surname You

to swim; variant of 遊|游

to walk; to tour; to roam; to travel

strokes 12
strokes after radical 9
爱丽丝漫游奇境记 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記 ai4 li4 si1 man4 you2 qi2 jing4 ji4
Alice in Wonderland

爱游玩 愛遊玩 ai4 you2 wan2

敖游 敖遊 ao2 you2
to saunter; to travel

遨游 遨遊 ao2 you2
to travel; to go on a tour; to roam

八十天环游地球 八十天環遊地球 ba1 shi2 tian1 huan2 you2 di4 qiu2
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne 儒勒·凡爾納|儒勒·凡尔纳

包价旅游 包價旅遊 bao1 jia4 lv3 you2
package holiday

北京国家游泳中心 北京國家游泳中心 bei3 jing1 guo2 jia1 you2 yong3 zhong1 xin1
Beijing National Aquatics Center, swimming venue of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

背包游 背包遊 bei4 bao1 you2

重历旧游 重歷舊遊 chong2 li4 jiu4 you2
to revisit; to return to a previously visited spot

出游 出遊 chu1 you2
to go on a tour; to have an outing

春游 春遊 chun1 you2
spring outing; spring excursion

打游击 打游擊 da3 you2 ji1
to fight as a guerilla; (fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place

导游 導遊 dao3 you2
tour guide; guidebook; to conduct a tour

到此一游 到此一遊 dao4 ci3 yi1 you2
to travel (somewhere); (vandalism) "was here"

电子游戏 電子遊戲 dian4 zi3 you2 xi4
computer and video games

浮游 浮游 fu2 you2
to float; to drift; to wander; variant of 蜉蝣

浮游生物 浮游生物 fu2 you2 sheng1 wu4

釜底游鱼 釜底游魚 fu3 di3 you2 yu2
a fish at the bottom of the pot (idiom); in a desperate situation

故地重游 故地重遊 gu4 di4 chong2 you2
to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane

广游 廣遊 guang3 you2
to travel widely (esp. as Daoist priest or Buddhist monk)

国家旅游度假区 國家旅遊度假區 guo2 jia1 lv3 you2 du4 jia4 qu1
National Resort District (PRC)

后西游记 後西遊記 hou4 xi1 you2 ji4
one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记

花式游泳 花式游泳 hua1 shi4 you2 yong3
synchronized swimming

花样游泳 花樣游泳 hua1 yang4 you2 yong3
synchronized swimming

环游 環遊 huan2 you2
to travel around (the world, a country etc)

换房旅游 換房旅遊 huan4 fang2 lv3 you2
house-swap vacation

皇家加勒比海游轮公司 皇家加勒比海遊輪公司 huang2 jia1 jia1 le4 bi3 hai3 you2 lun2 gong1 si1
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines

洄游 洄游 hui2 you2
(of fish) to migrate

回游 回游 hui2 you2
variant of 洄游

驾鹤西游 駕鶴西遊 jia4 he4 xi1 you2
see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去

交游 交遊 jiao1 you2
to have friendly relationships; circle of friends

郊游 郊遊 jiao1 you2
to go for an outing; to go on an excursion

旧地重游 舊地重遊 jiu4 di4 chong2 you2
to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane

旧游 舊遊 jiu4 you2
place one has previously visited; old haunts

角色扮演游戏 角色扮演遊戲 jue2 se4 ban4 yan3 you2 xi4
role-playing game (RPG)

跨鹤西游 跨鶴西遊 kua4 he4 xi1 you2
to die

老残游记 老殘遊記 lao3 can2 you2 ji4
The Travels of Lao Tsan, novel by late Qing novelist Liu E 劉鶚|刘鹗

力争上游 力爭上游 li4 zheng1 shang4 you2
to strive for mastery (idiom); aiming for the best result; to have high ambitions

联机游戏 聯機遊戲 lian2 ji1 you2 xi4
a network computer game

麟游 麟遊 lin2 you2
Linyou County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡, Shaanxi

麟游县 麟遊縣 lin2 you2 xian4
Linyou County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡, Shaanxi

龙游 龍遊 long2 you2
Longyou county in Quzhou 衢州, Zhejiang

龙游县 龍遊縣 long2 you2 xian4
Longyou county in Quzhou 衢州, Zhejiang

漏网游鱼 漏網游魚 lou4 wang3 you2 yu2
see 漏網之魚|漏网之鱼

陆游 陸遊 lu4 you2
Lu You (1125-1210), widely regarded as the greatest of the Southern Song poets

旅游 旅遊 lv3 you2
trip; journey; tourism; travel; tour; to travel

旅游城市 旅遊城市 lv3 you2 cheng2 shi4
tourist city

旅游集散 旅遊集散 lv3 you2 ji2 san4
tourism center or hub

旅游景点 旅遊景點 lv3 you2 jing3 dian3
tourist attraction; travel sight

旅游客 旅遊客 lv3 you2 ke4
a tourist

旅游热点 旅遊熱點 lv3 you2 re4 dian3
a hot tourist attraction; a tourist trap

旅游胜地 旅遊勝地 lv3 you2 sheng4 di4
tourist center

旅游团 旅遊團 lv3 you2 tuan2
tour group

旅游业 旅遊業 lv3 you2 ye4
tourism industry

旅游者 旅遊者 lv3 you2 zhe3
tourist; traveler; visitor

漫游 漫遊 man4 you2
to travel around; to roam; (mobile telephony) roaming

猫鼠游戏 貓鼠遊戲 mao1 shu3 you2 xi4
cat and mouse game

梦游 夢遊 meng4 you2
sleep walking; fig. dream voyage

梦游症 夢遊症 meng4 you2 zheng4
somnambulism; sleep walking

拟游隼 擬游隼 ni3 you2 sun3
(bird species of China) Barbary falcon (Falco pelegrinoides)

般游 般遊 pan2 you2
to amuse oneself

漂游 漂遊 piao1 you2

拼板游戏 拼板遊戲 pin1 ban3 you2 xi4
jigsaw puzzle; wood block puzzle

秋游 秋遊 qiu1 you2
autumn outing; autumn excursion

泅游 泅遊 qiu2 you2
to swim

三江生态旅游区 三江生態旅遊區 san1 jiang1 sheng1 tai4 lv3 you2 qu1
Sanjiang ecological tourist area in Wenchuan county 汶川县, northwest Sichuan

散兵游勇 散兵遊勇 san3 bing1 you2 yong3
lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated action

上游 上游 shang4 you2
upper reaches (of a river); upper level; upper echelon; upstream

神游 神游 shen2 you2
to go on a mental journey

生态环境游 生態環境游 sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4 you2

生态旅游 生態旅遊 sheng1 tai4 lv3 you2

世界旅游组织 世界旅遊組織 shi4 jie4 lv3 you2 zu3 zhi1
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

示威游行 示威遊行 shi4 wei1 you2 xing2
(protest) demonstration

手游 手遊 shou3 you2
mobile game; abbr. for 手機遊戲|手机游戏

太空游 太空遊 tai4 kong1 you2
space tourism

外国旅游者 外國旅遊者 wai4 guo2 lv3 you2 zhe3
foreign traveler

网游 網遊 wang3 you2
online game; abbr. for 網絡遊戲|网络游戏

无业游民 無業遊民 wu2 ye4 you2 min2
unemployed person; vagrant; rogue

嬉游 嬉遊 xi1 you2
to amuse oneself; to have fun

西游补 西遊補 xi1 you2 bu3
one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记

西游记 西遊記 xi1 you2 ji4
Journey to the West, Ming dynasty novel by Wu Cheng'en 吳承恩|吴承恩, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature; also called Pilgrimage to the West or Monkey

喜群游 喜群游 xi3 qun2 you2
gregarious (ichthyology)

狎妓冶游 狎妓冶游 xia2 ji4 ye3 you2
to be intimate with prostitutes and frequent brothels (idiom)

下游 下游 xia4 you2
lower reaches (of a river); lower level; lower echelon; downstream

仙游 仙遊 xian1 you2
Xianyou county in Putian 莆田, Fujian

仙游县 仙遊縣 xian1 you2 xian4
Xianyou county in Putian 莆田, Fujian

小游 小遊 xiao3 you2
outing; short trip

信天游 信天游 xin4 tian1 you2
a style of folk music of Shaanxi

徐霞客游记 徐霞客遊記 xu2 xia2 ke4 you2 ji4
Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries, a book of travel records by 徐霞客 on geology, geography, plants etc

续西游记 續西遊記 xu4 xi1 you2 ji4
one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记

巡游 巡遊 xun2 you2
to cruise; to patrol

野游 野遊 ye3 you2
outing in the country; to go on a hike; to go courting

冶游 冶遊 ye3 you2
to go courting; to visit a brothel (old); related to 野遊|野游

一个幽灵在欧洲游荡 一個幽靈在歐洲遊蕩 yi1 ge4 you1 ling2 zai4 ou1 zhou1 you2 dang4
Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa.; the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"

易游网 易遊網 yi4 you2 wang3
ezTravel, Taiwanese travel agency

吟游 吟遊 yin2 you2
to wander as minstrel

优游 優遊 you1 you2
carefree; leisurely

悠游卡 悠遊卡 you1 you2 ka3
EasyCard, smartcard used for payment on public transport and at other businesses such as convenience stores in Taipei and surrounding areas

优游自得 優遊自得 you1 you2 zi4 de2
free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered

悠哉游哉 悠哉遊哉 you1 zai1 you2 zai1
see 悠哉悠哉

优哉游哉 優哉遊哉 you1 zai1 you2 zai1
see 悠哉悠哉

游伴 遊伴 you2 ban4
playmate; travel companion

游标 游標 you2 biao1
cursor (computing) (Taiwan); vernier

游标卡尺 遊標卡尺 you2 biao1 ka3 chi3
dial calipers

游春 遊春 you2 chun1
to go for a trip in spring

游荡 遊蕩 you2 dang4
to wander; to roam about; to loaf about; to be idle

游导 遊導 you2 dao3
tour guide

游动 游動 you2 dong4
to move about; to go from place to place; roving; mobile

游逛 遊逛 you2 guang4
to go sightseeing; to spend one's leisure time wandering around

游击 游擊 you2 ji1
guerrilla warfare

游击队 遊擊隊 you2 ji1 dui4
guerrilla band

游击战 遊擊戰 you2 ji1 zhan4
guerrilla warfare

游记 遊記 you2 ji4
travel notes

游街 遊街 you2 jie1
to parade sb through the streets; to march or parade in the streets

游街示众 遊街示眾 you2 jie1 shi4 zhong4
to parade (a prisoner) through the streets

游客 遊客 you2 ke4
traveler; tourist; (online gaming) guest player

游客止步 游客止步 you2 ke4 zhi3 bu4
visitors are not admitted (idiom)

游览 遊覽 you2 lan3
to go sightseeing; to tour; to visit

游览区 遊覽區 you2 lan3 qu1
tourist regions; sightseeing area

游乐 遊樂 you2 le4
to amuse oneself; recreation

游乐场 遊樂場 you2 le4 chang3

游乐园 遊樂園 you2 le4 yuan2
theme park

游离 遊離 you2 li2
to disassociate; to drift away; to leave (a collective); free (component)

游历 遊歷 you2 li4
to tour; to travel

游猎 遊獵 you2 lie4
to go on a hunting expedition

游民 遊民 you2 min2
vagrant; vagabond

游民改造 遊民改造 you2 min2 gai3 zao4
rehabilitation of displaced persons

游牧 遊牧 you2 mu4
nomadic; to move about in search of pasture; to rove around as a nomad

游人 遊人 you2 ren2
a tourist

游人如织 遊人如織 you2 ren2 ru2 zhi1
crowded with visitors; packed with tourists

游刃有余 遊刃有餘 you2 ren4 you3 yu2
handling a butcher's cleaver with ease (idiom); to do sth skillfully and easily

游山玩水 遊山玩水 you2 shan1 wan2 shui3
to go on a scenic tour

游赏 游賞 you2 shang3
to enjoy the sights (of)

游蛇 游蛇 you2 she2
water snake; colubrid; racer

游手 遊手 you2 shou3
to be idle

游手好闲 遊手好閑 you2 shou3 hao4 xian2
to idle about

游水 游水 you2 shui3
to swim

游说 遊說 you2 shui4
to lobby; to campaign; to promote (an idea, a product); (old) to visit various rulers and promote one's political ideas (in the Warring States period)

游说集团 遊說集團 you2 shui4 ji2 tuan2
lobby group

游说团 游說團 you2 shui4 tuan2
lobby group

游说团体 游說團體 you2 shui4 tuan2 ti3
lobby group

游丝 游絲 you2 si1
gossamer; hairspring

游隼 遊隼 you2 sun3
peregrine falcon

游隼 游隼 you2 sun3
(bird species of China) peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)

游艇 遊艇 you2 ting3
barge; yacht

游玩 遊玩 you2 wan2
to amuse oneself; to have fun; to go sightseeing; to take a stroll

游抏 遊抏 you2 wan2
variant of 遊玩|游玩, to amuse oneself; to have fun; to go sightseeing; to take a stroll

游锡堃 游錫堃 you2 xi1 kun1
Yu Shyi-kun (1948-) Taiwanese politician

游戏 遊戲 you2 xi4
game; to play

游戏场 遊戲場 you2 xi4 chang3

游戏池 游戲池 you2 xi4 chi2
paddling pool; wading pool

游戏机 遊戲機 you2 xi4 ji1
video game; game machine

游戏设备 遊戲設備 you2 xi4 she4 bei4
gaming device; controller (for computer or console)

游戏说 遊戲說 you2 xi4 shuo1
theory of free play (in Kant's philosophy)

游戏王 遊戲王 you2 xi4 wang2

游侠 遊俠 you2 xia2

游侠骑士 遊俠騎士 you2 xia2 qi2 shi4
a knight-errant

游仙 游仙 you2 xian1
Youxian district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市, north Sichuan

游仙区 游仙區 you2 xian1 qu1
Youxian district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市, north Sichuan

游星 遊星 you2 xing1
planet; also written 行星

游行 遊行 you2 xing2
march; parade; demonstration

游学 遊學 you2 xue2
to study away from home or abroad (old)

游移 游移 you2 yi2
to wander; to shift around; to waver; to vacillate

游移不定 游移不定 you2 yi2 bu4 ding4
to oscillate without pause (idiom); to fluctuate; (of thoughts) to wander; to waver

游弋 遊弋 you2 yi4
to cruise

游艺 遊藝 you2 yi4

游艺场 遊藝場 you2 yi4 chang3
place of entertainment

游艺会 遊藝會 you2 yi4 hui4
folk festival; fair; carnival

游艺团 遊藝團 you2 yi4 tuan2
group of actors or acrobats at a fair; theatrical troupe

游吟诗人 遊吟詩人 you2 yin2 shi1 ren2
troubadour; bard

游泳 游泳 you2 yong3
swimming; to swim

游泳池 游泳池 you2 yong3 chi2
swimming pool

游泳馆 游泳館 you2 yong3 guan3
swimming pool

游泳镜 游泳鏡 you2 yong3 jing4
swimming goggles

游泳裤 游泳褲 you2 yong3 ku4
see 泳褲|泳裤

游泳衣 游泳衣 you2 yong3 yi1
swimsuit; bathing costume

游资 游資 you2 zi1
floating capital; idle fund; hot money

游子 遊子 you2 zi3
person living or traveling far from home

游走 遊走 you2 zou3
wandering; unfixed; to migrate

远游 遠遊 yuan3 you2
to travel far; distant wanderings

云游 雲遊 yun2 you2
to wander (typically of an errant priest)

中国游艺机游乐园协会 中國遊藝機遊樂園協會 zhong1 guo2 you2 yi4 ji1 you2 le4 yuan2 xie2 hui4
China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA)

中游 中游 zhong1 you2
the middle stretches of a river; middle level; middle echelon; midstream

周游 週遊 zhou1 you2
variant of 周遊|周游, to tour; to travel around

周游 周遊 zhou1 you2
to travel around; to tour; to cross

周游 週游 zhou1 you2
variant of 周遊|周游, to tour; to travel around

周游列国 周遊列國 zhou1 you2 lie4 guo2
to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrinations; refers to the travels of Confucius

周游世界 周遊世界 zhou1 you2 shi4 jie4
to travel around the world

转游 轉遊 zhuan4 you5
variant of 轉悠|转悠

桌游 桌遊 zhuo1 you2
board game

自游 自遊 zi4 you2
to travel alone (i.e. not with a tourist group)