to flow; to disseminate; to circulate or spread; to move or drift; to degenerate; to banish or send into exile; stream of water or sth resembling one; class, rate or grade

strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
暗流 暗流 an4 liu2

半流体 半流體 ban4 liu2 ti3

北流 北流 bei3 liu2
Beiliu county level city in Yulin 玉林, Guangxi

北流市 北流市 bei3 liu2 shi4
Beiliu county level city in Yulin 玉林, Guangxi

奔流 奔流 ben1 liu2
to flow at great speed; to pour; racing current

迸流 迸流 beng4 liu2
to gush; to spurt

变流器 變流器 bian4 liu2 qi4

不随大流 不隨大流 bu4 sui2 da4 liu2
not following the crowd; to go against the tide

不稳定气流 不穩定氣流 bu4 wen3 ding4 qi4 liu2

才外流 才外流 cai2 wai4 liu2
brain drain

层流 層流 ceng2 liu2
laminar flow

岔流 岔流 cha4 liu2
branch stream

长江流域 長江流域 chang2 jiang1 liu2 yu4
Changjiang or Yangtze river basin

长流水,不断线 長流水,不斷線 chang2 liu2 shui3 - bu4 duan4 xian4
continuous and patient effort (idiom)

潮流 潮流 chao2 liu2
tide; current; trend

车流 車流 che1 liu2
traffic; rate of traffic flow

赤道逆流 赤道逆流 chi4 dao4 ni4 liu2
equatorial counter current

川流不息 川流不息 chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1
the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unending flow

传流 傳流 chuan2 liu2
to spread; to hand down; to circulate

从谏如流 從諫如流 cong2 jian4 ru2 liu2
to follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors)

从善如流 從善如流 cong2 shan4 ru2 liu2
readily following good advice (idiom); willing to accept other people's views

大步流星 大步流星 da4 bu4 liu2 xing1
at a stride; taking large steps (while walking)

大流行 大流行 da4 liu2 xing2
major epidemic; pandemic

大气环流 大氣環流 da4 qi4 huan2 liu2
atmospheric circulation

单向电流 單向電流 dan1 xiang4 dian4 liu2
direct current (elec.); also written 直流

导流板 導流板 dao3 liu2 ban3
spoiler (automotive)

倒背如流 倒背如流 dao4 bei4 ru2 liu2
to know by heart (so well that you can recite it backwards)

倒流 倒流 dao4 liu2
to flow backwards; reverse flow

德国学术交流总署 德國學術交流總署 de2 guo2 xue2 shu4 jiao1 liu2 zong3 shu3
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Tw)

德意志学术交流中心 德意志學術交流中心 de2 yi4 zhi4 xue2 shu4 jiao1 liu2 zhong1 xin1
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

滴流 滴流 di1 liu2

第一流 第一流 di4 yi1 liu2

颠沛流离 顛沛流離 dian1 pei4 liu2 li2
homeless and miserable (idiom); to wander about in a desperate plight; to drift

电流 電流 dian4 liu2
electric current

电流表 電流表 dian4 liu2 biao3

断流 斷流 duan4 liu2
to run dry (of river)

对答如流 對答如流 dui4 da2 ru2 liu2
able to reply quickly and fluently (idiom); having a ready answer

对流 對流 dui4 liu2

对流层 對流層 dui4 liu2 ceng2
troposphere; lower atmosphere

对流层顶 對流層頂 dui4 liu2 ceng2 ding3
tropopause; top of troposphere

二流 二流 er4 liu2
second-rate; second-tier

二流子 二流子 er4 liu2 zi5
loafer; idler; bum

反赤道流 反赤道流 fan3 chi4 dao4 liu2
equatorial counter current

反用换流器 反用換流器 fan3 yong4 huan4 liu2 qi4
inverter, device that converts AC electricity to DC and vice versa

放任自流 放任自流 fang4 ren4 zi4 liu2
to let sb do whatever they want; to indulge; to give free reins to; to let things slide; to drift aimlessly; laissez-faire

蜚短流长 蜚短流長 fei1 duan3 liu2 chang2
to spread malicious gossip; also written 飛短流長|飞短流长

飞短流长 飛短流長 fei1 duan3 liu2 chang2
to spread malicious gossip

肥水不流外人田 肥水不流外人田 fei2 shui3 bu4 liu2 wai4 ren2 tian2
lit. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field; fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb)

分流 分流 fen1 liu2

分流电路 分流電路 fen1 liu2 dian4 lu4
shunt circuit; current divider (electronics)

风流 風流 feng1 liu2
distinguished and accomplished; outstanding; talented in letters and unconventional in lifestyle; romantic; dissolute; loose

风流佳话 風流佳話 feng1 liu2 jia1 hua4
romance; romantic affair

风流云散 風流雲散 feng1 liu2 yun2 san4
lit. dispersed by wind and scattered like clouds (idiom); fig. scattered far and wide (of friends and relatives)

风流蕴藉 風流蘊藉 feng1 liu2 yun4 jie4
temperate and refined

风流韵事 風流韻事 feng1 liu2 yun4 shi4
poetic and passionate (idiom); romance; love affair

风流债 風流債 feng1 liu2 zhai4
lit. love debt; fig. moral obligation in consequence of a love affair; karmic consequences of a love affair

风水轮流 風水輪流 feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2
see 風水輪流轉|风水轮流转

风水轮流转 風水輪流轉 feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2 zhuan4
fortunes rise and fall; times change

伏流 伏流 fu2 liu2
hidden stream; ground stream

富得流油 富得流油 fu4 de5 liu2 you2
affluent; very rich

付之东流 付之東流 fu4 zhi1 dong1 liu2
to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably

付诸东流 付諸東流 fu4 zhu1 dong1 liu2
wasted effort

干流 幹流 gan4 liu2
main stream (of a river)

高山流水 高山流水 gao1 shan1 liu2 shui3
fig. intimate and understanding friend; sublime musical composition

高温热流 高溫熱流 gao1 wen1 re4 liu2
a heat wave

工作流 工作流 gong1 zuo4 liu2

工作流程 工作流程 gong1 zuo4 liu2 cheng2

海峡交流基金会 海峽交流基金會 hai3 xia2 jiao1 liu2 ji1 jin1 hui4
Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF)

寒流 寒流 han2 liu2
cold stream

韩流 韓流 han2 liu2
the spread of Korean cultural products (TV dramas, pop music etc) to other countries; Korean Wave

汗流浃背 汗流浹背 han4 liu2 jia1 bei4
to sweat profusely (idiom); drenched in sweat

河流 河流 he2 liu2

合流 合流 he2 liu2
to converge; to flow together; fig. to act alike; to evolve together

横流 橫流 heng2 liu2
to overflow; transverse flow; to flow over; cross flow

洪流 洪流 hong2 liu2
a powerful current; a flood (often fig., e.g. a flood of ideas)

黄河流域 黃河流域 huang2 he2 liu2 yu4
the Yellow River basin

黄流 黃流 huang2 liu2
see 黃流鎮|黄流镇

黄流镇 黃流鎮 huang2 liu2 zhen4
Huangliu township, Hainan

回流 回流 hui2 liu2
to flow back; reflux; circumfluence; refluence; backward flow; returning flow (e.g. of talent)

汇流 匯流 hui4 liu2
(of rivers etc) to converge; convergence

汇流环 匯流環 hui4 liu2 huan2
slip-ring; rotary electrical interface; collector ring

火山碎屑流 火山碎屑流 huo3 shan1 sui4 xie4 liu2
pyroclastic flow

积厚流广 積厚流廣 ji1 hou4 liu2 guang3
deep rooted and influential

激流 激流 ji1 liu2
torrent; torrential current; whitewater

急流 急流 ji2 liu2

家丑不可外传,流言切莫轻信 家醜不可外傳,流言切莫輕信 jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 - liu2 yan2 qie4 mo4 qing1 xin4
Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly. (idiom); Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen to others' gossip.

甲流 甲流 jia3 liu2
type A influenza; abbr. for 甲型H1N1流感; refers to H1N1 influenza of 2009

涧流 澗流 jian4 liu2
mountain stream; stream in a valley

江流 江流 jiang1 liu2
river; river flow; current

交变电流 交變電流 jiao1 bian4 dian4 liu2
alternating current (electricity)

交变流电 交變流電 jiao1 bian4 liu2 dian4
alternating current; same as 交流電|交流电

交流 交流 jiao1 liu2
to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb)

交流电 交流電 jiao1 liu2 dian4
alternating current

节流 節流 jie2 liu2
to control flow; to choke; weir valve; a throttle; a choke

节流阀 節流閥 jie2 liu2 fa2
a throttle

节流踏板 節流踏板 jie2 liu2 ta4 ban3
throttle pedal; accelerator

迳流 逕流 jing4 liu2

径流 徑流 jing4 liu2

九流 九流 jiu3 liu2
the nine schools of thought, philosophical schools of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (770-220 BC), viz Confucians 儒家, Daoists 道家, Yin and Yang 陰陽家|阴阳家, Legalists 法家, Logicians 名家, Mohists 墨家, Diplomats 縱橫家|纵横家, Miscellaneous 雜家|杂家, and A

巨流 巨流 ju4 liu2
strong current

开源节流 開源節流 kai1 yuan2 jie2 liu2
lit. to open a water source and reduce outflow (idiom); to increase income and save on spending; to broaden the sources of income and economize on expenditure

克流感 克流感 ke4 liu2 gan3
oseltamivir; Tamiflu

空气流 空氣流 kong1 qi4 liu2
flow of air; draft

空气流通 空氣流通 kong1 qi4 liu2 tong1
fresh air; draft

口碑流传 口碑流傳 kou3 bei1 liu2 chuan2
widely praised (idiom); with an extensive public reputation

快步流星 快步流星 kuai4 bu4 liu2 xing1
to walk quickly; striding quickly

泪流满面 淚流滿面 lei4 liu2 man3 mian4
cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)

粒子流 粒子流 li4 zi3 liu2
stream of particles; particle flow

两河流域 兩河流域 liang3 he2 liu2 yu4

猎户座流星雨 獵戶座流星雨 lie4 hu4 zuo4 liu2 xing1 yu3
Orionids; Orionid meteor shower

流辈 流輩 liu2 bei4
a contemporary; similar class of people

流鼻涕 流鼻涕 liu2 bi2 ti4
to have a runny nose

流鼻血 流鼻血 liu2 bi2 xie3
to bleed from the nose; (fig.) to be sexually aroused

流弊 流弊 liu2 bi4
malpractice; long-running abuse

流变 流變 liu2 bian4
to flow and change; development and change (of society)

流变能力 流變能力 liu2 bian4 neng2 li4

流变学 流變學 liu2 bian4 xue2

流别 流別 liu2 bie2
tributary; branch of river

流播 流播 liu2 bo1
to circulate; to hand around

流布 流布 liu2 bu4
to spread; to circulate; to disseminate

流布 流佈 liu2 bu4
to spread; to circulate; to disseminate

流产 流產 liu2 chan3
to have a miscarriage; miscarriage; to fail; to fall through

流畅 流暢 liu2 chang4
flowing (of speech, writing); fluent; smooth and easy

流程 流程 liu2 cheng2
course; stream; sequence of processes; work flow in manufacturing

流程表 流程表 liu2 cheng2 biao3
flow chart

流程图 流程圖 liu2 cheng2 tu2
flow chart

流出 流出 liu2 chu1
to flow out; to disgorge; to effuse

流传 流傳 liu2 chuan2
to spread; to circulate; to hand down

流窜 流竄 liu2 cuan4
to roam all over the place; to go into every nook and corner; to infiltrate; (of criminals, enemies etc) to be on the run; to flee and try to hide

流窜犯 流竄犯 liu2 cuan4 fan4
criminal at large

流弹 流彈 liu2 dan4
stray bullet

流荡 流蕩 liu2 dang4
to float; to tramp; to rove

流宕忘反 流宕忘反 liu2 dang4 wang4 fan3
to stray and forget to return

流动 流動 liu2 dong4
to flow; to circulate; to go from place to place; to be mobile; (of assets) liquid

流动儿童 流動兒童 liu2 dong4 er2 tong2
children of migrants

流动负债 流動負債 liu2 dong4 fu4 zhai4
current liability

流动人口 流動人口 liu2 dong4 ren2 kou3
transient population; floating population

流动性 流動性 liu2 dong4 xing4
flowing; shifting; fluidity; mobility; liquidity (of funds)

流动性大沙漠 流動性大沙漠 liu2 dong4 xing4 da4 sha1 mo4
shifting sand dunes

流动资产 流動資產 liu2 dong4 zi1 chan3
current asset

流动资金 流動資金 liu2 dong4 zi1 jin1
money in circulation; fluid funds

流毒 流毒 liu2 du2
to spread poison; pernicious influence

流芳 流芳 liu2 fang1
to leave a good reputation

流芳百世 流芳百世 liu2 fang1 bai3 shi4
(of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom); to leave a mark for generations to come

流放 流放 liu2 fang4
banishment; exile

流干 流乾 liu2 gan1
to drain; to run dry

流感 流感 liu2 gan3
flu; influenza

流感病毒 流感病毒 liu2 gan3 bing4 du2
influenza virus; flu virus

流感疫苗 流感疫苗 liu2 gan3 yi4 miao2
flu shot; influenza vaccination

流光溢彩 流光溢彩 liu2 guang1 yi4 cai3
lit. flowing light and overflowing color; brilliant lights and vibrant colors (idiom)

流汗 流汗 liu2 han4
to sweat

流居 流居 liu2 ju1
to live in exile

流寇 流寇 liu2 kou4
roving bandit; rebel band

流览 流覽 liu2 lan3
to skim; to browse

流浪 流浪 liu2 lang4
to drift about; to wander; to roam; nomadic; homeless; unsettled (e.g. population); vagrant

流浪儿 流浪兒 liu2 lang4 er2
street urchin; waif

流浪狗 流浪狗 liu2 lang4 gou3
stray dog

流浪汉 流浪漢 liu2 lang4 han4
tramp; wanderer

流浪者 流浪者 liu2 lang4 zhe3
rover; vagabond; vagrant; wanderer

流泪 流淚 liu2 lei4
to shed tears

流离 流離 liu2 li2
homeless and miserable; forced to leave home and wander from place to place; to live as a refugee

流离颠沛 流離顛沛 liu2 li2 dian1 pei4
destitute and homeless (idiom); displaced and without means

流离失所 流離失所 liu2 li2 shi1 suo3
destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about; displaced

流离遇合 流離遇合 liu2 li2 yu4 he2
to reunite after being homeless refugees

流理台 流理台 liu2 li3 tai2
kitchen counter; drainer

流利 流利 liu2 li4

流丽 流麗 liu2 li4
smooth and ornate; flowing (style etc)

流里流气 流裡流氣 liu2 li5 liu2 qi4
hooliganism; rowdyism

流连 流連 liu2 lian2
to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave); to linger on

流连忘返 流連忘返 liu2 lian2 wang4 fan3
to linger; to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home

流量 流量 liu2 liang4
flow rate; rate; throughput; site traffic (Internet)

流量计 流量計 liu2 liang4 ji4

流露 流露 liu2 lu4
to reveal (indirectly, implicitly); to show (interest, contempt etc) by means of one's actions, tone of voice etc

流落 流落 liu2 luo4
to wander about destitute; to be stranded

流落他乡 流落他鄉 liu2 luo4 ta1 xiang1
to wander far from home

流氓 流氓 liu2 mang2
rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior

流氓国家 流氓國家 liu2 mang2 guo2 jia1
rogue state

流氓集团 流氓集團 liu2 mang2 ji2 tuan2
gang of hoodlums

流氓软件 流氓軟件 liu2 mang2 ruan3 jian4
malware (computing)

流氓无产者 流氓無產者 liu2 mang2 wu2 chan3 zhe3
lumpenproletariat (in Marxist theory)

流氓罪 流氓罪 liu2 mang2 zui4
the crime of hooliganism

流眄 流眄 liu2 mian3
to ogle; to glance in a shifty manner

流民 流民 liu2 min2

流明 流明 liu2 ming2
lumen (unit of light flux)

流目 流目 liu2 mu4
to let one's eyes rove

流脑 流腦 liu2 nao3
epidemic encephalitis

流年 流年 liu2 nian2
fleeting time; horoscope for the year

流年不利 流年不利 liu2 nian2 bu4 li4
the year's horoscope augurs ill (idiom); an unlucky year

流脓 流膿 liu2 nong2
festering boil

流派 流派 liu2 pai4
tributary (stream); (fig.) school (of thought); genre; style

流球 流球 liu2 qiu2
variant of 琉球, Ryūkyū, e.g. the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛 stretching from Japan to Taiwan

流球群岛 流球群島 liu2 qiu2 qun2 dao3
the Ryukyu or Luchu islands (incl. Okinawa)

流冗 流冗 liu2 rong3
the unemployed workforce

流入 流入 liu2 ru4
to flow into; to drift into; influx; inflow

流沙 流沙 liu2 sha1

流失 流失 liu2 shi1
drainage; to run off; to wash away

流逝 流逝 liu2 shi4
(of time) to pass; to elapse

流水 流水 liu2 shui3
running water

流水不腐 流水不腐 liu2 shui3 bu4 fu3
flowing water does not rot

流水不腐,户枢不蠹 流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 liu2 shui3 bu4 fu3 - hu4 shu1 bu4 du4
lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom); fig. constant activity prevents decay

流水席 流水席 liu2 shui3 xi2
banquet where guests arrive at various times and are served with food as they arrive

流水帐 流水帳 liu2 shui3 zhang4
variant of 流水賬|流水账

流水账 流水賬 liu2 shui3 zhang4
day-to-day account; current account

流苏 流蘇 liu2 su1

流苏鹬 流蘇鷸 liu2 su1 yu4
(bird species of China) ruff (Philomachus pugnax)

流速 流速 liu2 su4
flow speed; rate of flow

流淌 流淌 liu2 tang3
to flow

流体 流體 liu2 ti3

流体动力学 流體動力學 liu2 ti3 dong4 li4 xue2
fluid dynamics

流体核试验 流體核試驗 liu2 ti3 he2 shi4 yan4
hydronuclear explosion (HNE)

流体力学 流體力學 liu2 ti3 li4 xue2
fluid mechanics; hydrodynamics

流通 流通 liu2 tong1
to circulate; to distribute; circulation; distribution

流亡 流亡 liu2 wang2
to force into exile; to be exiled; in exile

流亡政府 流亡政府 liu2 wang2 zheng4 fu3
government in exile (e.g. of Tibet)

流网 流網 liu2 wang3
drift net (fishing)

流纹岩 流紋岩 liu2 wen2 yan2
rhyolite (extrusive igneous rock, chemically equivalent to granite)

流线 流線 liu2 xian4
streamline (physics)

流线型 流線型 liu2 xian4 xing2
sleek; streamlined

流泻 流瀉 liu2 xie4
to flow; to flood

流星 流星 liu2 xing1
meteor; shooting star

流星赶月 流星趕月 liu2 xing1 gan3 yue4
lit. a meteor catching up with the moon; swift action (idiom)

流星体 流星體 liu2 xing1 ti3

流星雨 流星雨 liu2 xing1 yu3
meteor shower

流刑 流刑 liu2 xing2
exile (as form of punishment)

流形 流形 liu2 xing2
manifold (math.)

流行 流行 liu2 xing2
(of a contagious disease etc) to spread; to propagate; (of a style of clothing, song etc) popular; fashionable

流行病 流行病 liu2 xing2 bing4
epidemic disease

流行病学 流行病學 liu2 xing2 bing4 xue2

流行性 流行性 liu2 xing2 xing4
(of a disease) epidemic; qualities that make sth popular or fashionable

流行性感冒 流行性感冒 liu2 xing2 xing4 gan3 mao4

流行音乐 流行音樂 liu2 xing2 yin1 yue4
pop music

流行语 流行語 liu2 xing2 yu3
popular jargon; catchword

流行株 流行株 liu2 xing2 zhu1
epidemic strain

流血 流血 liu2 xue4
to bleed; to shed blood

流言 流言 liu2 yan2
rumor; gossip; to spread rumors

流言蜚语 流言蜚語 liu2 yan2 fei1 yu3
rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip; lies and slanders

流泆 流泆 liu2 yi4
to indulge; licentious

流萤 流螢 liu2 ying2

流于 流於 liu2 yu2
to change (for the worse)

流于形式 流於形式 liu2 yu2 xing2 shi4
to become a mere formality

流域 流域 liu2 yu4
river basin; valley; drainage area

流韵 流韻 liu2 yun4
musical sound; flowing rhythm (of poetry); cadence

流转 流轉 liu2 zhuan3
to be on the move; to roam or wander; to circulate (of goods or capital)

轮流 輪流 lun2 liu2
to alternate; to take turns

落花流水 落花流水 luo4 hua1 liu2 shui3
to be in a sorry state; to be utterly defeated

落花有意,流水无情 落花有意,流水無情 luo4 hua1 you3 yi4 - liu2 shui3 wu2 qing2
lit. the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on (idiom); fig. one side is willing, yet the other one remains indifferent (usually of unrequited love)

卖风流 賣風流 mai4 feng1 liu2
to exert flirtatious allure; to entice coquettishly

盲流 盲流 mang2 liu2
(PRC) flow of people from the countryside into the cities; rural migrant without definite prospects; drifter

名流 名流 ming2 liu2
gentry; celebrities

谬种流传 謬種流傳 miu4 zhong3 liu2 chuan2
to pass on errors or lies (idiom); the propagation of misconceptions

墨累达令流域 墨累達令流域 mo4 lei4 da2 ling4 liu2 yu4
Murray-Darling river system in the southeast of Australia

末流 末流 mo4 liu2
late degenerate stage

内流 內流 nei4 liu2
inward flowing (of river); flowing into desert

内流河 內流河 nei4 liu2 he2
inward flowing river; river flowing into desert or salt lake, e.g. Tarim river 塔里木河

泥石流 泥石流 ni2 shi2 liu2
landslide; torrent of mud and stones; mudslide

逆流 逆流 ni4 liu2
against the stream; adverse current; a countercurrent; fig. reactionary tendency; to go against the trend

逆流溯源 逆流溯源 ni4 liu2 su4 yuan2
to go back to the source

暖流 暖流 nuan3 liu2
warm current; (fig.) warm feeling

女流 女流 nv3 liu2
(derog.) woman

批流年 批流年 pi1 liu2 nian2
to cast sb's yearly horoscope

皮划艇激流回旋 皮劃艇激流回旋 pi2 hua2 ting3 ji1 liu2 hui2 xuan2
canoe-kayak slalom

屁滚尿流 屁滾尿流 pi4 gun3 niao4 liu2
to piss in one's pants in terror (idiom); scared witless

偏置电流 偏置電流 pian1 zhi4 dian4 liu2
bias current (electronics)

漂流 漂流 piao1 liu2
to float on the current; to drift along or about; rafting

飘流 飄流 piao1 liu2
variant of 漂流

漂流瓶 漂流瓶 piao1 liu2 ping2
message in a bottle

漂流者 漂流者 piao1 liu2 zhe3
white water rafter; paddler; river runner

平流层 平流層 ping2 liu2 ceng2

普雷克斯流程 普雷克斯流程 pu3 lei2 ke4 si1 liu2 cheng2

气流 氣流 qi4 liu2
stream of air; airflow; slipstream; draft; breath; turbulence (of aircraft)

强流 強流 qiang2 liu2
high current (e.g. electric)

桥式整流器 橋式整流器 qiao2 shi4 zheng3 liu2 qi4
bridge rectifier (electricity)

禽流感 禽流感 qin2 liu2 gan3
bird flu; avian influenza

清流 清流 qing1 liu2
Qingliu county in Sanming 三明, Fujian

清流县 清流縣 qing1 liu2 xian4
Qingliu county in Sanming 三明, Fujian

胠箧者流 胠篋者流 qu1 qie4 zhe3 liu2
thieves; pilferers

全节流 全節流 quan2 jie2 liu2
full throttle; top speed

扰流板 擾流板 rao3 liu2 ban3
spoiler (automotive or aeronautical)

绕流 繞流 rao4 liu2
turbulence (in fluid mechanics)

热对流 熱對流 re4 dui4 liu2
heat convection

人才流失 人才流失 ren2 cai2 liu2 shi1
brain drain; outflow of talent

人才外流 人才外流 ren2 cai2 wai4 liu2
brain drain

人工流产 人工流產 ren2 gong1 liu2 chan3

人流 人流 ren2 liu2
stream of people; abortion; abbr. for 人工流產|人工流产

人流手术 人流手術 ren2 liu2 shou3 shu4
an abortion; abbr. of 人工流產手術|人工流产手术

人往高处爬,水往低处流 人往高處爬,水往低處流 ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 pa2 - shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2
see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流

人往高处走,水往低处流 人往高處走,水往低處流 ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 - shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2
man seeks his way up just as water seeks its way down (idiom); one should constantly strive to make progress

日流 日流 ri4 liu2
the spread of Japanese cultural products (anime, pop music etc) to other countries

熔岩流 熔岩流 rong2 yan2 liu2
lava flow

溶岩流 溶岩流 rong2 yan2 liu2
lava flow

软流层 軟流層 ruan3 liu2 ceng2
asthenosphere (geology)

软流圈 軟流圈 ruan3 liu2 quan1
asthenosphere (geology)

三江并流 三江並流 san1 jiang1 bing4 liu2
Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in mountainous northwest Yunnan World Heritage protected area: the three rivers are Nujian 怒江 or Salween, Jinsha 金沙江 or upper reaches of Changjiang and Lancang 澜沧江 or Mekong

三教九流 三教九流 san1 jiao4 jiu3 liu2
the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists); fig. people from all trades (often derog.)

三流 三流 san1 liu2
third-rate; inferior

上流 上流 shang4 liu2
upper class

上流社会 上流社會 shang4 liu2 she4 hui4
upper class; high society

社会名流 社會名流 she4 hui4 ming2 liu2
celebrity; public figure

射流 射流 she4 liu2
jet (math.)

渗流 滲流 shen4 liu2
to seep; leakage

驶流 駛流 shi3 liu2
swiftly flowing; torrent

数据流 數據流 shu4 ju4 liu2
data stream; data flow

漱流 漱流 shu4 liu2
to rinse one's mouth with water; to gargle

双流 雙流 shuang1 liu2
Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan; Chengdu's main airport

双流县 雙流縣 shuang1 liu2 xian4
Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan

水流 水流 shui3 liu2
river; stream

思想交流 思想交流 si1 xiang3 jiao1 liu2
exchange of ideas

随波逊流 隨波遜流 sui2 bo1 xun4 liu2
to drift with the waves and yield to the flow (idiom); to follow the crowd blindly

随波逐流 隨波逐流 sui2 bo1 zhu2 liu2
to drift with the waves and go with the flow (idiom); to follow the crowd blindly

随大流 隨大流 sui2 da4 liu2
to follow the crowd; going with the tide

岁月流逝 歲月流逝 sui4 yue4 liu2 shi4
as time goes by (idiom)

岁月如流 歲月如流 sui4 yue4 ru2 liu2
the passage of the years; the flow of time

涕泪交流 涕淚交流 ti4 lei4 jiao1 liu2
tears and mucus flowing profusely (idiom); weeping tragically

涕泗横流 涕泗橫流 ti4 si4 heng2 liu2
tears and mucus flowing profusely; sniveling; in a tragic state

铁打的衙门,流水的官 鐵打的衙門,流水的官 tie3 da3 de5 ya2 men5 - liu2 shui3 de5 guan1
lit. the yamen is strong as iron, the officials flow like water (idiom); fig. government officials come and go

同流合污 同流合污 tong2 liu2 he2 wu1
to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others

痛哭流涕 痛哭流涕 tong4 ku1 liu2 ti4
weeping bitter tears

投鞭断流 投鞭斷流 tou2 bian1 duan4 liu2
arms enough to stem the stream (idiom); formidable army

头破血流 頭破血流 tou2 po4 xue4 liu2
lit. head broken and blood flowing; fig. badly bruised

土石流 土石流 tu3 shi2 liu2
(Tw) debris flow; mudslide

湍流 湍流 tuan1 liu2

外流 外流 wai4 liu2
outflow; to flow out; to drain

尾流 尾流 wei3 liu2
wake (trailing behind a ship, airplane etc); slipstream

温盐环流 溫鹽環流 wen1 yan2 huan2 liu2
thermohaline circulation (oceanography)

文化交流 文化交流 wen2 hua4 jiao1 liu2
cultural exchange

紊流 紊流 wen3 liu2
turbulent flow

物流 物流 wu4 liu2
distribution (business); logistics

物流管理 物流管理 wu4 liu2 guan3 li3

溪流 溪流 xi1 liu2

细水长流 細水長流 xi4 shui3 chang2 liu2
lit. thin streams flow forever; fig. economy will get you a long way; to work steadily at something little by little

细细地流 細細地流 xi4 xi4 de5 liu2
to trickle

下九流 下九流 xia4 jiu3 liu2
the lowest professions

下流 下流 xia4 liu2
lower course of a river; low-class; mean and lowly; vulgar; obscene

现金流量 現金流量 xian4 jin1 liu2 liang4
cash flow

现金流量表 現金流量表 xian4 jin1 liu2 liang4 biao3
cash flow statement

现金流转 現金流轉 xian4 jin1 liu2 zhuan3
cash flow

现金流转表 現金流轉表 xian4 jin1 liu2 zhuan3 biao3
cash flow statement

泄流 洩流 xie4 liu2

星流电击 星流電擊 xing1 liu2 dian4 ji1
meteor shower and violent thunderclaps (idiom); omens of violent development; portentous signs

星流霆击 星流霆擊 xing1 liu2 ting2 ji1
meteor shower and violent thunderclaps (idiom); omens of violent development; portentous signs

行云流水 行雲流水 xing2 yun2 liu2 shui3
lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom); fig. very natural and flowing style of calligraphy, writing, etc; natural and unforced

旋流 旋流 xuan2 liu2
rotating flow

血流 血流 xue4 liu2
blood flow

血流成河 血流成河 xue4 liu2 cheng2 he2
rivers of blood (idiom); bloodbath

血流漂杵 血流漂杵 xue4 liu2 piao1 chu3
enough blood flowing to float pestles (idiom); rivers of blood; blood bath

岩浆流 岩漿流 yan2 jiang1 liu2
lava flow

岩流圈 岩流圈 yan2 liu2 quan1
asthenosphere (geology)

眼泪横流 眼淚橫流 yan3 lei4 heng4 liu2
to be overflowing with tears (idiom)

洋流 洋流 yang2 liu2
ocean current

药流 藥流 yao4 liu2
medical abortion

液流 液流 ye4 liu2
stream; flow of liquid

一流 一流 yi1 liu2
top quality; front ranking

溢流孔 溢流孔 yi4 liu2 kong3
bleed hole; overflow pipe; spill vent

意识流 意識流 yi4 shi2 liu2
stream of consciousness (in literature)

引流 引流 yin3 liu2
to drain; (medicine) drainage

饮流怀源 飲流懷源 yin3 liu2 huai2 yuan2
lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom); gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings!

应对如流 應對如流 ying4 dui4 ru2 liu2
to respond fluently; to answer smartly

涌流 湧流 yong3 liu2
to gush; to spurt

羽流 羽流 yu3 liu2

源流 源流 yuan2 liu2
(of watercourses) source and direction of flow; origin and development

源远流长 源遠流長 yuan2 yuan3 liu2 chang2
lit. source is distant and the flow is long (idiom); fig. sth goes back to the dim and distant past; a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then

云散风流 雲散風流 yun2 san4 feng1 liu2
lit. clouds scatter, wind flows (idiom); the crisis settles down; people disperse home; things return to normal

杂流 雜流 za2 liu2
small craftsman (contemptuous)

枕石漱流 枕石漱流 zhen3 shi2 shu4 liu2
to live a hermit's life (in seclusion); a frugal life (idiom)

枕岩漱流 枕岩漱流 zhen3 yan2 shu4 liu2
see 枕石漱流

镇流器 鎮流器 zhen4 liu2 qi4
electrical ballast

整流 整流 zheng3 liu2
to rectify (alternating current to direct current)

整流器 整流器 zheng3 liu2 qi4
rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)

支流 支流 zhi1 liu2
tributary (river)

支与流裔 支與流裔 zhi1 yu3 liu2 yi4
lit. branches and descendants; of a similar kind; related

直流 直流 zhi2 liu2
to flow directly; direct current (D.C.)

直流电 直流電 zhi2 liu2 dian4
direct current

中流 中流 zhong1 liu2

中流砥柱 中流砥柱 zhong1 liu2 di3 zhu4
mainstay; cornerstone; tower of strength

珠流 珠流 zhu1 liu2
fluent with words; words flowing like pearl beads

诛流 誅流 zhu1 liu2
to kill and banish

珠流璧转 珠流璧轉 zhu1 liu2 bi4 zhuan3
lit. pearl flows, jade moves on (idiom); fig. the passage of time; water under the bridge

猪流感 豬流感 zhu1 liu2 gan3
swine influenza; swine flu; influenza A (H1N1)

猪流感病毒 豬流感病毒 zhu1 liu2 gan3 bing4 du2
swine influenza virus (SIV)

主流 主流 zhu3 liu2
main stream (of a river); fig. the essential point; main viewpoint of a matter; mainstream (culture etc)

浊流 濁流 zhuo2 liu2
turbid flow; muddy waters; fig. a contemptible person; fig. corrupt or disgraceful social trends

自流井 自流井 zi4 liu2 jing3
Ziliujing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市, Sichuan

自流井区 自流井區 zi4 liu2 jing3 qu1
Ziliujing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市, Sichuan