lit. If the old doesn't go, the new will not come.; You can't make progress by clinging to old notions.
旧地舊地jiu4 di4
once familiar places; former haunts
旧地重游舊地重遊jiu4 di4 chong2 you2
to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
旧调重弹舊調重彈jiu4 diao4 chong2 tan2
replaying the same old tunes (idiom); conservative, unoriginal and discredited; to keep harping on about the same old stuff
旧调子舊調子jiu4 diao4 zi5
old tune; fig. conservative opinion; the same old stuff
旧都舊都jiu4 du1
old capital
旧恶舊惡jiu4 e4
old wrong; past grievance; wickedness of former times
旧故舊故jiu4 gu4
old friend; former acquaintance
旧观舊觀jiu4 guan1
former appearance; what it used to look like
旧贯舊貫jiu4 guan4
old system; former rules
旧国舊國jiu4 guo2
old capital
旧好舊好jiu4 hao3
old friendship
旧皇历舊皇曆jiu4 huang2 li5
old calendar; out-of-date customs
旧货舊貨jiu4 huo4
second-hand goods; used items for sale
旧货市场舊貨市場jiu4 huo4 shi4 chang3
sale of second-hand goods; flea market
旧疾舊疾jiu4 ji2
old illness; former affliction
旧迹舊跡jiu4 ji4
old traces; signs from the past
旧家舊家jiu4 jia1
notable former families
旧交舊交jiu4 jiao1
old friend; former acquaintance
旧教舊教jiu4 jiao4
old teachings; wisdom from the past; old church; the Catholic church 天主教 as opposed to Protestantism 新教
旧金山舊金山jiu4 jin1 shan1
San Francisco, California
旧景重现舊景重現jiu4 jing3 chong2 xian4
evocation of the past
旧居舊居jiu4 ju1
old residence; former home
旧历舊曆jiu4 li4
old calendar; the Chinese lunar calendar; same as 農曆|农历
旧例舊例jiu4 li4
old rules; example from the past; former practices
旧历年舊曆年jiu4 li4 nian2
lunar New Year
旧貌舊貌jiu4 mao4
old look; former appearance
旧梦舊夢jiu4 meng4
old dreams
旧民主主义革命舊民主主義革命jiu4 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 ge2 ming4
old democratic revolution; bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
旧名舊名jiu4 ming2
former name
旧年舊年jiu4 nian2
last year; the Chinese New Year (i.e. the new year in the old calendar)
旧派舊派jiu4 pai4
old school; conservative faction
旧瓶装新酒舊瓶裝新酒jiu4 ping2 zhuang1 xin1 jiu3
lit. new wine in old bottles; fig. new concepts in an old framework; (loan idiom from Matthew 9:17, but fig. meaning is opposite)
旧前舊前jiu4 qian2
in the past; formerly
旧情舊情jiu4 qing2
old affection
旧日舊日jiu4 ri4
former times; olden days
旧诗舊詩jiu4 shi1
old verse; poetry in the old style
旧识舊識jiu4 shi2
former acquaintance; old friend
旧时舊時jiu4 shi2
in former times; the olden days
旧时代舊時代jiu4 shi2 dai4
former times; the olden days
旧石器时代舊石器時代jiu4 shi2 qi4 shi2 dai4
Paleolithic Era
旧式舊式jiu4 shi4
old style
旧事舊事jiu4 shi4
old affair; former matter
旧书舊書jiu4 shu1
second-hand book; old book; ancient book
旧俗舊俗jiu4 su2
former custom; old ways
旧损舊損jiu4 sun3
old and damaged; in disrepair
旧态舊態jiu4 tai4
old posture; former situation
旧态复萌舊態復萌jiu4 tai4 fu4 meng2
see 故態復萌|故态复萌
旧唐书舊唐書jiu4 tang2 shu1
History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Liu Xu 劉昫|刘昫 in 945 during Later Jin 後晉|后晋 of the Five Dynasties, 200 scrolls
旧体舊體jiu4 ti3
old form of writing; piece in the old style
旧体诗舊體詩jiu4 ti3 shi1
poetry in the old style
旧闻舊聞jiu4 wen2
old anecdote; stories passed on from former times
旧五代史舊五代史jiu4 wu3 dai4 shi3
History of the Five Dynasties (between Tang and Song), eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正 in 974 during Northern Song 北宋, 150 scrolls
旧物舊物jiu4 wu4
old property (esp. inherited from former generation); former territory
旧习舊習jiu4 xi2
old habit; former custom
旧学舊學jiu4 xue2
old learning; Chinese traditional teaching as opposed to material from the West
旧业舊業jiu4 ye4
one's old profession; trade of one's forebears
旧游舊遊jiu4 you2
place one has previously visited; old haunts
旧友舊友jiu4 you3
old friend
旧雨舊雨jiu4 yu3
old friends
旧怨舊怨jiu4 yuan4
old grievance; former complaint
旧约舊約jiu4 yue1
Old Testament
旧约舊約jiu4 yue1
former agreement; former contract
旧约全书舊約全書jiu4 yue1 quan2 shu1
Old Testament
旧宅舊宅jiu4 zhai2
former residence
旧账舊賬jiu4 zhang4
lit. old account; old debt; fig. old scores to settle; old quarrels; old grudge
旧知舊知jiu4 zhi1
old acquaintance; former friend
旧址舊址jiu4 zhi3
former site; old location
旧制舊制jiu4 zhi4
old system; weights and measures of former times
旧字体舊字體jiu4 zi4 ti3
kyujitai, traditional Japanese character used before 1946
老旧老舊lao3 jiu4
outmoded; old-fashioned
恋旧戀舊lian4 jiu4
see 懷舊|怀旧
恋旧情结戀舊情結lian4 jiu4 qing2 jie2
dwelling on the past; difficulty in adapting to changes
念旧念舊nian4 jiu4
to remember old friends; to cherish old friendships; for old time's sake
破旧破舊po4 jiu4
破旧立新破舊立新po4 jiu4 li4 xin1
to get rid of the old to bring in the new (idiom); to innovate
破四旧破四舊po4 si4 jiu4
Destroy the Four Olds (campaign of the Cultural Revolution)
弃旧图新棄舊圖新qi4 jiu4 tu2 xin1
to turn over a new leaf
亲旧親舊qin1 jiu4
relatives and old friends
仍旧仍舊reng2 jiu4
still (remaining); to remain (the same); yet
守旧守舊shou3 jiu4
conservative; reactionary
守旧派守舊派shou3 jiu4 pai4
the conservative faction; reactionaries
率由旧章率由舊章shuai4 you2 jiu4 zhang1
to act in accordance with the old rules (idiom); to follow a proven formula
四旧四舊si4 jiu4
the Four Olds (target of the Cultural Revolution)
送旧迎新送舊迎新song4 jiu4 ying2 xin1
usher out the old, greet the new; esp. to see in the New Year
汰旧换新汰舊換新tai4 jiu4 huan4 xin1
out with the old and in with the new (idiom)
喜新厌旧喜新厭舊xi3 xin1 yan4 jiu4
lit. to like the new, and hate the old (idiom); fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old
新愁旧恨新愁舊恨xin1 chou2 jiu4 hen4
new worries added to old hatred (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new
新瓶旧酒新瓶舊酒xin1 ping2 jiu4 jiu3
old wine in a new bottle (idiom)
新瓶装旧酒新瓶裝舊酒xin1 ping2 zhuang1 jiu4 jiu3
old wine in a new bottle (idiom)
叙旧敘舊xu4 jiu4
to reminisce; to talk about former times
依旧依舊yi1 jiu4
as before; still
一切如旧一切如舊yi1 qie4 ru2 jiu4
everything as before
因循守旧因循守舊yin1 xun2 shou3 jiu4
(idiom) to continue in the same old rut; diehard conservative attitudes