authority; power; right; (literary) to weigh; expedient; temporary

surname Quan

strokes 6
strokes after radical 2
巴勒斯坦民族权力机构 巴勒斯坦民族權力機構 ba1 le4 si1 tan3 min2 zu2 quan2 li4 ji1 gou4
Palestinian National Authority

霸权 霸權 ba4 quan2
hegemony; supremacy

霸权主义 霸權主義 ba4 quan2 zhu3 yi4

版权 版權 ban3 quan2

版权所有 版權所有 ban3 quan2 suo3 you3
all rights reserved (copyright statement)

杯酒释兵权 杯酒釋兵權 bei1 jiu3 shi4 bing1 quan2
to dismiss military hierarchy using wine cups; cf Song founding Emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 holds a banquet in 961 and persuades his senior army commanders to go home to their provinces

北京产权交易所 北京產權交易所 bei3 jing1 chan3 quan2 jiao1 yi4 suo3
China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX)

表决权 表決權 biao3 jue2 quan2
right to vote; vote

兵权 兵權 bing1 quan2
military leadership; military power

柄权 柄權 bing3 quan2
to hold power

不逮捕特权 不逮捕特權 bu4 dai4 bu3 te4 quan2
the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee

不可侵犯权 不可侵犯權 bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4 quan2

不畏强权 不畏強權 bu4 wei4 qiang2 quan2
not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence

财产权 財產權 cai2 chan3 quan2
property rights

财权 財權 cai2 quan2
property ownership or right; financial power; financial control

参政权 參政權 can1 zheng4 quan2
suffrage; voting rights

产权 產權 chan3 quan2
property right

超额配股权 超額配股權 chao1 e2 pei4 gu3 quan2
an oversubscribed share

篡权 篡權 cuan4 quan2
to usurp power

大权 大權 da4 quan2
power; authority

大权在握 大權在握 da4 quan2 zai4 wo4
to be in a position of power

当权 當權 dang1 quan2
to hold power

当权派 當權派 dang1 quan2 pai4
persons or faction in authority

当权者 當權者 dang1 quan2 zhe3
ruler; those in power; the authorities

对世权 對世權 dui4 shi4 quan2
(law) absolute rights; erga omnes rights

夺权 奪權 duo2 quan2
to seize power

儿童权利公约 兒童權利公約 er2 tong2 quan2 li4 gong1 yue1
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

发言权 發言權 fa1 yan2 quan2
the right of speech

分权 分權 fen1 quan2
separation of powers

分权制衡 分權制衡 fen1 quan2 zhi4 heng2
separation of powers for checks and balances

否决权 否決權 fou3 jue2 quan2
veto power

夫权 夫權 fu1 quan2
authority over the household

抚养权 撫養權 fu3 yang3 quan2
custody (of a child etc)

父权制 父權制 fu4 quan2 zhi4

公民权 公民權 gong1 min2 quan2
civil rights; citizenship rights

公民权利 公民權利 gong1 min2 quan2 li4
civil rights

公民权利和政治权利国际公约 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 gong1 min2 quan2 li4 he2 zheng4 zhi4 quan2 li4 guo2 ji4 gong1 yue1
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

公平审判权 公平審判權 gong1 ping2 shen3 pan4 quan2
the right to a fair trial

股权 股權 gu3 quan2
equity shares; stock right

归属权 歸屬權 gui1 shu3 quan2
right of attribution

国际人权标准 國際人權標準 guo2 ji4 ren2 quan2 biao1 zhun3
international human rights norms

航权 航權 hang2 quan2
air rights

皇权 皇權 huang2 quan2
imperial power

豁免权 豁免權 huo4 mian3 quan2
immunity from prosecution

极权 極權 ji2 quan2

集权 集權 ji2 quan2
centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party

极权主义 極權主義 ji2 quan2 zhu3 yi4

继承权 繼承權 ji4 cheng2 quan2
right of inheritance

祭司权术 祭司權術 ji4 si1 quan2 shu4

加权 加權 jia1 quan2
(math.) to weight; weighting; weighted (average, index etc)

加权平均 加權平均 jia1 quan2 ping2 jun1
weighted average

监护权 監護權 jian1 hu4 quan2
custody (of a child)

教权 教權 jiao4 quan2
religious rule

经济社会及文化权利国际公约 經濟社會及文化權利國際公約 jing1 ji4 she4 hui4 ji2 wen2 hua4 quan2 li4 guo2 ji4 gong1 yue1
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

居留权 居留權 ju1 liu2 quan2
right of abode (law)

具有主权 具有主權 ju4 you3 zhu3 quan2

绝对权 絕對權 jue2 dui4 quan2
(law) absolute rights; erga omnes rights

君权 君權 jun1 quan2
monarchial power

控制权 控制權 kong4 zhi4 quan2
control (e.g. to win control); controlling right

傀儡政权 傀儡政權 kui3 lei3 zheng4 quan2
puppet state; puppet regime

滥权 濫權 lan4 quan2
abuse of authority

滥用权力 濫用權力 lan4 yong4 quan2 li4
abuse of power

滥用职权 濫用職權 lan4 yong4 zhi2 quan2
abuse of power

利权 利權 li4 quan2
economic rights (e.g. of a state monopoly)

领导权 領導權 ling3 dao3 quan2
leadership authority

柳公权 柳公權 liu3 gong1 quan2
Liu Gongquan (778-865), Tang calligrapher

民权 民權 min2 quan2
Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘, Henan

民权 民權 min2 quan2
civil liberties

民权县 民權縣 min2 quan2 xian4
Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘, Henan

民权主义 民權主義 min2 quan2 zhu3 yi4
democracy; civil liberties; principle of democracy, the second of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning widespread popular involvement in affairs of state)

名称权 名稱權 ming2 cheng1 quan2
copyright; rights to a trademark

母权制 母權制 mu3 quan2 zhi4

拿权 拿權 na2 quan2
to hold power; in the driving seat

女权 女權 nv3 quan2
women's rights

女权主义 女權主義 nv3 quan2 zhu3 yi4

女子参政权 女子參政權 nv3 zi3 can1 zheng4 quan2
women's suffrage

攀附权贵 攀附權貴 pan1 fu4 quan2 gui4
to cling to the powerful and rich (idiom); social climbing

普选权 普選權 pu3 xuan3 quan2
universal suffrage

期权 期權 qi1 quan2

弃权 棄權 qi4 quan2
to abstain from voting; to forfeit; to waive one's right to vote; to abdicate

强权 強權 qiang2 quan2
power; might

窃权 竊權 qie4 quan2
to usurp authority; to hold power improperly

侵权 侵權 qin1 quan2
to infringe the rights of; to violate; infringement

侵权行为 侵權行為 qin1 quan2 xing2 wei2
tort; infringement (of sb's rights)

权变 權變 quan2 bian4
to do whatever is expedient

权变理论 權變理論 quan2 bian4 li3 lun4
contingency theory (theory of leadership)

权柄 權柄 quan2 bing3

权充 權充 quan2 chong1
to act temporarily as

权当 權當 quan2 dang1
to act as if; to treat sth as if it were

权贵 權貴 quan2 gui4
influential officials; bigwigs

权衡 權衡 quan2 heng2
to consider; to weigh (a matter); to balance (pros and cons)

权衡利弊 權衡利弊 quan2 heng2 li4 bi4
to weigh the pros and cons (idiom)

权力 權力 quan2 li4
power; authority

权利 權利 quan2 li4
power; right; privilege

权力斗争 權力鬥爭 quan2 li4 dou4 zheng1
power struggle

权利法案 權利法案 quan2 li4 fa3 an4
bill of rights

权力纷争 權力紛爭 quan2 li4 fen1 zheng1
power struggle

权力交接 權力交接 quan2 li4 jiao1 jie1
transfer of power; to hand over power

权利声明 權利聲明 quan2 li4 sheng1 ming2
copyright statement

权利要求 權利要求 quan2 li4 yao1 qiu2
claim to rights (copyright, patent etc)

权谋 權謀 quan2 mou2
trickery; tactics

权能 權能 quan2 neng2

权且 權且 quan2 qie3
temporarily; for the time being

全权 全權 quan2 quan2
full powers; total authority; plenipotentiary powers

全权大使 全權大使 quan2 quan2 da4 shi3
plenipotentiary ambassador

全权代表 全權代表 quan2 quan2 dai4 biao3
a plenipotentiary (representative)

权时 權時 quan2 shi2
(literary) temporarily

权势 權勢 quan2 shi4
power; influence

权术 權術 quan2 shu4
art of politics; political tricks (often derog.); power play; to play at politics; underhand trickery

权威 權威 quan2 wei1
authority; authoritative; power and prestige

权威性 權威性 quan2 wei1 xing4
authoritative; (having) authority

权位 權位 quan2 wei4
power and position (politics)

权限 權限 quan2 xian4
scope of authority; extent of power; (access etc) privileges

权钥 權鑰 quan2 yao4
keys of authority

权宜 權宜 quan2 yi2

权宜之策 權宜之策 quan2 yi2 zhi1 ce4
stratagem of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure; makeshift plan; interim step

权宜之计 權宜之計 quan2 yi2 zhi1 ji4
plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure; makeshift stratagem; interim step

权益 權益 quan2 yi4
rights; interests; rights and benefits

权舆 權輿 quan2 yu2
to sprout; (fig). to begin; beginning

权欲熏心 權慾薰心 quan2 yu4 xun1 xin1
obsessed by a craving for power; power hungry

权杖 權杖 quan2 zhang4

权证 權證 quan2 zheng4
warrant (finance)

权重 權重 quan2 zhong4
weight (i.e. importance attached to sth)

人民基本权利 人民基本權利 ren2 min2 ji1 ben3 quan2 li4
fundamental civil rights

人权 人權 ren2 quan2
human rights

人权斗士 人權鬥士 ren2 quan2 dou4 shi4
a human rights activist; a fighter for human rights

人权法 人權法 ren2 quan2 fa3
Human Rights law (Hong Kong)

人权观察 人權觀察 ren2 quan2 guan1 cha2
Human Rights Watch (HRW), New York-based non-governmental organization

人身权 人身權 ren2 shen1 quan2
one's personal rights

萨哈罗夫人权奖 薩哈羅夫人權獎 sa4 ha3 luo2 fu1 ren2 quan2 jiang3
the EU Sakharov Human Rights Prize

萨哈诺夫人权奖 薩哈諾夫人權獎 sa4 ha3 nuo4 fu1 ren2 quan2 jiang3
the EU Sakharov prize for human rights

三权鼎立 三權鼎立 san1 quan2 ding3 li4
separation of powers

三权分立 三權分立 san1 quan2 fen1 li4
separation of powers

丧权辱国 喪權辱國 sang4 quan2 ru3 guo2
to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom); to surrender territory under humiliating terms

煽动颠覆国家政权 煽動顛覆國家政權 shan1 dong4 dian1 fu4 guo2 jia1 zheng4 quan2
incitement to subvert state power (criminal charge used to gag free speech)

擅权 擅權 shan4 quan2
to arrogate power

神权 神權 shen2 quan2
divine right (of kings)

神权统治 神權統治 shen2 quan2 tong3 zhi4

神权政治 神權政治 shen2 quan2 zheng4 zhi4

审判权 審判權 shen3 pan4 quan2
jurisdiction; judicial authority

生杀大权 生殺大權 sheng1 sha1 da4 quan2
life-and-death power; ultimate power

生有权 生有權 sheng1 you3 quan2

使用权 使用權 shi3 yong4 quan2
usage rights

世界人权宣言 世界人權宣言 shi4 jie4 ren2 quan2 xuan1 yan2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

世界知识产权组织 世界知識產權組織 shi4 jie4 zhi1 shi2 chan3 quan2 zu3 zhi1
World Intellectual Property Organization

事权 事權 shi4 quan2
position; authority; responsibility

受法律保护权 受法律保護權 shou4 fa3 lv4 bao3 hu4 quan2
right to protection by law (law)

授权 授權 shou4 quan2
to authorize

受权 受權 shou4 quan2
authorized; entrusted (with authority)

授权范围 授權範圍 shou4 quan2 fan4 wei2
scope of authority; mandate

授权令 授權令 shou4 quan2 ling4
warrant (law)

数字版权管理 數字版權管理 shu4 zi4 ban3 quan2 guan3 li3
Digital Rights Management (DRM)

司法权 司法權 si1 fa3 quan2

孙权 孫權 sun1 quan2
Sun Quan (reigned 222-252), southern warlord and king of state of Wu 吳|吴 in the Three Kingdoms period

所有权 所有權 suo3 you3 quan2
ownership; possession; property rights; title (to property)

探视权 探視權 tan4 shi4 quan2
visitation rights (law)

特别提款权 特別提款權 te4 bie2 ti2 kuan3 quan2
special drawing rights (SDR), international currency of the IMF

特权 特權 te4 quan2
prerogative; privilege; privileged

特许权 特許權 te4 xu3 quan2
patent; franchise; concession

天权 天權 tian1 quan2
delta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper

通权达变 通權達變 tong1 quan2 da2 bian4
to adapt to circumstances

统治权 統治權 tong3 zhi4 quan2
sovereignty; dominion; dominance

投票权 投票權 tou2 piao4 quan2
suffrage; right to vote

外交豁免权 外交豁免權 wai4 jiao1 huo4 mian3 quan2
diplomatic immunity

外交特权 外交特權 wai4 jiao1 te4 quan2
diplomatic immunity

王权 王權 wang2 quan2
royalty; royal power

威权 威權 wei1 quan2
authority; power

维权 維權 wei2 quan2
to defend (legal) rights

维权人士 維權人士 wei2 quan2 ren2 shi4
civil rights activist

无权 無權 wu2 quan2
to have no right; to have no authority

五权宪法 五權憲法 wu3 quan2 xian4 fa3
Sun Yat-sen's Five-power constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan; The five courts or 院 are 行政院 Executive yuan, 立法院 Legislative yuan, 司法院 Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院 Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院 Control yuan

行使职权 行使職權 xing2 shi3 zhi2 quan2
to exercise power

行政权 行政權 xing2 zheng4 quan2
administrative authority; executive power

选举权 選舉權 xuan3 ju3 quan2

以权谋私 以權謀私 yi3 quan2 mou2 si1
to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)

以权压法 以權壓法 yi3 quan2 ya1 fa3
to abuse power to crush the law

以言代法,以权压法 以言代法,以權壓法 yi3 yan2 dai4 fa3 - yi3 quan2 ya1 fa3
to substitute one's words for the law and abuse power to crush it (idiom); completely lawless behavior; Might makes right.

隐私权 隱私權 yin3 si1 quan2
privacy right

拥有权 擁有權 yong1 you3 quan2
right of ownership

优先承购权 優先承購權 you1 xian1 cheng2 gou4 quan2
prior purchase right; right of first refusal (ROFR); preemptive right to purchase

优先认股权 優先認股權 you1 xian1 ren4 gu3 quan2
preemptive right (in share issue)

有权 有權 you3 quan2
to have the right to; to be entitled to; to have authority; powerful

有权势者 有權勢者 you3 quan2 shi4 zhe3
person in power; the one with authority; the guy in charge

有权威 有權威 you3 quan2 wei1

有选举权 有選舉權 you3 xuan3 ju3 quan2

越权 越權 yue4 quan2
to go beyond one's authority; arrogation

曾荫权 曾蔭權 zeng1 yin4 quan2
Sir Donald Tsang or Tsang Yam-Kuen (1944-)

债权 債權 zhai4 quan2
creditor's rights (law)

债权国 債權國 zhai4 quan2 guo2
creditor country

债权人 債權人 zhai4 quan2 ren2

掌权 掌權 zhang3 quan2
to wield (political etc) power; be in power

斟酌决定权 斟酌決定權 zhen1 zhuo2 jue2 ding4 quan2
discretionary power

争权夺利 爭權奪利 zheng1 quan2 duo2 li4
scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle

政权 政權 zheng4 quan2
regime; political power

政权真空 政權真空 zheng4 quan2 zhen1 kong1
power vacuum; political vacuum

支配权 支配權 zhi1 pei4 quan2
authority to dispose of sth

知识产权 知識產權 zhi1 shi5 chan3 quan2
intellectual property rights (law)

职权 職權 zhi2 quan2
authority; power over others

指数期权 指數期權 zhi3 shu4 qi1 quan2
index options

至高统治权 至高統治權 zhi4 gao1 tong3 zhi4 quan2
supreme power; sovereignty

智慧产权 智慧產權 zhi4 hui4 chan3 quan2
intellectual property

治外法权 治外法權 zhi4 wai4 fa3 quan2
diplomatic immunity; (history) extraterritoriality, the rights (under unequal treaties) of a foreigner to live in China outside Chinese jurisdiction

中国人权民运信息中心 中國人權民運信息中心 zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 min2 yun4 xin4 xi1 zhong1 xin1
Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, Hong Kong

中国人权组织 中國人權組織 zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 zu3 zhi1
Human Rights in China (New York-based expatriate PRC organization)

中央集权 中央集權 zhong1 yang1 ji2 quan2
centralized state power

中央专制集权 中央專制集權 zhong1 yang1 zhuan1 zhi4 ji2 quan2
centralized autocratic rule

主办权 主辦權 zhu3 ban4 quan2
the right to host (an international meeting)

主导权 主導權 zhu3 dao3 quan2
leadership (role)

主权 主權 zhu3 quan2

主权国家 主權國家 zhu3 quan2 guo2 jia1
sovereign country

著作权 著作權 zhu4 zuo4 quan2

专利权 專利權 zhuan1 li4 quan2
patent right

专权 專權 zhuan1 quan2
autocracy; dictatorship

酌处权 酌處權 zhuo2 chu3 quan2
discretion; discretionary power

自由选择权 自由選擇權 zi4 you2 xuan3 ze2 quan2
free agency

自治权 自治權 zi4 zhi4 quan2
rights of autonomy; autonomy; see 自治

自主权 自主權 zi4 zhu3 quan2
ability to make one's own decisions

宗主权 宗主權 zong1 zhu3 quan2

租地人投标票权 租地人投標票權 zu1 di4 ren2 tou2 biao1 piao4 quan2
occupation franchise

左权 左權 zuo3 quan2
Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

左权县 左權縣 zuo3 quan2 xian4
Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

作者权 作者權 zuo4 zhe3 quan2