quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin

strokes 7
strokes after radical 3
阿灵顿国家公墓 阿靈頓國家公墓 a1 ling2 dun4 guo2 jia1 gong1 mu4
Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, USA

阿斯匹灵 阿斯匹靈 a1 si1 pi2 ling2
aspirin (loanword) (Tw)

白翅百灵 白翅百靈 bai2 chi4 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) white-winged lark (Melanocorypha leucoptera)

百灵 百靈 bai3 ling2
lark; Eremophila alpestris

百灵鸟 百靈鳥 bai3 ling2 niao3

不灵 不靈 bu4 ling2
not work; be ineffective

草原百灵 草原百靈 cao3 yuan2 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) calandra lark (Melanocorypha calandra)

长嘴百灵 長嘴百靈 chang2 zui3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) Tibetan lark (Melanocorypha maxima)

除灵 除靈 chu2 ling2
to expel spirits; (old) to end the period of mourning

大短趾百灵 大短趾百靈 da4 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla)

都灵 都靈 du1 ling2
Torino; Turin (Italy)

二斑百灵 二斑百靈 er4 ban1 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) bimaculated lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata)

凤头百灵 鳳頭百靈 feng4 tou2 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) crested lark (Galerida cristata)

服他灵 服他靈 fu2 ta1 ling2
voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as painkiller; also called 扶他林

歌百灵 歌百靈 ge1 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) Australasian bush lark (Mirafra javanica)

古灵精怪 古靈精怪 gu3 ling2 jing1 guai4
weird; bizarre

广灵 廣靈 guang3 ling2
Guangling county in Datong 大同, Shanxi

广灵县 廣靈縣 guang3 ling2 xian4
Guangling county in Datong 大同, Shanxi

哈灵根 哈靈根 ha1 ling2 gen1
Harlingen, the Netherlands

黑百灵 黑百靈 hei1 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) black lark (Melanocorypha yeltoniensis)

惠灵顿 惠靈頓 hui4 ling2 dun4
Wellington, capital of New Zealand

魂灵 魂靈 hun2 ling2
soul; mind; idea

活灵活现 活靈活現 huo2 ling2 huo2 xian4
living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life; vivid and realistic

激灵 激靈 ji1 ling2
to quiver

机灵鬼 機靈鬼 ji1 ling2 gui3
(jocularly) clever and quick-witted person

机灵 機靈 ji1 ling5
clever; quick-witted

角百灵 角百靈 jiao3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) horned lark (Eremophila alpestris)

接收器灵敏度 接收器靈敏度 jie1 shou1 qi4 ling2 min3 du4
receiver sensitivity

精灵 精靈 jing1 ling2
spirit; fairy; elf; sprite; genie

精灵宝钻 精靈寶鑽 jing1 ling2 bao3 zuan4
treasure of spirits; Silmarillion or Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金

精灵文 精靈文 jing1 ling2 wen2
Elvish (language of elves)

哭灵 哭靈 ku1 ling2
to weep before a coffin or a memorial to the dead

蓝精灵 藍精靈 lan2 jing1 ling2

蓝精灵 藍精靈 lan2 jing1 ling2
the Smurfs

蓝色小精灵 藍色小精靈 lan2 se4 xiao3 jing1 ling2
the Smurfs; Smurf

利他灵 利他靈 li4 ta1 ling2
Ritalin (brand name); methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD); also written 利他林

灵宝 靈寶 ling2 bao3
Lingbao county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡, Henan

灵宝市 靈寶市 ling2 bao3 shi4
Lingbao county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡, Henan

灵璧 靈璧 ling2 bi4
Lingbi county in Suzhou 宿州, Anhui

灵璧县 靈璧縣 ling2 bi4 xian4
Lingbi county in Suzhou 宿州, Anhui

灵便 靈便 ling2 bian4
quick; agile; nimble; easy to handle; handy

灵长 靈長 ling2 chang2
long life and prosperity

灵车 靈車 ling2 che1

灵川 靈川 ling2 chuan1
Lingchuan county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi

灵川县 靈川縣 ling2 chuan1 xian4
Lingchuan county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi

灵床 靈床 ling2 chuang2
bier; bed kept as it was when the deceased was alive

灵丹妙药 靈丹妙藥 ling2 dan1 miao4 yao4
effective cure, miracle medicine (idiom); fig. wonder-cure for all problems; panacea; elixir

灵的世界 靈的世界 ling2 de5 shi4 jie4
spirit world

灵动 靈動 ling2 dong4
to be quick-witted

灵恩 靈恩 ling2 en1
Charismatic Christianity

灵恩派 靈恩派 ling2 en1 pai4
Charismatic Movement

灵泛 靈泛 ling2 fan4
nimble; agile

灵符 靈符 ling2 fu2
a Daoist talisman

灵感 靈感 ling2 gan3
inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor

灵感触发图 靈感觸發圖 ling2 gan3 chu4 fa1 tu2
mind map

灵谷寺 靈谷寺 ling2 gu3 si4
Linggu temple (Nanjing)

灵怪 靈怪 ling2 guai4
a goblin; a spirit

灵棺 靈棺 ling2 guan1
a bier; a catafalque (memorial platform); a coffin

灵光 靈光 ling2 guang1
divine light (around the Buddha); a halo; a miraculous column of light; (slang) jolly good!

灵魂 靈魂 ling2 hun2
soul; spirit

灵魂出窍 靈魂出竅 ling2 hun2 chu1 qiao4
out-of-body experience

灵魂人物 靈魂人物 ling2 hun2 ren2 wu4
key figure; the linchpin of sth

灵魂深处 靈魂深處 ling2 hun2 shen1 chu4
in the depth of one's soul

灵活 靈活 ling2 huo2
flexible; nimble; agile

灵活性 靈活性 ling2 huo2 xing4

灵机 靈機 ling2 ji1
sudden inspiration; bright idea; clever trick

灵机一动 靈機一動 ling2 ji1 yi1 dong4
a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave

灵界 靈界 ling2 jie4
spiritual world

灵柩 靈柩 ling2 jiu4
coffin containing a corpse

灵快 靈快 ling2 kuai4
agile; quick

灵利 靈利 ling2 li4
clever; bright; quick-witted

灵猫 靈貓 ling2 mao1
a civet (arboreal cat); viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)

灵猫类 靈貓類 ling2 mao1 lei4
a civet (arboreal cat); viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)

灵妙 靈妙 ling2 miao4
wonderful; ingenious

灵敏 靈敏 ling2 min3
smart; clever; sensitive; keen; quick; sharp

灵敏度 靈敏度 ling2 min3 du4
(level of) sensitivity

灵命 靈命 ling2 ming4
the will of Heaven; the will of God

灵牌 靈牌 ling2 pai2
spirit tablet; memorial tablet

灵气 靈氣 ling2 qi4
spiritual influence (of mountains etc); cleverness; ingeniousness

灵气疗法 靈氣療法 ling2 qi4 liao2 fa3
Reiki (palm healing)

灵巧 靈巧 ling2 qiao3
deft; nimble; ingenious

灵雀寺 靈雀寺 ling2 qiao3 si4
Nyitso Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

灵丘 靈丘 ling2 qiu1
Lingqiu county in Datong 大同, Shanxi

灵丘县 靈丘縣 ling2 qiu1 xian4
Lingqiu county in Datong 大同, Shanxi

灵渠 靈渠 ling2 qu2
Lingqu canal in Xing'an county 興安|兴安, Guanxi, build in 214 BC to join Changjiang 長江|长江 with Pearl River 珠江

灵山 靈山 ling2 shan1
Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州, Guangxi

灵山县 靈山縣 ling2 shan1 xian4
Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州, Guangxi

灵石 靈石 ling2 shi2
Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

灵石县 靈石縣 ling2 shi2 xian4
Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

灵寿 靈壽 ling2 shou4
Lingshou county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei

灵寿县 靈壽縣 ling2 shou4 xian4
Lingshou county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei

灵枢经 靈樞經 ling2 shu1 jing1
the Divine Pivot or Spiritual Pivot, ancient Chinese medical text

灵塔 靈塔 ling2 ta3
memorial pagoda

灵台 靈台 ling2 tai2
Lingtai county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉, Gansu

灵台县 靈台縣 ling2 tai2 xian4
Lingtai county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉, Gansu

灵堂 靈堂 ling2 tang2
mourning hall; funeral hall

灵体 靈體 ling2 ti3

灵通 靈通 ling2 tong1
fast and abundant (news); clever; effective

灵位 靈位 ling2 wei4
memorial tablet

灵武 靈武 ling2 wu3
Lingwu county level city in Yinchuan 銀川|银川, Ningxia

灵武市 靈武市 ling2 wu3 shi4
Lingwu county level city in Yinchuan 銀川|银川, Ningxia

灵犀 靈犀 ling2 xi1
rhinoceros horn, reputed to confer telepathic powers; fig. mutual sensitivity; tacit exchange of romantic feelings; a meeting of minds

灵犀相通 靈犀相通 ling2 xi1 xiang1 tong1
kindred spirits

灵犀一点通 靈犀一點通 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
mental rapport; likeness of mind; spiritual link

灵醒 靈醒 ling2 xing3
(of senses, mind etc) alert; keen; clear-minded

灵性 靈性 ling2 xing4
spiritual nature; spirituality; intelligence (esp. in animals)

灵验 靈驗 ling2 yan4
efficacious; effective; (of a prediction) accurate; correct

灵药 靈藥 ling2 yao4
legendary magic potion of immortals; panacea; fig. wonder solution to a problem

灵异 靈異 ling2 yi4
deity; monster; strange; mysterious; supernatural

灵语 靈語 ling2 yu3
tongues (spiritual gift)

灵长 靈長 ling2 zhang3
primate (monkey, hominid etc)

灵长类 靈長類 ling2 zhang3 lei4
primate (monkey, hominid etc)

灵长目 靈長目 ling2 zhang3 mu4
primate order (including monkeys, hominids etc)

灵芝 靈芝 ling2 zhi1
lingzhi or reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)

蒙古百灵 蒙古百靈 meng2 gu3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) Mongolian lark (Melanocorypha mongolica)

冥顽不灵 冥頑不靈 ming2 wan2 bu4 ling2
stupid; stubborn; pigheaded

轻灵 輕靈 qing1 ling2
quick and skillful; agile

人杰地灵 人傑地靈 ren2 jie2 di4 ling2
illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son

闪灵 閃靈 shan3 ling2
The Shining (1980 Stanley Kubrick film from Stephen King's 1977 novel); ChthoniC (Taiwanese metal band)

神灵 神靈 shen2 ling2
god; spirit; demon; occult or supernatural entities in general

生灵 生靈 sheng1 ling2
(literary) the people; living thing; creature

生灵涂炭 生靈塗炭 sheng1 ling2 tu2 tan4
people are in a terrible situation (idiom)

圣灵 聖靈 sheng4 ling2
Holy Ghost; Holy Spirit

圣灵降临 聖靈降臨 sheng4 ling2 jiang4 lin2

失灵 失靈 shi1 ling2
out of order (of machine); not working properly; a failing (of a system)

守灵 守靈 shou3 ling2
to keep watch beside a coffin

舒喘灵 舒喘靈 shu1 chuan3 ling2
albuterol, kind of chemical used in treating asthma

属灵 屬靈 shu3 ling2

水灵 水靈 shui3 ling2
vivid; full of life; fresh

水灵灵 水靈靈 shui3 ling2 ling2
vivid; full of life; fresh

四灵 四靈 si4 ling2
four divinities; four divine emperors; four mythical creatures symbolic of propsperity and longevity, namely phoenix 鳳|凤, turtle 龜|龟, dragon 龍|龙, Chinese unicorn 麒麟; also 四象, the four division of the sky

通灵 通靈 tong1 ling2
to communicate with the spirits; psychic; (ears) sensitive; (information) accurate

通灵板 通靈板 tong1 ling2 ban3
Ouija board

荼毒生灵 荼毒生靈 tu2 du2 sheng1 ling2
to torment the people (idiom)

图灵 圖靈 tu2 ling2
Alan Turing (1912-1954), English mathematician, considered as the father of computer science

图灵奖 圖靈獎 tu2 ling2 jiang3
Turing Award

万灵丹 萬靈丹 wan4 ling2 dan1
panacea; cure-all

万灵节 萬靈節 wan4 ling2 jie2
All Saints' Day (Christian festival on 2nd November)

万应灵丹 萬應靈丹 wan4 ying4 ling2 dan1

亡灵 亡靈 wang2 ling2
departed spirit

威灵 威靈 wei1 ling2
authority; prestige; supernatural spirit

威灵顿 威靈頓 wei1 ling2 dun4
Wellington, capital of New Zealand (Tw); Wellington (name); Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (1769-1851)

洗涤灵 洗滌靈 xi3 di2 ling2
dishwashing liquid

细嘴短趾百灵 細嘴短趾百靈 xi4 zui3 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) Hume's short-toed lark (Calandrella acutirostris)

消息灵通 消息靈通 xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1
to be well-informed

消息灵通人士 消息靈通人士 xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1 ren2 shi4
well-informed source; person with inside information

小精灵 小精靈 xiao3 jing1 ling2

小灵通 小靈通 xiao3 ling2 tong1
mobile phone (with a local, 7-digit phone number)

小灵通机站 小靈通機站 xiao3 ling2 tong1 ji1 zhan4
cell phone base or repeater station (telecommunications)

邪灵 邪靈 xie2 ling2
evil spirits

谢灵运 謝靈運 xie4 ling2 yun4
Xie Lingyun (385-433) poet during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋

心灵 心靈 xin1 ling2
bright; smart; quick-witted; heart; thoughts; spirit

心灵感应 心靈感應 xin1 ling2 gan3 ying4

心灵上 心靈上 xin1 ling2 shang4

心灵手巧 心靈手巧 xin1 ling2 shou3 qiao3
capable; clever; dexterous

心有灵犀一点通 心有靈犀一點通 xin1 you3 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom); fig. two hearts beat as one

信息灵通 信息靈通 xin4 xi5 ling2 tong1
see 消息靈通|消息灵通

亚洲短趾百灵 亞洲短趾百靈 ya4 zhou1 duan3 zhi3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) Asian short-toed lark (Alaudala cheleensis)

一个幽灵在欧洲游荡 一個幽靈在歐洲遊蕩 yi1 ge4 you1 ling2 zai4 ou1 zhou1 you2 dang4
Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa.; the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"

一灵真性 一靈真性 yi1 ling2 zhen1 xing4
soul; spirit

英灵 英靈 ying1 ling2
spirit of a martyr; spirit of the brave departed; person of remarkable talent

幽灵 幽靈 you1 ling2
specter; apparition; ghost

在天之灵 在天之靈 zai4 tian1 zhi1 ling2
soul and spirit of the deceased

周转不灵 周轉不靈 zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 ling2
to have a cash flow problem