
strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
H桥 H橋 - qiao2
H bridge (electronics)

灞桥 灞橋 ba4 qiao2
Baqiao District of Xi’an 西安市, Shaanxi

灞桥区 灞橋區 ba4 qiao2 qu1
Baqiao District of Xi’an 西安市, Shaanxi

板梁桥 板梁橋 ban3 liang2 qiao2
plate girder bridge

板桥 板橋 ban3 qiao2
Banqiao or Panchiao city in Taiwan

板桥市 板橋市 ban3 qiao2 shi4
Banqiao or Panchiao city in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

半桥 半橋 ban4 qiao2
half bridge (electronics)

便桥 便橋 bian4 qiao2
temporary bridge

冰桥 冰橋 bing1 qiao2
ice arch

布鲁克林大桥 布魯克林大橋 bu4 lu3 ke4 lin2 da4 qiao2
Brooklyn Bridge

车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直 che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4 - chuan2 dao4 qiao2 tou2 zi4 ran2 zhi2
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on

陈桥兵变 陳橋兵變 chen2 qiao2 bing1 bian4
the military revolt of 960 that led Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤|赵匡胤 to found the Song dynasty

船到桥门自会直 船到橋門自會直 chuan2 dao4 qiao2 men2 zi4 hui4 zhi2
lit. when the ship arrives at the bridge we can deal with the problem; no point in worrying about sth until it actually happens (idiom)

船到桥头自然直 船到橋頭自然直 chuan2 dao4 qiao2 tou2 zi4 ran2 zhi2
lit. when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current (proverb); fig. everything will be all right; cf 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直

大桥 大橋 da4 qiao2
Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, the two great beauties of ancient China

大石桥 大石橋 da4 shi2 qiao2
Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning

大石桥市 大石橋市 da4 shi2 qiao2 shi4
Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning

登机廊桥 登機廊橋 deng1 ji1 lang2 qiao2
air bridge; aircraft boarding bridge

登机桥 登機橋 deng1 ji1 qiao2
boarding gate (at airport); aircraft boarding bridge

吊桥 吊橋 diao4 qiao2
drawbridge; suspension bridge

东海大桥 東海大橋 dong1 hai3 da4 qiao2
Donghai Bridge, 32.5 km bridge between Shanghai and the offshore Yangshan deep-water port

独木桥 獨木橋 du2 mu4 qiao2
single-log bridge; (fig.) difficult path

断桥 斷橋 duan4 qiao2
The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Hangzhou)

浮桥 浮橋 fu2 qiao2
pontoon bridge

港珠澳大桥 港珠澳大橋 gang3 zhu1 ao4 da4 qiao2
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau road bridge

高架桥 高架橋 gao1 jia4 qiao2
high trestle bridge; viaduct; flyover

高桥 高橋 gao1 qiao2
Takahashi (Japanese surname)

高桥留美子 高橋留美子 gao1 qiao2 liu2 mei3 zi3
Takahashi Rumiko, Japanese manga artist

拱桥 拱橋 gong3 qiao2
arch bridge

过河拆桥 過河拆橋 guo4 he2 chai1 qiao2
lit. to destroy the bridge after crossing the river (idiom); fig. to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal

过街天桥 過街天橋 guo4 jie1 tian1 qiao2
skywalk; pedestrian bridge

过桥贷款 過橋貸款 guo4 qiao2 dai4 kuan3
bridge loan

虹桥 虹橋 hong2 qiao2
Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin

红桥 紅橋 hong2 qiao2
Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市

虹桥机场 虹橋機場 hong2 qiao2 ji1 chang3
Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai)

红桥区 紅橋區 hong2 qiao2 qu1
Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市

架桥 架橋 jia4 qiao2
to bridge; to put up a bridge

舰桥 艦橋 jian4 qiao2

剑桥 劍橋 jian4 qiao2

剑桥大学 劍橋大學 jian4 qiao2 da4 xue2
University of Cambridge

康桥 康橋 kang1 qiao2
Cambridge (city), from a poem by Xu Zhimo 徐誌摩|徐志摩

跨海大桥 跨海大橋 kua4 hai3 da4 qiao2
bay bridge (elevated bridge across stretch of water)

跨线桥 跨線橋 kua4 xian4 qiao2
flyover (road bridge)

立交桥 立交橋 li4 jiao1 qiao2
overpass; flyover

泸定桥 瀘定橋 lu2 ding4 qiao2
Luding Bridge over Dadu river 大渡河 in Sichuan, built by Kangxi in 1706, linking Luding county Sichuan Luding county 瀘定縣|泸定县 with Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州甘孜藏族自治州

卢沟桥 盧溝橋 lu2 gou1 qiao2
Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in southwest of Beijing, the scene of the incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2 between Japan and China

芦沟桥 蘆溝橋 lu2 gou1 qiao2
Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge, the scene of "incident" sparking WW2 between Japan and China

卢沟桥事变 盧溝橋事變 lu2 gou1 qiao2 shi4 bian4
Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争

芦沟桥事变 蘆溝橋事變 lu2 gou1 qiao2 shi4 bian4
the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2 between Japan and China

路桥 路橋 lu4 qiao2
road bridge

路桥 路橋 lu4 qiao2
Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市, Zhejiang

路桥区 路橋區 lu4 qiao2 qu1
Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市, Zhejiang

罗锅儿桥 羅鍋兒橋 luo2 guo1 er5 qiao2
a humpback bridge

脑桥 腦橋 nao3 qiao2
pons Varolii (bundle of nerve fibers in the brain)

你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥 你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 ni3 zou3 ni3 de5 yang2 guan1 dao4 - wo3 guo4 wo3 de5 du2 mu4 qiao2
lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom); fig. you go your way, I'll go mine; you do it your way, I'll do it mine

牛桥 牛橋 niu2 qiao2
Oxbridge; Cambridge and Oxford

平桥 平橋 ping2 qiao2
Pingqiao District of Xinyang City 信陽市|信阳市, Henan

平桥区 平橋區 ping2 qiao2 qu1
Pingqiao District of Xinyang city 信陽市|信阳市, Henan

契约桥牌 契約橋牌 qi4 yue1 qiao2 pai2
contract bridge (card game)

前桥 前橋 qian2 qiao2
Maebashi (surname or place name)

桥本 橋本 qiao2 ben3
Hashimoto (Japanese surname and place name)

桥本龙太郎 橋本龍太郎 qiao2 ben3 long2 tai4 lang2
HASHIMOTO Ryūtarō (1937-2006), Japanese politician, prime minister 1996-1998

桥东 橋東 qiao2 dong1
Qiaodong District (various); Qiaodong District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市, Hebei

桥东区 橋東區 qiao2 dong1 qu1
Qiaodong District (various); Qiaodong District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市, Hebei

桥段 橋段 qiao2 duan4
scene (in a movie etc); bridging element (in a performance)

桥墩 橋墩 qiao2 dun1
bridge pier

桥接 橋接 qiao2 jie1
bridging (in computer networks)

桥接器 橋接器 qiao2 jie1 qi4
bridge (networking)

桥梁 橋梁 qiao2 liang2
bridge; fig. connection between two areas

桥面 橋面 qiao2 mian4
roadway; floor; deck; bridge floor

桥牌 橋牌 qiao2 pai2
contract bridge (card game)

桥式整流器 橋式整流器 qiao2 shi4 zheng3 liu2 qi4
bridge rectifier (electricity)

桥头 橋頭 qiao2 tou2
Qiaotou or Chiaotou township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan

桥头 橋頭 qiao2 tou2
either end of a bridge; a bridgehead

桥头乡 橋頭鄉 qiao2 tou2 xiang1
Qiaotou or Chiaotou township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan

桥西 橋西 qiao2 xi1
Qiaoxi District (various); Qiaoxi District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市, Hebei

桥西区 橋西區 qiao2 xi1 qu1
Qiaoxi District (various); Qiaoxi District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市, Hebei

桥镇 橋鎮 qiao2 zhen4
Bridgetown, capital of Barbados (Tw)

青马大桥 青馬大橋 qing1 ma3 da4 qiao2
Tsing Ma bridge (to Hong Kong airport)

全桥 全橋 quan2 qiao2
H bridge (electronics)

鹊桥 鵲橋 que4 qiao2
magpie bridge across the Milky Way between Altair and Vega where Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女 are allowed an annual meeting

十七孔桥 十七孔橋 shi2 qi1 kong3 qiao2
Seventeen arch bridge in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园, Beijing

双桥 雙橋 shuang1 qiao2
Shuangqia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

双桥区 雙橋區 shuang1 qiao2 qu1
Shuangqia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan; Shuangqia district of Chengde city 承德市, Hebei

双曲拱桥 雙曲拱橋 shuang1 qu1 gong3 qiao2
double arched bridge

天桥 天橋 tian1 qiao2
overhead walkway; pedestrian bridge

天桥 天橋 tian1 qiao2
Tianqiao district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市, Shandong; Tianqiao district in Beijing, formerly a center of folk culture

天桥立 天橋立 tian1 qiao2 li4
Ama-no-hashidate in north of Kyōto prefecture 京都府 on the Sea of Japan

天桥区 天橋區 tian1 qiao2 qu1
Tianqiao district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市, Shandong

网桥 網橋 wang3 qiao2
(network) bridge

吴桥 吳橋 wu2 qiao2
Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州, Hebei

吴桥县 吳橋縣 wu2 qiao2 xian4
Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州, Hebei

五通桥 五通橋 wu3 tong1 qiao2
Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市, Sichuan

五通桥区 五通橋區 wu3 tong1 qiao2 qu1
Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市, Sichuan

咸阳桥 咸陽橋 xian2 yang2 qiao2
Xianyang Bridge

湘桥 湘橋 xiang1 qiao2
Xiangqiao district of Chaozhou city 潮州市, Guangdong

湘桥区 湘橋區 xiang1 qiao2 qu1
Xiangqiao district of Chaozhou city 潮州市, Guangdong

小桥 小橋 xiao3 qiao2
Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, the two great beauties of ancient China

新都桥 新都橋 xin1 du1 qiao2
Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

新都桥镇 新都橋鎮 xin1 du1 qiao2 zhen4
Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

心脏搭桥手术 心臟搭橋手術 xin1 zang4 da1 qiao2 shou3 shu4
coronary bypass operation

悬索桥 懸索橋 xuan2 suo3 qiao2
suspension bridge

牙桥 牙橋 ya2 qiao2
dental bridge

亚欧大陆桥 亞歐大陸橋 ya4 ou1 da4 lu4 qiao2
New Asia-Europe Land Bridge; rail line from China through Central Asia to Europe

埇桥 埇橋 yong3 qiao2
Yongqiao district of Suzhou city 宿州市, Anhui

埇桥区 埇橋區 yong3 qiao2 qu1
Yongqiao district of Suzhou city 宿州市, Anhui

造桥 造橋 zao4 qiao2
Zaoqiao or Tsaochiao township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

造桥乡 造橋鄉 zao4 qiao2 xiang1
Zaoqiao or Tsaochiao township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

栈桥 棧橋 zhan4 qiao2
a pier; a landing-stage; a loading trestle for goods or passengers; a platform

栈桥式码头 棧橋式碼頭 zhan4 qiao2 shi4 ma3 tou5
jetty; pier

张春桥 張春橋 zhang1 chun1 qiao2
Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four

赵州桥 趙州橋 zhao4 zhou1 qiao2
Zhaozhou Bridge over Xiao River 洨河 in Zhao county 趙縣|赵县, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, dating back to the Sui dynasty 隋代 (581-617) and the world's oldest extant stone arch bridge