old variant of 春

surname Chun

spring (season); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life

strokes 9
strokes after radical 5
报春花 報春花 bao4 chun1 hua1
primrose (Primula malacoides)

碧螺春 碧螺春 bi4 luo2 chun1
biluochun or pi lo chun, a type of green tea grown in the Dongting Mountain region near Lake Tai 太湖, Jiangsu

长春 長春 chang2 chun1
Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China

长春市 長春市 chang2 chun1 shi4
Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China

常春藤 常春藤 chang2 chun1 teng2

吃青春饭 吃青春飯 chi1 qing1 chun1 fan4
to make the most of one's youthfulness in one's choice of employment (e.g. modeling)

春饼 春餅 chun1 bing3
spring pancake

春播 春播 chun1 bo1
spring sowing

春蚕 春蠶 chun1 can2
Silkworms in Spring (1933), Chinese silent movie in socialist realist style, based on novel by Mao Dun 茅盾

春岑 春岑 chun1 cen2
Hill of Spring (derivation of Tel Aviv 特拉維夫|特拉维夫 from the book of Ezekiel 以西結書|以西结书)

春茶 春茶 chun1 cha2
tea leaves gathered at springtime or the tea made from these leaves

春川市 春川市 chun1 chuan1 shi4
Chuncheon city, capital of Gangwon province 江原道, South Korea

春大麦 春大麥 chun1 da4 mai4
spring barley

春灯谜 春燈謎 chun1 deng1 mi2
Spring lantern riddles (guessing game at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节, at the end of Spring festival 春節|春节)

春凳 春凳 chun1 deng4
(old) wooden bench

春分 春分 chun1 fen1
Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st March-4th April

春分点 春分點 chun1 fen1 dian3
the spring equinox

春风得意 春風得意 chun1 feng1 de2 yi4
flushed with success; proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc); as pleased as punch

春风和气 春風和氣 chun1 feng1 he2 qi4
(idiom) amiable as a spring breeze

春风化雨 春風化雨 chun1 feng1 hua4 yu3
lit. spring wind and rain (idiom); fig. the long-term influence of a solid education

春风满面 春風滿面 chun1 feng1 man3 mian4
pleasantly smiling; radiant with happiness

春风深醉的晚上 春風深醉的晚上 chun1 feng1 shen1 zui4 de5 wan3 shang5
Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 short story by Yu Dafu 郁達夫|郁达夫

春风一度 春風一度 chun1 feng1 yi1 du4
to have sexual intercourse (once)

春妇 春婦 chun1 fu4

春耕 春耕 chun1 geng1
to plow a field in the spring

春宫 春宮 chun1 gong1
Crown Prince's chambers; by extension, the Crown Prince; erotic picture

春菇 春菇 chun1 gu1
spring mushroom

春灌 春灌 chun1 guan4
spring irrigation

春光 春光 chun1 guang1
scenes of springtime; the radiance of spring; (fig.) a sight of sth sexy or erotic; an indication of a love affair

春光明媚 春光明媚 chun1 guang1 ming2 mei4
lovely spring sunshine

春光乍泄 春光乍泄 chun1 guang1 zha4 xie4
spring sunshine emerges to bring the world alive (idiom); to give a glimpse of sth intimate (e.g. one's underwear)

春化 春化 chun1 hua4
(agriculture) vernalization

春画 春畫 chun1 hua4
erotic print; pornographic picture

春黄菊 春黃菊 chun1 huang2 ju2
yellow chrysanthemum; chamomile (Anthemis spp.)

春黄菊属 春黃菊屬 chun1 huang2 ju2 shu3
Anthemis, genus of flowers in Compositae including chamomile

春晖 春暉 chun1 hui1
lit. spring sunshine; fig. parental (often maternal) love

春季 春季 chun1 ji4

春假 春假 chun1 jia4
spring break

春江花月夜 春江花月夜 chun1 jiang1 hua1 yue4 ye4
River on a spring night, long yuefu poem by 張若虛|张若虚

春江水暖鸭先知 春江水暖鴨先知 chun1 jiang1 shui3 nuan3 ya1 xian1 zhi1
lit. the duck is the first to know if the spring water is warm (idiom); fig. an expert in the field knows which way the wind blows

春节 春節 chun1 jie2
Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)

春节联欢晚会 春節聯歡晚會 chun1 jie2 lian2 huan1 wan3 hui4
CCTV New Year's Gala, Chinese New Year special; abbr. to 春晚

春景 春景 chun1 jing3
spring scenery

春卷 春捲 chun1 juan3
egg roll; spring roll

春困 春困 chun1 kun4
spring fatigue; spring fever

春联 春聯 chun1 lian2
Spring Festival couplet (the first line of which is pasted on the right side of a doorway at New Year, and the second on the left side)

春霖 春霖 chun1 lin2
spring rains

春令 春令 chun1 ling4
spring; springtime; spring weather

春柳 春柳 chun1 liu3
Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动, continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会

春柳剧场 春柳劇場 chun1 liu3 ju4 chang3
Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动, continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会

春柳社 春柳社 chun1 liu3 she4
Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动, continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会

春梦 春夢 chun1 meng4
spring dream; short-lived illusion; erotic dream

春情 春情 chun1 qing2
amorous feelings

春秋 春秋 chun1 qiu1
Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC); Spring and Autumn Annals, chronicle of Lu State (722-481 BC)

春秋 春秋 chun1 qiu1
spring and autumn; four seasons; year; a person's age; annals (used in book titles)

春秋大梦 春秋大夢 chun1 qiu1 da4 meng4
grand dreams; unrealistic ideas (idiom)

春秋鼎盛 春秋鼎盛 chun1 qiu1 ding3 sheng4
the prime of one's life

春秋繁露 春秋繁露 chun1 qiu1 fan2 lu4
Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals, ideological tract by Han dynasty political philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒

春秋三传 春秋三傳 chun1 qiu1 san1 zhuan4
Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋, including Mr Gongyang's annals 公羊傳|公羊传, Mr Guliang's annals 穀梁傳|谷梁传 and Mr Zuo's annals or Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传

春秋时代 春秋時代 chun1 qiu1 shi2 dai4
Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)

春秋五霸 春秋五霸 chun1 qiu1 wu3 ba4
the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC), namely: Duke Huan of Qi 齊桓公|齐桓公, Duke Wen of Jin 晉文公|晋文公, King Zhuang of Chu 楚莊王|楚庄王, and alternatively Duke Xiang of Song 宋襄公 and Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公 or King Helu of Wu 吳王闔閭|吴王阖闾 and King Gou

春秋战国 春秋戰國 chun1 qiu1 zhan4 guo2
the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and Warring States (475-221 BC) periods

春秋战国时代 春秋戰國時代 chun1 qiu1 zhan4 guo2 shi2 dai4
the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and Warring States (475-221 BC) periods; Eastern Zhou (770-221 BC)

春秋左氏传 春秋左氏傳 chun1 qiu1 zuo3 shi4 zhuan4
Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明; usually called Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传

春日 春日 chun1 ri4
Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan

春日部 春日部 chun1 ri4 bu4
Kasukabe, city in Saitama Prefecture, Japan

春日乡 春日鄉 chun1 ri4 xiang1
Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan

春色 春色 chun1 se4
colors of spring; spring scenery

春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏 春生,夏長,秋收,冬藏 chun1 sheng1 - xia4 zhang3 - qiu1 shou1 - dong1 cang2
sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter (idiom)

春试 春試 chun1 shi4
metropolitan civil service examination (held triennially in spring in imperial times)

春笋 春筍 chun1 sun3
springtime bamboo shoots; fig. (of woman's fingers) tender and delicate

春天 春天 chun1 tian1
spring (season)

春贴 春貼 chun1 tie1
see 春聯|春联

春晚 春晚 chun1 wan3
abbr. for 春節聯歡晚會|春节联欢晚会

春闱 春闈 chun1 wei2
metropolitan civil service examination (held triennially in spring in imperial times); Crown Prince's chambers; by extension, the Crown Prince

春武里府 春武里府 chun1 wu3 li3 fu3
Chonburi province of east Thailand

春夏秋冬 春夏秋冬 chun1 xia4 qiu1 dong1
the four seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter

春心 春心 chun1 xin1
amorous feelings; stirrings of love

春汛 春汛 chun1 xun4
spring flood

春药 春藥 chun1 yao4

春意 春意 chun1 yi4
beginning of spring; thoughts of love

春游 春遊 chun1 you2
spring outing; spring excursion

春雨 春雨 chun1 yu3
spring rain; gift from above

春运 春運 chun1 yun4
(increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year

村上春树 村上春樹 cun1 shang4 chun1 shu4
MURAKAMI Haruki (1949-), Japanese novelist and translator

打春 打春 da3 chun1
see 立春

倒春寒 倒春寒 dao4 chun1 han2
cold snap during the spring

第二春 第二春 di4 er4 chun1
(lit.) second spring; (fig.) falling in love for the second time; a new lease of life; rebirth

鄂伦春 鄂倫春 e4 lun2 chun1
Oroqen or Orochon (ethnic group)

鄂伦春自治旗 鄂倫春自治旗 e4 lun2 chun1 zi4 zhi4 qi2
Oroqin Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

发春 發春 fa1 chun1
in heat

富春江 富春江 fu4 chun1 jiang1
Fuchun River in Zhejiang

公羊春秋 公羊春秋 gong1 yang2 chun1 qiu1
Mr Gongyang's Annals or commentary on 春秋, early history, probably written during Han dynasty, same as 公羊傳|公羊传

恒春 恆春 heng2 chun1
Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan

恒春半岛 恆春半島 heng2 chun1 ban4 dao3
Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, the southernmost point of Taiwan

恒春镇 恆春鎮 heng2 chun1 zhen4
Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan

虎尾春冰 虎尾春冰 hu3 wei3 chun1 bing1
lit. like stepping on a tiger's tail or spring ice (idiom); fig. extremely dangerous situation

怀春 懷春 huai2 chun1
(of girls) to yearn for love

回春 回春 hui2 chun1
return of spring

蟪蛄不知春秋 蟪蛄不知春秋 hui4 gu1 bu4 zhi1 chun1 qiu1
lit. short-lived cicada does not know the seasons; fig. to see only a small piece of the big picture

珲春 琿春 hun2 chun1
Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin

珲春市 琿春市 hun2 chun1 shi4
Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin

季春 季春 ji4 chun1
final month of spring (i.e. third month of lunar calendar)

叫春 叫春 jiao4 chun1
to caterwaul; to call like an animal in heat

开春 開春 kai1 chun1
beginning of spring; the lunar New Year

枯木逢春 枯木逢春 ku1 mu4 feng2 chun1
lit. the spring comes upon a withered tree (idiom); fig. to get a new lease on life; to be revived; (of a difficult situation) to suddenly improve

李长春 李長春 li3 chang2 chun1
Li Changchun (1944-), PRC politician

李富春 李富春 li3 fu4 chun1
Li Fuchun (1900-1975), communist politician

李宇春 李宇春 li3 yu3 chun1
Li Yuchun aka Chris Lee (1984-), Chinese pop singer

立春 立春 li4 chun1
Lichun or Beginning of Spring, 1st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 4th-18th February

两手不沾阳春水 兩手不沾陽春水 liang3 shou3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3
see 十指不沾陽春水|十指不沾阳春水

吕氏春秋 呂氏春秋 lv3 shi4 chun1 qiu1
lit. “Mr. Lü's Spring and Autumn (Annals)”, compendium of the philosophies of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家, compiled around 239 BC under the patronage of Qin Dynasty 秦代 Chancellor Lü Buwei 呂不韋|吕不韦

绿春 綠春 lv4 chun1
Lüchun county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

绿春县 綠春縣 lv4 chun1 xian4
Lüxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

买春 買春 mai3 chun1
to buy wine or drinks

卖春 賣春 mai4 chun1
to engage in prostitution

满面春风 滿面春風 man3 mian4 chun1 feng1
beaming; radiant with happiness

满园春色 滿園春色 man3 yuan2 chun1 se4
everything in the garden is lovely

妙手回春 妙手回春 miao4 shou3 hui2 chun1
magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure; brilliant doctor

蕲春 蘄春 qi2 chun1
Qochun county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei

蕲春县 蘄春縣 qi2 chun1 xian4
Qochun county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei

青春 青春 qing1 chun1
youth; youthfulness

青春不再 青春不再 qing1 chun1 bu4 zai4
lit. one's youth will never return; to make the most of one's opportunities (idiom)

青春痘 青春痘 qing1 chun1 dou4

青春豆 青春豆 qing1 chun1 dou4

青春期 青春期 qing1 chun1 qi1
puberty; adolescence

青春永驻 青春永駐 qing1 chun1 yong3 zhu4
to stay young forever

人生一世,草木一春 人生一世,草木一春 ren2 sheng1 yi1 shi4 - cao3 mu4 yi1 chun1
Man has but one life, grass but one spring (idiom). fig. the brevity of human existence

三春 三春 san1 chun1
the three spring months

十国春秋 十國春秋 shi2 guo2 chun1 qiu1
History of Ten States of South China (1669) by Wu Renchen 吳任臣|吴任臣, 114 scrolls

十六国春秋 十六國春秋 shi2 liu4 guo2 chun1 qiu1
history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 by Cui Hong 崔鴻|崔鸿, written towards the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏, 100 scrolls

十指不沾阳春水 十指不沾陽春水 shi2 zhi3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3
to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom); to lead a pampered life

舒庆春 舒慶春 shu1 qing4 chun1
Shu Qingchun (1899-1966), the real name of author Lao She 老舍

思春 思春 si1 chun1
same as 懷春|怀春

思春期 思春期 si1 chun1 qi1
age when girls start to develop feelings for the opposite sex; puberty

四季如春 四季如春 si4 ji4 ru2 chun1
four seasons like spring; favorable climate throughout the year

踏春 踏春 ta4 chun1
to go for a hike in spring

踏青赏春 踏青賞春 ta4 qing1 shang3 chun1
to enjoy a beautiful spring walk (idiom)

吴越春秋 吳越春秋 wu2 yue4 chun1 qiu1
History of the Southern States Wu and Yue (traditional rivals), compiled by Han historian Zhao Ye 趙曄|赵晔, 10 extant scrolls

小春 小春 xiao3 chun1
10th month of the lunar calendar; Indian summer; crops sown in late autumn

新春 新春 xin1 chun1
the beginning of Spring; the 10 or 20 days following the lunar New Year's Day

新春佳节 新春佳節 xin1 chun1 jia1 jie2
Chinese New Year festivities

晏子春秋 晏子春秋 yan4 zi3 chun1 qiu1
Tales of Yanzi, book describing the life and wisdom of Yanzi 晏子 (-c 500 BC), famous statesman from Qi of the Warring States

阳春 陽春 yang2 chun1
Yangchun county level city in Yangjiang 陽江|阳江, Guangdong

阳春面 陽春麵 yang2 chun1 mian4
plain noodles in broth

阳春市 陽春市 yang2 chun1 shi4
Yangchun county level city in Yangjiang 陽江|阳江, Guangdong

阳春型 陽春型 yang2 chun1 xing2
entry-level (car, device etc) (Tw)

野火春风 野火春風 ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1
abbr. for 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生|野火烧不尽,春风吹又生

野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 - chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1
lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风

伊春 伊春 yi1 chun1
Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang

伊春区 伊春區 yi1 chun1 qu1
Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilongjiang

伊春市 伊春市 yi1 chun1 shi4
Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江 in northeast China

一年之计在于春 一年之計在於春 yi1 nian2 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chun1
the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom); early planning is the key to success

宜春 宜春 yi2 chun1
Yichun prefecture level city in Jiangxi

宜春地区 宜春地區 yi2 chun1 di4 qu1
Yichun prefecture in Jiangxi

宜春市 宜春市 yi2 chun1 shi4
Yichun prefecture level city in Jiangxi

迎春花 迎春花 ying2 chun1 hua1
winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)

咏春 詠春 yong3 chun1
Wing Chun; same as 詠春拳|咏春拳; Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art)

永春 永春 yong3 chun1
Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian

咏春拳 詠春拳 yong3 chun1 quan2
Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art)

永春县 永春縣 yong3 chun1 xian4
Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian

游春 遊春 you2 chun1
to go for a trip in spring

雨后春笋 雨後春筍 yu3 hou4 chun1 sun3
lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth; many new things emerge in rapid succession

早春 早春 zao3 chun1
early spring

张春帆 張春帆 zhang1 chun1 fan1
Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The Nine-tailed Turtle 九尾龜|九尾龟

张春桥 張春橋 zhang1 chun1 qiao2
Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four

着手成春 著手成春 zhuo2 shou3 cheng2 chun1
lit. set out and it becomes spring (idiom); to effect a miracle cure (of medical operation); to bring back the dead; once it starts, everything goes well

左氏春秋 左氏春秋 zuo3 shi4 chun1 qiu1
Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming 左丘明; usually called Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传