clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to be convinced (by an argument); to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes

dose (measure word for medicine); Taiwan pr.

strokes 8
strokes after radical 4
哀告宾服 哀告賓服 ai1 gao4 bin1 fu2
to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit

爱情征服一切 愛情征服一切 ai4 qing2 zheng1 fu2 yi1 qie4
love conquers all; omnia vincit amor

便服 便服 bian4 fu2
everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes

不服 不服 bu4 fu2
not to accept sth; to want to have sth overruled or changed; to refuse to obey or comply; to refuse to accept as final; to remain unconvinced by; not to give in to

不服水土 不服水土 bu4 fu2 shui3 tu3
(of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place; not acclimatized

不服罪 不服罪 bu4 fu2 zui4
to deny a crime; to plead not guilty

不舒服 不舒服 bu4 shu1 fu5
unwell; feeling ill; to feel uncomfortable; uneasy

朝服 朝服 chao2 fu2
court dress in former times

臣服 臣服 chen2 fu2
to acknowledge allegiance to (some regime); to serve

诚服 誠服 cheng2 fu2
to be completely convinced; to fully accept another person's views

吃不服 吃不服 chi1 bu5 fu2
not be accustomed to eating sth; not be used to certain food

冲服 沖服 chong1 fu2
to take medicine in solution; infusion

冲服剂 沖服劑 chong1 fu2 ji4
dose of medicine to be taken in solution; infusion

传输服务 傳輸服務 chuan2 shu1 fu2 wu4
transport service

传送服务 傳送服務 chuan2 song4 fu2 wu4
delivery service

打印服务器 打印服務器 da3 yin4 fu2 wu4 qi4
print server

档案服务 檔案服務 dang4 an4 fu2 wu4
file service

道具服 道具服 dao4 ju4 fu2

电话服务 電話服務 dian4 hua4 fu2 wu4
telephone service

队服 隊服 dui4 fu2
team uniform

法服 法服 fa3 fu2
see 法衣

饭后服用 飯後服用 fan4 hou4 fu2 yong4
post cibum (pharm.); to take (medicine) after a meal

防寒服 防寒服 fang2 han2 fu2
overcoat; down jacket; winter wear

仿真服务器 仿真服務器 fang3 zhen1 fu2 wu4 qi4
emulation server

分布式拒绝服务 分佈式拒絕服務 fen1 bu4 shi4 ju4 jue2 fu2 wu4
distributed denial of service (DDOS) form of Internet attack

服辩 服辯 fu2 bian4
written confession; letter of repentance

服从 服從 fu2 cong2
to obey (an order); to comply; to defer

服毒 服毒 fu2 du2
to take poison

服法 服法 fu2 fa3
to submit to the law; to obey the law

服服 服服 fu2 fu5
clothes (baby talk)

服服帖帖 服服帖帖 fu2 fu5 tie1 tie1
submissive; docile; obedient

服老 服老 fu2 lao3
to admit to one's advancing years; to acquiesce to old age

服满 服滿 fu2 man3
to have completed the mourning period (traditional); to have served one's time

服贸 服貿 fu2 mao4
Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement; abbr. for 兩岸服務貿易協議|两岸服务贸易协议

服气 服氣 fu2 qi4
to be convinced; to accept

服软 服軟 fu2 ruan3
to admit defeat; to give in; to acknowledge a mistake; to apologize; to be amenable to persuasion

服丧 服喪 fu2 sang1
in mourning

服食 服食 fu2 shi2
to take (medication, vitamins etc)

服饰 服飾 fu2 shi4
apparel; clothing and personal adornment

服事 服事 fu2 shi5
variant of 服侍

服侍 服侍 fu2 shi5
to attend to; to care for (patients etc); to look after; to wait upon; to serve; also written 伏侍, see also 服事

服输 服輸 fu2 shu1
to concede; to admit defeat; to admit sth is wrong after insisting it is right

服他灵 服他靈 fu2 ta1 ling2
voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as painkiller; also called 扶他林

服贴 服貼 fu2 tie1
variant of 服帖

服帖 服帖 fu2 tie1
docile; obedient; appropriate; fitting; at ease; comfortable

服务 服務 fu2 wu4
to serve; service

服务费 服務費 fu2 wu4 fei4
service charge; cover charge

服务广告协议 服務廣告協議 fu2 wu4 guang3 gao4 xie2 yi4
Service Advertisement Protocol; SAP

服务规章 服務規章 fu2 wu4 gui1 zhang1
service regulation

服务器 服務器 fu2 wu4 qi4
server (computer)

服务生 服務生 fu2 wu4 sheng1
server (at a restaurant)

服务台 服務台 fu2 wu4 tai2
service desk; information desk; reception desk

服务台 服務臺 fu2 wu4 tai2
service desk; information desk; reception desk

服务提供商 服務提供商 fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 shang1
(Internet) service provider

服务提供者 服務提供者 fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 zhe3
service provider

服务业 服務業 fu2 wu4 ye4
service industry

服务员 服務員 fu2 wu4 yuan2
waiter; waitress; attendant; customer service personnel

服务质量 服務質量 fu2 wu4 zhi4 liang4
Quality of Service; QOS

服刑 服刑 fu2 xing2
to serve a prison sentence

服药 服藥 fu2 yao4
to take medicine

服药过量 服藥過量 fu2 yao4 guo4 liang4
overdose of drugs

服仪 服儀 fu2 yi2
attire and grooming

服役 服役 fu2 yi4
to serve in the army; in active service

服膺 服膺 fu2 ying1
to bear in mind

服硬 服硬 fu2 ying4
to yield to force

服用 服用 fu2 yong4
to take (medicine)

服众 服眾 fu2 zhong4
to convince the masses

服装 服裝 fu2 zhuang1
dress; clothing; costume; clothes

服装秀 服裝秀 fu2 zhuang1 xiu4
fashion show; clothes show

服罪 服罪 fu2 zui4
to admit to a crime; to plead guilty

高档服装 高檔服裝 gao1 dang4 fu2 zhuang1
haute couture; high fashion clothing

工作服 工作服 gong1 zuo4 fu2
work clothes

广播和未知服务器 廣播和未知服務器 guang3 bo1 he2 wei4 zhi1 fu2 wu4 qi4
Broadcast and Unknown Server; BUS

韩服 韓服 han2 fu2
hanbok (traditional Korean dress)

汉服 漢服 han4 fu2
traditional Han Chinese dress

和服 和服 he2 fu2
kimono; Japanese: traditional national clothing, as opposed to Western clothing 洋服

叫醒服务 叫醒服務 jiao4 xing3 fu2 wu4
morning call; wake-up call (hotel service)

进接服务 進接服務 jin4 jie1 fu2 wu4
access server

警服 警服 jing3 fu2
police uniform

敬服 敬服 jing4 fu2
deference; esteem; to admire

客服 客服 ke4 fu2
customer service

克服 克服 ke4 fu2
(try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure

客户服务 客戶服務 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4
customer service; client service

客户服务部 客戶服務部 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 bu4
customer service division

客户服务器结构 客戶服務器結構 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 qi4 jie2 gou4
client server architecture

客户机服务器环境 客戶機服務器環境 ke4 hu4 ji1 fu2 wu4 qi4 huan2 jing4
client-server environment

空服员 空服員 kong1 fu2 yuan2
flight attendant; cabin crew

口服 口服 kou3 fu2
to take medicine orally; oral (contraceptive etc); to say that one is convinced

款服 款服 kuan3 fu2
to obey; faithfully following instructions; to admit guilt

礼服 禮服 li3 fu2
ceremonial robe; formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc)

联合包裹服务公司 聯合包裹服務公司 lian2 he2 bao1 guo3 fu2 wu4 gong1 si1
United Parcel Service (UPS)

马服君 馬服君 ma3 fu2 jun1
Ma Fujun, famous general of Zhao 趙國|赵国

马服子 馬服子 ma3 fu2 zi3
Ma Fuzi (-260 BC), hapless general of Zhao 趙國|赵国, who famously led an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC; also called Zhao Kuo 趙括|赵括

满服 滿服 man3 fu2
at the end of the mourning period; to fulfill one's filial duties of mourning

迷彩服 迷彩服 mi2 cai3 fu2
camouflage clothing

名录服务 名錄服務 ming2 lu4 fu2 wu4
name service

内服 內服 nei4 fu2
to take medicine orally (as opposed to applying externally)

诺曼征服 諾曼征服 nuo4 man4 zheng1 fu2
the Norman conquest of England (1066)

佩服 佩服 pei4 fu2
to admire

品服 品服 pin3 fu2
costume; ceremonial dress (determining the grade of an official)

奇装异服 奇裝異服 qi2 zhuang1 yi4 fu2
bizarre dress

潜水服 潛水服 qian2 shui3 fu2
diving suit; wetsuit

勤俭为服务之本 勤儉為服務之本 qin2 jian3 wei2 fu2 wu4 zhi1 ben3
hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)

倾服 傾服 qing1 fu2
to admire

屈服 屈服 qu1 fu2
to surrender; to yield

劝服 勸服 quan4 fu2
prevail; convince

丧服 喪服 sang1 fu2
mourning garment

舌下含服 舌下含服 she2 xia4 han2 fu4
sublingual administration (medicine)

慑服 懾服 she4 fu2
to overawe; to be scared into submission

社会服务 社會服務 she4 hui4 fu2 wu4
social security (pensions, medical insurance)

盛服 盛服 sheng4 fu2
splendid attire

使人信服 使人信服 shi3 ren2 xin4 fu2

收服 收服 shou1 fu2
to subdue; to force to capitulate; to reduce to submission; to soothe

守服 守服 shou3 fu2
to observe mourning for one's parents

售后服务 售後服務 shou4 hou4 fu2 wu4
after-sales service

舒服 舒服 shu1 fu5
comfortable; feeling well

舒舒服服 舒舒服服 shu1 shu5 fu5 fu5
comfortable; with ease

水土不服 水土不服 shui3 tu3 bu4 fu2
not acclimatized

顺服 順服 shun4 fu2
to submit to

说服 說服 shuo1 fu2
to persuade; to convince; to talk sb over; Taiwan pr.

说服力 說服力 shuo1 fu2 li4

伺服 伺服 si4 fu2
servo (small electric motor); computer server

伺服器 伺服器 si4 fu2 qi4
server (computer) (Tw)

送服 送服 song4 fu2
to wash the medicine down

太空服 太空服 tai4 kong1 fu2

叹服 嘆服 tan4 fu2
(to gasp) with admiration

套服 套服 tao4 fu2
a suit (of clothes)

帖服 帖服 tie1 fu2
docile; obedient

通信服务 通信服務 tong1 xin4 fu2 wu4
communication service

推服 推服 tui1 fu2
to esteem; to admire

吞服 吞服 tun1 fu2
to swallow; to take (medicine)

脱衣服 脫衣服 tuo1 yi1 fu2

晚礼服 晚禮服 wan3 li3 fu2
evening dress

网路服务 網路服務 wang3 lu4 fu2 wu4
network service

微服 微服 wei1 fu2
(of a high-ranking official) to wear plain clothes in order to go about incognito

微服私访 微服私訪 wei1 fu2 si1 fang3
to mingle with the people incognito

为人民服务 為人民服務 wei4 ren2 min2 fu2 wu4
Serve the People!, CCP political slogan

文件服务器 文件服務器 wen2 jian4 fu2 wu4 qi4
file server

西服 西服 xi1 fu2
suit; Western-style clothes (historical usage)

降服 降服 xiang2 fu2
to yield; to surrender

孝服 孝服 xiao4 fu2
mourning clothes

校服 校服 xiao4 fu2
school uniform

亵服 褻服 xie4 fu2
informal wear; home clothes (old); women's underwear; lingerie

心服 心服 xin1 fu2
to accept wholeheartedly; to embrace; to be won over

心服口服 心服口服 xin1 fu2 kou3 fu2
to accept wholeheartedly; to embrace; to be won over

心悦诚服 心悅誠服 xin1 yue4 cheng2 fu2
to submit cheerfully; to accept willingly (idiom)

信服 信服 xin4 fu2
to have faith in; to believe in; to have confidence in; to respect

性服务 性服務 xing4 fu2 wu4
sexual service; prostitution

性服务产业 性服務產業 xing4 fu2 wu4 chan3 ye4
sex service industry

凶服 凶服 xiong1 fu2
mourning clothes (old)

驯服 馴服 xun4 fu2
to tame; tame; docile

压而不服 壓而不服 ya1 er2 bu4 fu2
coercion will never convince (idiom)

压服 壓服 ya1 fu2
to compel sb to obey; to force into submission; to subjugate

燕尾服 燕尾服 yan4 wei3 fu2
swallow-tailed coat; tails

洋服 洋服 yang2 fu2
Western-style clothes

衣服缝边 衣服縫邊 yi1 fu2 feng4 bian1

衣服 衣服 yi1 fu5

一条龙服务 一條龍服務 yi1 tiao2 long2 fu2 wu4
one-stop service

有说服力 有說服力 you3 shuo1 fu2 li4

宇航服 宇航服 yu3 hang2 fu2

羽绒服 羽絨服 yu3 rong2 fu2
down-filled garment

寓管理于服务之中 寓管理于服務之中 yu4 guan3 li3 yu2 fu2 wu4 zhi1 zhong1
integrated services management

域名服务器 域名服務器 yu4 ming2 fu2 wu4 qi4
domain name server

愿赌服输 願賭服輸 yuan4 du3 fu2 shu1
lit. if you agree to bet you must accept to lose; fig. you bet, you pay

运动服 運動服 yun4 dong4 fu2

造型服装 造型服裝 zao4 xing2 fu2 zhuang1

折服 折服 zhe2 fu2
to convince; to subdue; to be convinced; to be bowled over

征服 征服 zheng1 fu2
to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish

征服者 征服者 zheng1 fu2 zhe3

整体服务数位网路 整體服務數位網路 zheng3 ti3 fu2 wu4 shu4 wei4 wang3 lu4
Integrated Services Digital Network; ISDN

整体数位服务网路 整體數位服務網路 zheng3 ti3 shu4 wei4 fu2 wu4 wang3 lu4
Integrated Service Digital Network; ISDN

制服 制服 zhi4 fu2
to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees)

制服呢 制服呢 zhi4 fu2 ni2
tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)

中山服 中山服 zhong1 shan1 fu2
Chinese tunic suit; Mao jacket

资料传送服务 資料傳送服務 zi1 liao4 chuan2 song4 fu2 wu4
data delivery service

综合服务数位网络 綜合服務數位網絡 zong1 he2 fu2 wu4 shu4 wei4 wang3 luo4
Integrated Services Digital Network; ISDN