dissemination as fruit (evolutionary strategy for seed dispersal)
果不其然果不其然guo3 bu4 qi2 ran2
just as expected; told you so
果冻果凍guo3 dong4
gelatin dessert
果断果斷guo3 duan4
firm; decisive
果粉果粉guo3 fen3
(slang) fan of Apple products
果脯果脯guo3 fu3
candied fruit
果腹果腹guo3 fu4
to eat one's fill
果敢果敢guo3 gan3
courageous; resolute and daring
果戈里果戈里guo3 ge1 li3
Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852), Russian author and dramatist
果酱果醬guo3 jiang4
果胶果膠guo3 jiao1
果酒果酒guo3 jiu3
fruit wine
果决果決guo3 jue2
firm; unwavering
果料儿果料兒guo3 liao4 er5
fruit ingredients (for cakes and desserts)
果岭果嶺guo3 ling3
green (golf) (loanword)
果洛果洛guo3 luo4
Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture in south Qinghai
果洛藏族自治州果洛藏族自治州guo3 luo4 zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1
Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mgo-log Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in south Qinghai
果洛州果洛州guo3 luo4 zhou1
Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mgo-log Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in south Qinghai
果木果木guo3 mu4
fruit tree
果农果農guo3 nong2
fruit farmer
果皮果皮guo3 pi2
(fruit) peel
果啤果啤guo3 pi2
fruit beer
果品果品guo3 pin3
果期果期guo3 qi1
the fruiting season
果然果然guo3 ran2
really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed
果仁果仁guo3 ren2
fruit kernel
果仁儿果仁兒guo3 ren2 er5
fruit kernel
果肉果肉guo3 rou4
果如所料果如所料guo3 ru2 suo3 liao4
just as expected
果若果若guo3 ruo4
果实果實guo3 shi2
fruit (produced by a plant); (fig.) fruits (of success etc); results; gains
果实累累果實累累guo3 shi2 lei2 lei2
lit. prodigious abundance of fruit (idiom); fruit hangs heavy on the bough; fig. countless accomplishments; one great result after another
果实散播果實散播guo3 shi2 san4 bo1
fruit dispersal
果蔬果蔬guo3 shu1
fruit and vegetables
果蔬酸酸乳果蔬酸酸乳guo3 shu1 suan1 suan1 ru3
fruit sour milk
果树果樹guo3 shu4
fruit tree
果穗果穗guo3 sui4
ear (of corn or sorghum etc); bunch (of grapes); infructescence
果糖果糖guo3 tang2
果味胶糖果味膠糖guo3 wei4 jiao1 tang2
果馅饼果餡餅guo3 xian4 bing3
果焰糕点果焰糕點guo3 yan4 gao1 dian3
fruit tart
果蝇果蠅guo3 ying2
fruit fly
果园果園guo3 yuan2
果真果真guo3 zhen1
really; as expected; sure enough; if indeed...; if it's really...
果汁果汁guo3 zhi1
fruit juice
果汁机果汁機guo3 zhi1 ji1
blender (device); juicer
果子果子guo3 zi5
果子冻果子凍guo3 zi5 dong4
果子酱果子醬guo3 zi5 jiang4
marmalade; jellied fruit
果子狸果子狸guo3 zi5 li2
masked palm civet (Paguma larvata)
果子露果子露guo3 zi5 lu4
fruit drink
毫无效果毫無效果hao2 wu2 xiao4 guo3
to no avail; achieving nothing; totally ineffective; to have no effect; to fall flat (esp. of joke or speech that is completely ignored)
黑颏果鸠黑頦果鳩hei1 ke1 guo3 jiu1
(bird species of China) black-chinned fruit dove (Ptilinopus leclancheri)
红果紅果hong2 guo3
haw fruit
后果後果hou4 guo3
consequences; aftermath
互为因果互為因果hu4 wei2 yin1 guo3
mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwined; interdependent
花果山花果山hua1 guo3 shan1
Mount Huaguo in Jiangsu, featured in 西遊記|西游记, tourist destination; (also the name of mountains in other parts of China)
黄果树大瀑布黃果樹大瀑布huang2 guo3 shu4 da4 pu4 bu4
Huangguoshu falls, Anshun 安順|安顺, Guizhou
黄果树瀑布黃果樹瀑布huang2 guo3 shu4 pu4 bu4
Huangguoshu waterfalls, Anshun 安順|安顺, Guizhou
火龙果火龍果huo3 long2 guo3
red pitaya; dragon fruit; dragon pearl fruit (genus Hylocereus)
鸡蛋果雞蛋果ji1 dan4 guo3
passion or egg fruit (Passiflora edulis)
吉事果吉事果ji2 shi4 guo3
嘉宝果嘉寶果jia1 bao3 guo3
jaboticaba; Brazilian grape tree
荚果莢果jia2 guo3
seed pod; legume
坚果堅果jian1 guo3
浆果漿果jiang1 guo3
结果結果jie1 guo3
to bear fruit
结果結果jie2 guo3
outcome; result; conclusion; in the end; as a result; to kill; to dispatch
禁果禁果jin4 guo3
forbidden fruit
开心果開心果kai1 xin1 guo3
pistachio nuts; fig. amusing person
苦果苦果ku3 guo3
lit. bitter fruit; fig. painful consequence
兰因絮果蘭因絮果lan2 yin1 xu4 guo3
starts well but ends in separation (of marital relations)
梨果梨果li2 guo3
留连果留連果liu2 lian2 guo3
variant of 榴槤果|榴梿果, durian fruit
榴梿果榴槤果liu2 lian2 guo3
durian fruit; also written 留蓮果|留莲果
榴莲果榴蓮果liu2 lian2 guo3
durian fruit; also written 榴槤果|榴梿果
罗汉果羅漢果luo2 han4 guo3
sweet fruit of Siraitia grosvenorii (formerly Momordica grosvenori, a gourd of the Curcubitaceae family), grown in Guangxi and used in Chinese medicine
芒果芒果mang2 guo3
芒果汁芒果汁mang2 guo3 zhi1
mango juice
美粒果美粒果mei3 li4 guo3
Minute Maid (brand)
米果米果mi3 guo3
rice cracker
面包果麵包果mian4 bao1 guo3
jackfruit; breadfruit; Artocarpus heterophyllus
牛油果牛油果niu2 you2 guo3
avocado (Persea americana)
欧查果歐查果ou1 cha2 guo3
帕果帕果帕果帕果pa4 guo3 pa4 guo3
Pago Pago, capital of American Samoa
平果平果ping2 guo3
Pingguo county in Baise 百色, Guangxi
苹果蘋果ping2 guo3
苹果电脑蘋果電腦ping2 guo3 dian4 nao3
Apple computer; Mac; Macintosh
苹果蠹蛾蘋果蠹蛾ping2 guo3 du4 e2
codling moth; codlin moth
苹果公司蘋果公司ping2 guo3 gong1 si1
Apple Inc.
苹果核蘋果核ping2 guo3 he2
apple core
苹果酱蘋果醬ping2 guo3 jiang4
apple sauce; apple jam
苹果酒蘋果酒ping2 guo3 jiu3
苹果派蘋果派ping2 guo3 pai4
apple pie
苹果手机蘋果手機ping2 guo3 shou3 ji1
Apple phone; iPhone
平果县平果縣ping2 guo3 xian4
Pingguo county in Baise 百色, Guangxi
苹果馅饼蘋果餡餅ping2 guo3 xian4 bing3
apple pie
苹果汁蘋果汁ping2 guo3 zhi1
apple juice
奇异果奇異果qi2 yi4 guo3
kiwi fruit; Chinese gooseberry
前因后果前因後果qian2 yin1 hou4 guo3
cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development
人心果人心果ren2 xin1 guo3
sapodilla, a tropical fruit bearing tree
如果如果ru2 guo3
if; in case; in the event that
蛇皮果蛇皮果she2 pi2 guo3
salak (Salacca zalacca) (fruit)
圣女果聖女果sheng4 nv3 guo3
cherry tomato
食不果腹食不果腹shi2 bu4 guo3 fu4
lit. food not filling the stomach (idiom); fig. poverty-stricken
什锦果盘什錦果盤shi2 jin3 guo3 pan2
mixed fruit salad
蔬果蔬果shu1 guo3
vegetables and fruits
水果水果shui3 guo3
水果刀水果刀shui3 guo3 dao1
paring knife; fruit knife
水果酒水果酒shui3 guo3 jiu3
fruit wine (Tw)
蒴果蒴果shuo4 guo3
seed pod (botany)
硕果碩果shuo4 guo3
major achievement; great work; triumphant success
硕果仅存碩果僅存shuo4 guo3 jin3 cun2
only remaining of the great (idiom); one of the few greats extant
硕果累累碩果累累shuo4 guo3 lei3 lei3
heavily laden with fruit; fertile (of trees); many noteworthy achievements
松果松果song1 guo3
pine cone; strobile; strobilus
松果体松果體song1 guo3 ti3
pineal body
松果腺松果腺song1 guo3 xian4
pineal body
糖果糖果tang2 guo3
统计结果統計結果tong3 ji4 jie2 guo3
statistical results
歪果仁歪果仁wai1 guo3 ren2
Internet slang for 外國人|外国人
维克多·雨果維克多·雨果wei2 ke4 duo1 - yu3 guo3
Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
未果未果wei4 guo3
to fail to eventuate; (verb suffix) to be unsuccessful in ...ing
卧果儿臥果兒wo4 guo3 er5
a poached egg
乌饭果烏飯果wu1 fan4 guo3
无花果無花果wu2 hua1 guo3
fig (Ficus carica)
夏威夷果夏威夷果xia4 wei1 yi2 guo3
macadamia nut
仙人掌果仙人掌果xian1 ren2 zhang3 guo3
prickly pear
效果效果xiao4 guo3
result; effect; quality
效果图效果圖xiao4 guo3 tu2
rendering (visual representation of how things will turn out)
修成正果修成正果xiu1 cheng2 zheng4 guo3
to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight; to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts; to come to fruition
言必信,行必果言必信,行必果yan2 bi4 xin4 - xing2 bi4 guo3
one must be a man of his word and resolute in his work (proverb)
严重后果嚴重後果yan2 zhong4 hou4 guo3
grave consequence; serious repercussion
腰果腰果yao1 guo3
cashew nuts
腰果鸡丁腰果雞丁yao1 guo3 ji1 ding1
chicken with cashew nuts
椰果椰果ye1 guo3
nata de coco (a chewy jelly made from fermented coconut water)
因果因果yin1 guo3
karma; cause and effect
音响效果音響效果yin1 xiang3 xiao4 guo3
sound effects
英明果断英明果斷ying1 ming2 guo3 duan4
wise and resolute
颖果穎果ying3 guo3
grain; caryopsis (single seed typical of grasses)
硬壳果硬殼果ying4 ke2 guo3
nut; fruit with hard shell
有结果有結果you3 jie2 guo3
雨果雨果yu3 guo3
Hugo (name); Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
藏茴香果藏茴香果zang4 hui2 xiang1 guo3
斋果齋果zhai1 guo3
(religious) offerings
榛果榛果zhen1 guo3
filbert; hazelnut; cobnut
自食恶果自食惡果zi4 shi2 e4 guo3
lit. to eat one's own bitter fruit (idiom); fig. to suffer the consequences of one's own actions; to stew in one's own juice
自食苦果自食苦果zi4 shi2 ku3 guo3
see 自食惡果|自食恶果
自食其果自食其果zi4 shi2 qi2 guo3
to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own action; to reap what one has sown