lit. to get up at sunrise and work until sunset (proverb); fig. to lead a plain and hardworking life
日戳日戳ri4 chuo1
date stamp
日电日電ri4 dian4
NEC (Nippon Electronic Company); abbr. for 日電電子|日电电子
日电电子日電電子ri4 dian4 dian4 zi3
NEC (Nippon Electronic Company)
日俄战争日俄戰爭ri4 e2 zhan4 zheng1
the war of 1904-1905 between Russia and Japan
日耳曼日耳曼ri4 er3 man4
日耳曼语日耳曼語ri4 er3 man4 yu3
Germanic language
日方日方ri4 fang1
the Japanese side or party (in negotiations etc)
日复一日日復一日ri4 fu4 yi1 ri4
day after day
日怪日怪ri4 guai4
(dialect) strange
日光日光ri4 guang1
日光灯日光燈ri4 guang1 deng1
fluorescent light
日光节约时日光節約時ri4 guang1 jie2 yue1 shi2
daylight saving time
日光浴日光浴ri4 guang1 yu4
日光浴室日光浴室ri4 guang1 yu4 shi4
sun room; solarium
日光浴浴床日光浴浴床ri4 guang1 yu4 yu4 chuang2
日规日規ri4 gui1
日晷日晷ri4 gui3
日航日航ri4 hang2
Japan Airlines (JAL); abbr. for 日本航空
日后日後ri4 hou4
sometime; someday (in the future)
日化日化ri4 hua4
household chemicals (cleaning products etc) and toiletries; abbr. for 日用化學製品|日用化学制品
日环食日環食ri4 huan2 shi2
an annular eclipse of the sun
日货日貨ri4 huo4
Japanese goods
日积月累日積月累ri4 ji1 yue4 lei3
to accumulate over a long period of time
日记日記ri4 ji4
日记本日記本ri4 ji4 ben3
diary (book)
日间日間ri4 jian1
日渐日漸ri4 jian4
to progress (or increase, change etc) day by day; more (or better etc) with each passing day
日经日經ri4 jing1
Nikkei, abbr. for Nikkei Shimbun 日本經濟新聞|日本经济新闻; abbr. for Nikkei 225 index 日經指數|日经指数
日经平均日經平均ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1
Nikkei 225 stock market index
日经平均指数日經平均指數ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei 225 stock market index
日经平均指数日經平均指數ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei index
日经指数日經指數ri4 jing1 zhi3 shu4
Nikkei 225 stock market index
日久生情日久生情ri4 jiu3 sheng1 qing2
familiarity breeds fondness (idiom)
日久岁深日久歲深ri4 jiu3 sui4 shen1
to last for an eternity (idiom)
日据时代日據時代ri4 ju4 shi2 dai4
the era of Japanese occupation
日军日軍ri4 jun1
Japanese army; Japanese troops
日喀则日喀則ri4 ka1 ze2
Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and prefecture in central Tibet
日喀则地区日喀則地區ri4 ka1 ze2 di4 qu1
Shigatse or Xigaze prefecture in central Tibet, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse sa khul, Chinese Rikaze
日喀则市日喀則市ri4 ka1 ze2 shi4
Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and prefecture in central Tibet, Chinese Rikaze
日刊日刊ri4 kan1
daily (publication)
日来日來ri4 lai2
in the past few days; lately
日里日裡ri4 li3
daytime; during the day
日立日立ri4 li4
Hitachi, Ltd.
日历日曆ri4 li4
日流日流ri4 liu2
the spread of Japanese cultural products (anime, pop music etc) to other countries
日落日落ri4 luo4
sundown; sunset
日落风生日落風生ri4 luo4 feng1 sheng1
a gentle breeze comes with sunset (idiom)
日落西山日落西山ri4 luo4 xi1 shan1
the sun sets over western hills (idiom); the day approaches its end; fig. time of decline; the end of an era; Sic transit gloria mundi
日媒日媒ri4 mei2
Japanese news media
日美日美ri4 mei3
日冕日冕ri4 mian3
日冕层日冕層ri4 mian3 ceng2
the sun's corona
日没日沒ri4 mo4
sunset; sundown
日暮日暮ri4 mu4
日暮途穷日暮途窮ri4 mu4 tu2 qiong2
sunset, the end of the road (idiom); in terminal decline; at a dead end
日南郡日南郡ri4 nan2 jun4
Han dynasty province in Vietnam
日内日內ri4 nei4
in a few days; one of these days
日内瓦日內瓦ri4 nei4 wa3
Geneva, Switzerland
日你妈日你媽ri4 ni3 ma1
see 肏你媽|肏你妈
日偏食日偏食ri4 pian1 shi2
partial eclipse of the sun
日期日期ri4 qi1
日前日前ri4 qian2
the other day; a few days ago
日趋日趨ri4 qu1
(increasing) day by day; (more critical) with every passing day; gradually
日趋严重日趨嚴重ri4 qu1 yan2 zhong4
more critical with every passing day
日全食日全食ri4 quan2 shi2
total eclipse of the sun
日惹日惹ri4 re3
Yogyakarta, city of Java, Indonesia, and capital of the Special Region of Yogyakarta 日惹特區|日惹特区
日人日人ri4 ren2
Japanese person; the Japanese
日日日日ri4 ri4
every day
日晒伤日曬傷ri4 shai4 shang1
日晒雨淋日曬雨淋ri4 shai4 yu3 lin2
scorched and drenched by sun and rain (idiom); suffer from exposure to the elements; weather-beaten
日神日神ri4 shen2
the Sun God; Apollo
日盛日盛ri4 sheng4
more flourishing by the day
日食日食ri4 shi2
solar eclipse
日蚀日蝕ri4 shi2
variant of 日食
日式日式ri4 shi4
Japanese style
日式烧肉日式燒肉ri4 shi4 shao1 rou4
yakiniku (Japanese-style grilled meat)
日头日頭ri4 tou2
sun (dialect); daytime; date
日土日土ri4 tu3
Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Ru thog rdzong
日土县日土縣ri4 tu3 xian4
Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Ru thog rdzong
日文日文ri4 wen2
Japanese (language)
日无暇晷日無暇晷ri4 wu2 xia2 gui3
no time to spare (idiom)
日系日系ri4 xi4
Japanese section (of school); Japanese-related (business)
日新日新ri4 xin1
in constant progress
日薪日薪ri4 xin1
daily wage
日心说日心說ri4 xin1 shuo1
heliocentric theory; the theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
日新月异日新月異ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4
daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress
日行一善日行一善ri4 xing2 yi1 shan4
to do a good deed every day
日曜日日曜日ri4 yao4 ri4
Sunday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)
日惹特区日惹特區ri4 ye3 te4 qu1
Special Region of Yogyakarta, region of Java, Indonesia
日夜日夜ri4 ye4
day and night; around the clock
日夜兼程日夜兼程ri4 ye4 jian1 cheng2
to travel day and night
日裔日裔ri4 yi4
of Japanese descent
日益日益ri4 yi4
day by day; more and more; increasingly; more and more with each passing day
日益增加日益增加ri4 yi4 zeng1 jia1
to increase daily
日英联军日英聯軍ri4 ying1 lian2 jun1
Anglo-Japanese allied army (intervention during Russian revolution and civil war 1917-1922)
日用日用ri4 yong4
daily expenses; of everyday use
日用品日用品ri4 yong4 pin3
articles for daily use
日语日語ri4 yu3
Japanese language
日圆日圓ri4 yuan2
Japanese yen (unit of currency)
日元日元ri4 yuan2
Japanese yen (unit of currency); also written 日圓|日圆
日月日月ri4 yue4
the sun and moon; day and month; every day and every month; season; life and livelihood
日月重光日月重光ri4 yue4 chong2 guang1
the sun and moon shine once more; fig. things get back to normal after an upheaval
日月蹉跎日月蹉跎ri4 yue4 cuo1 tuo2
days and months slip away; fig. the inexorable passage of time
日月如梭日月如梭ri4 yue4 ru2 suo1
the sun and moon like a shuttle (idiom); How time flies!
日月食日月食ri4 yue4 shi2
eclipsis (of the moon or sun)
日月潭日月潭ri4 yue4 tan2
Sun Moon Lake (Dalian, Taiwan etc)
日月五星日月五星ri4 yue4 wu3 xing1
sun, moon and the five visible planets
日月晕日月暈ri4 yue4 yun4
halo; ring of light around the sun or moon
日增日增ri4 zeng1
increasing by the day
日照日照ri4 zhao4
Rizhao prefecture level city in Shandong
日照日照ri4 zhao4
日照市日照市ri4 zhao4 shi4
Rizhao prefecture level city in Shandong
日臻日臻ri4 zhen1
to reach day after day for
日知录日知錄ri4 zhi1 lu4
Rizhilu or Record of daily study, by early Confucian philosopher Gu Yanwu 顧炎武|顾炎武
日至日至ri4 zhi4
solstice; the winter solstice 冬至 and summer solstice 夏至
日志日誌ri4 zhi4
journal; log (computing)
日治时期日治時期ri4 zhi4 shi2 qi1
the period of Japanese rule
日中日中ri4 zhong1
日中日中ri4 zhong1
noon; midday; zenith
日子日子ri4 zi5
day; a (calendar) date; days of one's life
儒略日儒略日ru2 lve4 ri4
Julian day (astronomy)
桑日桑日sang1 ri4
Sangri county, Tibetan: Zangs ri rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区, Tibet
桑日县桑日縣sang1 ri4 xian4
Sangri county, Tibetan: Zangs ri rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区, Tibet
生日生日sheng1 ri4
生日贺卡生日賀卡sheng1 ri4 he4 ka3
birthday card
生日卡生日卡sheng1 ri4 ka3
birthday card
生日快乐生日快樂sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4
Happy birthday
圣灰瞻礼日聖灰瞻禮日sheng4 hui1 zhan1 li3 ri4
Ash Wednesday
失效日期失效日期shi1 xiao4 ri4 qi1
expiry date (of document)
时日時日shi2 ri4
time; auspicious time; time and date; long period of time; this day
十日谈十日談shi2 ri4 tan2
Decameron, collection of 100 tales of love supposedly told by ten young people in ten days, written by Giovanni Boccaccio 薄伽丘
时日无多時日無多shi2 ri4 wu2 duo1
time is limited (idiom)
十三日十三日shi2 san1 ri4
thirteenth day of a month
时至今日時至今日shi2 zhi4 jin1 ri4
(idiom) up to the present; even now; now (in contrast with the past); at this late hour
事到今日事到今日shi4 dao4 jin1 ri4
under the circumstances; the matter having come to that point
世风日下世風日下shi4 feng1 ri4 xia4
public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)
世界末日世界末日shi4 jie4 mo4 ri4
end of the world
世界日报世界日報shi4 jie4 ri4 bao4
World Journal, US newspaper
首日封首日封shou3 ri4 feng1
first day cover (philately)
受难日受難日shou4 nan4 ri4
Good Friday
赎罪日贖罪日shu2 zui4 ri4
Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday)
赎罪日战争贖罪日戰爭shu2 zui4 ri4 zhan4 zheng1
the Yom Kippur war of October 1973 between Israel and her Arab neighbors
蜀犬吠日蜀犬吠日shu3 quan3 fei4 ri4
lit. Sichuan dogs bark at the sun (idiom); fig. a simpleton will marvel at even the most common things; alludes to the Sichuan foggy weather where it's uncommon to see a sunny day
双休日雙休日shuang1 xiu1 ri4
two-day weekend
水曜日水曜日shui3 yao4 ri4
Wednesday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)
舜日尧年舜日堯年shun4 ri4 yao2 nian2
sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
舜日尧天舜日堯天shun4 ri4 yao2 tian1
sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
朔日朔日shuo4 ri4
first day of the lunar month
四川日报四川日報si4 chuan1 ri4 bao4
Sichuan Daily
四日市四日市si4 ri4 shi4
Yokaichi City in Mi'e prefecture 三重縣|三重县, Japan
四日市市四日市市si4 ri4 shi4 shi4
Yokkaichi, Mie prefecture 三重縣|三重县, Japan
夙日夙日su4 ri4
at ordinary times
素日素日su4 ri4
太阳日太陽日tai4 yang2 ri4
solar day
提上议事日程提上議事日程ti2 shang4 yi4 shi4 ri4 cheng2
to put (sth) on the agenda
天长日久天長日久tian1 chang2 ri4 jiu3
after a long time (idiom)
天穿日天穿日tian1 chuan1 ri4
a Hakka festival held on the 20th day of the first lunar month
停战日停戰日ting2 zhan4 ri4
Armistice Day
同日同日tong2 ri4
same day; simultaneous
同日而语同日而語tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)
偷天换日偷天換日tou1 tian1 huan4 ri4
to engage in fraudulent activities (idiom); skulduggery; to hoodwink people; to cheat sb audaciously
土曜日土曜日tu3 yao4 ri4
Saturday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)
亡兵纪念日亡兵紀念日wang2 bing1 ji4 nian4 ri4
Memorial Day (American holiday)
网络日记網絡日記wang3 luo4 ri4 ji4
blog; weblog; same as 博客
往日往日wang3 ri4
in former days
旺波日山旺波日山wang4 bo1 ri4 shan1
Mt Wangbur, Dagzê county 達孜縣|达孜县, Lhasa, Tibet
望日望日wang4 ri4
the full moon; the fifteenth day of each lunar month
未可同日而语未可同日而語wei4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable
沃罗涅日沃羅湼日wo4 luo2 nie4 ri4
Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia