point; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更
to order à la carte; single point (of measurement, mounting etc)
到点到點dao4 dian3
it's time (to do sth); the time has come
滴点滴點di1 dian3
melting point (of lubricating oil)
地点地點di4 dian3
place; site; location; venue
地面零点地面零點di4 mian4 ling2 dian3
Ground Zero (refers to the site of the World Trade Center destroyed in 9-11-2001 attack)
地面零点地面零點di4 mian4 ling2 dian3
ground zero
点斑林鸽點斑林鴿dian3 ban1 lin2 ge1
(bird species of China) speckled wood pigeon (Columba hodgsonii)
点背點背dian3 bei4
(dialect) to be out of luck
点兵點兵dian3 bing1
to muster troops; (fig.) to gather forces
点拨點撥dian3 bo1
to give instructions; to give advice
点播點播dian3 bo1
webcast; to request item for broadcast on radio program; dibble seeding; spot seeding
点补點補dian3 bu3
to have a snack; to have a bite
点菜點菜dian3 cai4
to order dishes (in a restaurant)
点查點查dian3 cha2
to inspect
点翅朱雀點翅朱雀dian3 chi4 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) Sharpe's rosefinch (Carpodacus verreauxii)
点出點出dian3 chu1
to point out; to indicate
点触點觸dian3 chu4
to tap; to touch (a touchscreen)
点穿點穿dian3 chuan1
to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word
点窜點竄dian3 cuan4
to reword; to edit a text
点大點大dian3 da4
(of a child etc) small as a mite; minuscule
点到即止點到即止dian3 dao4 ji2 zhi3
to touch on sth and leave it there; to take care not to overdo sth
点滴點滴dian3 di1
a drip; a little bit; intravenous drip (used to administer drugs)
点滴试验點滴試驗dian3 di1 shi4 yan4
spot check
点点點點dian3 dian3
Diandian (Chinese microblogging and social networking website)
点点點點dian3 dian3
point; speck
点点滴滴點點滴滴dian3 dian3 di1 di1
bit by bit; dribs and drabs; the little details; every aspect
点厾點厾dian3 du1
to touch up a painting
点对点點對點dian3 dui4 dian3
p2p (peer-to-peer)
点对点加密點對點加密dian3 dui4 dian3 jia1 mi4
(Tw) end-to-end encryption
点儿點兒dian3 er5
erhua variant of 點|点
点儿背點兒背dian3 er5 bei4
(dialect) to be out of luck
点发點發dian3 fa1
to fire in bursts; shooting intermittently
点鬼火點鬼火dian3 gui3 huo3
to stir up trouble in secret; to instigate
点焊點焊dian3 han4
spot welding
点号點號dian3 hao4
punctuation mark
点化點化dian3 hua4
magic transformation performed by Daoist immortal; fig. to reveal; to enlighten
点画點畫dian3 hua4
strokes of a Chinese character
点火點火dian3 huo3
to ignite; to light a fire; to agitate; to start an engine; ignition; fig. to stir up trouble
点火开关點火開關dian3 huo3 kai1 guan1
ignition switch
点货點貨dian3 huo4
to do an inventory count
点积點積dian3 ji1
dot product (mathematics)
点击點擊dian3 ji1
to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button)
点击付费广告點擊付費廣告dian3 ji1 fu4 fei4 guang3 gao4
pay-per-click advertising
点击率點擊率dian3 ji1 lv4
click-through rate (CTR) (Internet)
点击数點擊數dian3 ji1 shu4
number of clicks; number of hits (on a website)
点集合點集合dian3 ji2 he2
(math.) point set
点检點檢dian3 jian3
to inspect one by one; to list individually
点见點見dian3 jian4
to check an amount
点将點將dian3 jiang4
to appoint a general (in theater); fig. to appoint sb for a task
点交點交dian3 jiao1
to hand over one by one
点津點津dian3 jin1
to solve a problem; to answer a question; (Internet) Q&A forum; advice column
点金成铁點金成鐵dian3 jin1 cheng2 tie3
to transform gold into base metal (idiom); fig. to edit sb else's beautiful prose and ruin it
点金石點金石dian3 jin1 shi2
philosopher's stone
点睛點睛dian3 jing1
to dot in the eyes; fig. to add finishing touch; abbr. for idiom 畫龍點睛|画龙点睛, to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes; the crucial point that brings the subject to life
点睛之笔點睛之筆dian3 jing1 zhi1 bi3
the brush stroke that dots in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point
点军點軍dian3 jun1
Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市, Hubei
点军区點軍區dian3 jun1 qu1
Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市, Hubei
点亮點亮dian3 liang4
to illuminate; to turn on the lights; to light (a blaze)
点脉點脈dian3 mai4
to hit a pressure point (martial arts); dim mak; see also 點穴|点穴
点卯點卯dian3 mao3
morning roll call
点明點明dian3 ming2
to point out
点名點名dian3 ming2
roll call; to mention sb by name; (to call or praise or criticize sb) by name
点名册點名冊dian3 ming2 ce4
register of names; attendance roll book
点名羞辱點名羞辱dian3 ming2 xiu1 ru3
to attack publicly; to stage a denunciation campaign
点票點票dian3 piao4
to count votes
点评點評dian3 ping2
to comment; a point by point commentary
点破點破dian3 po4
to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word; to point out bluntly
点球點球dian3 qiu2
penalty kick
点燃點燃dian3 ran2
to ignite; to set on fire; aflame
点染點染dian3 ran3
to touch up (a piece of writing); to add details (to a painting)
点射點射dian3 she4
to fire in bursts; shooting intermittently
点石成金點石成金dian3 shi2 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem
点视點視dian3 shi4
to check (items); to count and verify
点视厅點視廳dian3 shi4 ting1
hall where convicts are counted and verified
点收點收dian3 shou1
to check sth and accept it
点数點數dian3 shu4
to count and check; to tally; points (collected in some bonus scheme etc)
点水點水dian3 shui3
to skim; lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水); skin-deep
点水不漏點水不漏dian3 shui3 bu4 lou4
not one drop of water leaks (idiom); fig. thoughtful and completely rigorous; watertight
点题點題dian3 ti2
to bring out the main theme; to make the point; to bring out the substance concisely
点铁成金點鐵成金dian3 tie3 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem
点头點頭dian3 tou2
to nod
点头哈腰點頭哈腰dian3 tou2 ha1 yao1
to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping; unctuous fawning
点头咂嘴點頭咂嘴dian3 tou2 za1 zui3
to approve by nodding one's head and smacking one's lips (idiom)
点头招呼點頭招呼dian3 tou2 zhao1 hu1
点心點心dian3 xin5
light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in Cantonese cooking); dessert
点胸鸦雀點胸鴉雀dian3 xiong1 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) spot-breasted parrotbill (Paradoxornis guttaticollis)
点选點選dian3 xuan3
to select; (computing) to click on (one of several options); to navigate to (a webpage)
点穴點穴dian3 xue2
to hit a pressure point (martial arts); dim mak; see also 點脈|点脉
点烟器點煙器dian3 yan1 qi4
cigarette lighter (in a car); 12-volt cigarette lighter receptacle
点阅率點閱率dian3 yue4 lv4
click-through rate (for websites or online advertisements)
点赞點贊dian3 zan4
to like (an online post on Weibo, Facebook etc)
点阵點陣dian3 zhen4
lattice; dot matrix; bitmap
点阵打印机點陣打印機dian3 zhen4 da3 yin4 ji1
dot matrix printer
点阵式打印机點陣式打印機dian3 zhen4 shi4 da3 yin4 ji1
dot matrix printer
点阵字体點陣字體dian3 zhen4 zi4 ti3
bitmap font (computer)
点钟點鐘dian3 zhong1
(indicating time of day) o'clock
点缀點綴dian3 zhui4
to decorate; to adorn; sprinkled; studded; only for show
点字點字dian3 zi4
Braille characters (alphabet for the blind)
点字机點字機dian3 zi4 ji1
Braille typewriter
点子點子dian3 zi5
spot; point; dot; speck; drop (of liquid); droplet; point (of argument); idea; crux; indication; pointer
点子背點子背dian3 zi5 bei4
(coll.) to have a stroke of bad luck
吊点滴吊點滴diao4 dian3 di1
to put sb on an intravenous drip (Tw)
掉点儿掉點兒diao4 dian3 er5
drip of rain
丁点丁點ding1 dian3
tiny bit
顶点頂點ding3 dian3
summit; peak; (math.) vertex
定点定點ding4 dian3
to determine a location; designated; appointed; specific; fixed (time); fixed point (geometry); fixed-point (number)
定点厂定點廠ding4 dian3 chang3
factory designated by the state to make a particular product
定点企业定點企業ding4 dian3 qi3 ye4
a specialized enterprise
定居点定居點ding4 ju1 dian3
冬至点冬至點dong1 zhi4 dian3
the winter solstice
动点動點dong4 dian3
moving point
逗点逗點dou4 dian3
端点端點duan1 dian3
starting point or ending point (in stories etc); end point (math)
蹲点蹲點dun1 dian3
(of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grassroots unit to gain firsthand experience; (dialect) taking a crap
多大点事多大點事duo1 da4 dian3 shi4
trivial matter; Big deal!
多点触控多點觸控duo1 dian3 chu4 kong4
multi-touch (computing)
二分点二分點er4 fen1 dian3
the two equinoxes
二十一点二十一點er4 shi2 yi1 dian3
blackjack (card game)
返点返點fan3 dian3
sales bonus; affiliate reward; rebate; commission
放射性最强点放射性最強點fang4 she4 xing4 zui4 qiang2 dian3
radioactive hot spot
沸点沸點fei4 dian3
boiling point
废物点心廢物點心fei4 wu4 dian3 xin5
(coll.) a good-for-nothing; loser
分点分點fen1 dian3
point of division
分歧点分歧點fen1 qi2 dian3
branch point; division point
分至点分至點fen1 zhi4 dian3
common word for equinox and solstice; point of difference; point of divergence
浮点浮點fu2 dian3
(computing) floating point
浮点数浮點數fu2 dian3 shu4
(computing) floating-point number; float; real
浮点型浮點型fu2 dian3 xing2
(computing)floating-point; float; real
浮点运算浮點運算fu2 dian3 yun4 suan4
floating point operation
附点附點fu4 dian3
dot (music notation)
糕点糕點gao1 dian3
cakes; pastries
给你点颜色看看給你點顏色看看gei3 ni3 dian3 yan2 se4 kan4 kan5
(I'll) teach you a lesson; put you in your place
公共零点公共零點gong1 gong4 ling2 dian3
common zeros (of system of equations)
共同点共同點gong4 tong2 dian3
common ground
鼓点鼓點gu3 dian3
drum beat; rhythm
鼓点子鼓點子gu3 dian3 zi5
drum beat; rhythm
固定点固定點gu4 ding4 dian3
fixed point; calibration point
拐点拐點guai3 dian3
turning point; breaking point; inflexion point (math., a point of a curve at which the curvature changes sign)
State Key Laboratories (university laboratories in PRC supported by the central government)
国家重点学科國家重點學科guo2 jia1 zhong4 dian3 xue2 ke1
National Key Disciplines (disciplines recognized as important and supported by PRC central government, including medicine, science, chemistry, engineering, commerce and law)
The process is more beautiful than the outcome.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
焊点焊點han4 dian3
welding point; (electronics) solder joint
花点子花點子hua1 dian3 zi5
trickery; scam
画龙点睛畫龍點睛hua4 long2 dian3 jing1
to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point
黄白交点黃白交點huang2 bai2 jiao1 dian3
ecliptic line; intersection of the ecliptic with the moon's orbit plane
汇点匯點hui4 dian3
confluence; a meeting point
基本点基本點ji1 ben3 dian3
basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点
基点基點ji1 dian3
main point; crux; central point
极点極點ji2 dian3
extreme point; pole; the origin (in polar coordinates)
几点幾點ji3 dian3
what time?; when?
几点了幾點了ji3 dian3 le5
What's the time?
加点加點jia1 dian3
to work extra hours; to do overtime
检点檢點jian3 dian3
to examine; to check; to keep a lookout; cautious; restrained (in speech or mannerisms)
江八点江八點jiang1 ba1 dian3
"Jiang Zemin's eight-point formula" (for resuming a dialog with Taiwan)
江湖一点诀江湖一點訣jiang1 hu2 yi1 dian3 jue2
special technique; trick of the trade; knack
降落地点降落地點jiang4 luo4 di4 dian3
landing site
交叉点交叉點jiao1 cha1 dian3
junction; crossroads; intersection point
焦点焦點jiao1 dian3
focus; focal point
交点交點jiao1 dian3
meeting point; point of intersection
脚不点地腳不點地jiao3 bu4 dian3 di4
see 腳不沾地|脚不沾地
接点接點jie1 dian3
(electrical) contact
节点節點jie2 dian3
结点結點jie2 dian3
joint; node
近地点近地點jin4 di4 dian3
apsis; perigee
近日点近日點jin4 ri4 dian3
perihelion, the nearest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun; lower apsis
景点景點jing3 dian3
scenic spot; place of interest (tourism)
静点靜點jing4 dian3
a hospital drip
静脉点滴靜脈點滴jing4 mai4 dian3 di1
an intravenous drip
镜像站点鏡像站點jing4 xiang4 zhan4 dian3
mirror (computing)
居民点居民點ju1 min2 dian3
residential area
居民点儿居民點兒ju1 min2 dian3 er5
variant of 居民點|居民点
据点據點ju4 dian3
stronghold; defended military base; base for operations; strategic point; foothold; (market) presence
聚点聚點ju4 dian3
meeting point; accumulation point (math)
可圈可点可圈可點ke3 quan1 ke3 dian3
remarkable (performance, achievement etc); worthy of praise
空白点空白點kong4 bai2 dian3
gap; empty space
快点快點kuai4 dian3
to do sth more quickly; Hurry up!; Get a move on!
快点儿快點兒kuai4 dian3 er5
erhua variant of 快點|快点
蜡烛不点不亮蠟燭不點不亮la4 zhu2 bu4 dian3 bu4 liang4
some people have to be pushed for them to take action
雷声大,雨点小雷聲大,雨點小lei2 sheng1 da4 - yu3 dian3 xiao3
loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain (idiom); a lot of talk, but no action; action speaks louder than words; his bite is worse than his bark
类似点類似點lei4 si4 dian3
历来最低点歷來最低點li4 lai2 zui4 di1 dian3
all time low (point)
历史观点歷史觀點li4 shi3 guan1 dian3
historical standpoint
立足点立足點li4 zu2 dian3
两点水兩點水liang3 dian3 shui3
name of "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15); see also 冫
亮点亮點liang4 dian3
highlight; bright spot
临界点臨界點lin2 jie4 dian3
critical point; boundary point
零点零點ling2 dian3
zero (math.)
零点定理零點定理ling2 dian3 ding4 li3
Hilbert's zeros theorem (math.); Nullstellensatz
零点能零點能ling2 dian3 neng2
zero-point energy (quantum mechanical vacuum effect)
零点五零點五ling2 dian3 wu3
zero point five, 0.5; one half
零起点零起點ling2 qi3 dian3
from zero; from scratch; beginners' (course); for beginners
零缺点零缺點ling2 que1 dian3
zero defect; faultless; impeccable
灵犀一点通靈犀一點通ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
mental rapport; likeness of mind; spiritual link
露点露點lu4 dian3
dew point; (coll.) (of a woman) to expose one of the three areas (nipples and genitals)
amused by even the weakest joke; ready to laugh at the smallest thing
心有灵犀一点通心有靈犀一點通xin1 you3 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom); fig. two hearts beat as one
哑点啞點ya3 dian3
blind spot; dead spot
演出地点演出地點yan3 chu1 di4 dian3
performance place
眼点眼點yan3 dian3
eyespot (in lower creatures)
幺点么點yao1 dian3
要点要點yao4 dian3
main point; essential
一点一點yi1 dian3
a bit; a little; one dot; one point
一点不一點不yi1 dian3 bu4
not at all
一点点一點點yi1 dian3 dian3
a little bit
一点儿一點兒yi1 dian3 er5
erhua variant of 一點|一点
一点就通一點就通yi1 dian3 jiu4 tong1
a hint is all that is needed; understanding each other without the need to explain
一点邻域一點鄰域yi1 dian3 lin2 yu4
(math.) neighborhood of a point
一点水一个泡一點水一個泡yi1 dian3 shui3 yi1 ge4 pao4
honest and trustworthy (idiom)
一点一滴一點一滴yi1 dian3 yi1 di1
bit by bit; every little bit
一点一点一點一點yi1 dian3 yi1 dian3
little by little; bit by bit; gradually
一丁点一丁點yi1 ding1 dian3
a tiny bit; a wee bit
一星半点一星半點yi1 xing1 ban4 dian3
just the tiniest bit; a hint of
疑点疑點yi2 dian3
a doubtful point
银点銀點yin2 dian3
the silver point; the melting point of silver 962°C used as a calibration point in some temperature scales
引爆点引爆點yin3 bao4 dian3
tipping point
应点應點ying4 dian3
to act on one's word
优点優點you1 dian3
merit; benefit; strong point; advantage
有点有點you3 dian3
a little
有点儿有點兒you3 dian3 er5
slightly; a little; somewhat
有一点儿有一點兒you3 yi1 dian3 er5
a bit; a little
瘀点瘀點yu1 dian3
petechia (medicine)
雨点雨點yu3 dian3
原爆点原爆點yuan2 bao4 dian3
ground zero
原点原點yuan2 dian3
origin (math.); origin of coordinates
圆点圓點yuan2 dian3
源点源點yuan2 dian3
源点地址源點地址yuan2 dian3 di4 zhi3
source address
原点矩原點矩yuan2 dian3 ju3
(statistics) moment
远地点遠地點yuan3 di4 dian3
远日点遠日點yuan3 ri4 dian3
aphelion, the furthest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun; opposite: perihelion 近日點|近日点; higher apsis
早点早點zao3 dian3
站点站點zhan4 dian3
战略要点戰略要點zhan4 lve4 yao4 dian3
strategic point
长点心眼長點心眼zhang3 dian3 xin1 yan3
to watch out; to keep one's wits about one
着火点著火點zhao2 huo3 dian3
ignition point (temperature); combustion point
争论点爭論點zheng1 lun4 dian3
正点正點zheng4 dian3
on time; punctual (of train etc); awesome (slang)
支点支點zhi1 dian3
fulcrum (for a lever)
指点指點zhi3 dian3
to point out; to indicate; to give directions; to show how (to do sth); to censure; to pick at
指点江山指點江山zhi3 dian3 jiang1 shan1
to talk idly about important matters (idiom); to set the world to rights; to pass judgment on everything
指点迷津指點迷津zhi3 dian3 mi2 jin1
to show sb how to get to the right path
止损点止損點zhi3 sun3 dian3
stop-loss point, a point at which you make a small loss to limit your losses