The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The onlooker sees more of the game.
德清德清de2 qing1
Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州, Zhejiang
德清县德清縣de2 qing1 xian4
Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州, Zhejiang
澄清澄清deng4 qing1
to settle (of liquid); to become clear (by precipitation of impurities); precipitate (chemistry); to put in order; to quell disturbances
躲清闲躲清閑duo3 qing1 xian2
to avoid external disturbance in order to idle
耳根清净耳根清淨er3 gen1 qing1 jing4
lit. ears pure and peaceful (idiom); to stay away from the filth and unrest of the world
反清反清fan3 qing1
anti-Qing; refers to the revolutionary movements in late 19th and early 20th century leading up to 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命
分清分清fen1 qing1
to distinguish (between different things); to make distinctions clear
福清福清fu2 qing1
Fuqing county level city in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
扶清灭洋扶清滅洋fu2 qing1 mie4 yang2
Support the Qing, annihilate the West! (Boxer rebellion slogan)
福清市福清市fu2 qing1 shi4
Fuqing county level city in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
付清付清fu4 qing1
to pay in full; to pay all of a bill; to pay off
高清高清gao1 qing1
high definition (television etc); high fidelity (audio)
高清电视高清電視gao1 qing1 dian4 shi4
high definition television HDTV
高清数字电视高清數字電視gao1 qing1 shu4 zi4 dian4 shi4
high definition digital television
高清晰度高清晰度gao1 qing1 xi1 du4
high definition (instruments); high resolution
高压清洗机高壓清洗機gao1 ya1 qing1 xi3 ji1
high pressure washer
国际清算银行國際清算銀行guo2 ji4 qing1 suan4 yin2 hang2
Bank for International Settlements
含糊不清含糊不清han2 hu2 bu4 qing1
unclear; indistinct; ambiguous
和达清夫和達清夫he2 da2 qing1 fu1
Wadati Kiyoō (1902-1995), pioneer Japanese seismologist
河清海晏河清海晏he2 qing1 hai3 yan4
the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm; the world is at peace (idiom)
划清劃清hua4 qing1
clear dividing line; to distinguish clearly
还清還清huan2 qing1
to pay back in full; to redeem a debt
皇太极清太宗皇太極清太宗huang2 tai4 ji2 qing1 tai4 zong1
Hung Taiji (1592-1643), eighth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤, reigned 1626-1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金, then founded the Qing dynasty 大清 and reigned 1636-1643 as Emperor
鸡蛋清雞蛋清ji1 dan4 qing1
egg white
激浊扬清激濁揚清ji1 zhuo2 yang2 qing1
lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water (idiom); fig. dispel evil and usher in good; eliminate vice and exalt virtue
坚壁清野堅壁清野jian1 bi4 qing1 ye3
to fortify defenses and raze the fields (idiom); to leave nothing for the invader; scorched earth policy
结清結清jie2 qing1
to settle (an account); to square up
纠缠不清糾纏不清jiu1 chan2 bu4 qing1
hopelessly muddled; impossible to unravel
看不清看不清kan4 bu5 qing1
not able to see clearly
看清看清kan4 qing1
to see clearly
抗血清抗血清kang4 xue4 qing1
空室清野空室清野kong1 shi4 qing1 ye3
empty room, clean field (idiom); clean out everything to leave nothing for the enemy; scorched earth policy
口齿不清口齒不清kou3 chi3 bu4 qing1
to lisp; unclear articulation; inarticulate
口齿清楚口齒清楚kou3 chi3 qing1 chu5
clear diction; clear articulation
廓清廓清kuo4 qing1
to clear up; to wipe out; to eradicate
揽辔澄清攬轡澄清lan3 pei4 cheng2 qing1
to assume one's post with the aspiration of bringing about peace and order to the nation (idiom)
冷冷清清冷冷清清leng3 leng3 qing1 qing1
deserted; desolate; unfrequented; cold and cheerless; lonely; in quiet isolation
冷清冷清leng3 qing1
cold and cheerless; fig. lonely; unfrequented
冷清清冷清清leng3 qing1 qing1
deserted; desolate; unfrequented; cold and cheerless; lonely; in quiet isolation
厘清釐清li2 qing1
to clarify (the facts); clarification
李岚清李嵐清li3 lan2 qing1
Li Lanqing (1932-), PRC politician
李清照李清照li3 qing1 zhao4
Li Qingzhao (1084-c. 1151), southern Song female poet
两清兩清liang3 qing1
loan settled (business term); business complete to the satisfaction of both parties
两袖清风兩袖清風liang3 xiu4 qing1 feng1
lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands; uncorrupted; unsoiled by corrupt practices
临清臨清lin2 qing1
Linqing county level city in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong
临清市臨清市lin2 qing1 shi4
Linqing county level city in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong
滤清濾清lv4 qing1
to filter and purify
滤清器濾清器lv4 qing1 qi4
a filter
满清滿清man3 qing1
Manchurian Qing (refers to the Qing dynasty, esp. at its decline, or as an anti-Qing slogan)
满清政府滿清政府man3 qing1 zheng4 fu3
Manchurian Qing government
眉清目秀眉清目秀mei2 qing1 mu4 xiu4
pretty; with delicate features
闽清閩清min3 qing1
Minqing county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
闽清县閩清縣min3 qing1 xian4
Minqing county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
明末清初明末清初ming2 mo4 qing1 chu1
late Ming and early Qing; around the middle of the 17th century
明清明清ming2 qing1
the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties
明月清风明月清風ming2 yue4 qing1 feng1
see 清風明月|清风明月
模糊不清模糊不清mo2 hu5 bu4 qing1
indistinct; fuzzy; blurred with age
弄不清弄不清nong4 bu5 qing1
unable to figure out
弄清弄清nong4 qing1
to clarify; to fully understand
旁观者清旁觀者清pang2 guan1 zhe3 qing1
The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The spectator sees more of the game.
撇清撇清pie3 qing1
to say a matter has no relationship with the individual referred to, to emphasise one is innocent or in the clear
凄清淒清qi1 qing1
somber; cheerless
清白清白qing1 bai2
pure; innocent
清兵清兵qing1 bing1
Qing troops; Manchu soldiers
清补凉清補涼qing1 bu3 liang2
ching bo leung, an icy, sweet dessert soup
清仓清倉qing1 cang1
to take an inventory of stock; to clear out one's stock
清仓查库清倉查庫qing1 cang1 cha2 ku4
to make an inventory of warehouses
清仓大甩卖清倉大甩賣qing1 cang1 da4 shuai3 mai4
clearance sale; fire sale
清册清冊qing1 ce4
detailed list; inventory
清查清查qing1 cha2
to investigate thoroughly; to carefully inspect; to verify; to ferret out (undesirable elements)
清茶清茶qing1 cha2
green tea; only tea (without food)
清拆清拆qing1 chai1
demolition (of buildings for new project)
清拆户清拆戶qing1 chai1 hu4
demolition of homes; to destroy homes (for new building projects)
清偿清償qing1 chang2
to repay a debt in full; to redeem; to clear
清场清場qing1 chang3
to clear (a place); to evacuate
清唱清唱qing1 chang4
to sing opera music (without staging or make up)
清朝清朝qing1 chao2
Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
清炒清炒qing1 chao3
to stir-fry; to saute
清澈清澈qing1 che4
clear; limpid
清彻清徹qing1 che4
variant of 清澈
清澈见底清澈見底qing1 che4 jian4 di3
water so clear you can see the bottom
清晨清晨qing1 chen2
early morning
清城清城qing1 cheng2
Qingcheng district of Qingyuan city 清远市, Guangdong
清澄清澄qing1 cheng2
清城区清城區qing1 cheng2 qu1
Qingcheng district of Qingyuan city 清远市, Guangdong
清除清除qing1 chu2
to clear away; to eliminate; to get rid of
清楚清楚qing1 chu5
clear; distinct; to understand thoroughly; to be clear about
清纯清純qing1 chun2
fresh and pure
清脆清脆qing1 cui4
sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 輕脆|轻脆
清代清代qing1 dai4
the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
清代通史清代通史qing1 dai4 tong1 shi3
General history of the Qing dynasty, compiled under Xiao Yishan 蕭一山
清单清單qing1 dan1
list of items
清淡清淡qing1 dan4
light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack (sales)
清党清黨qing1 dang3
purge of the party
清道清道qing1 dao4
to clean the street; to clear the road (i.e. get rid of people for passage of royalty or VIP)
清道夫清道夫qing1 dao4 fu1
street cleaner; garbage collector
清涤清滌qing1 di2
to rinse; to wash; to clean; to purge; to comb out
清点清點qing1 dian3
to check; to make inventory
清点帐目清點帳目qing1 dian3 zhang4 mu4
to check the accounts; to take stock
清队清隊qing1 dui4
to purge the ranks
清炖清燉qing1 dun4
to stew meat without seasoning
清风清風qing1 feng1
cool breeze; fig. pure and honest
清丰清豐qing1 feng1
Qingfeng county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳, Henan
清风劲节清風勁節qing1 feng1 jing4 jie2
pure and high-minded (idiom)
清风两袖清風兩袖qing1 feng1 liang3 xiu4
honest and upright (idiom)
清风明月清風明月qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4
lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); fig. peaceful and clear night; (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life
清丰县清豐縣qing1 feng1 xian4
Qingfeng county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳, Henan
清高清高qing1 gao1
noble and virtuous; aloof from politics and material pursuits
even an honest and upright official will have difficulty resolving a family dispute (proverb)
清寒清寒qing1 han2
poor; underprivileged; (of weather) crisp and clear
清河清河qing1 he2
Qinghe county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei; Qinghe district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁岭市, Liaoning
清河门清河門qing1 he2 men2
Qinghemen district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning
清河门区清河門區qing1 he2 men2 qu1
Qinghemen district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning
清河区清河區qing1 he2 qu1
Qinghe district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁岭市, Liaoning; Qinghe district of Huai'an city 淮安市, Jiangsu
清河县清河縣qing1 he2 xian4
Qinghe county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei
清红帮清紅幫qing1 hong2 bang1
traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons
清华清華qing1 hua2
abbr. for 清華大學|清华大学
清华大学清華大學qing1 hua2 da4 xue2
Tsinghua or Qinghua University, Beijing; National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
清皇朝清皇朝qing1 huang2 chao2
the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
清火清火qing1 huo3
to clear internal heat (Chinese Medicine)
清涧清澗qing1 jian4
Qingjian County in Yulin 榆林, Shaanxi
清涧县清澗縣qing1 jian4 xian4
Qingjian County in Yulin 榆林, Shaanxi
清江清江qing1 jiang1
Qingjiang river in Hubei
清剿清剿qing1 jiao3
to suppress (insurgents); clean-up operation
清教徒清教徒qing1 jiao4 tu2
清洁清潔qing1 jie2
clean; to clean
清洁袋清潔袋qing1 jie2 dai4
sanitation bag; motion discomfort receptacle; sickbag; airsickness bag
清洁工清潔工qing1 jie2 gong1
cleaner; janitor; garbage collector
清洁剂清潔劑qing1 jie2 ji4
detergent; cleaning solution
清洁器清潔器qing1 jie2 qi4
清津市清津市qing1 jin1 shi4
Chongjin, capital of North Hamgyeong province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道, North Korea
清净清淨qing1 jing4
peaceful; quiet; tranquil; purified of defiling illusion (Buddhism)
清静清靜qing1 jing4
quiet; peaceful and quiet
清酒清酒qing1 jiu3
sake (Japanese rice wine)
清军清軍qing1 jun1
the Qing army
清空清空qing1 kong1
to clear; to empty
清苦清苦qing1 ku3
destitute but honest; poor and simple; spartan; austere
清朗清朗qing1 lang3
clear and bright; unclouded; clear and sonorous (voice); clear and lively (narrative)
清理清理qing1 li3
to clear up; to tidy up; to dispose of
清理队伍清理隊伍qing1 li3 dui4 wu3
to purge the ranks
清丽清麗qing1 li4
lucid and elegant; quiet and exquisite; clear and attractive style
清廉清廉qing1 lian2
honest; uncorrupted
清凉清涼qing1 liang2
cool; refreshing; (of clothing) skimpy; revealing
清凉油清涼油qing1 liang2 you2
soothing ointment; balm
清零清零qing1 ling2
(computing) to clear memory; to reset; to zero (a hard drive)
清流清流qing1 liu2
Qingliu county in Sanming 三明, Fujian
清流县清流縣qing1 liu2 xian4
Qingliu county in Sanming 三明, Fujian
清迈清邁qing1 mai4
Chiang Mai, second city of Thailand
清明清明qing1 ming2
Qingming or Pure Brightness, 5th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 5th-19th April; Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day (in early April)
清明清明qing1 ming2
clear and bright; sober and calm; (of a government or administration) well ordered
清明节清明節qing1 ming2 jie2
Qingming or Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day, celebration for the dead (in early April)
清末清末qing1 mo4
the final years of the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty; China at the turn of the 20th century
清末民初清末民初qing1 mo4 min2 chu1
the late Qing and early Republic, i.e. China around 1911
清盘清盤qing1 pan2
清贫清貧qing1 pin2
poor but upright; destitute
清屏清屏qing1 ping2
(computing) to clear (all items on the display screen)
清浦清浦qing1 pu3
Qingpu district of Huai'an city 淮安市, Jiangsu
清浦区清浦區qing1 pu3 qu1
Qingpu district of Huai'an city 淮安市, Jiangsu
清绮清綺qing1 qi3
beautiful; elegant
清癯清癯qing1 qu2
lean; thin; spare
清泉清泉qing1 quan2
clear spring
清热清熱qing1 re4
to alleviate fever (medicine); to clear internal heat (Chinese medicine)
清人清人qing1 ren2
Qing dynasty person
清嗓清嗓qing1 sang3
to clear one's throat; to hawk
清扫清掃qing1 sao3
to tidy up; to mop up; a sweep (against crime)
清实录清實錄qing1 shi2 lu4
Qing historical archive, currently 4484 scrolls
清史稿清史稿qing1 shi3 gao3
Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, sometimes listed as number 25 or 26 of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Zhao Erxun 趙爾巽|赵尔巽 in 1927 during the Northern Warlords period, 536 scrolls
清史馆清史館qing1 shi3 guan3
office set up in 1914 to compile official history of the Qing dynasty
清史列传清史列傳qing1 shi3 lie4 zhuan4
Biographic History of Qing Dynasty by a succession of authors, published 1928 and revised 1987, with biographies of 2,900 notable Qing commoner citizens, 80 scrolls
清瘦清瘦qing1 shou4
清爽清爽qing1 shuang3
fresh and cool; relaxed
清水清水qing1 shui3
Qingshui (place name); Shimizu (Japanese surname and place name)
清水清水qing1 shui3
fresh water; drinking water; clear water
清水河清水河qing1 shui3 he2
Qingshuihe county in Hohhot 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
清水河县清水河縣qing1 shui3 he2 xian4
Qingshuihe county in Hohhot 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
清水墙清水牆qing1 shui3 qiang2
unplastered masonry wall
清水寺清水寺qing1 shui3 si4
Kiyomizu temple in east Kyōto 京都, Japan
清水县清水縣qing1 shui3 xian4
Qingshui county in Tianshui 天水, Gansu
清水镇清水鎮qing1 shui3 zhen4
Chingshui town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
清算清算qing1 suan4
to settle accounts; to clear accounts; to liquidate; to expose and criticize
清算行清算行qing1 suan4 hang2
clearing bank
清算业务清算業務qing1 suan4 ye4 wu4
clearing bank
清太宗清太宗qing1 tai4 zong1
posthumous title of Hung Taiji 皇太極|皇太极 (1592-1643), eighth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤, reigned 1626-1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金, then founded the Qing dynasty 大清 and reigned 1636-1643 as Emperor
清太祖清太祖qing1 tai4 zu3
posthumous title of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤 (1559-1626), founder and first Khan of the Manchu Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金 (from 1616)
清谈清談qing1 tan2
light intellectual conversation
清谈节目清談節目qing1 tan2 jie2 mu4
talk show
清汤清湯qing1 tang1
broth; clear soup; consommé
清汤寡水清湯寡水qing1 tang1 gua3 shui3
meager fare; (fig.) insipid; colorless
清恬清恬qing1 tian2
pure and quiet (of life); tranquil and comfortable
清廷清廷qing1 ting2
the Qing court (as government of China)
清玩清玩qing1 wan2
a refined and elegant object for enjoyment; curio
清婉清婉qing1 wan3
clear and soft (voice)
清宛县清宛縣qing1 wan3 xian4
Qingwan county in Baoding prefecture, Hebei
清晰清晰qing1 xi1
clear; distinct
清晰度清晰度qing1 xi1 du4
definition; sharpness; clarity
清洗清洗qing1 xi3
to wash; to clean; to purge
清闲清閒qing1 xian2
idle; leisurely
清香清香qing1 xiang1
sweet scent; fragrant odor
清新清新qing1 xin1
Qingxin county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong
清新清新qing1 xin1
fresh and clean
清新县清新縣qing1 xin1 xian4
Qingxin county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong
清新自然清新自然qing1 xin1 zi4 ran2
as fresh and clean as nature (idiom)
清醒清醒qing1 xing3
clear-headed; sober; awake
清秀清秀qing1 xiu4
delicate and pretty
清徐清徐qing1 xu2
Qingxu county in Taiyuan 太原, Shanxi
清徐县清徐縣qing1 xu2 xian4
Qingxu county in Taiyuan 太原, Shanxi
清雅清雅qing1 ya3
refined; elegant
清一色清一色qing1 yi1 se4
monotone; only one ingredient; (mahjong) all in the same suit
清议清議qing1 yi4
fair criticism; just comment
清逸清逸qing1 yi4
fresh and elegant
清音清音qing1 yin1
unvoiced consonant; voiceless consonant
清莹清瑩qing1 ying2
limpid; glistening
清幽清幽qing1 you1
(of a location) quiet and secluded; beautiful and secluded
清油清油qing1 you2
vegetable cooking oil
清原清原qing1 yuan2
Qingyuan county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning
清原满族自治县清原滿族自治縣qing1 yuan2 man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Qingyuan Manchu autonomous county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning
清原县清原縣qing1 yuan2 xian4
Qingyuan county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning
清远清遠qing1 yuan3
Qingyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong
清远市清遠市qing1 yuan3 shi4
Qingyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong province
清苑清苑qing1 yuan4
Qingyuan county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
清苑县清苑縣qing1 yuan4 xian4
Qingyuan county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
清越清越qing1 yue4
clear and melodious
清早清早qing1 zao3
first thing in the morning; at daybreak
清真清真qing1 zhen1
Islamic; Muslim; halal (of food); clean; pure
清真寺清真寺qing1 zhen1 si4
清镇清鎮qing1 zhen4
Qingzhen county level city in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳, Guizhou
清镇市清鎮市qing1 zhen4 shi4
Qingzhen county level city in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳, Guizhou
清蒸清蒸qing1 zheng1
steamed in broth
清正清正qing1 zheng4
upright and honorable
清政府清政府qing1 zheng4 fu3
Qing government (1644-1911)
清正廉明清正廉明qing1 zheng4 lian2 ming2
upright and honest
清州清州qing1 zhou1
Cheongju, capital of North Chungcheong Province, South Korea 忠清北道
清州市清州市qing1 zhou1 shi4
Cheongju, capital of North Chungcheong Province, South Korea 忠清北道
清酌清酌qing1 zhuo2
wine offered to gods in worship
认清認清ren4 qing1
to see clearly; to recognize; to realize
山清水秀山清水秀shan1 qing1 shui3 xiu4
lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom); fig. enchanting scenery
缮清繕清shan4 qing1
to make a clean copy
深层清洁深層清潔shen1 ceng2 qing1 jie2
deep cleansing
神志不清神志不清shen2 zhi4 bu4 qing1
to be delirious; to be mentally confused
数不清數不清shu3 bu4 qing1
countless; innumerable
数清數清shu3 qing1
to count; to enumerate exactly
双清雙清shuang1 qing1
Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市, Hunan
双清区雙清區shuang1 qing1 qu1
Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市, Hunan
水清无鱼水清無魚shui3 qing1 wu2 yu2
lit. water that is too clean holds no fish (idiom); fig. one who is too severe has no friends