Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; CITES
不可再生资源不可再生資源bu4 ke3 zai4 sheng1 zi1 yuan2
nonrenewable resource
不事生产不事生產bu4 shi4 sheng1 chan3
not to do anything productive; to idle away one's time
苍生蒼生cang1 sheng1
(area where) vegetation grows; the common people
苍生涂炭蒼生塗炭cang1 sheng1 tu2 tan4
the common people in a miserable state
侧生动物側生動物ce4 sheng1 dong4 wu4
parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Parazoa, mostly sponges)
差生差生cha4 sheng1
weak student
缠夹二先生纏夾二先生chan2 jia1 er4 xian1 sheng5
annoying muddle-headed person who gabbles unintelligibly
产生產生chan3 sheng1
to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield
长生長生chang2 sheng1
long life
长生不老長生不老chang2 sheng1 bu4 lao3
长生不死長生不死chang2 sheng1 bu4 si3
长生果長生果chang2 sheng1 guo3
peanut; groundnut (slang)
长生久视長生久視chang2 sheng1 jiu3 shi4
to grow old with unfailing eyes and ears (idiom)
长生禄位長生祿位chang2 sheng1 lu4 wei4
tablet and altar honoring a great benefactor (idiom)
超生超生chao1 sheng1
to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy; to be reincarnated; to be lenient
陈方安生陳方安生chen2 fang1 an1 sheng1
Anson Chan (1940-), chief secretary for administration, Hong Kong (1997-2001)
齿颊生香齒頰生香chi3 jia2 sheng1 xiang1
lit. to feel the taste in one's mouth (idiom); fig. to water at the mouth; to drool in anticipation
赤脚医生赤腳醫生chi4 jiao3 yi1 sheng1
barefoot doctor; farmer with paramedical training (PRC)
重生重生chong2 sheng1
初生初生chu1 sheng1
newborn; nascent; primary (biology)
出生出生chu1 sheng1
to be born
出生地出生地chu1 sheng1 di4
出生地点出生地點chu1 sheng1 di4 dian3
place of birth
出生率出生率chu1 sheng1 lv4
出生缺陷出生缺陷chu1 sheng1 que1 xian4
birth defect
出生日期出生日期chu1 sheng1 ri4 qi1
date of birth
出生入死出生入死chu1 sheng1 ru4 si3
from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go through fire and water; brave; willing to risk life and limb
出生证出生證chu1 sheng1 zheng4
birth certificate
出生证明出生證明chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2
birth certificate
出生证明书出生證明書chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2 shu1
birth certificate
初生之犊不怕虎初生之犢不怕虎chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3
see 初生之犢不畏虎|初生之犊不畏虎
初生之犊不畏虎初生之犢不畏虎chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3
lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom); fig. the fearlessness of youth
初中生初中生chu1 zhong1 sheng1
junior high student
触景生情觸景生情chu4 jing3 sheng1 qing2
scene which recalls past memories (idiom); evocative of the past; reminiscent; to arouse deep feelings
planned childbirth; birth control; family planning; abbr. for 計劃生育|计划生育
寄生寄生ji4 sheng1
to live in or on another organism as a parasite; to live by taking advantage of others; parasitism; parasitic
寄生虫寄生蟲ji4 sheng1 chong2
parasite; drone
寄生生活寄生生活ji4 sheng1 sheng1 huo2
parasitism; parasitic life-style
寄生物寄生物ji4 sheng1 wu4
寄生者寄生者ji4 sheng1 zhe3
parasite (human)
寄宿生寄宿生ji4 su4 sheng1
夹生夾生jia1 sheng1
half-cooked; (fig.) not completely done, solved, developed etc; Taiwan pr.
夹生饭夾生飯jia1 sheng1 fan4
half-cooked rice; (fig.) half-finished job that is difficult to complete because it was not done properly in the first instance; Taiwan pr.
尖子生尖子生jian1 zi5 sheng1
top student
见景生情見景生情jian4 jing3 sheng1 qing2
to be touched by a scene; to adapt to the situation
见习生見習生jian4 xi2 sheng1
apprentice; probationer; cadet
见习医生見習醫生jian4 xi2 yi1 sheng1
medical intern
江湖医生江湖醫生jiang1 hu2 yi1 sheng1
quack; charlatan; itinerant doctor and swindler
降生降生jiang4 sheng1
to be born; arrival of newborn; birth (of a savior or religious leader)
娇生惯养嬌生慣養jiao1 sheng1 guan4 yang3
pampered and spoiled since childhood
矫形医生矯形醫生jiao3 xing2 yi1 sheng1
orthopedic doctor
接生接生jie1 sheng1
to deliver (a newborn child)
接生婆接生婆jie1 sheng1 po2
接线生接線生jie1 xian4 sheng1
switchboard operator; phone operator
劫后余生劫後餘生jie2 hou4 yu2 sheng1
after the calamity, renewed life (idiom); new lease of life
节上生枝節上生枝jie2 shang4 sheng1 zhi1
a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
节外生枝節外生枝jie2 wai4 sheng1 zhi1
a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
孑遗生物孑遺生物jie2 yi2 sheng1 wu4
living fossil
借腹生子借腹生子jie4 fu4 sheng1 zi3
surrogate pregnancy
金融衍生产品金融衍生產品jin1 rong2 yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3
financial derivative
今生今生jin1 sheng1
this life
精神生活精神生活jing1 shen2 sheng1 huo2
spiritual or moral life
境由心生境由心生jing4 you2 xin1 sheng1
our mindset frames how we view the world
九死一生九死一生jiu3 si3 yi1 sheng1
nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow escape; new lease of life
救生救生jiu4 sheng1
to save a life; life-saving
救生船救生船jiu4 sheng1 chuan2
救生队救生隊jiu4 sheng1 dui4
rescue team
救生筏救生筏jiu4 sheng1 fa2
a life raft
救生圈救生圈jiu4 sheng1 quan1
life buoy; life belt; (jocularly) flab; spare tire
救生艇救生艇jiu4 sheng1 ting3
救生艇甲板救生艇甲板jiu4 sheng1 ting3 jia3 ban3
boat deck (upper deck on which lifeboats are stored)
救生衣救生衣jiu4 sheng1 yi1
life jacket; life vest
救生员救生員jiu4 sheng1 yuan2
捐生捐生juan1 sheng1
to sacrifice one's life
绝处逢生絕處逢生jue2 chu3 feng2 sheng1
to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger; fig. to recover from a seemingly impossible situation; to find a way out of a predicament
慷慨捐生慷慨捐生kang1 kai3 juan1 sheng1
sacrificing one's life generously (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause
康生康生kang1 sheng1
Kang Sheng (1896-1975), Chinese communist leader, a politburo member during the Cultural Revolution and posthumously blamed for some of its excesses
抗抗生素抗抗生素kang4 kang4 sheng1 su4
antibiotic resistance
抗生素抗生素kang4 sheng1 su4
考生考生kao3 sheng1
exam candidate; student whose name has been put forward for an exam
lit. the dragon has nine sons (idiom); fig. all kinds of characters; good and bad intermingled; It takes all sorts to make a world.
陆生陸生lu4 sheng1
terrestrial (animal, species)
孪生孿生luan2 sheng1
罗生门羅生門luo2 sheng1 men2
Rashomon, Japanese novel and movie; (fig.) situation where conflicting interpretations of the same event obscure the truth; unsolvable case
落地生根落地生根luo4 di4 sheng1 gen1
air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum); to put down roots
落花生落花生luo4 hua1 sheng1
麻生麻生ma2 sheng1
Asō (name); ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese entrepreneur and LDP politician, prime minister 2008-2009
麻生太郎麻生太郎ma2 sheng1 tai4 lang2
ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese entrepreneur and LDP politician, prime minister from 2008
满脸生花滿臉生花man3 lian3 sheng1 hua1
all smiles; beaming from ear to ear
蔓生蔓生man4 sheng1
trailing plant; liana; creeper; overgrown
蔓生植物蔓生植物man4 sheng1 zhi2 wu4
creeper; climbing plant; twiner
冒生命危险冒生命危險mao4 sheng1 ming4 wei1 xian3
to risk one's life
没有生育能力沒有生育能力mei2 you3 sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4
infertile; unable to have children
门生門生men2 sheng1
disciple; student (of a famous master)
萌生萌生meng2 sheng1
to burgeon; to produce; to conceive; to be in the initial stage
妙笔生花妙筆生花miao4 bi3 sheng1 hua1
gifted or skillful writing
妙趣横生妙趣橫生miao4 qu4 heng2 sheng1
endlessly interesting (idiom); very witty
妙语横生妙語橫生miao4 yu3 heng2 sheng1
to be full of wit and humor
民不聊生民不聊生min2 bu4 liao2 sheng1
The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Historian 史記|史记); no way of getting by
民生民生min2 sheng1
people's livelihood; people's welfare
民生凋敝民生凋敝min2 sheng1 diao1 bi4
the people's livelihood is reduced to destitution (idiom); a time of famine and impoverishment
民生主义民生主義min2 sheng1 zhu3 yi4
principle of people's livelihood, the third of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning redistribution of wealth, self-sufficiency and internal trade)
陌生陌生mo4 sheng1
strange; unfamiliar
陌生人陌生人mo4 sheng1 ren2
谋生謀生mou2 sheng1
to seek one's livelihood; to work to support oneself; to earn a living
奶油小生奶油小生nai3 you2 xiao3 sheng1
handsome but effeminate man; pretty boy
男生男生nan2 sheng1
schoolboy; male student; boy; guy (young adult male)
脑子生锈腦子生銹nao3 zi5 sheng1 xiu4
lit. brains rusty; ossified thinking
内科医生內科醫生nei4 ke1 yi1 sheng1
medical doctor; physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科醫生|外科医生
内生的內生的nei4 sheng1 de5
逆生长逆生長ni4 sheng1 zhang3
to seem to grow younger; to regain one's youthful looks
Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?; We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈)
Sanjiang ecological tourist area in Wenchuan county 汶川县, northwest Sichuan
三生有幸三生有幸san1 sheng1 you3 xing4
the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom); (courteous language) it's my good fortune...
丧生喪生sang4 sheng1
to die; to lose one's life
杀生殺生sha1 sheng1
to take the life of a living creature
舍生取义捨生取義she3 sheng1 qu3 yi4
to give up life for righteousness (idiom, from Mencius); to choose honor over life; would rather sacrifice one's life than one's principles
舍生忘死捨生忘死she3 sheng1 wang4 si3
bravery with no thought of personal safety (idiom); risking life and limb; undaunted by perils
神经生物学神經生物學shen2 jing1 sheng1 wu4 xue2
生病生病sheng1 bing4
to fall ill
生不逢时生不逢時sheng1 bu4 feng2 shi2
born at the wrong time (idiom); unlucky (esp. to complain about one's fate); born under an unlucky star; ahead of his time
生财生財sheng1 cai2
to make money
生财有道生財有道sheng1 cai2 you3 dao4
lit. there are principles behind making money (idiom); fig. to have a knack for good business; knowing how to accumulate wealth; good at feathering one's own nest
生菜生菜sheng1 cai4
lettuce; raw fresh vegetables; greens
生产生產sheng1 chan3
to produce; to manufacture; to give birth to a child
生产成本生產成本sheng1 chan3 cheng2 ben3
production costs
生产单位生產單位sheng1 chan3 dan1 wei4
production unit
生产队生產隊sheng1 chan3 dui4
production team
生产反应堆生產反應堆sheng1 chan3 fan3 ying4 dui1
production reactor
生产关系生產關係sheng1 chan3 guan1 xi4
relations between levels of production; socio-economic relations
生产劳动生產勞動sheng1 chan3 lao2 dong4
productive labor
生产力生產力sheng1 chan3 li4
production capability; productive force; productivity
生产率生產率sheng1 chan3 lv4
productivity; efficiency of production
生产能力生產能力sheng1 chan3 neng2 li4
manufacturing ability; production capacity
生产企业生產企業sheng1 chan3 qi3 ye4
生产设施生產設施sheng1 chan3 she4 shi1
production facility
生产线生產線sheng1 chan3 xian4
assembly line; production line
生产要素生產要素sheng1 chan3 yao4 su4
factors of production
生产者生產者sheng1 chan3 zhe3
producer (of goods, commodities or farm produce etc); manufacturer; (biology) autotroph
生产资料生產資料sheng1 chan3 zi1 liao4
means of production
生产自救生產自救sheng1 chan3 zi4 jiu4
self-help (idiom)
生产总值生產總值sheng1 chan3 zong3 zhi2
gross domestic production (GDP); total output value
生炒热卖生炒熱賣sheng1 chao3 re4 mai4
to sell while it's still hot (idiom); fig. in a great hurry to publish or sell (and no time to improve the product)
生辰生辰sheng1 chen2
生辰八字生辰八字sheng1 chen2 ba1 zi4
one's birth data for astrological purposes, combined from year, month, day, hour, heavenly trunk and earthly branch
生成生成sheng1 cheng2
to generate; to produce; generated; produced
生成树生成樹sheng1 cheng2 shu4
spanning tree (in graph theory)
生抽生抽sheng1 chou1
light soy sauce
生出生出sheng1 chu1
to give birth; to grow (whiskers etc); to generate; to produce
生词生詞sheng1 ci2
new word (in textbook); word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied
生词本生詞本sheng1 ci2 ben3
vocabulary notebook
生词语生詞語sheng1 ci2 yu3
vocabulary words (in language-learning books); new or unfamiliar words
生存生存sheng1 cun2
to exist; to survive
生存环境生存環境sheng1 cun2 huan2 jing4
habitat; living environment
生存农业生存農業sheng1 cun2 nong2 ye4
subsistence farming; subsistence agriculture
生达生達sheng1 da2
Sinda, name of former county 1983-1999 in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet
生达县生達縣sheng1 da2 xian4
Sinda county, name of former county 1983-1999 in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet
生达乡生達鄉sheng1 da2 xiang1
Sinda village in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet
生动生動sheng1 dong4
vivid; lively
生儿育女生兒育女sheng1 er2 yu4 nv3
to bear and raise children
生发生發sheng1 fa1
to emerge and grow; to develop
生发剂生髮劑sheng1 fa4 ji4
hair restorer; hair regrowth tonic
生番生番sheng1 fan1
barbarian; aboriginal savage
生粉生粉sheng1 fen3
cornflour; starch powder (cooking)
生粉水生粉水sheng1 fen3 shui3
starch solution (cooking)
生父生父sheng1 fu4
biological father
生父母生父母sheng1 fu4 mu3
biological parents; natural parents
生光生光sheng1 guang1
to emit light
生耗氧量生耗氧量sheng1 hao4 yang3 liang4
biological oxygen demand (BOD)
生花妙笔生花妙筆sheng1 hua1 miao4 bi3
beautiful or talented writing
生化生化sheng1 hua4
生化武器生化武器sheng1 hua4 wu3 qi4
biological weapon
生化学生化學sheng1 hua4 xue2
生还生還sheng1 huan2
to return alive; to survive
生还者生還者sheng1 huan2 zhe3
生辉生輝sheng1 hui1
to dazzle; to brighten up (a room etc)
生活生活sheng1 huo2
life; activity; to live; livelihood
生活必需品生活必需品sheng1 huo2 bi4 xu1 pin3
life's necessities
生活方式生活方式sheng1 huo2 fang1 shi4
way of life; lifestyle
生活费生活費sheng1 huo2 fei4
cost of living; living expenses; alimony
生活馆生活館sheng1 huo2 guan3
living museum
生活阔绰生活闊綽sheng1 huo2 kuo4 chuo4
a flashy lifestyle; to live it up
生活垃圾生活垃圾sheng1 huo2 la1 ji1
domestic garbage
生活美学生活美學sheng1 huo2 mei3 xue2
appreciation of the finer things in life
生活设施生活設施sheng1 huo2 she4 shi1
living facilities
生活水平生活水平sheng1 huo2 shui3 ping2
living standards
生活污水生活污水sheng1 huo2 wu1 shui3
domestic sewage
生活质料生活質料sheng1 huo2 zhi4 liao4
consumer goods
生活资料生活資料sheng1 huo2 zi1 liao4
consumer goods; means of livelihood; means of subsistence; documents relating to sb's life
生活作风生活作風sheng1 huo2 zuo4 feng1
behavior; conduct
生火生火sheng1 huo3
to make a fire; to light a fire
生机生機sheng1 ji1
opportunity to live; to reprieve from death; life force; vitality
生机盎然生機盎然sheng1 ji1 ang4 ran2
full of life; exuberant
生机勃勃生機勃勃sheng1 ji1 bo2 bo2
full of vitality
生计生計sheng1 ji4
生技生技sheng1 ji4
biotechnology; abbr. for 生物技術|生物技术; (Tw) abbr. for 生物科技
生技医药生技醫藥sheng1 ji4 yi1 yao4
biopharmaceutical; drug produced by biotechnology
生煎生煎sheng1 jian1
shengjian, a pan-fried bun filled with meat and juices, a Shanghai specialty
生煎包生煎包sheng1 jian1 bao1
pan-fried dumpling
生姜生薑sheng1 jiang1
fresh ginger
生姜丝生薑絲sheng1 jiang1 si1
shredded ginger
生境生境sheng1 jing4
生就生就sheng1 jiu4
to be born with; to be gifted with
生拉活扯生拉活扯sheng1 la1 huo2 che3
to wildly exaggerate the meaning of sth (idiom)
生拉硬拽生拉硬拽sheng1 la1 ying4 zhuai4
to drag sb along against his will; to draw a forced analogy
生来生來sheng1 lai2
from birth; by one's nature
生老病死生老病死sheng1 lao3 bing4 si3
lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to die; fig. the fate of humankind (i.e. mortality)
生冷生冷sheng1 leng3
(of food) raw or cold
生冷字生冷字sheng1 leng3 zi4
obscure or archaic character
生离死别生離死別sheng1 li2 si3 bie2
separated in life and death; to part for ever
生理生理sheng1 li3
生理假生理假sheng1 li3 jia4
menstrual leave (Tw)
生理性生理性sheng1 li3 xing4
生理学生理學sheng1 li3 xue2
生理学家生理學家sheng1 li3 xue2 jia1
生理盐水生理鹽水sheng1 li3 yan2 shui3
saline (medicine)
生灵生靈sheng1 ling2
(literary) the people; living thing; creature
生灵涂炭生靈塗炭sheng1 ling2 tu2 tan4
people are in a terrible situation (idiom)
生龙活虎生龍活虎sheng1 long2 huo2 hu3
lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom); fig. vigorous and lively
生路生路sheng1 lu4
a way to make a living; a way to survive; a way out of a predicament
生闷气生悶氣sheng1 men4 qi4
to seethe; to sulk; to be pissed off (vulgar)
生猛生猛sheng1 meng3
full of life; violent; brave; fresh (of seafood)
生米生米sheng1 mi3
coarse rice; uncooked rice
生米熟饭生米熟飯sheng1 mi3 shu2 fan4
abbr. for 生米煮成熟飯|生米煮成熟饭, lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed; It's too late to change anything now.
生米煮成熟饭生米煮成熟飯sheng1 mi3 zhu3 cheng2 shu2 fan4
the rice is cooked; what's done is done; it's too late to change anything now (idiom)
生米做成熟饭生米做成熟飯sheng1 mi3 zuo4 cheng2 shu2 fan4
lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed; It's too late to change anything now.; also written 生米煮成熟飯|生米煮成熟饭
while there is life, the fight continues (idiom); to fight to the last
生命多样性生命多樣性sheng1 ming4 duo1 yang4 xing4
生命吠陀生命吠陀sheng1 ming4 fei4 tuo2
Ayurveda (ancient Indian system and health care philosophy); also written 阿育吠陀
生命迹象生命跡象sheng1 ming4 ji4 xiang4
sign of life
生命科学生命科學sheng1 ming4 ke1 xue2
life sciences
生命力生命力sheng1 ming4 li4
生命线生命線sheng1 ming4 xian4
生命在于运动生命在於運動sheng1 ming4 zai4 yu2 yun4 dong4
life is motion (popular saying with many possible interpretations); Physical effort is vital for our bodies to function (Aristotle).; Life derives from physical exercise.
生命征象生命徵象sheng1 ming4 zheng1 xiang4
vital signs
生命周期生命週期sheng1 ming4 zhou1 qi1
life cycle
生母生母sheng1 mu3
natural mother; birth mother
生奶油生奶油sheng1 nai3 you2
cream; whipped cream
生怕生怕sheng1 pa4
to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to
生啤生啤sheng1 pi2
draft beer; unpasteurized beer
生皮生皮sheng1 pi2
pelt; raw hide
生啤酒生啤酒sheng1 pi2 jiu3
draft beer; unpasteurized beer
生僻生僻sheng1 pi4
unfamiliar; rarely seen
生平生平sheng1 ping2
life (a person's whole life); in one's entire life
生平简介生平簡介sheng1 ping2 jian3 jie4
biographic sketch
生平事迹生平事跡sheng1 ping2 shi4 ji4
lifetime achievements
生漆生漆sheng1 qi1
raw lacquer
生气生氣sheng1 qi4
to get angry; to take offense; angry; vitality; liveliness
生气盎然生氣盎然sheng1 qi4 ang4 ran2
see 生機盎然|生机盎然
生气勃勃生氣勃勃sheng1 qi4 bo2 bo2
full of vitality
生前生前sheng1 qian2
(of a deceased) during one's life; while living
生擒生擒sheng1 qin2
to capture alive
生热生熱sheng1 re4
to generate heat
生人生人sheng1 ren2
stranger; living person; to give birth; to be born (in a certain time or place)
生日生日sheng1 ri4
生日贺卡生日賀卡sheng1 ri4 he4 ka3
birthday card
生日卡生日卡sheng1 ri4 ka3
birthday card
生日快乐生日快樂sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4
Happy birthday
生荣死哀生榮死哀sheng1 rong2 si3 ai1
to be respected in life and lamented in death (idiom)
生肉生肉sheng1 rou4
raw meat
生涩生澀sheng1 se4
unripe; tart; not fully proficient; somewhat shaky
生杀大权生殺大權sheng1 sha1 da4 quan2
life-and-death power; ultimate power
生生不息生生不息sheng1 sheng1 bu4 xi1
to grow and multiply without end
生石膏生石膏sheng1 shi2 gao1
gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O); plaster
生石灰生石灰sheng1 shi2 hui1
calcium oxide CaO; quicklime
生手生手sheng1 shou3
novice; new hand; sb new to a job
生疏生疏sheng1 shu1
unfamiliar; strange; out of practice; not accustomed
生水生水sheng1 shui3
unboiled water
生丝生絲sheng1 si1
raw silk
生死生死sheng1 si3
life or death
生死存亡生死存亡sheng1 si3 cun2 wang2
matter of life and death
生死关头生死關頭sheng1 si3 guan1 tou2
the critical moment; life and death crisis
生死肉骨生死肉骨sheng1 si3 rou4 gu3
lit. the dead returning to life; a miracle (idiom)
生死攸关生死攸關sheng1 si3 you1 guan1
matter of life and death
生死有命生死有命sheng1 si3 you3 ming4
life and death are ruled by fate (idiom)
生苔生苔sheng1 tai2
生态生態sheng1 tai4
生态孤岛生態孤島sheng1 tai4 gu1 dao3
insularization (as a threat to biodiversity)
生态环境游生態環境游sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4 you2
生态旅游生態旅遊sheng1 tai4 lv3 you2
生态圈生態圈sheng1 tai4 quan1
生态系统生態系統sheng1 tai4 xi4 tong3
生态学生態學sheng1 tai4 xue2
生态学家生態學家sheng1 tai4 xue2 jia1
生态友好型生態友好型sheng1 tai4 you3 hao3 xing2
eco-friendly; ecologically sustainable
生态足迹生態足迹sheng1 tai4 zu2 ji4
ecological footprint
生疼生疼sheng1 teng2
extremely painful
生铁生鐵sheng1 tie3
pig iron
生土生土sheng1 tu3
(agr.) immature soil; virgin soil
生吞活剥生吞活剝sheng1 tun1 huo2 bo1
to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to apply uncritically
生畏生畏sheng1 wei4
to feel intimidated
生物生物sheng1 wu4
organism; living creature; life form; biological
生物材料生物材料sheng1 wu4 cai2 liao4
生物测定生物測定sheng1 wu4 ce4 ding4
生物柴油生物柴油sheng1 wu4 chai2 you2
生物传感器生物傳感器sheng1 wu4 chuan2 gan3 qi4
生物大灭绝生物大滅絕sheng1 wu4 da4 mie4 jue2
great extinction of species
生物弹药生物彈藥sheng1 wu4 dan4 yao4
biological ammunition
生物多样性生物多樣性sheng1 wu4 duo1 yang4 xing4
生物多元化生物多元化sheng1 wu4 duo1 yuan2 hua4
生物反应器生物反應器sheng1 wu4 fan3 ying4 qi4
生物分析法生物分析法sheng1 wu4 fen1 xi1 fa3
bioanalytical method
生物高分子生物高分子sheng1 wu4 gao1 fen1 zi3
生物工程生物工程sheng1 wu4 gong1 cheng2
bioengineering; genetic engineering
生物工程学生物工程學sheng1 wu4 gong1 cheng2 xue2
生物化学生物化學sheng1 wu4 hua4 xue2
生物化学家生物化學家sheng1 wu4 hua4 xue2 jia1
生物化学站剂生物化學站劑sheng1 wu4 hua4 xue2 zhan4 ji4
biological-chemical warfare agent
生物活化性生物活化性sheng1 wu4 huo2 hua4 xing4
生物剂量仪生物劑量儀sheng1 wu4 ji4 liang4 yi2
biological dosimeter
生物技术生物技術sheng1 wu4 ji4 shu4
biotechnology; abbr. to 生技
生物碱生物鹼sheng1 wu4 jian3
生物降解生物降解sheng1 wu4 jiang4 jie3
生物界生物界sheng1 wu4 jie4
biosphere; natural world
生物晶片生物晶片sheng1 wu4 jing1 pian4
生物科技生物科技sheng1 wu4 ke1 ji4
生物恐怖主义生物恐怖主義sheng1 wu4 kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4
生物力学生物力學sheng1 wu4 li4 xue2
生物链生物鏈sheng1 wu4 lian4
food chain
生物量生物量sheng1 wu4 liang4
生物媒介生物媒介sheng1 wu4 mei2 jie4
biological vector
生物能生物能sheng1 wu4 neng2
生物气体生物氣體sheng1 wu4 qi4 ti3
生物圈生物圈sheng1 wu4 quan1
biosphere; ecosphere
生物群生物群sheng1 wu4 qun2
biota; ecological community; fossil assemblage
生物燃料生物燃料sheng1 wu4 ran2 liao4
生物体生物體sheng1 wu4 ti3
生物武器生物武器sheng1 wu4 wu3 qi4
biological weapon
生物性生物性sheng1 wu4 xing4
生物学生物學sheng1 wu4 xue2
生物学家生物學家sheng1 wu4 xue2 jia1
生物医学工程生物醫學工程sheng1 wu4 yi1 xue2 gong1 cheng2
biomedical engineering
生物战生物戰sheng1 wu4 zhan4
germ warfare; biological warfare
生物战剂生物戰劑sheng1 wu4 zhan4 ji4
biological agent; biological warfare agent
生物质生物質sheng1 wu4 zhi4
生物制剂生物製劑sheng1 wu4 zhi4 ji4
biological product
生物质能生物質能sheng1 wu4 zhi4 neng2
生物制品生物製品sheng1 wu4 zhi4 pin3
biological product
生物钟生物鐘sheng1 wu4 zhong1
biological clock
生物专一性生物專一性sheng1 wu4 zhuan1 yi1 xing4
生息生息sheng1 xi1
to inhabit; to live (in a habitat)
生下生下sheng1 xia4
to give birth to
生效生效sheng1 xiao4
to take effect; to go into effect
生肖生肖sheng1 xiao4
one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches 地支; animal from the Chinese zodiac
生肖属相生肖屬相sheng1 xiao4 shu3 xiang4
birth year as designated by animal symbols (mouse, ox, tiger etc)
生性生性sheng1 xing4
natural disposition
生锈生銹sheng1 xiu4
to rust; to grow rusty; to corrode; oxidization
生涯生涯sheng1 ya2
career; life (way in which sb lives); period of one's life
生厌生厭sheng1 yan4
to disgust; to pall; fed up; tedious; cloying; boring; irritating
with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect
双生雙生shuang1 sheng1
twin (attributive); twins
双生兄弟雙生兄弟shuang1 sheng1 xiong1 di4
twin brothers
水生水生shui3 sheng1
aquatic (plant, animal)
硕士生碩士生shuo4 shi4 sheng1
Master's degree student
私生子私生子si1 sheng1 zi3
illegitimate child (male); bastard; love child
私生子女私生子女si1 sheng1 zi3 nv3
illegitimate child; bastard; love child
死里逃生死裡逃生si3 li3 tao2 sheng1
mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape; to survive by the skin of one's teeth
死生死生si3 sheng1
life or death; critical (event)
死中求生死中求生si3 zhong1 qiu2 sheng1
to seek life in death (idiom); to fight for one's life
四大须生四大鬚生si4 da4 xu1 sheng1
Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lianliang 馬連良|马连良, Tan Fuying 譚富英|谭富英, Yang Baosen 楊寶森|杨宝森, Xi Xiaobo 奚嘯伯|奚啸伯
素昧平生素昧平生su4 mei4 ping2 sheng1
to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted; a complete stranger; not to know sb from Adam
算命先生算命先生suan4 ming4 xian1 sheng5
虽死犹生雖死猶生sui1 si3 you2 sheng1
lit. although dead, as if still alive (idiom); still with us in spirit
所生所生suo3 sheng1
parents (father and mother)
胎生胎生tai1 sheng1
viviparity; zoogony
贪生怕死貪生怕死tan1 sheng1 pa4 si3
greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly; clinging abjectly to life; only interested in saving one's neck
谈笑风生談笑風生tan2 xiao4 feng1 sheng1
to talk cheerfully and wittily; to joke together
逃生逃生tao2 sheng1
to flee for one's life
讨生活討生活tao3 sheng1 huo2
to eke out a living; to live from hand to mouth; to drift aimlessly
天生天生tian1 sheng1
nature; disposition; innate; natural
天生的一对天生的一對tian1 sheng1 de5 yi1 dui4
couple who were made for each other
跳级生跳級生tiao4 ji2 sheng1
student who jumps a year
贴生貼生tie1 sheng1
male supporting actor in a Chinese opera
铁窗生活鐵窗生活tie3 chuang1 sheng1 huo2
time served in prison; prison life
同配生殖同配生殖tong2 pei4 sheng1 zhi2
童生童生tong2 sheng1
candidate who has not yet passed the county level imperial exam
统一招生統一招生tong3 yi1 zhao1 sheng1
national unified entrance exam
痛不欲生痛不欲生tong4 bu4 yu4 sheng1
to be so in pain as to not want to live; to be so grieved as to wish one were dead
偷生偷生tou1 sheng1
to live without purpose
投生投生tou2 sheng1
reborn (of departed spirit); to be reincarnated; to leave home for a new life
荼毒生灵荼毒生靈tu2 du2 sheng1 ling2
to torment the people (idiom)
土生土长土生土長tu3 sheng1 tu3 zhang3
locally born and bred; indigenous; home-grown
娃娃生娃娃生wa2 wa5 sheng1
infant's part in opera, usually played by child actor
外科医生外科醫生wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1
surgeon; as opposed to physician 內科醫生|内科医生, who works primarily by administering drugs
晚生晚生wan3 sheng1
I (self-deprecatory, in front of elders) (old)
往生往生wang3 sheng1
to be reborn; to live in paradise (Buddhism); to die; (after) one's death
望而生畏望而生畏wang4 er2 sheng1 wei4
intimidate at the first glance (idiom); awe-inspiring; terrifying; overwhelming
妄生穿凿妄生穿鑿wang4 sheng1 chuan1 zao2
a forced analogy (idiom); to jump to an unwarranted conclusion
望文生义望文生義wang4 wen2 sheng1 yi4
lit. view a text and interpret (idiom); to interpret word by word without understanding the meaning; a far-fetched interpretation
微生物微生物wei1 sheng1 wu4
微生物学微生物學wei1 sheng1 wu4 xue2
微生物学家微生物學家wei1 sheng1 wu4 xue2 jia1
维持生活維持生活wei2 chi2 sheng1 huo2
to subsist; to eke out a living; to keep body and soul together
为生為生wei2 sheng1
to make a living
维生維生wei2 sheng1
abbr. for 維持生活|维持生活
维生素維生素wei2 sheng1 su4
尾生尾生wei3 sheng1
Wei Sheng (legendary character who waited for his love under a bridge until he was drowned in the surging waters); sb who keeps to their word no matter what
魏京生魏京生wei4 jing1 sheng1
Wei Jingsheng (1950-), Beijing-based Chinese dissident, imprisoned 1978-1993 and 1995-1997, released to the US in 1997
卫生衛生wei4 sheng1
health; hygiene; sanitation
卫生部衛生部wei4 sheng1 bu4
Ministry of Health
卫生防疫衛生防疫wei4 sheng1 fang2 yi4
卫生官员衛生官員wei4 sheng1 guan1 yuan2
health official
卫生间衛生間wei4 sheng1 jian1
bathroom; toilet; WC
卫生巾衛生巾wei4 sheng1 jin1
sanitary towel
卫生局衛生局wei4 sheng1 ju2
health office; bureau of hygiene
卫生裤衛生褲wei4 sheng1 ku4
long underwear pants
卫生棉衛生棉wei4 sheng1 mian2
sterilized absorbent cotton wool (used for dressings or cleansing wounds); sanitary napkin; tampon
卫生棉条衛生棉條wei4 sheng1 mian2 tiao2
卫生球衛生球wei4 sheng1 qiu2
卫生设备衛生設備wei4 sheng1 she4 bei4
sanitary equipment
卫生署衛生署wei4 sheng1 shu3
health bureau (or office, or department, or agency)
卫生陶瓷衛生陶瓷wei4 sheng1 tao2 ci2
chamber pot; commode
卫生套衛生套wei4 sheng1 tao4
卫生厅衛生廳wei4 sheng1 ting1
(provincial) health department
卫生丸衛生丸wei4 sheng1 wan2
mothball; (jocular term) bullet
卫生用纸衛生用紙wei4 sheng1 yong4 zhi3
toilet paper
卫生纸衛生紙wei4 sheng1 zhi3
toilet paper; bathroom tissue
无国界医生無國界醫生wu2 guo2 jie4 yi1 sheng1
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF charity); Doctors Without Borders
lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风
野生野生ye3 sheng1
wild; undomesticated
野生动物野生動物ye3 sheng1 dong4 wu4
wild animal
野生动植物园野生動植物園ye3 sheng1 dong4 zhi2 wu4 yuan2
wildlife park; safari park
野生猫野生貓ye3 sheng1 mao1
wild cat
野生生物野生生物ye3 sheng1 sheng1 wu4
wildlife; creatures in the wild; wild organism
野生生物基金会野生生物基金會ye3 sheng1 sheng1 wu4 ji1 jin1 hui4
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
野生植物野生植物ye3 sheng1 zhi2 wu4
plants in the wild
腋生腋生ye4 sheng1
axillary (botany); budding in the angle between branch and stem
夜生活夜生活ye4 sheng1 huo2
night life
一次生,两次熟一次生,兩次熟yi1 ci4 sheng1 - liang3 ci4 shu2
unfamiliar at first but you get used to it; strangers are first meeting, but soon friends; an acquired taste
一回生二回熟一回生二回熟yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 shu2
unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed soon enough (idiom)
一回生两回熟一回生兩回熟yi1 hui2 sheng1 liang3 hui2 shu2
see 一回生二回熟
一年生一年生yi1 nian2 sheng1
annual (botany)
一生一生yi1 sheng1
all one's life; throughout one's life
医生醫生yi1 sheng1
一生一世一生一世yi1 sheng1 yi1 shi4
a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life
易卜生易卜生yi4 bu3 sheng1
Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian dramatist, author of Doll's House 玩偶之家
益生菌益生菌yi4 sheng1 jun1
益胃生津益胃生津yi4 wei4 sheng1 jin1
to benefit the stomach and increase fluids (idiom)
肄业生肄業生yi4 ye4 sheng1
dropout student
隐生宙隱生宙yin3 sheng1 zhou4
Cryptozoic; geological eon before the appearance of abundant fossils; hidden life, as opposed to Phanerozoic
应届毕业生應屆畢業生ying1 jie4 bi4 ye4 sheng1
student graduating in the current year; recent graduate
营生營生ying2 sheng1
to earn a living; a livelihood
硬生生硬生生ying4 sheng1 sheng1
stiff; rigid; inflexible; forcibly
应运而生應運而生ying4 yun4 er2 sheng1
to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom); to arise at an opportune time; able to take advantage of an opportunity; to rise to the occasion
永生永生yong3 sheng1
to live forever; eternal life; all one's life
优生優生you1 sheng1
eugenics; outstanding student
优生学優生學you1 sheng1 xue2
由怜生爱由憐生愛you2 lian2 sheng1 ai4
to develop love for sb out of pity for them
油然而生油然而生you2 ran2 er2 sheng1
arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous; to spring up unbidden (of emotion)
like a second parent (idiom); one's great benefactor
再生能源再生能源zai4 sheng1 neng2 yuan2
renewable energy source
再生燃料再生燃料zai4 sheng1 ran2 liao4
renewable fuel
再生医学再生醫學zai4 sheng1 yi1 xue2
regenerative medicine
再生制动再生制動zai4 sheng1 zhi4 dong4
regenerative braking
早生贵子早生貴子zao3 sheng1 gui4 zi3
give birth to a son soon (propitiatory compliment to the newly-weds)
早死早超生早死早超生zao3 si3 zao3 chao1 sheng1
to end one's suffering by dying quickly and being reincarnated; (fig.) to get it over with
造谣生事造謠生事zao4 yao2 sheng1 shi4
to start rumours and create trouble
怎生怎生zen3 sheng1
how; why
增生增生zeng1 sheng1
growth (of organism); proliferation; supernumerary candidate (in imperial examation system)
账房先生賬房先生zhang4 fang2 xian1 sheng5
bookkeeper (old)
招揽生意招攬生意zhao1 lan3 sheng1 yi5
to advertise; to solicit business
招生招生zhao1 sheng1
to enroll new students; to get students
真后生动物真後生動物zhen1 hou4 sheng1 dong4 wu4
eumetazoa; subkingdom of animals excluding sponges
整形外科医生整形外科醫生zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1
plastic surgeon
正生正生zheng4 sheng1
starring male role in a Chinese opera
政治生活政治生活zheng4 zhi4 sheng1 huo2
political life
枝节横生枝節橫生zhi1 jie2 heng2 sheng1
side issues keep arising (idiom)
值日生值日生zhi2 ri4 sheng1
student on duty; prefect
置之死地而后生置之死地而後生zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4 er2 hou4 sheng1
place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法); to fight desperately when confronting mortal danger; fig. to find a way out of an impasse
终生終生zhong1 sheng1
throughout one's life; lifetime; lifelong
终生伴侣終生伴侶zhong1 sheng1 ban4 lv3
lifelong partner or companion
中生代中生代zhong1 sheng1 dai4
Mesozoic (geological era 250-65m years ago, covering Triassic 三疊紀|三叠纪, Jurassic 侏羅紀|侏罗纪 and Cretaceous 白堊紀|白垩纪)
中学生中學生zhong1 xue2 sheng1
middle-school student; high school student
肿瘤病医生腫瘤病醫生zhong3 liu2 bing4 yi1 sheng1
oncologist (medicine)
众生眾生zhong4 sheng1
all living things
重水生产重水生產zhong4 shui3 sheng1 chan3
heavy water production
诸生諸生zhu1 sheng1
Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards
转生轉生zhuan3 sheng1
reincarnation (Buddhism)
转学生轉學生zhuan3 xue2 sheng5
student who changes school
赘生贅生zhui4 sheng1
excrescence; abnormal superfluous growth
准生证准生證zhun3 sheng1 zheng4
birth permit
滋生滋生zi1 sheng1
to breed; to flourish; to cause; to provoke; to create
孳生孳生zi1 sheng1
to multiply; to breed
资生堂資生堂zi1 sheng1 tang2
Shiseidō (Japanese cosmetics company)
资优生資優生zi1 you1 sheng1
brilliant student
自力更生自力更生zi4 li4 geng1 sheng1
regeneration through one's own effort (idiom); self-reliance
自生自灭自生自滅zi4 sheng1 zi4 mie4
to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course (idiom)
自养生物自養生物zi4 yang3 sheng1 wu4
(biology) autotroph
醉生梦死醉生夢死zui4 sheng1 meng4 si3
as if drunk or entranced (idiom); leading a befuddled existence; in a drunken stupor