tooth; ivory

strokes 4
strokes after radical 0
拔牙 拔牙 ba2 ya2
to extract a tooth

板牙 板牙 ban3 ya2
incisor; molar; screw die; threading die

龅牙 齙牙 bao1 ya2
buck tooth; projecting tooth

补牙 補牙 bu3 ya2
to fill a tooth (cavity); to have a tooth filled; a dental filling

槽牙 槽牙 cao2 ya2
molar tooth

长牙 長牙 chang2 ya2

冲牙器 沖牙器 chong1 ya2 qi4
water pick; oral irrigator

虫牙 蟲牙 chong2 ya2
caries; rotten tooth (colloquial); see also 齲齒|龋齿

虫子牙 蟲子牙 chong2 zi5 ya2
see 蟲牙|虫牙

打牙祭 打牙祭 da3 ya2 ji4
to have a large and sumptuous meal (traditionally on the 1st and 15th of each month)

道牙 道牙 dao4 ya2

毒牙 毒牙 du2 ya2
venomous fang

房牙 房牙 fang2 ya2
real estate agent (old)

房牙子 房牙子 fang2 ya2 zi5
real estate agent (old)

佛牙 佛牙 fo2 ya2
Buddha's tooth (a holy relic)

狗嘴里吐不出象牙 狗嘴裏吐不出象牙 gou3 zui3 li5 tu3 bu4 chu1 xiang4 ya2
no ivory comes from the mouth of a dog (idiom); no good words are to be expected from a scoundrel

海牙 海牙 hai3 ya2
The Hague (city in the Netherlands); Den Haag

喝凉水都塞牙 喝涼水都塞牙 he1 liang2 shui3 dou1 sai1 ya2
(coll.) to be out of luck

恒牙 恆牙 heng2 ya2
permanent tooth (as opposed to deciduous tooth 乳牙); adult tooth

虎牙 虎牙 hu3 ya2
(coll.) eye tooth (maxillary canine tooth)

换牙 換牙 huan4 ya2
to grow replacement teeth (zoology); to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth

基牙 基牙 ji1 ya2
abutment tooth (dentistry)

挤牙膏 擠牙膏 ji3 ya2 gao1
lit. to squeeze out toothpaste; fig. to extract a confession under pressure

假象牙 假象牙 jia3 xiang4 ya2

假牙 假牙 jia3 ya2
false teeth; dentures

尖牙 尖牙 jian1 ya2
canine tooth; fang; tusk

姜子牙 薑子牙 jiang1 zi3 ya2
Jiang Ziya (c. 1100 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), partly mythical sage advisor to King Wen of Zhou 周文王 and purported author of “Six Secret Strategic Teachings” 六韜|六韬, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书

矫形牙套 矯形牙套 jiao3 xing2 ya2 tao4
orthodontic brace

洁牙 潔牙 jie2 ya2
scaling and polishing (dentistry)

巨牙鲨 巨牙鯊 ju4 ya2 sha1
megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)

蓝牙 藍牙 lan2 ya2

狼牙山 狼牙山 lang2 ya2 shan1
Mount Langya in Hebei

老掉牙 老掉牙 lao3 diao4 ya2
very old; obsolete; out of date

伶牙俐齿 伶牙俐齒 ling2 ya2 li4 chi3
clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent; having the gift of the gab

马路牙子 馬路牙子 ma3 lu4 ya2 zi5

满地找牙 滿地找牙 man3 di4 zhao3 ya2
to be looking for one's teeth all over the floor; (fig.) to get beaten up badly; to beat the crap out of (sb)

门牙 門牙 men2 ya2

磨牙 磨牙 mo2 ya2
to grind one's teeth (during sleep); pointless arguing; (coll.) molar

吽牙 吽牙 ou1 ya2
sound of dogs fighting, also written 吽呀

葡萄牙 葡萄牙 pu2 tao2 ya2

葡萄牙人 葡萄牙人 pu2 tao2 ya2 ren2
Portuguese (person)

葡萄牙文 葡萄牙文 pu2 tao2 ya2 wen2
Portuguese (language)

葡萄牙语 葡萄牙語 pu2 tao2 ya2 yu3
Portuguese (language)

切牙 切牙 qie1 ya2
incisor tooth

青面獠牙 青面獠牙 qing1 mian4 liao2 ya2
ferocious-looking (idiom)

乳牙 乳牙 ru3 ya2
deciduous tooth; milk tooth; baby tooth

塞牙 塞牙 sai1 ya2
to get food stuck between one's teeth

上牙膛 上牙膛 shang4 ya2 tang2
palate (roof of the mouth)

圣地牙哥 聖地牙哥 sheng4 di4 ya2 ge1
(Tw) San Diego, California; Santiago, capital of Chile

拾人牙慧 拾人牙慧 shi2 ren2 ya2 hui4
to pick up what others say (idiom); to pass off other people's opinions as one's own; to parrot

刷牙 刷牙 shua1 ya2
to brush one's teeth

弹牙 彈牙 tan2 ya2
al dente

剔牙 剔牙 ti1 ya2
to pick one's teeth

铁齿铜牙 鐵齒銅牙 tie3 chi3 tong2 ya2
clever and eloquent speaker (idiom)

尾牙 尾牙 wei3 ya2
a year-end dinner for employees

无牙 無牙 wu2 ya2
toothless; (fig.) powerless; ineffectual; weak

西班牙 西班牙 xi1 ban1 ya2

西班牙港 西班牙港 xi1 ban1 ya2 gang3
Port-of-Spain, capital of Trinidad and Tobago

西班牙人 西班牙人 xi1 ban1 ya2 ren2
Spaniard; Spanish person

西班牙文 西班牙文 xi1 ban1 ya2 wen2
Spanish (language)

西班牙语 西班牙語 xi1 ban1 ya2 yu3
Spanish language

洗牙 洗牙 xi3 ya2
scaling and polishing (dentistry)

镶牙 鑲牙 xiang1 ya2
to have a false tooth set in; denture

象牙 象牙 xiang4 ya2
ivory; elephant tusk

象牙海岸 象牙海岸 xiang4 ya2 hai3 an4
Ivory Coast

象牙塔 象牙塔 xiang4 ya2 ta3
ivory tower

笑掉大牙 笑掉大牙 xiao4 diao4 da4 ya2
to laugh one's head off; ridiculous; jaw-dropping

匈牙利 匈牙利 xiong1 ya2 li4

匈牙利语 匈牙利語 xiong1 ya2 li4 yu3
Hungarian language

牙白 牙白 ya2 bai2
creamy white; ivory color

牙班 牙班 ya2 ban1
dental plaque

牙本质 牙本質 ya2 ben3 zhi4
dentin; dentine

牙病 牙病 ya2 bing4
odontopathy; dental disease

牙碜 牙磣 ya2 chen5
gritty (of foodstuffs); fig. jarring speech

牙城 牙城 ya2 cheng2
citadel; military headquarters

牙齿 牙齒 ya2 chi3
tooth; dental

牙齿矫正器 牙齒矯正器 ya2 chi3 jiao3 zheng4 qi4
orthodontic braces

牙床 牙床 ya2 chuang2
gum; ivory bedframe

牙雕 牙雕 ya2 diao1
ivory carving

牙粉 牙粉 ya2 fen3
dental floss; tooth powder

牙缝 牙縫 ya2 feng4
gap between teeth

牙缝儿 牙縫兒 ya2 feng4 er5
gap between teeth

牙膏 牙膏 ya2 gao1

牙根 牙根 ya2 gen1
root of tooth

牙垢 牙垢 ya2 gou4
dental plaque; tartar

牙关 牙關 ya2 guan1
jaw; mandibular joint

牙冠 牙冠 ya2 guan1
crown of a tooth; (dental) crown

牙关紧闭症 牙關緊閉症 ya2 guan1 jin3 bi4 zheng4
lockjaw; trismus

牙行 牙行 ya2 hang2
middleman (in former times); broker

牙慧 牙慧 ya2 hui4
repetition; other person's opinion; hearsay; parroting

牙机巧制 牙機巧制 ya2 ji1 qiao3 zhi4
ingenious gear machine; elaborate contraption

牙祭 牙祭 ya2 ji4
a good meal; sumptuous food

牙菌斑 牙菌斑 ya2 jun1 ban1
dental bacterial plaque

牙科 牙科 ya2 ke1

牙科医生 牙科醫生 ya2 ke1 yi1 sheng1

牙克石 牙克石 ya2 ke4 shi2
Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

牙克石市 牙克石市 ya2 ke4 shi2 shi4
Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

牙侩 牙儈 ya2 kuai4

牙买加 牙買加 ya2 mai3 jia1

牙买加胡椒 牙買加胡椒 ya2 mai3 jia1 hu2 jiao1
Jamaican pepper; all-spice (Pimenta dioica)

牙签 牙籤 ya2 qian1

牙桥 牙橋 ya2 qiao2
dental bridge

牙人 牙人 ya2 ren2
(old) middleman; broker

牙刷 牙刷 ya2 shua1

牙髓 牙髓 ya2 sui3
tooth pulp

牙套 牙套 ya2 tao4
orthodontic brace; (dental) crown

牙痛 牙痛 ya2 tong4

牙托 牙托 ya2 tuo1
mouthguard; occlusal splint; dental impression tray; orthodontic plate; denture base; denture

牙线 牙線 ya2 xian4
dental floss

牙线棒 牙線棒 ya2 xian4 bang4
floss pick

牙医 牙醫 ya2 yi1

牙音 牙音 ya2 yin1
velar consonants of Middle Chinese

牙龈 牙齦 ya2 yin2
gums; gingiva

牙龈炎 牙齦炎 ya2 yin2 yan2

牙釉质 牙釉質 ya2 you4 zhi4
dental enamel

牙帐 牙帳 ya2 zhang4
tent of the commanding officer; tent capital of a nomadic people

牙周病 牙周病 ya2 zhou1 bing4
periodontitis (gum disorder)

牙周炎 牙周炎 ya2 zhou1 yan2
periodontitis (gum disorder)

牙子 牙子 ya2 zi5
serrated edge; (old) middleman; broker

亚曼牙 亞曼牙 ya4 man4 ya2
Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang

亚曼牙乡 亞曼牙鄉 ya4 man4 ya2 xiang1
Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang

咬定牙根 咬定牙根 yao3 ding4 ya2 gen1
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关

咬定牙关 咬定牙關 yao3 ding4 ya2 guan1
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关

咬紧牙根 咬緊牙根 yao3 jin3 ya2 gen1
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关

咬紧牙关 咬緊牙關 yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1
lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain; to bite the bullet

咬牙 咬牙 yao3 ya2
to clench one's teeth; to grind the teeth; gnaw

咬牙切齿 咬牙切齒 yao3 ya2 qie4 chi3
gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger; fuming with rage between gritted teeth

以牙还牙 以牙還牙 yi3 ya2 huan2 ya2
a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)

以眼还眼,以牙还牙 以眼還眼,以牙還牙 yi3 yan3 huan2 yan3 - yi3 ya2 huan2 ya2
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom); fig. to use the enemy's methods against him; to give sb a taste of his own medicine

月牙 月牙 yue4 ya2
crescent moon

月牙形 月牙形 yue4 ya2 xing2

暂牙 暫牙 zan4 ya2
deciduous tooth; milk tooth; baby tooth; also written 乳齒|乳齿

张牙舞爪 張牙舞爪 zhang1 ya2 wu3 zhao3
to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures

爪牙 爪牙 zhao3 ya2
pawn; lackey; accomplice (in crime); collaborator; henchman; claws and teeth

正牙带环 正牙帶環 zheng4 ya2 dai4 huan2
orthodontic brace

智牙 智牙 zhi4 ya2
wisdom tooth

蛀牙 蛀牙 zhu4 ya2
tooth decay; dental cavities

呲牙咧嘴 呲牙咧嘴 zi1 ya2 lie3 zui3
to grimace (in pain); to show one's teeth; to bare one's fangs

龇牙咧嘴 齜牙咧嘴 zi1 ya2 lie3 zui3
to grimace (in pain); to show one's teeth; to bare one's fangs