dirty; filthy; foul; corrupt; to smear; to defile; dirt; filth

variant of 污

strokes 6
strokes after radical 3
卑污 卑污 bei1 wu1
despicable and filthy; foul

藏垢纳污 藏垢納污 cang2 gou4 na4 wu1
to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing; aiding and abetting wicked deeds

藏污纳垢 藏污納垢 cang2 wu1 na4 gou4
to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing; aiding and abetting wicked deeds

大气污染 大氣污染 da4 qi4 wu1 ran3
air pollution; atmospheric pollution

玷污 玷污 dian4 wu1
to stain; to sully; to tarnish

反贪污 反貪污 fan3 tan1 wu1

反污 反污 fan3 wu1
to accuse the victim (while being the guilty party)

放射性污染 放射性污染 fang4 she4 xing4 wu1 ran3
radioactive contamination

环境污染 環境污染 huan2 jing4 wu1 ran3
environmental pollution

奸官污吏 奸官污吏 jian1 guan1 wu1 li4
traitor minister and corrupt official (idiom); abuse and corruption

奸污 姦污 jian1 wu1
to rape; to violate

皎皎者易污 皎皎者易污 jiao3 jiao3 zhe3 yi4 wu1
Virtue is easily sullied. (idiom)

空气污染 空氣污染 kong1 qi4 wu1 ran3
air pollution

烂污货 爛污貨 lan4 wu1 huo4
loose woman; slut

排污 排污 pai2 wu1
to drain sewage

排污地下主管网 排污地下主管網 pai2 wu1 di4 xia4 zhu3 guan3 wang3
underground sewage network

排污管 排污管 pai2 wu1 guan3

生活污水 生活污水 sheng1 huo2 wu1 shui3
domestic sewage

水污染 水污染 shui3 wu1 ran3
water pollution

水质污染 水質污染 shui3 zhi4 wu1 ran3
water pollution

贪官污吏 貪官污吏 tan1 guan1 wu1 li4
grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption

贪污 貪污 tan1 wu1
to be corrupt; corruption; to embezzle

贪污腐败 貪污腐敗 tan1 wu1 fu3 bai4

同流合污 同流合污 tong2 liu2 he2 wu1
to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others

涂污 塗污 tu2 wu1
smudge; stain; to smear (dirt, paint); to deface

污点 污點 wu1 dian3
stain; taint

污垢 污垢 wu1 gou4

污痕 污痕 wu1 hen2

污秽 污穢 wu1 hui4
nasty; sordid; filthy

污迹 污跡 wu1 ji4
blotch; stain

污吏 污吏 wu1 li4
a corrupt official

污蔑 污蔑 wu1 mie4
variant of 污衊|污蔑

污蔑 污衊 wu1 mie4
to slander; to smear; to tarnish

污名 污名 wu1 ming2
bad reputation; stigma

污泥 污泥 wu1 ni2
mud; sludge

污七八糟 污七八糟 wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1
variant of 烏七八糟|乌七八糟

污染 污染 wu1 ran3
pollution; contamination

污染区 污染區 wu1 ran3 qu1
contaminated area

污染物 污染物 wu1 ran3 wu4

污辱 污辱 wu1 ru3
to humiliate; to insult; to tarnish; to sully

污水 污水 wu1 shui3

污水处理厂 污水處理廠 wu1 shui3 chu3 li3 chang3
water treatment plant

污水坑 污水坑 wu1 shui3 keng1

污损 污損 wu1 sun3
to contaminate

污言秽语 污言穢語 wu1 yan2 hui4 yu3
filthy speech; obscenities

污糟 污糟 wu1 zao1
filthy; unhygienic; squalid; gross

污浊 污濁 wu1 zhuo2
dirty; muddy; foul (sewer)

污渍 污漬 wu1 zi4

血污 血污 xue4 wu1
bloodstain; bloodstained

油污 油污 you2 wu1
greasy and dirty; oil pollution

赃官污吏 贓官污吏 zang1 guan1 wu1 li4
grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption

脏污 髒污 zang1 wu1
to dirty; to sully; to stain

噪声污染 噪聲污染 zao4 sheng1 wu1 ran3
noise pollution