lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound (idiom); fig. empty vessels make the most noise; one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest
半桶水半桶水ban4 tong3 shui3
(coll.) (of one's skills, knowledge etc) limited; superficial; half-baked; sb with a smattering of knowledge (of sth); dabbler
杯水车薪杯水車薪bei1 shui3 che1 xin1
lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood (idiom); fig. an utterly inadequate measure
北洋水师北洋水師bei3 yang2 shui3 shi1
north China navy (esp. the ill-fated Chinese navy in the 1895 war with Japan)
背山临水背山臨水bei4 shan1 lin2 shui3
with back to the mountain and facing the water (favored location)
背水一战背水一戰bei4 shui3 yi1 zhan4
lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die
counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation
counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation
冰水冰水bing1 shui3
iced water
不服水土不服水土bu4 fu2 shui3 tu3
(of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place; not acclimatized
不透水不透水bu4 tou4 shui3
waterproof; watertight; impermeable
不显山不露水不顯山不露水bu4 xian3 shan1 bu4 lu4 shui3
lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts
踩水踩水cai3 shui3
to tread water; to paddle or tramp in shallow water
there are no rivers to one who has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu (idiom); one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things
茶水茶水cha2 shui3
tea prepared in large quantity using inexpensive tea leaves
查水表查水表cha2 shui3 biao3
(Internet slang) (of the police) to ask to be let in on the pretext of checking the water meter; to barge into people's home on false pretences
掺水摻水chan1 shui3
to dilute; to water down; watered down
瀍水瀍水chan2 shui3
the Chanshui river in Henan
羼水羼水chan4 shui3
to mix with water (wine); to adulterate
长流水,不断线長流水,不斷線chang2 liu2 shui3 - bu4 duan4 xian4
continuous and patient effort (idiom)
潮水潮水chao2 shui3
车水马龙車水馬龍che1 shui3 ma3 long2
endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom); heavy traffic
陈水扁陳水扁chen2 shui3 bian3
Chen Shui-Bian (1950-), Taiwanese DPP 民進黨|民进党 politician, President of the Republic of China 2000-2008
城镇化水平城鎮化水平cheng2 zhen4 hua4 shui3 ping2
urbanization level (of a city or town)
吃水吃水chi1 shui3
drinking water; to obtain water (for daily needs); to absorb water; draft (of ship)
lit. surging waters flooded the Dragon King temple (idiom); fig. to fail to recognize a familiar person; a dispute between close people who fail to recognize each other
淡水淡水dan4 shui3
Danshui or Tanshui town in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
淡水淡水dan4 shui3
potable water (water with low salt content); fresh water
淡水湖淡水湖dan4 shui3 hu2
freshwater lake
淡水鱼淡水魚dan4 shui3 yu2
freshwater fish
淡水镇淡水鎮dan4 shui3 zhen4
Danshui or Tanshui town in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
倒苦水倒苦水dao4 ku3 shui3
to pour out one's grievances
灯塔水母燈塔水母deng1 ta3 shui3 mu3
immortal jellyfish; Turritopsis dohrnii
滴水滴水di1 shui3
water drop; dripping water
滴水不羼滴水不羼di1 shui3 bu4 chan4
not diluted by one drop; hundred percent
滴水不漏滴水不漏di1 shui3 bu4 lou4
lit. not one drop of water can leak out; watertight; rigorous (argument)
滴水穿石滴水穿石di1 shui3 chuan1 shi2
dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.
滴水石穿滴水石穿di1 shui3 shi2 chuan1
dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.
地表水地表水di4 biao3 shui3
surface water
地面水地面水di4 mian4 shui3
surface water
地下水地下水di4 xia4 shui3
点水點水dian3 shui3
to skim; lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水); skin-deep
点水不漏點水不漏dian3 shui3 bu4 lou4
not one drop of water leaks (idiom); fig. thoughtful and completely rigorous; watertight
吊盐水吊鹽水diao4 yan2 shui3
(dialect) to put sb on an intravenous drip
跌水跌水die1 shui3
drop of height in waterway; staircase of waterfalls
定型水定型水ding4 xing2 shui3
多水分多水分duo1 shui3 fen4
恶水惡水e4 shui3
dirty water; water that is unfit to drink; slops
二水二水er4 shui3
Erhshui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县, Taiwan
二水货二水貨er4 shui3 huo4
used goods; second hand goods
二水乡二水鄉er4 shui3 xiang1
Erhshui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县, Taiwan
反水反水fan3 shui3
turncoat; traitor
防水防水fang2 shui3
放水放水fang4 shui3
to turn on the water; to let water out; to throw a game (sports)
肥水不流外人田肥水不流外人田fei2 shui3 bu4 liu2 wai4 ren2 tian2
lit. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field; fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb)
spilt water is difficult to retrieve (idiom); it's no use crying over spilt milk; what's done is done and can't be reversed; the damage is done; once divorced, there's no reuniting
泔水泔水gan1 shui3
slop; swill
钢骨水泥鋼骨水泥gang1 gu3 shui3 ni2
reinforced concrete
钢筋水泥鋼筋水泥gang1 jin1 shui3 ni2
reinforced concrete
高山流水高山流水gao1 shan1 liu2 shui3
fig. intimate and understanding friend; sublime musical composition
根汁汽水根汁汽水gen1 zhi1 qi4 shui3
root beer
供水供水gong1 shui3
to supply water
挂水掛水gua4 shui3
to put sb on an intravenous drip
官厅水库官廳水庫guan1 ting1 shui3 ku4
Guanting or Kuan-ting Reservoir in Hebei, one of the main water reservoirs serving Beijing
灌水灌水guan4 shui3
to irrigate; to pour water into; to inject water into meat to increase its weight (plumping); to cook the books; to post low-value messages (small talk etc) on Internet forums
广水廣水guang3 shui3
Guangshui county level city in Suizhou 隨州|随州, Hubei
广水市廣水市guang3 shui3 shi4
Guangshui county level city in Suizhou 隨州|随州, Hubei
硅酸盐水泥硅酸鹽水泥gui1 suan1 yan2 shui3 ni2
Portland cement
癸水癸水gui3 shui3
menstruation; woman's period
滚水滾水gun3 shui3
boiling water
海水海水hai3 shui3
海水不可斗量海水不可斗量hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2
see 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量
海水倒灌海水倒灌hai3 shui3 dao4 guan4
saltwater intrusion
海水养殖海水養殖hai3 shui3 yang3 zhi2
含水含水han2 shui3
汗水汗水han4 shui3
sweat; perspiration
汉水漢水han4 shui3
Han River (Hanshui)
汉语水平考试漢語水平考試han4 yu3 shui3 ping2 kao3 shi4
HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)
毫米水银柱毫米水銀柱hao2 mi3 shui3 yin2 zhu4
millibar (unit of pressure)
喝凉水都塞牙喝涼水都塞牙he1 liang2 shui3 dou1 sai1 ya2
(coll.) to be out of luck
河水河水he2 shui3
river water
合水合水he2 shui3
Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳, Gansu
河水不犯井水河水不犯井水he2 shui3 bu4 fan4 jing3 shui3
lit. river water does not interfere with well water (idiom); Do not interfere with one another.; Mind your own business.
合水县合水縣he2 shui3 xian4
Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳, Gansu
黑水黑水hei1 shui3
Heishui county (Tibetan: khro chu rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan
黑水城黑水城hei1 shui3 cheng2
ruins of Heishui Town of Xixia 西夏 people, in Ejin Banner 額濟納旗|额济纳旗, Alxa League 阿拉善盟, Inner Mongolia
黑水鸡黑水雞hei1 shui3 ji1
(bird species of China) common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)
黑水县黑水縣hei1 shui3 xian4
Heishui county (Tibetan: khro chu rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan
衡水衡水heng2 shui3
Hengshui prefecture level city in Hebei
衡水地区衡水地區heng2 shui3 di4 qu1
Hengshui county (old name)
衡水市衡水市heng2 shui3 shi4
Hengshui prefecture level city in Hebei
洪水洪水hong2 shui3
deluge; flood
洪水猛兽洪水猛獸hong2 shui3 meng3 shou4
lit. severe floods and fierce beasts (idiom); fig. great scourges; extremely dangerous or threatening things
洪水期洪水期hong2 shui3 qi1
flood season
洪水滔滔洪水滔滔hong2 shui3 tao1 tao1
widespread flooding (idiom)
红尾水鸲紅尾水鴝hong2 wei3 shui3 qu2
(bird species of China) plumbeous water redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus)
红颜祸水紅顏禍水hong2 yan2 huo4 shui3
femme fatale
戽水戽水hu4 shui3
to bail (i.e. scoop water)
花露水花露水hua1 lu4 shui3
perfumed toilet water; eau de cologne; floral water; hydrosol
滑水滑水hua2 shui3
water skiing; to water-ski
坏水壞水huai4 shui3
evil tricks
黄水黃水huang2 shui3
citrine (orange or yellow quartz SiO2); yellow water; name of river in Henan
湟水湟水huang2 shui3
Huangshui River, upper reaches of the Yellow River 黃河|黄河, flowing through Qinghai and Gansu
黄水晶黃水晶huang2 shui3 jing1
citrine (orange or yellow quartz SiO2 as a semiprecious stone)
灰水灰水hui1 shui3
gray water
惠水惠水hui4 shui3
Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
汇水匯水hui4 shui3
remittance fee
惠水县惠水縣hui4 shui3 xian4
Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
混水摸鱼混水摸魚hun2 shui3 mo1 yu2
to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain; also written 渾水摸魚|浑水摸鱼
浑水摸鱼渾水摸魚hun2 shui3 mo1 yu2
to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
混水墙混水牆hun2 shui3 qiang2
plastered masonry wall
祸水禍水huo4 shui3
source of calamity (esp. of women)
积水積水ji1 shui3
to collect water; to be covered with water; to pond; accumulated water; ponding
吉水吉水ji2 shui3
Jishui county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi
汲水汲水ji2 shui3
to draw water
吉水县吉水縣ji2 shui3 xian4
Jishui county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi
技术潜水技術潛水ji4 shu4 qian2 shui3
technical diving
涧水澗水jian4 shui3
mountain stream
建水建水jian4 shui3
Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
建水县建水縣jian4 shui3 xian4
Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
江南水乡江南水鄉jiang1 nan2 shui3 xiang1
patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiangsu
江水江水jiang1 shui3
river water
降水降水jiang4 shui3
rain and snow; precipitation (meteorology)
降水量降水量jiang4 shui3 liang4
precipitation (meteorology); measured quantity of rain
浇冷水澆冷水jiao1 leng3 shui3
to pour cold water; fig. to discourage
胶水膠水jiao1 shui3
浇水澆水jiao1 shui3
to water (plants etc)
结晶水結晶水jie2 jing1 shui3
water of crystallization
节水節水jie2 shui3
to save water
栉水母櫛水母jie2 shui3 mu3
comb jellies (Ctenophora)
金水金水jin1 shui3
Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan
金水区金水區jin1 shui3 qu1
Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan
进水進水jin4 shui3
to have water get in (one's ear, shoes etc); to get flooded; inflow of water
进水口進水口jin4 shui3 kou3
water inlet
近水楼台近水樓臺jin4 shui3 lou2 tai2
lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerful to obtain favor
近水楼台先得月近水樓臺先得月jin4 shui3 lou2 tai2 xian1 de2 yue4
the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom); to benefit from intimacy with an influential person
进水闸進水閘jin4 shui3 zha2
water intake; inlet sluice
井水不犯河水井水不犯河水jing3 shui3 bu4 fan4 he2 shui3
everyone minds their own business
镜花水月鏡花水月jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake (idiom); fig. an unrealistic rosy view; viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles; also written 水月鏡花|水月镜花
净水淨水jing4 shui3
clean water; purified water
净水器淨水器jing4 shui3 qi4
water purifier
酒水酒水jiu3 shui3
beverage; a drink
酒水饮料酒水飲料jiu3 shui3 yin3 liao4
drink (on a menu)
掬水掬水ju1 shui3
to scoop up water
橘子水橘子水ju2 zi5 shui3
orangeade; orange squash
君子之交淡如水君子之交淡如水jun1 zi3 zhi1 jiao1 dan4 ru2 shui3
a gentleman's friendship, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
lit. the mountain dweller lives off the mountain, the shore dweller lives off the sea (idiom); fig. to make the best use of local resources; to exploit one's position to advance oneself; to find one's niche; to live off the land
恐水病恐水病kong3 shui3 bing4
恐水症恐水症kong3 shui3 zheng4
rabies; hydrophobia
口水口水kou3 shui3
口水歌口水歌kou3 shui3 ge1
bubblegum pop song; cover song
口水鸡口水雞kou3 shui3 ji1
steamed chicken with chili sauce
口水佬口水佬kou3 shui3 lao3
talkative person (Cantonese)
口水仗口水仗kou3 shui3 zhang4
dispute; spat; shouting match
枯水枯水ku1 shui3
scarce water; low water level
枯水期枯水期ku1 shui3 qi1
period of low water level (winter in north China)
苦水苦水ku3 shui3
bitter water (e.g. mineral water containing sulfates); suffering; digestive fluids rising from stomach to the mouth; fig. bitter complaint
矿泉水礦泉水kuang4 quan2 shui3
mineral spring water
矿水礦水kuang4 shui3
mineral water
奎宁水奎寧水kui2 ning2 shui3
tonic water; quinine water
喇叭水仙喇叭水仙la1 ba1 shui3 xian1
涞水淶水lai2 shui3
Laishui county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
涞水县淶水縣lai2 shui3 xian4
Laishui county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
捞油水撈油水lao1 you2 shui3
(coll.) to gain profit (usu. by underhand means)
泪水淚水lei4 shui3
teardrop; tears
泪水涟涟淚水漣漣lei4 shui3 lian2 lian2
in floods of tears (idiom)
冷却水冷卻水leng3 que4 shui3
cooling water (in a reactor)
冷水冷水leng3 shui3
cold water; unboiled water; fig. not yet ready (of plans)
冷水机组冷水機組leng3 shui3 ji1 zu3
冷水江冷水江leng3 shui3 jiang1
Lengshuijiang county level city in Loudi 婁底|娄底, Hunan
冷水江市冷水江市leng3 shui3 jiang1 shi4
Lengshuijiang county level city in Loudi 婁底|娄底, Hunan
冷水滩冷水灘leng3 shui3 tan1
Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市, Hunan
冷水滩区冷水灘區leng3 shui3 tan1 qu1
Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市, Hunan
丽水麗水li2 shui3
Lishui prefecture level city in Zhejiang; Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Korea, the site of World Expo 2012
丽水地区麗水地區li2 shui3 di4 qu1
Lishui prefecture, Zhejiang
丽水市麗水市li2 shui3 shi4
Lishui prefecture level city in Zhejiang; Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Korea, the site of World Expo 2012
澧水澧水li3 shui3
Lishui river in north Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting 洞庭湖
溧水溧水li4 shui3
Lishui county in Nanjing 南京, Jiangsu
溧水县溧水縣li4 shui3 xian4
Lishui county in Nanjing 南京, Jiangsu
涟水漣水lian2 shui3
Lianshui county in Huai'an 淮安, Jiangsu
涟水县漣水縣lian2 shui3 xian4
Lianshui county in Huai'an 淮安, Jiangsu
凉水涼水liang2 shui3
cool water; unboiled water
两点水兩點水liang3 dian3 shui3
name of "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15); see also 冫
lit. the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on (idiom); fig. one side is willing, yet the other one remains indifferent (usually of unrequited love)
落水落水luo4 shui3
to fall into water; to sink; overboard; fig. to degenerate; to sink (into depravity); to go to the dogs
落水狗上岸落水狗上岸luo4 shui3 gou3 shang4 an4
like a dog who fell in the river and climbs out—shaking all over
落水管落水管luo4 shui3 guan3
drainpipe; water spout
绿水綠水lv4 shui3
green water; crystal-clear water
马尾水馬尾水ma3 wei3 shui3
Mawei river through Fuzhou city
马尾水师学堂馬尾水師學堂ma3 wei3 shui3 shi1 xue2 tang2
Mawei River naval college, alternative name for Fuzhou naval college 福州船政學堂|福州船政学堂, set up in 1866 by the Qing dynasty
the person who drinks it knows best whether the water is hot or cold (Zen proverb); self-awareness comes from within; to know best by personal experience
如鱼得水如魚得水ru2 yu2 de2 shui3
like a fish back in water (idiom); glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
洒水灑水sa3 shui3
to sprinkle
洒水车灑水車sa3 shui3 che1
sprinkler truck
洒水机灑水機sa3 shui3 ji1
三点水三點水san1 dian3 shui3
name of "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85); see also 氵
三都水族自治县三都水族自治縣san1 du1 shui3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
三水三水san1 shui3
Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市, Guangdong
三水区三水區san1 shui3 qu1
Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市, Guangdong
三水县三水縣san1 shui3 xian4
Sanshui county in Guangdong
三峡水库三峽水庫san1 xia2 shui3 ku4
Three Gorges Reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtze
散水散水san4 shui3
apron (sloping brickwork to disperse water)
山不转水转山不轉水轉shan1 bu4 zhuan4 shui3 zhuan4
it's a small world; only mountains never meet
山高水长山高水長shan1 gao1 shui3 chang2
high as the mountain and long as the river (idiom); fig. noble and far-reaching
山高水险山高水險shan1 gao1 shui3 xian3
lit. the mountains are high and the torrents swift; to undertake an arduous task or journey (idiom)
山明水秀山明水秀shan1 ming2 shui3 xiu4
lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom); fig. enchanting scenery
山清水秀山清水秀shan1 qing1 shui3 xiu4
lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom); fig. enchanting scenery
山穷水尽山窮水盡shan1 qiong2 shui3 jin4
mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the end of the line; nowhere to go
山水山水shan1 shui3
Sansui, Japanese company
山水山水shan1 shui3
water from a mountain; mountains and rivers; scenery; landscape
山水画山水畫shan1 shui3 hua4
landscape painting
山水诗山水詩shan1 shui3 shi1
shanshui poetry, genre of Classical Chinese poetry
商水商水shang1 shui3
Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口, Henan
商水县商水縣shang1 shui3 xian4
Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口, Henan
上水上水shang4 shui3
Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong)
上水上水shang4 shui3
upper reaches (of a river); to go upstream; to add some water; to water (a crop etc)
to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom); to lead a pampered life
试水温試水溫shi4 shui3 wen1
to test the waters
疏水箪瓢疏水簞瓢shu1 shui3 dan1 piao2
little water and few utensils; to live a frugal life (idiom)
输水管輸水管shu1 shui3 guan3
pipe; pipeline
泷水瀧水shuang1 shui3
Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (modern Wu river 武水)
双瞳剪水雙瞳翦水shuang1 tong2 jian3 shui3
clear, bright eyes (idiom)
双氧水雙氧水shuang1 yang3 shui3
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution
爽肤水爽膚水shuang3 fu1 shui3
toner (cosmetics)
水坝水壩shui3 ba4
dam; dike
水泵水泵shui3 beng4
water pump
水边水邊shui3 bian1
edge of the water; waterside; shore (of sea, lake or river)
水表水表shui3 biao3
water meter; indicator of water level
水兵水兵shui3 bing1
enlisted sailor in navy
水冰水冰shui3 bing1
water ice (i.e. frozen H2O)
水波水波shui3 bo1
wave; (water) ripple
水彩水彩shui3 cai3
水彩画水彩畫shui3 cai3 hua4
watercolor; aquarelle
水槽水槽shui3 cao2
水草水草shui3 cao3
water plants; habitat with water source and grass
水产水產shui3 chan3
aquatic; produced in sea, rivers or lakes
水产养殖水產養殖shui3 chan3 yang3 zhi2
水产业水產業shui3 chan3 ye4
水产展水產展shui3 chan3 zhan3
seafood show (trade fair)
水菖蒲水菖蒲shui3 chang1 pu2
Acorus calamus; sweet sedge or sweet flag
水城水城shui3 cheng2
Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水, Guizhou
水城县水城縣shui3 cheng2 xian4
Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水, Guizhou
水池水池shui3 chi2
pond; pool; sink; washbasin
水处理水處理shui3 chu3 li3
water treatment
水凼水凼shui3 dang4
水稻水稻shui3 dao4
rice; paddy
水道水道shui3 dao4
aqueduct; sewer
水道口水道口shui3 dao4 kou3
mouth of sewer
水到渠成水到渠成shui3 dao4 qu2 cheng2
lit. where water flows, a canal is formed (idiom); fig. when conditions are right, success will follow naturally
水滴水滴shui3 di1
水滴石穿水滴石穿shui3 di1 shi2 chuan1
dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.
水滴鱼水滴魚shui3 di1 yu2
blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus)
水底水底shui3 di3
水底相机水底相機shui3 di3 xiang4 ji1
underwater camera
水底写字板水底寫字板shui3 di3 xie3 zi4 ban3
underwater writing tablet
水电水電shui3 dian4
hydroelectric power; plumbing and electricity
水电工水電工shui3 dian4 gong1
plumbing and electrical work; tradesman who does both plumbing and electrical work
水电站水電站shui3 dian4 zhan4
hydroelectric power plant
水貂水貂shui3 diao1
mink (Mustela lutreola, M. vison)
水痘水痘shui3 dou4
chickenpox; Varicella zoster (med.)
水肺水肺shui3 fei4
SCUBA (diving)
水费水費shui3 fei4
water bill
水分水分shui3 fen4
moisture content; (fig.) overstatement; padding
水富水富shui3 fu4
Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通, Yunnan
水富县水富縣shui3 fu4 xian4
Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通, Yunnan
水缸水缸shui3 gang1
water jar
水耕法水耕法shui3 geng1 fa3
水沟水溝shui3 gou1
gutter; sewer
水垢水垢shui3 gou4
水管水管shui3 guan3
water pipe
水管工水管工shui3 guan3 gong1
水管工人水管工人shui3 guan3 gong1 ren2
水管面水管麵shui3 guan3 mian4
tube pasta (e.g. penne, rigatoni, ziti); macaroni
水果水果shui3 guo3
水果刀水果刀shui3 guo3 dao1
paring knife; fruit knife
水果酒水果酒shui3 guo3 jiu3
fruit wine (Tw)
水害水害shui3 hai4
flood damage
水合水合shui3 he2
hydration reaction
水合物水合物shui3 he2 wu4
hydrate; hydrated compound
水横枝水橫枝shui3 heng2 zhi1
cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), esp. grown as bonsai
水壶水壺shui3 hu2
kettle; canteen; watering can
水浒水滸shui3 hu3
edge of the water; shore or sea, lake or river; seashore
水浒后传水滸後傳shui3 hu3 hou4 zhuan4
Water Margin Sequel, by Chen Chen 陳忱|陈忱
水浒全传水滸全傳shui3 hu3 quan2 zhuan4
Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature; also written 水滸傳|水浒传
水虎鱼水虎魚shui3 hu3 yu2
piranha (fish)
水浒传水滸傳shui3 hu3 zhuan4
Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature
水户市水戶市shui3 hu4 shi4
Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
水花水花shui3 hua1
splash; algal bloom; chickenpox (dialect)
水患水患shui3 huan4
flooding; water disaster
水火不容水火不容shui3 huo3 bu4 rong2
completely incompatible; lit. incompatible as fire and water
水火无情水火無情shui3 huo3 wu2 qing2
fire and flood have no mercy (idiom)
水货水貨shui3 huo4
smuggled goods; unauthorized goods
水鸡水雞shui3 ji1
moorhen (genus Gallinula); gallinule; frog
水饺水餃shui3 jiao3
boiled dumpling
水饺儿水餃兒shui3 jiao3 er5
erhua variant of 水餃|水饺
水解水解shui3 jie3
hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water)
水晶水晶shui3 jing1
水晶宫水晶宮shui3 jing1 gong1
The Crystal Palace
水晶球水晶球shui3 jing1 qiu2
crystal ball (in Western magic)
水井水井shui3 jing3
(water) well
水军水軍shui3 jun1
navy (archaic)
水客水客shui3 ke4
smuggler, esp. of electronic goods from Macao or Hong Kong to Guangdong; boatman; fisherman; itinerant trader
水坑水坑shui3 keng1
puddle; water hole; sump
水库水庫shui3 ku4
水牢水牢shui3 lao2
prison cell containing water, in which prisoners are forced to be partly immersed
水老鸦水老鴉shui3 lao3 ya1
common name for cormorant
水雷水雷shui3 lei2
naval mine
水里水里shui3 li3
Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县, central Taiwan
水里乡水里鄉shui3 li3 xiang1
Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县, central Taiwan
水栗水栗shui3 li4
see 荸薺|荸荠
水利水利shui3 li4
water conservancy; irrigation works
水力水力shui3 li4
water power; hydraulic; water conservancy; irrigation works
水力发电水力發電shui3 li4 fa1 dian4
水力发电站水力發電站shui3 li4 fa1 dian4 zhan4
hydroelectric power plant
水立方水立方shui3 li4 fang1
Water Cube, nickname of Beijing national aquatics center 北京國家游泳中心|北京国家游泳中心, swimming venue of Beijing 2008 Olympic games
水利工程水利工程shui3 li4 gong1 cheng2
hydraulic engineering
水力鼓风水力鼓風shui3 li4 gu3 feng1
hydraulic bellows; water-driven ventilation (for metal smelting furnace)
水利家水利家shui3 li4 jia1
water manager; hydraulic engineer
水力学水力學shui3 li4 xue2
水帘洞水簾洞shui3 lian2 dong4
cave with a waterfall at its mouth
水亮水亮shui3 liang4
moist and glossy; wet look (of lipstick)
水量水量shui3 liang4
volume of water; quantity of flow
水疗水療shui3 liao2
hydrotherapy; aquatherapy
水林水林shui3 lin2
Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
水淋淋水淋淋shui3 lin2 lin2
dripping wet
水林乡水林鄉shui3 lin2 xiang1
Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
水灵水靈shui3 ling2
vivid; full of life; fresh
水灵灵水靈靈shui3 ling2 ling2
vivid; full of life; fresh
水流水流shui3 liu2
river; stream
水鹨水鷚shui3 liu4
(bird species of China) water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)
水龙水龍shui3 long2
hose; pipe; fire hose; (botany) water primrose (Jussiaea repens)
水龙带水龍帶shui3 long2 dai4
layflat industrial hose; fire hose
水龙卷水龍卷shui3 long2 juan3
waterspout (meteorology)
水龙头水龍頭shui3 long2 tou2
faucet; tap
水陆水陸shui3 lu4
water and land; by water and land (transport); amphibian; delicacies from land and sea
水鹿水鹿shui3 lu4
sambar (Cervus unicolor)
水路水路shui3 lu4
水陆交通水陸交通shui3 lu4 jiao1 tong1
water and land transport
水陆两用水陸兩用shui3 lu4 liang3 yong4
amphibious (vehicle)
水漉漉水漉漉shui3 lu4 lu4
dripping wet
水陆师水陸師shui3 lu4 shi1
army and navy (in Qing times)
水轮水輪shui3 lun2
waterwheel; millwheel
水萝卜水蘿蔔shui3 luo2 bo5
summer radish (the small red kind)
水落归槽水落歸槽shui3 luo4 gui1 cao2
spilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. people remember where they belong
水落石出水落石出shui3 luo4 shi2 chu1
as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light
水绿水綠shui3 lv4
light green
水马水馬shui3 ma3
water-filled barrier
水门事件水門事件shui3 men2 shi4 jian4
Watergate scandal
水门汀水門汀shui3 men2 ting1
cement (Shanghainese) (loanword)
水蜜桃水蜜桃shui3 mi4 tao2
honey peach; juicy peach
水面水面shui3 mian4
water surface
水磨石水磨石shui3 mo2 shi2
水墨水墨shui3 mo4
ink (used in painting)
水磨沟水磨溝shui3 mo4 gou1
Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市, Xinjiang
水磨沟区水磨溝區shui3 mo4 gou1 qu1
Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市, Xinjiang
水墨画水墨畫shui3 mo4 hua4
ink and wash painting
水母水母shui3 mu3
jellyfish; medusa
水母体水母體shui3 mu3 ti3
jellyfish; medusa
水幕水幕shui3 mu4
water screen (screen formed of sprayed water droplets, used for displaying projected images, for temperature control, or for air purification)
lit. water may keep the boat afloat but may also sink it (proverb); fig. the people can support a regime or overturn it; if sth is used properly, one can benefit from it, otherwise it can do harm; things can be double-edged
水泥水泥shui3 ni2
水碾水碾shui3 nian3
water mill
水鸟水鳥shui3 niao3
water bird
水牛水牛shui3 niu2
water buffalo
水牛儿水牛兒shui3 niu2 er5
(dialect) snail
水暖工水暖工shui3 nuan3 gong1
plumber; heating engineer
水疱水皰shui3 pao4
水泡水泡shui3 pao4
bubble; blister
水盆水盆shui3 pen2
水平水平shui3 ping2
level (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal
水平尺水平尺shui3 ping2 chi3
spirit level
水平面水平面shui3 ping2 mian4
horizontal plane; level surface; water level
水平尾翼水平尾翼shui3 ping2 wei3 yi4
(aviation) tailplane; horizontal stabilizer
水平仪水平儀shui3 ping2 yi2
level (device to determine horizontal); spirit level; surveyor's level
水平轴水平軸shui3 ping2 zhou2
horizontal shaft; horizontal axis (math.)
水瓶座水瓶座shui3 ping2 zuo4
Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
水蒲苇莺水蒲葦鶯shui3 pu2 wei3 ying1
(bird species of China) sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
水栖水棲shui3 qi1
aquatic; living in water
水汽水汽shui3 qi4
water vapor; steam; moisture
水气水氣shui3 qi4
water vapor; steam
水枪水槍shui3 qiang1
water pistol (toy); water gun; sprinkler; water cannon
水禽水禽shui3 qin2
水清无鱼水清無魚shui3 qing1 wu2 yu2
lit. water that is too clean holds no fish (idiom); fig. one who is too severe has no friends
水球水球shui3 qiu2
water polo
水球场水球場shui3 qiu2 chang3
water polo pool
水渠水渠shui3 qu2
水圈水圈shui3 quan1
the earth's ocean; the hydrosphere (geology)
水溶水溶shui3 rong2
water soluble
水溶性水溶性shui3 rong2 xing4
soluble (in water); solubility
水杉水杉shui3 shan1
水上水上shui3 shang4
Shuishang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
水上水上shui3 shang4
on water; aquatic
水上芭蕾水上芭蕾shui3 shang4 ba1 lei3
synchronized swimming
水上电单车水上電單車shui3 shang4 dian4 dan1 che1
see 水上摩托車|水上摩托车
水上飞机水上飛機shui3 shang4 fei1 ji1
水上摩托水上摩托shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1
jet ski
水上摩托车水上摩托車shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1 che1
jet ski
水上乡水上鄉shui3 shang4 xiang1
Shuishang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
水上运动水上運動shui3 shang4 yun4 dong4
water sports; aquatic motion; movement over water
水筲水筲shui3 shao1
well bucket; pail made of bamboo strips
水蛇水蛇shui3 she2
water snake
水蛇腰水蛇腰shui3 she2 yao1
slender and supple waist; lithe body; feminine pose
水蛇座水蛇座shui3 she2 zuo4
Hydrus (constellation)
水深水深shui3 shen1
depth (of waterway); sounding
水深火热水深火熱shui3 shen1 huo3 re4
deep water and scorching fire; abyss of suffering (idiom)
水神水神shui3 shen2
river God
水生水生shui3 sheng1
aquatic (plant, animal)
水师水師shui3 shi1
navy (in Qing times)
水手水手shui3 shou3
mariner; sailor; seaman
水丝水絲shui3 si1
(silver) of low purity; low grade
水獭水獺shui3 ta3
水潭水潭shui3 tan2
puddle; pool
水塘水塘shui3 tang2
水体水體shui3 ti3
body of water
水天一色水天一色shui3 tian1 yi1 se4
water and sky merge in one color (idiom)
水田水田shui3 tian2
paddy field; rice paddy
水田芥水田芥shui3 tian2 jie4
水汀水汀shui3 ting1
steam (Shanghainese)
水桶水桶shui3 tong3
水土水土shui3 tu3
water and soil; surface water; natural environment (extended meaning); climate
水土保持水土保持shui3 tu3 bao3 chi2
soil conservation
水土不服水土不服shui3 tu3 bu4 fu2
not acclimatized
水洼水窪shui3 wa1
水汪汪水汪汪shui3 wang1 wang1
watery; waterlogged (soil); limpid; bright and intelligent (eyes)
水位水位shui3 wei4
water level
水温水溫shui3 wen1
water temperature
水温表水溫表shui3 wen1 biao3
engine temperature gauge; coolant temperature gauge
水纹水紋shui3 wen2
水文水文shui3 wen2
水蕹菜水蕹菜shui3 weng4 cai4
water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aquatica), used as a vegetable in south China and southeast Asia
lit. to lead the water through the wall; to ask for trouble (idiom)
饮水思源飲水思源yin3 shui3 si1 yuan2
lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom); gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings!
饮用水飲用水yin3 yong4 shui3
drinking water; potable water
硬水硬水ying4 shui3
hard water
油光水滑油光水滑you2 guang1 shui3 hua2
sleek; shiny and smooth
游山玩水遊山玩水you2 shan1 wan2 shui3
to go on a scenic tour
游水游水you2 shui3
to swim
油水油水you2 shui3
grease; profit; ill-gotten gains
有水有水you3 shui3
supplied with water (of a house)
盂方水方盂方水方yu2 fang1 shui3 fang1
If the basin is square, the water in it will also be square. (idiom)
渝水渝水yu2 shui3
old name of Jialing River 嘉陵江 in Sichuan through Chongqing; Yushui district of Xinyu city 新餘市 新余市, Jiangxi
鱼水魚水yu2 shui3
fish and water (metaphor for an intimate relationship or inseparability)
鱼水情魚水情yu2 shui3 qing2
close relationship as between fish and water
渝水区渝水區yu2 shui3 qu1
Yushui district of Xinyu city 新餘市 新余市, Jiangxi
鱼水之欢魚水之歡yu2 shui3 zhi1 huan1
the pleasure of close intimacy in a couple (idiom); sexual intercourse
雨水雨水yu3 shui3
Yushui or Rain Water, 2nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 19th February-5th March
育水育水yu4 shui3
name of river; old name of Baihe 白河 in Henan
淯水淯水yu4 shui3
name of river; old name of Baihe 白河 in Henan; same as 育水
鸳鸯戏水鴛鴦戲水yuan1 yang1 xi4 shui3
lit. mandarin ducks playing in the water; fig. to make love
原水原水yuan2 shui3
raw water; unpurified water
沅水沅水yuan2 shui3
Yuan River
远水不解近渴遠水不解近渴yuan3 shui3 bu4 jie3 jin4 ke3
lit. distant water does not cure present thirst; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address immediate needs