菌 幽門螺旋菌 you1 men2 luo2 xuan2 jun1
Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium)

油旋 油旋 you2 xuan2
Youxuan, a kind of a pastry

周旋 周旋 zhou1 xuan2
to mix with others; to socialize; to deal with; to contend

轴旋转 軸旋轉 zhou2 xuan2 zhuan3
to rotate about an axis; axis of rotation (math.)

主旋律 主旋律 zhu3 xuan2 lv4
theme or subject (music)

准稳旋涡结构 準穩旋渦結構 zhun3 wen3 xuan2 wo1 jie2 gou4
quasi-stationary spiral structure QSSS (astrophysics)