soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad

strokes 9
strokes after radical 5
比烂 比爛 bi3 lan4
to compare two unsatisfactory things; to argue that others have similar or worse faults (as a response to criticism); whataboutery

灿烂 燦爛 can4 lan4
to glitter; brilliant; splendid

灿烂多彩 燦爛多彩 can4 lan4 duo1 cai3
multicolored splendor (of fireworks, bright lights etc)

陈谷子烂芝麻 陳谷子爛芝麻 chen2 gu3 zi5 lan4 zhi1 ma5
lit. stale grain, overcooked sesame (idiom); fig. the same boring old gossip

捣烂 搗爛 dao3 lan4
to mash; to beat to a pulp

废铜烂铁 廢銅爛鐵 fei4 tong2 lan4 tie3
scrap metal; a pile of junk

腐烂 腐爛 fu3 lan4
to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt

滚瓜烂熟 滾瓜爛熟 gun3 gua1 lan4 shu2
lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from its vine (idiom); fig. to know fluently; to know sth inside out; to know sth by heart

海枯石烂 海枯石爛 hai3 ku1 shi2 lan4
lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom); fig. forever; until the end of time

好记性不如烂笔头 好記性不如爛筆頭 hao3 ji4 xing4 bu4 ru2 lan4 bi3 tou2
the palest ink is better than the best memory (idiom)

唬烂 唬爛 hu3 lan4
(slang) (Tw) to bullshit; to fool

焦头烂额 焦頭爛額 jiao1 tou2 lan4 e2
lit. badly burned about the head (from trying to put out a fire) (idiom); fig. hard-pressed; under pressure (from a heavy workload, creditors etc)

溃烂 潰爛 kui4 lan4
to fester; to ulcerate

烂好人 爛好人 lan4 hao3 ren2
sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone

烂糊 爛糊 lan4 hu5
overripe; overcooked

烂漫 爛漫 lan4 man4
brightly colored; unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally)

烂熳 爛熳 lan4 man4
variant of 爛漫|烂漫

烂缦 爛縵 lan4 man4
variant of 爛漫|烂漫

烂泥 爛泥 lan4 ni2
mud; mire

烂泥扶不上墙 爛泥扶不上牆 lan4 ni2 fu2 bu4 shang4 qiang2
useless (idiom); worthless; inept

烂泥糊不上墙 爛泥糊不上牆 lan4 ni2 hu2 bu4 shang4 qiang2
see 爛泥扶不上牆|烂泥扶不上墙

烂片 爛片 lan4 pian4
dud movie

烂舌头 爛舌頭 lan4 she2 tou2
to gossip; to blab; a blab-mouth

烂熟 爛熟 lan4 shu2
well cooked; to know thoroughly

烂摊子 爛攤子 lan4 tan1 zi5
terrible mess; shambles

烂桃花 爛桃花 lan4 tao2 hua1
unhappy love affair

烂透 爛透 lan4 tou4
rotten to the core

烂尾 爛尾 lan4 wei3
unfinished; incomplete

烂污货 爛污貨 lan4 wu1 huo4
loose woman; slut

烂崽 爛崽 lan4 zai3
rogue; rowdy; unreliable chap

烂账 爛賬 lan4 zhang4
accounts in a rotten state

烂醉 爛醉 lan4 zui4
dead drunk; completely drunk

烂醉如泥 爛醉如泥 lan4 zui4 ru2 ni2
lit. as drunk as mud; completely drunk

霉烂 霉爛 mei2 lan4
mold; rot

靡烂 靡爛 mi2 lan4
rotting; decaying

糜烂 糜爛 mi2 lan4
dissipated; rotten; decaying

糜烂性毒剂 糜爛性毒劑 mi2 lan4 xing4 du2 ji4

破烂 破爛 po4 lan4
worn-out; rotten; dilapidated; tattered; ragged; rubbish; junk

三寸不烂之舌 三寸不爛之舌 san1 cun4 bu4 lan4 zhi1 she2
to have a silver tongue; to have the gift of the gab

撕烂 撕爛 si1 lan4
to tear up; to tear to pieces

死缠烂打 死纏爛打 si3 chan2 lan4 da3
(coll.) to pester; to harass

贪多嚼不烂 貪多嚼不爛 tan1 duo1 jiao2 bu4 lan4
to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)

天真烂漫 天真爛漫 tian1 zhen1 lan4 man4
innocent and unaffected

稀巴烂 稀巴爛 xi1 ba1 lan4
same as 稀爛|稀烂

稀烂 稀爛 xi1 lan4
smashed up; broken into pieces; thoroughly mashed; pulpy

下三烂 下三爛 xia4 san1 lan4
variant of 下三濫|下三滥

朽烂 朽爛 xiu3 lan4

绚烂 絢爛 xuan4 lan4
splendid; gorgeous; dazzling

砸烂 砸爛 za2 lan4
to smash

撞烂 撞爛 zhuang4 lan4
to destroy by smashing; smashed up