
strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
扁桃 扁桃 bian3 tao2
almond tree; almond; flat peach

扁桃体 扁桃體 bian3 tao2 ti3

扁桃体炎 扁桃體炎 bian3 tao2 ti3 yan2

扁桃腺 扁桃腺 bian3 tao2 xian4

扁桃腺炎 扁桃腺炎 bian3 tao2 xian4 yan2

分桃 分桃 fen1 tao2

核桃 核桃 he2 tao5

核桃仁 核桃仁 he2 tao5 ren2
walnut kernel

黑桃 黑桃 hei1 tao2
spade ♠ (in card games)

红桃 紅桃 hong2 tao2
heart ♥ (in card games)

猴子偷桃 猴子偷桃 hou2 zi5 tou1 tao2
"monkey steals the peach" (martial arts), distracting an opponent with one hand and seizing his testicles with the other; (coll.) grabbing sb by the balls

胡桃 胡桃 hu2 tao2

夹竹桃 夾竹桃 jia1 zhu2 tao2
oleander (Nerium indicum); Taiwan pr.

烂桃花 爛桃花 lan4 tao2 hua1
unhappy love affair

李代桃僵 李代桃僵 li3 dai4 tao2 jiang1
lit. the plum tree withers in place of the peach tree; to substitute one thing for another; to carry the can for sb

猕猴桃 獼猴桃 mi2 hou2 tao2
kiwi fruit; Chinese gooseberry

蜜桃 蜜桃 mi4 tao2
honey peach; juicy peach

蟠桃 蟠桃 pan2 tao2
the peaches of immortality kept by Xi Wangmu 西王母

蟠桃胜会 蟠桃勝會 pan2 tao2 sheng4 hui4
a victory banquet to taste the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu 西王母

山核桃 山核桃 shan1 he2 tao5

山胡桃木 山胡桃木 shan1 hu2 tao2 mu4

世外桃花源 世外桃花源 shi4 wai4 tao2 hua1 yuan2
see 桃花源

世外桃源 世外桃源 shi4 wai4 tao2 yuan2
see 桃花源

寿桃 壽桃 shou4 tao2
(myth.) peaches of immortality, kept by Xi Wangmu; fresh or confectionery peaches offered as a birthday gift

寿桃包 壽桃包 shou4 tao2 bao1
longevity peach bun; birthday peach bun

水蜜桃 水蜜桃 shui3 mi4 tao2
honey peach; juicy peach

松桃苗族自治县 松桃苗族自治縣 song1 tao2 miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Songtao Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou

松桃县 松桃縣 song1 tao2 xian4
Songtao Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区, Guizhou

桃城 桃城 tao2 cheng2
Taocheng district of Hengshui city 衡水市, Hebei

桃城区 桃城區 tao2 cheng2 qu1
Taocheng district of Hengshui city 衡水市, Hebei

桃红 桃紅 tao2 hong2

桃花 桃花 tao2 hua1
peach blossom; (fig.) love affair

桃花扇 桃花扇 tao2 hua1 shan4
The Peach Blossom Fan, historical play about the last days of the Ming dynasty by Kong Shangren 孔尚任

桃花水母 桃花水母 tao2 hua1 shui3 mu3
freshwater jellyfish (Craspedacusta)

桃花心木 桃花心木 tao2 hua1 xin1 mu4

桃花汛 桃花汛 tao2 hua1 xun4
spring flood (at peach-blossom time)

桃花源 桃花源 tao2 hua1 yuan2
the Peach Blossom Spring, a hidden land of peace and prosperity; utopia

桃花运 桃花運 tao2 hua1 yun4
luck with the ladies; a romance; good luck

桃江 桃江 tao2 jiang1
Taojiang county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳, Hunan

桃江县 桃江縣 tao2 jiang1 xian4
Taojiang county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳, Hunan

桃金娘 桃金娘 tao2 jin1 niang2
rose myrtle (Myrtus communis)

桃金娘科 桃金娘科 tao2 jin1 niang2 ke1
Myrtaceae (family including myrtle, rosemary, oregano etc)

桃莉羊 桃莉羊 tao2 li4 yang2
(Tw) Dolly (1996-2003), female sheep, first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell

桃仁 桃仁 tao2 ren2
peach kernel, used in Chinese medicine

桃腮粉脸 桃腮粉臉 tao2 sai1 fen3 lian3
rosy-cheeked (idiom)

桃色 桃色 tao2 se4
pink; peach color; illicit love; sexual

桃色案件 桃色案件 tao2 se4 an4 jian4
case involving sex scandal (law)

桃色新闻 桃色新聞 tao2 se4 xin1 wen2
sex scandal

桃山 桃山 tao2 shan1
peach mountain; Taoshan district of Qitaihe city 七台河, Heilongjiang

桃山区 桃山區 tao2 shan1 qu1
Taoshan district of Qitaihe city 七台河, Heilongjiang

桃树 桃樹 tao2 shu4
peach tree

桃心 桃心 tao2 xin1
heart symbol ♥

桃汛 桃汛 tao2 xun4
spring flood (at peach-blossom time)

桃源 桃源 tao2 yuan2
Taoyuan county in Changde 常德, Hunan; Taoyuan township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan

桃园 桃園 tao2 yuan2
Taoyuan city and county in Taiwan

桃源 桃源 tao2 yuan2
see 桃花源

桃园结义 桃園結義 tao2 yuan2 jie2 yi4
to make a pact of brotherhood (from “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” 三國演義|三国演义) (idiom)

桃园三结义 桃園三結義 tao2 yuan2 san1 jie2 yi4
Oath of the Peach Garden, sworn by Liu Bei 劉備|刘备, Zhang Fei 張飛|张飞 and Guan Yu 關羽|关羽 at the start of the Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义

桃园市 桃園市 tao2 yuan2 shi4
Taoyuan city in north Taiwan, capital of Taoyuan county

桃园县 桃園縣 tao2 yuan2 xian4
Taoyuan county in Taiwan

桃源县 桃源縣 tao2 yuan2 xian4
Taoyuan county in Changde 常德, Hunan

桃源乡 桃源鄉 tao2 yuan2 xiang1
Taoyuan township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan

桃子 桃子 tao2 zi5

投桃报李 投桃報李 tou2 tao2 bao4 li3
toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom); to return a favor; to exchange gifts; Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.

仙桃 仙桃 xian1 tao2
Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei

仙桃 仙桃 xian1 tao2
the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu 西王母

仙桃市 仙桃市 xian1 tao2 shi4
Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei

艳如桃李 艷如桃李 yan4 ru2 tao2 li3
lit. beautiful as peach and prune; fig. radiant beauty

洋蒲桃 洋蒲桃 yang2 pu2 tao2
love apple; wax apple; Syzygium samarangense (botany)

杨桃 楊桃 yang2 tao2
carambola; star fruit

羊桃 羊桃 yang2 tao2
variant of 楊桃|杨桃; carambola; star fruit

樱桃 櫻桃 ying1 tao2

樱桃萝卜 櫻桃蘿蔔 ying1 tao2 luo2 bo5
summer radish (the small red kind)

樱桃小番茄 櫻桃小番茄 ying1 tao2 xiao3 fan1 qie2
see 聖女果|圣女果

樱桃小口 櫻桃小口 ying1 tao2 xiao3 kou3
see 櫻桃小嘴|樱桃小嘴

樱桃小嘴 櫻桃小嘴 ying1 tao2 xiao3 zui3
lit. cherry mouth (idiom); fig. a delicate, ruby-lipped mouth

樱桃园 櫻桃園 ying1 tao2 yuan2
The Cherry Orchard, a play by Chekhov 契訶夫|契诃夫

油桃 油桃 you2 tao2