root; basis; classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings; radical (chemistry)

strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
阿根廷 阿根廷 a1 gen1 ting2

埃尔朗根 埃爾朗根 ai1 er3 lang3 gen1
Erlangen (town in Bavaria)

埃尔朗根纲领 埃爾朗根綱領 ai1 er3 lang3 gen1 gang1 ling3
Felix Klein's Erlangen program (1872) on geometry and group theory

矮茎朱砂根 矮莖朱砂根 ai3 jing1 zhu1 sha1 gen1
short-stem Ardisia (Ardisia brevicaulis)

爱留根纳 愛留根納 ai4 liu2 gen1 na4
Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher of Neoplatonism

安重根 安重根 an1 zhong4 gen1
An Jung-geun or Ahn Joong-keun (1879-1910), Korean independence activist, famous as assassin of Japanese prime minister ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文 in 1909

拔根 拔根 ba2 gen1

板蓝根 板藍根 ban3 lan2 gen1
indigo woad root; root of Isatis indigotica (used in TCM)

卑尔根 卑爾根 bei1 er3 gen1

病根 病根 bing4 gen1
an incompletely cured illness; an old complaint; the root cause of trouble

不尽根 不盡根 bu4 jin4 gen1
surd (math.)

草根 草根 cao3 gen1

草根网民 草根網民 cao3 gen1 wang3 min2
grassroots netizens

侧根 側根 ce4 gen1
lateral root (botany)

齿根 齒根 chi3 gen1
root of tooth

除根 除根 chu2 gen1
to root out; to eliminate the roots; to cure once and for all

词根 詞根 ci2 gen1
radical of a compound word (in European language)

存根 存根 cun2 gen1

大根兰 大根蘭 da4 gen1 lan2
Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl.

呆根 呆根 dai1 gen1
fool; stupid

单根独苗 單根獨苗 dan1 gen1 du2 miao2
an only child

单位根 單位根 dan1 wei4 gen1
root of unity

耳根清净 耳根清淨 er3 gen1 qing1 jing4
lit. ears pure and peaceful (idiom); to stay away from the filth and unrest of the world

耳根软 耳根軟 er3 gen1 ruan3

耳根子 耳根子 er3 gen1 zi5

耳根子软 耳根子軟 er3 gen1 zi5 ruan3

二重根 二重根 er4 chong2 gen1
a double root of an equation

法兰西斯·培根 法蘭西斯·培根 fa3 lan2 xi1 si1 - pei2 gen1
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English Renaissance philosopher and early scientist

方根 方根 fang1 gen1
square root

弗兰西斯·培根 弗蘭西斯·培根 fu2 lan2 xi1 si1 - pei2 gen1
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English Renaissance philosopher and early scientist

哥本哈根 哥本哈根 ge1 ben3 ha1 gen1
Copenhagen or København, capital of Denmark

葛根 葛根 ge2 gen1
tuber of the kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata), used in Chinese medicine

格罗宁根 格羅寧根 ge2 luo2 ning2 gen1
Groningen, province and city in the Netherlands

根本 根本 gen1 ben3
fundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely (not); (not) at all

根本法 根本法 gen1 ben3 fa3
fundamental law; body of basic laws

根茬 根茬 gen1 cha2

根除 根除 gen1 chu2
to eradicate

根底 根底 gen1 di3
foundation; grounding; background; what lies at the bottom of sth; root; cause

根柢 根柢 gen1 di3
root; foundation

根号 根號 gen1 hao4
radical sign √ (math.)

根河 根河 gen1 he2
Genhe county level city, Mongolian Gegeen-gol xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

根河市 根河市 gen1 he2 shi4
Genhe county level city, Mongolian Gegeen-gol xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

根基 根基 gen1 ji1

根茎 根莖 gen1 jing1
stolon; runner; rhizome; rhizoma

根据 根據 gen1 ju4
according to; based on; basis; foundation

根据地 根據地 gen1 ju4 di4
base of operations

根据规定 根據規定 gen1 ju4 gui1 ding4
according to provisions; as stipulated in the rules

根绝 根絕 gen1 jue2
to eradicate

根深蒂固 根深蒂固 gen1 shen1 di4 gu4
deep-rooted (problem etc)

根深叶茂 根深葉茂 gen1 shen1 ye4 mao4
deep roots and vigorous foliage (idiom); (fig.) well established and growing strongly

根式 根式 gen1 shi4
surd (math.); algebraic expression involving a square root or other irrationality

根特 根特 gen1 te4
Ghent, city in Belgium

根西岛 根西島 gen1 xi1 dao3
Guernsey (Channel Islands)

根系 根系 gen1 xi4
root system

根须 根鬚 gen1 xu1

根音 根音 gen1 yin1
root of chord

根由 根由 gen1 you2
the whys and the wherefores; the detailed story; root cause

根源 根源 gen1 yuan2
origin; root (cause)

根汁汽水 根汁汽水 gen1 zhi1 qi4 shui3
root beer

根治 根治 gen1 zhi4
to bring under permanent control; to effect a radical cure

根状茎 根狀莖 gen1 zhuang4 jing1
rhizome (biol.); root stock

共轭不尽根 共軛不盡根 gong4 e4 bu4 jin4 gen1
conjugate surd (math.)

共轭根式 共軛根式 gong4 e4 gen1 shi4
conjugate surd (math.)

古根海姆 古根海姆 gu3 gen1 hai3 mu3
Guggenheim (name)

古根罕 古根罕 gu3 gen1 han3
Guggenheim (name)

古根罕喷气推进研究中心 古根罕噴氣推進研究中心 gu3 gen1 han3 pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4 yan2 jiu1 zhong1 xin1
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926); Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)

归根 歸根 gui1 gen1
to return home (after a lifetime's absence); to go back to one's roots

归根到底 歸根到底 gui1 gen1 dao4 di3
after all; in the final analysis; ultimately

归根结底 歸根結底 gui1 gen1 jie2 di3
in the final analysis; ultimately

归根结柢 歸根結柢 gui1 gen1 jie2 di3
variant of 歸根結底|归根结底

归根结蒂 歸根結蒂 gui1 gen1 jie2 di4
ultimately; in the final analysis; after all; when all is said and done

哈根达斯 哈根達斯 ha1 gen1 da2 si1

哈灵根 哈靈根 ha1 ling2 gen1
Harlingen, the Netherlands

海尼根 海尼根 hai3 ni2 gen1
Heineken (Dutch brewing company); see also 喜力

祸根 禍根 huo4 gen1
root of the trouble; cause of the ruin

剪草除根 剪草除根 jian3 cao3 chu2 gen1
lit. cut grass and pull out roots (idiom); fig. to destroy root and branch; to eradicate

嚼舌根 嚼舌根 jiao2 she2 gen1
to gossip; to argue unnecessarily

脚根 腳根 jiao3 gen1
variant of 腳跟|脚跟

究其根源 究其根源 jiu1 qi2 gen1 yuan2
to trace something to its source (idiom)

苦根 苦根 ku3 gen1
underlying cause of poverty

块根 塊根 kuai4 gen1
root tuber; tuberous root

辣根 辣根 la4 gen1

雷根 雷根 lei2 gen1
Reagan (name); Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), US president (1981-1989)

里根 里根 li3 gen1
Reagan (name); Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), US president (1981-1989)

立方根 立方根 li4 fang1 gen1
cubic root (math)

连根拔 連根拔 lian2 gen1 ba2
to pull up by the roots; to uproot

落地生根 落地生根 luo4 di4 sheng1 gen1
air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum); to put down roots

落叶归根 落葉歸根 luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1
Getting Home, 2007 PRC comedy-drama film directed by 張揚|张扬, starring 趙本山|赵本山

落叶归根 落葉歸根 luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1
lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); fig. all things go back to their source eventually; in old age, an expatriate returns home

毛根 毛根 mao2 gen1
a strand of hair

密西根 密西根 mi4 xi1 gen1
Michigan, US state (Tw)

密西根州 密西根州 mi4 xi1 gen1 zhou1
Michigan, US state (Tw)

密歇根 密歇根 mi4 xie1 gen1
Michigan, US state

密歇根大学 密歇根大學 mi4 xie1 gen1 da4 xue2
University of Michigan

密歇根湖 密歇根湖 mi4 xie1 gen1 hu2
Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖

密歇根州 密歇根州 mi4 xie1 gen1 zhou1
Michigan, US state

命根 命根 ming4 gen1
lifeblood; the thing that one cherishes most in life; (coll.) family jewels (male genitals)

命根子 命根子 ming4 gen1 zi5
see 命根

摩尔根 摩爾根 mo2 er3 gen1
Morgan (name)

摩根 摩根 mo2 gen1
Morgan (name)

摩根·弗里曼 摩根·弗里曼 mo2 gen1 - fu2 li3 man4
Morgan Freeman, American actor

摩根士丹利 摩根士丹利 mo2 gen1 shi4 dan1 li4
Morgan Stanley (financial services company)

男根 男根 nan2 gen1

蹑脚根 躡腳根 nie4 jiao3 gen1
variant of 躡腳跟|蹑脚跟

盘根错节 盤根錯節 pan2 gen1 cuo4 jie2
twisted roots and intertwined joints (idiom); complicated and very tricky; knotty and deeply-rooted difficulties

蟠根错节 蟠根錯節 pan2 gen1 cuo4 jie2
variant of 盤根錯節|盘根错节

盘根究底 盤根究底 pan2 gen1 jiu1 di3
lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

盘根问底 盤根問底 pan2 gen1 wen4 di3
lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

刨根 刨根 pao2 gen1
lit. to dig up the root; to get to the heart of (the matter)

刨根儿 刨根兒 pao2 gen1 er5
erhua variant of 刨根

刨根问底 刨根問底 pao2 gen1 wen4 di3
to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

培根 培根 pei2 gen1
bacon (loanword)

票根 票根 piao4 gen1
ticket stub

平方根 平方根 ping2 fang1 gen1
square root

齐根 齊根 qi2 gen1
at the base; at the root; (of a leg) just below the crutch

墙根 牆根 qiang2 gen1
foot of a wall

氢氧根 氫氧根 qing1 yang3 gen1
hydroxide radical (-OH)

氢氧根离子 氫氧根離子 qing1 yang3 gen1 li2 zi3
hydroxide ion OH-

去根 去根 qu4 gen1
to cure completely

肉质根 肉質根 rou4 zhi4 gen1
succulent root (botany)

少根筋 少根筋 shao3 gen1 jin1
(coll.) dim-witted; foolish; absent-minded

舌根 舌根 she2 gen1
back of tongue; tongue root; dorsal

申根 申根 shen1 gen1

实根 實根 shi2 gen1
real root (of a polynomial)

树高千丈,落叶归根 樹高千丈,落葉歸根 shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 - luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1
see 樹高千丈,葉落歸根|树高千丈,叶落归根

树高千丈,叶落归根 樹高千丈,葉落歸根 shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 - ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1
fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb); fig. everything has its ancestral home; in old age, an expatriate returns home

树根 樹根 shu4 gen1
tree roots

宿根 宿根 su4 gen1
perennial root (botany)

酸根 酸根 suan1 gen1
negative ion; acid radical

算哪根葱 算哪根蔥 suan4 na3 gen1 cong1
who do (you) think (you) are?; who does (he, she etc) think (he, she) is?

听墙根 聽牆根 ting1 qiang2 gen1
to eavesdrop; to listen in secret to sb's conversations

听墙根儿 聽牆根兒 ting1 qiang2 gen1 er5
erhua variant of 聽牆根|听墙根

图林根 圖林根 tu2 lin2 gen1
Thuringia (state in Germany)

吐根 吐根 tu3 gen1

维特根斯坦 維特根斯坦 wei2 te4 gen1 si1 tan3
Wittgenstein (name)

席凡宁根 席凡寧根 xi2 fan2 ning2 gen1
Scheveningen, resort in Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands

箱根 箱根 xiang1 gen1
Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tokyo

香根草 香根草 xiang1 gen1 cao3
vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanoides)

须根 須根 xu1 gen1
fibrous roots

寻根溯源 尋根溯源 xun2 gen1 su4 yuan2
see 追根溯源

询根问底 詢根問底 xun2 gen1 wen4 di3
lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

寻根问底 尋根問底 xun2 gen1 wen4 di3
lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

牙根 牙根 ya2 gen1
root of tooth

压根 壓根 ya4 gen1
from the start; absolutely; entirely; simply

压根儿 壓根兒 ya4 gen1 er5
erhua variant of 壓根|压根

咬定牙根 咬定牙根 yao3 ding4 ya2 gen1
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关

咬紧牙根 咬緊牙根 yao3 jin3 ya2 gen1
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关

业根 業根 ye4 gen1
the root cause (of evil); bane (Buddhism)

叶落归根 葉落歸根 ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1
a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral home; In old age, an expatriate longs to return home.

一根筋 一根筋 yi1 gen1 jin1
stubborn; inflexible; one-track minded

一根绳上的蚂蚱 一根繩上的螞蚱 yi1 gen1 sheng2 shang4 de5 ma4 zha5
see 一條繩上的螞蚱|一条绳上的蚂蚱

乙酸根 乙酸根 yi3 suan1 gen1
acetyl radical CH3COO-

银根 銀根 yin2 gen1
money market; money

约根 約根 yue1 gen1
Jurgen (name)

扎根 扎根 zha1 gen1
to take root

斩草除根 斬草除根 zhan3 cao3 chu2 gen1
to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch; to eliminate completely

支根 支根 zhi1 gen1
branching root; rootlet

直根 直根 zhi2 gen1
taproot (main root growing vertically down)

植根 植根 zhi2 gen1
to take root; to establish a base

植根于 植根於 zhi2 gen1 yu2
to be rooted to; to take root in

追根 追根 zhui1 gen1
to trace sth back to its source; to get to the bottom of sth

追根究底 追根究底 zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3
to get to the heart of the matter

追根究底儿 追根究底兒 zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3 er5
erhua variant of 追根究底

追根求源 追根求源 zhui1 gen1 qiu2 yuan2
to track sth to its roots

追根溯源 追根溯源 zhui1 gen1 su4 yuan2
to pursue sth back to its origins; to trace back to the source; to get to the bottom of sth

追根问底 追根問底 zhui1 gen1 wen4 di3
lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

追根寻底 追根尋底 zhui1 gen1 xun2 di3
see 追根究底

字根 字根 zi4 gen1
character root; word root; etymon

字根表 字根表 zi4 gen1 biao3
table of components used in wubi input method 五筆輸入法|五笔输入法

字根合体字 字根合體字 zi4 gen1 he2 ti3 zi4
stem compound

字根通用码 字根通用碼 zi4 gen1 tong1 yong4 ma3
common coding for components of Chinese character; same as Zheng coding 鄭碼|郑码