variant of 傑|杰

hero; heroic; outstanding person; prominent; distinguished

strokes 8
strokes after radical 4
本杰明 本傑明 ben3 jie2 ming2
Benjamin (person name)

本杰明·富兰克林 本傑明·富蘭克林 ben3 jie2 ming2 - fu4 lan2 ke4 lin2
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American writer, scientist, inventor, politician and diplomat

伯杰 伯傑 bo2 jie2
(name) Berger; Samuel Berger, former US National Security Advisor under President Carter

初唐四杰 初唐四傑 chu1 tang2 si4 jie2
the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang, namely Wang Bo 王勃, Yang Jiong 楊炯|杨炯, Lu Zhaolin 盧照鄰|卢照邻, and Luo Binwang 駱賓王|骆宾王

狄仁杰 狄仁傑 di2 ren2 jie2
Di Renjie (607-700), Tang dynasty politician, prime minister under Wu Zetian, subsequently hero of legends; master sleuth Judge Dee, aka Chinese Sherlock Holmes, in novel Three murder cases solved by Judge Dee 狄公案 translated by Dutch sinologist R.H. van G

菲茨杰拉德 菲茨傑拉德 fei1 ci2 jie2 la1 de2
Fitzgerald (name)

费卢杰 費盧傑 fei4 lu2 jie2
Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates

噶拉·多杰·仁波切 噶拉·多傑·仁波切 ga2 la1 - duo1 jie2 - ren2 bo1 qie4
Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders

古杰拉尔 古傑拉爾 gu3 jie2 la1 er3
Gujral (name); Inder Kumar Gujral (1919-), Indian Janata politician, prime minister 1997-1998

古杰拉特邦 古傑拉特邦 gu3 jie2 la1 te4 bang1
Gujarat, Indian state

怪杰 怪傑 guai4 jie2
monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately preposterous)

豪杰 豪傑 hao2 jie2
hero; towering figure

杰出 傑出 jie2 chu1
outstanding; distinguished; remarkable; prominent; illustrious

杰斐逊城 傑斐遜城 jie2 fei3 xun4 cheng2
Jefferson City, capital of Missouri

杰佛兹 傑佛茲 jie2 fo2 zi1
(James) Jeffords (1934-), former US Senator from Vermont

杰夫 傑夫 jie2 fu1
Jeff or Geoff (name)

杰夫·金尼 傑夫·金尼 jie2 fu1 - jin1 ni2
Jeff Kinney

杰弗里·乔叟 傑弗里·喬叟 jie2 fu2 li3 - qiao2 sou3
Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English poet, author of The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集

杰弗逊 傑弗遜 jie2 fu2 xun4
Jefferson; capital of Missouri

杰克 傑克 jie2 ke4
Jack (name)

杰克·伦敦 傑克·倫敦 jie2 ke4 - lun2 dun1
Jack London (1876-1916), American writer

杰克森 傑克森 jie2 ke4 sen1
Jackson (name)

杰克逊 傑克遜 jie2 ke4 xun4
Jackson (name); Jackson city, capital of Mississippi

杰奎琳 傑奎琳 jie2 kui2 lin2
Jacqueline (name)

杰奎琳·肯尼迪 傑奎琳·肯尼迪 jie2 kui2 lin2 - ken3 ni2 di2
Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994)

杰拉 傑拉 jie2 la1
Gela (city in Sicily)

杰拉德 傑拉德 jie2 la1 de2
Gerrard (name)

杰里科 傑里科 jie2 li3 ke1
Jericho (town in West Bank)

杰里米 傑里米 jie2 li3 mi3
Jeremy (name)

杰利蝾螈 傑利蠑螈 jie2 li4 rong2 yuan2
gerrymander (loanword)

杰米 傑米 jie2 mi3
Jamie; Jim

杰瑞 傑瑞 jie2 rui4
Jerry or Gerry (name)

杰瑞·宋飞 傑瑞·宋飛 jie2 rui4 - song4 fei1
Jerry Seinfeld

杰士派 傑士派 jie2 shi4 pai4
Gatsby, Japanese cosmetics brand

杰西 傑西 jie2 xi1
Jesse (name)

杰西·欧文斯 傑西·歐文斯 jie2 xi1 - ou1 wen2 si1
Jesse Owens (1913-1980), American athlete

杰西卡 傑西卡 jie2 xi1 ka3
Jessica (name)

杰西卡·艾尔芭 傑西卡·艾爾芭 jie2 xi1 ka3 - ai4 er3 ba1
Jessica Alba, American actress

杰伊汉港 傑伊漢港 jie2 yi1 han4 gang3
Ceyhan (Turkish Mediterranean port)

杰作 傑作 jie2 zuo4

俊杰 俊傑 jun4 jie2
elite; outstanding talent; genius

开膛手杰克 開膛手傑克 kai1 tang2 shou3 jie2 ke4
Jack the Ripper

李连杰 李連杰 li3 lian2 jie2
Li Lianjie or Jet Li (1963-), martial arts sportsman, subsequently film star and director

列别杰夫 列別傑夫 lie4 bie4 jie2 fu1
Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)

罗杰 羅傑 luo2 jie2

罗杰斯 羅傑斯 luo2 jie2 si1

迈克尔·杰克逊 邁克爾·傑克遜 mai4 ke4 er3 - jie2 ke4 xun4
Michael Jackson (1958-2009), American musician and entertainer

梅德韦杰夫 梅德韋傑夫 mei2 de2 wei2 jie2 fu1
Medvedyev (name); Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (1965-), Russian lawyer and politician, President of Russian Federation from 2008

莫杰斯特 莫傑斯特 mo4 jie2 si1 te4
Modest (name); Modeste (name)

纳杰夫 納傑夫 na4 jie2 fu1
Najaf (city in Iraq, a Shia holy city)

女杰 女傑 nv3 jie2
woman of distinction; a woman to be admired or respected

人杰 人傑 ren2 jie2
outstanding talent; wise and able person; illustrious individual

人杰地灵 人傑地靈 ren2 jie2 di4 ling2
illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son

尚慕杰 尚慕傑 shang4 mu4 jie2
James Sasser (1936-), US Ambassador to China 1995-1999

识时务者为俊杰 識時務者為俊傑 shi2 shi2 wu4 zhe3 wei4 jun4 jie2
Only an outstanding talent can recognize current trends (idiom). A wise man submits to circumstances.

索杰纳 索傑納 suo3 jie2 na4
Sojourner (Martian land rover)

希斯·莱杰 希斯·萊傑 xi1 si1 - lai2 jie2
Heath Ledger, Australian actor (1979-2008)

周杰伦 周杰倫 zhou1 jie2 lun2
Jay Chou (1979-), Taiwanese pop star